Discussion Usator:Julian Mendez
- (ia) Nota:
- Si tu me lassa un message in mi pagina de discussion, io respondera in mi pagina de discussion.
- Si io te lassa un message in tu pagina de discussion, per favor responde in tu pagina de discussion.
- Multe gratias.
- (en) Note:
- If you leave me a message on my talk page, I will reply on my talk page.
- If I leave you a message on your talk page, please reply on your talk page.
- Thank you very much.
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Salutis de nove usator
[modificar fonte]Hello Julian, io sono interesatto in contibution in queste loco, si io stoy facendo alcune cosa mal favore avisa me e io corijo lo.Si te nesesita alco de me no duvita in preguntar me.Io penso studiar come se face per poner molt imagines (un imagine esse molt qi mill parolas).Salutis qi stes bem.--Neosofista 13:40, 13 augusto 2011 (UTC)
Mohamed ElGedawy → محمد الجداوي
[modificar fonte]Hi, I want to change my name from: "Mohamed ElGedawy" to: "محمد الجداوي", Because i have changed my username on many wikipedias.--Mohamed ElGedawy 07:00, 14 augusto 2011 (UTC)
I have confirmed at my home wiki. Thanks.--Mohamed ElGedawy 14:44, 14 augusto 2011 (UTC)
- Done. Regards, --Julian (disc.) 17:23, 14 augusto 2011 (UTC)
Articulos eminente
[modificar fonte]Vade hic --Chabi 06:51, 8 octobre 2011 (UTC)
Bots flag
[modificar fonte]Hi Dear Julian. Plz approve my request. Thanks.--MehdiTalk 15:48, 1 maio 2012 (UTC)
- Dear Mehdi, please have a look at my response. Thank you. --Julian (disc.) 22:50, 1 maio 2012 (UTC)
Renaming request
[modificar fonte]Hello. I request renaming my two following accounts:
- محمد الجداوي → Avocato
- GedawyBot → AvocatoBot
Confirmation link: [1]. Reason: Privacy reasons. Please note: You may found the destination accounts (Avocato & AvocatoBot) already exist, I created these new accounts here automatically by mistake (self-created), and I own them (see here and here). Thanks in advance.--M.Gedawy 21:08, 9 augusto 2012 (UTC)
- Hello M.Gedawy,
- I could rename one account (Avocato) but not the other one (AvocatoBot), since the account already exists.
- Regards, --Julian (disc.) 15:34, 10 augusto 2012 (UTC)
- Thanks. What about usurping (AvocatoBot)? I own it, but I need to keep my old edits. Can you usurp it?--M.Gedawy 02:31, 11 augusto 2012 (UTC)
- I think that I cannot force that renaming. I suggest you to contact a steward. Regards, --Julian (disc.) 21:28, 12 augusto 2012 (UTC)
[modificar fonte]Aiuta me hic, per favore. --Chabi1 (discussion) 08:02, 10 septembre 2012 (UTC)
- Salute Chabi! Como pote io adjutar te? Que pote io facer? --Julian (disc.) 17:41, 10 septembre 2012 (UTC)
- Como tu pote vider in le historia de mi contributiones, il ha multe tempo que io non scribe (io ha olvidate interlingua). Io volerea presentar Union Europee como articulo eminente. Io es addente le patrono al paises que non lo ha ancora. Intertanto, esque tu pote corriger Ecclesia Cahtolic e comenciar facer articulos del articulos vital? Le prime dies me besonia apprender de nove interlingua :). Io ha viste altre linguas artificial (esperanto, ido) mais io crede que, depost vider iste linguas, Interlingua es plus facile. Un imbracio --Chabi1 (discussion) 07:20, 11 septembre 2012 (UTC)
- Le articulo Union Europee e Ecclesia Catholic necessita ancora un revision. Io continuara le correction de ambe articulos, ben que illo require tempore.
- Es que tu cognosce le plug-in de correction orthographic pro Firefox? Illo es un bon instrumento pro adjutar in le correction del articulos. --Julian (disc.) 19:23, 20 septembre 2012 (UTC)
Changing username
[modificar fonte]Hello and Sat Sri Akaal! I don't know the language so requesting here. I'm changing my username globally to "itarbuttar" as per the meta request. Please check to verify and rename and oblige. Thanks a lot. --TariButtar (discussion) 13:47, 7 novembre 2012 (UTC)
- Hello TariButtar!
- Would you confirm your new username? You just said that it is "itarbuttar", but in the request you use "itar buttar". Which one is the correct one?
- Regards, --Julian (disc.) 00:03, 8 novembre 2012 (UTC)
- sorry that was a spelling mistake, I really meant, itar buttar (with a space between). --Itar buttar (discussion) 12:54, 15 novembre 2012 (UTC)
- I'm sorry itar buttar, I cannot rename your previous user because you just created the new one. You will probably need the help of a steward on this.
- Regards, --Julian (disc.) 23:48, 15 novembre 2012 (UTC)
Article translation/collaboration request
[modificar fonte]Hi Julian, how are you? Mate, I am trying to find an editor/s who can help by translating User:Russavia/Polandball into Interlingua. I am wondering if we could make a collaborative trade?
If you could translate that article into Interlingua for me, I would be happy to upload approximately 50 aviation photos from amongst the 200,000 I have permission to upload. I have uploaded a number of photos already to give you a brief idea of what I can upload, and I am keeping a gallery at User:Russavia of photos uploaded.
Would you be interested in such a collaborative "trade"? Do let me know, either by responding here, or on my talk page, or by emailing me. Cheers, Russavia (discussion) 14:26, 9 novembre 2012 (UTC)
- Hi Russavia.
- Sorry, I cannot help you right now. If you like to try to write the article in Interlingua, you can use the Interlingua-English dictionary.
- Interlingua is a constructed language based on common features between English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Learning Interlingua helps you understand those languages. Interlingua also has many Latin words and it uses German and Russian as reference languages.
- Here you can see some examples:
- le arbore (the tree)
- le arbore ancian (the old tree)
- le arbores ancian (the old trees)
- le vento move le arbores ancian (the wind moves the old trees)
- un die ventose (a windy day)
- hodie es un die ventose (today is a windy day)
- iste areas es ventose (these areas are windy)
- le vento ha movite le folios (the wind has moved the leaves)
- io lege libros nove (I read new books)
- illes ha plure libros de philosophia e mathematica (they have many books of philosophy and mathematics)
- I hope you like the language.
- Cheers, --Julian (disc.) 01:00, 15 novembre 2012 (UTC)
Revision de un articulo
[modificar fonte]Salve Julian! Esque tu pote revisar un articulo qui io creava ante pauc tempo? Iste es le articulo in question: Wikipedia in espaniol. Multe Gratias! -- Remux - Io nunquam oblidara que io me inamorava del plus belle flor Ĉu mi povas helpi vin en io?
18:48, 20 april 2013 (UTC)
- Salute Remux! Io lo revidera. Gratias a te pro le articulo. --Julian (disc.) 19:54, 24 april 2013 (UTC)
Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 13:31, 3 maio 2013 (UTC)
- Hello Nemo,
- I just translated the notification. Count on me to help with renames.
- Regards, --Julian (disc.) 14:05, 4 maio 2013 (UTC)
Revision de articulos qui debe esser eliminate
[modificar fonte]Per favor, revide iste categoria e elimina le articulos qui appare ibi: Eliminar -- Remux - Io nunquam oblidara que io me inamorava del plus belle flor Ĉu mi povas helpi vin en io?
19:29, 23 maio 2013 (UTC)
- Facite.
- In mi opinion, iste articulo non qualifica pro un deletion rapide, e deberea sequer le processo regular pro deletion de articulos. Que opina tu? --Julian (disc.) 05:02, 28 maio 2013 (UTC)
- Vos es correcte, ma le problema con ille articulo es que il sembla esser un investigation original, malgrado ille ha referentias. --
Remux - Io nunquam oblidara que io me inamorava del plus belle flor Ĉu mi povas helpi vin en io?
17:43, 28 maio 2013 (UTC)
- Vos es correcte, ma le problema con ille articulo es que il sembla esser un investigation original, malgrado ille ha referentias. --
Article deletion
[modificar fonte]Hello! Firstly, please pardon me for not communicating in the language of this Wikipedia as i don't know it. If i am not wrong, i understand that you are an administrator over here. I needed some help with deletion of an article Kedar Joshi. The subject, Kedar Joshi, is a self-proclaimed philosopher and non-notable for inclusion in any Wikipedia. The articles of his have been deleted on English Wikipedia. His crazy philosophies have also been removed from Wikiquote and Wikiversity. Promotional articles about him have been created on various Wikipedias and we are trying to remove those. As i don't know the procedures and language of this Wikipedia, your help in every manner would be good. Please consider deletion of this article at once. If not, please guide me on how the deletion can be achieved. Dharmadhyaksha (discussion) 10:06, 13 junio 2013 (UTC)
[modificar fonte]Could you please remove the bot flag from my bot, User:Darkicebot? It will not be active. Thanks, Razorflame (discussion) 01:11, 25 julio 2013 (UTC)
- Done. Regards, --Julian (disc.) 10:56, 28 julio 2013 (UTC)
[modificar fonte]Salve Julian!
Per favor, tu pote revisar categorias qui io creava? io stoy Special:Categorias desirate, mas se io facendo alcune cosa mal favore avisa me.
Regards Adailton msg 13:17, 7 augusto 2013 (UTC)
- Salute Adailton!
- Multe gratias pro tu contributiones! Il me sembla que toto es in ordine. Solmente un parve observation: non oblida le ligamines interwiki. Illos es multo utile pro altere activitates de mantenentia.
- Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 20:23, 7 augusto 2013 (UTC)
Username change
[modificar fonte]Hi! Could you please rename my account from "Moscowconnection" to "Moscow Connection"? I am now changing my username on all wikis.
- Old username: Moscowconnection (global account manager)
- New username: Moscow Connection (global account manager)
- Proof that both global accounts belong to me: 1. Rename in the English Wikipedia; 2. Moscow Connection says thanks for the rename.
Thank you! (I will create something for the Wikipedia in Interlingua too.) --Moscowconnection (discussion) 15:40, 20 novembre 2013 (UTC)
- Done.
- Regards, --Julian (disc.) 16:27, 20 novembre 2013 (UTC)
Request for username change : Hosiryuhosi -> Rxy
[modificar fonte]Hello. Could you please change my username?
- Current username: Hosiryuhosi
- Target username: Rxy
- Reason: I want to change my current username to short username at WMF wikis globally. Note: Global account "Rxy" is my account (confirm). I'm sorry for request to here. I can't find request page. Thanks. --Hosiryuhosi (discussion) 17:36, 8 martio 2014 (UTC)
- Done. Have a nice day, --Julian (disc.) 13:18, 9 martio 2014 (UTC)
Pliprecizigo de signifo en artikolotitolo
[modificar fonte]Sal Julian. Mi trovis nekonsistencon en artikoltitoloj, nome la manieron kiel estas pliprecizigata ties signifo. Ĉu rekomendata maniero estas per krampoj (kiel Frías (Burgos)) aŭ per komo (kiel Roa, Burgos)? De teĥnika vidpunkto mi supozas, ke per krampoj. Mi povas robote alinomigi malĝuste nomitajn artikolojn. Amike. --KuboF (discussion) 13:53, 15 martio 2014 (UTC)
- Saluton KuboF. Mi ne estas certe, sed mi pensas ke la titolo kun la komo estas pli bona. Bonvolu, vidu en:Wikipedia:Naming conventions (geographic names)#Disambiguation (ekzemple, en:Paris, Maine). Amike, --Julian (disc.) 16:28, 15 martio 2014 (UTC)
- La elekto dependas de loka Vikipedia komunumo kaj povas esti (kaj estas) malsama inter diversaj Vikipedioj, vidu ekz. eo:Vikipedio:Malsamoj inter Esperanto-vikipedio kaj alilingvaj vikipedioj. Laŭ miaj spertoj precipe por Vikipedio en planlingvoj indas aŭ uzadi unu sistemon aŭ klare priskribi regulojn.
- Mi povas respekti vian konsilon, tamen tio malsimpligos kaj malrapidigos mian robotan laboron (jam nun mi havas problemojn pri programo....). Amike. --KuboF (discussion) 14:07, 16 martio 2014 (UTC)
[modificar fonte]come va ttotto ?-- 02:26, 19 martio 2014 (UTC)
An important message about renaming users
[modificar fonte]Dear Julian Mendez, My aplogies for writing in English. Please translate or have this translated for you if it will help. I am cross-posting this message to many places to make sure everyone who is a Wikimedia Foundation project bureaucrat receives a copy. If you are a bureaucrat on more than one wiki, you will receive this message on each wiki where you are a bureaucrat.
As you may have seen, work to perform the Wikimedia cluster-wide single-user login finalisation (SUL finalisation) is taking place. This may potentially effect your work as a local bureaucrat, so please read this message carefully.
Why is this happening? As currently stated at the global rename policy, a global account is a name linked to a single user across all Wikimedia wikis, with local accounts unified into a global collection. Previously, the only way to rename a unified user was to individually rename every local account. This was an extremely difficult and time-consuming task, both for stewards and for the users who had to initiate discussions with local bureaucrats (who perform local renames to date) on every wiki with available bureaucrats. The process took a very long time, since it's difficult to coordinate crosswiki renames among the projects and bureaucrats involved in individual projects.
The SUL finalisation will be taking place in stages, and one of the first stages will be to turn off Special:RenameUser locally. This needs to be done as soon as possible, on advice and input from Stewards and engineers for the project, so that no more accounts that are unified globally are broken by a local rename to usurp the global account name. Once this is done, the process of global name unification can begin. The date that has been chosen to turn off local renaming and shift over to entirely global renaming is 15 September 2014, or three weeks time from now. In place of local renames is a new tool, hosted on Meta, that allows for global renames on all wikis where the name is not registered will be deployed.
Your help is greatly needed during this process and going forward in the future if, as a bureaucrat, renaming users is something that you do or have an interest in participating in. The Wikimedia Stewards have set up, and are in charge of, a new community usergroup on Meta in order to share knowledge and work together on renaming accounts globally, called Global renamers. Stewards are in the process of creating documentation to help global renamers to get used to and learn more about global accounts and tools and Meta in general as well as the application format. As transparency is a valuable thing in our movement, the Stewards would like to have at least a brief public application period. If you are an experienced renamer as a local bureaucrat, the process of becoming a part of this group could take as little as 24 hours to complete. You, as a bureaucrat, should be able to apply for the global renamer right on Meta by the requests for global permissions page on 1 September, a week from now.
In the meantime please update your local page where users request renames to reflect this move to global renaming, and if there is a rename request and the user has edited more than one wiki with the name, please send them to the request page for a global rename.
Stewards greatly appreciate the trust local communities have in you and want to make this transition as easy as possible so that the two groups can start working together to ensure everyone has a unique login identity across Wikimedia projects. Completing this project will allow for long-desired universal tools like a global watchlist, global notifications and many, many more features to make work easier.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the SUL finalisation, read over the Help:Unified login page on Meta and leave a note on the talk page there, or on the talk page for global renamers. You can also contact me on my talk page on meta if you would like. I'm working as a bridge between Wikimedia Foundation Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Stewards, and you to assure that SUL finalisation goes as smoothly as possible; this is a community-driven process and I encourage you to work with the Stewards for our communities.
Thank you for your time. -- Keegan (WMF) talk 18:24, 25 augusto 2014 (UTC)
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Global bot
[modificar fonte]Dear Julian Mendez your Global bot Synthebot was inactive for over a year. As interwiki links are no longer maintained via global bots, there is a consensus to remove Global bot flags from inactive accounts, and those active only on few projects (local bot flags to be requested instead of global). If you intend to run your bot globally with new functionality in near future please let us know. Otherwise global bot flag will be removed, but you can naturally re-request it later if needed. You can also request removal of global bot flag yourself if you wish so. Thanks for your service to global Wikimedia community! --6AND5 (discussion) 10:26, 17 januario 2015 (UTC)
Vikidatumoj por interlingvao
[modificar fonte]Saluton Julian! Mi estas KuboF de Vikimanio. Ĉu eble la loka komumuno interesiĝas pri Vikidatumoj? Mi ne kontrolis, sed mi supozas, ke multaj artikoloj temas pri interlingvaa komunumo (kiu estas ne tre bone priskribita en aliaj lingvoj). Se vi aldonus informojn de artikoloj al Vikidatumaj eroj, vi povus priskribi interlingvaan komunumon en maŝine legebla maniero! Tio estus utiligebla ekz. por studoj pri la komunumo.
Ekzistas pluraj ebloj kiel plifaciligi uzadon de Vikidatumoj, mi persone tre ĝuas Vikidatuman Ludon. Eblas ĝin agordi, ke ĝi laboru nur pri interlingvao. Interesaj funkcioj por vi povus esti "persono", "sekso" kaj "dato". Kion vi opinias? Amike. --KuboF (discussion) 09:15, 24 martio 2015 (UTC)
Tio fakte povus esti interesa por lingvaj komencantoj, ĉar sufiĉas kapabli legi en interlingvao ;) --KuboF (discussion) 09:48, 24 martio 2015 (UTC)
Bot flag request
[modificar fonte]Hi. Please see Wikipedia:Requesta de KuBOT (2). --KuboF (discussion) 22:50, 16 april 2015 (UTC)
- Hello. You may run the bot. Regards, --Julian (disc.) 19:05, 28 junio 2015 (UTC)
Paginas a deler
[modificar fonte]Salute Julian! Per favor, pote tu revisar le Categoria:Wikipedia:Eliminar? Rad talk 16:12, 28 julio 2015 (UTC)
- Salute Radagastor! Io jam ha delite ille paginas. Multe gratias pro tu collaboration. --Julian (disc.) 09:53, 5 septembre 2015 (UTC)
- Gratias! Rad talk 19:34, 8 septembre 2015 (UTC)
- Salute, Julian! Sorry for not writing in Interlingua (I don't know the language - I generally collaborate with other Wikis, specially io.wiki). I must alert you that the page [IETBB] created by [:user:Duccaa] is a type of vandalism created by this guy in many Wikipedias. The same article was erased in French, English, German Wikipedias, and others, even its equivalent in Portuguese Wikipedia. [:user:Duccaa] invented many absurd informations about this "entity" (example: an annual budget of R$ 103.1 billion, more or less 25 billion dollars per year - it's a figure as huge as a multinational...) and simply used "copy-and-paste" of this text in many Wikipedias. It may also be proselytism: this "educational institution" supposedly is attached to an specific religious group. It was noticed in English Wikipedia that at least two other Wiki accounts were created only to edit in that page once, and then to "defend" its content while its deletion was being discussed. Something very suspicious... Aftewards, the administrators in English Wikipedia discovered that they were "sock puppets" and blocked all his accounts.
- Best regards and good luck to you and all the serious editors of Interlingua Wikipedia! Joao Xavier (discussion) 01:06, 12 novembre 2015 (UTC)
Thank you for your help!
Regards, --Julian (disc.) 21:47, 19 novembre 2015 (UTC)
Infobox entitate territorial administrative
[modificar fonte]- anglese: Patrono:Infobox Settlement
- interlingua: Patrono:Infobox entitate territorial administrative
Io propono renominar.
In le WP in interlingua es 6687 paginas con Patrono:Infobox Settlement / Patrono:Infobox entitate territorial administrative, visible in Categoria:Entitate territorial administrative. Julius Tominius (discussion) 18:29, 8 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Salute Julius Tominius,
- Gratias pro includer infoboxes con le information de Wikidata.
- In Wikipedia in interlingua, usualmente nos importa le patronos de Wikipedia in anglese proque illos es satis stabile e ha un considerabile gruppo de programmatores que los mantene. Le patronos include altere patronos, e le nomines debe coincider pro functionar correctemente.
- Pro usar le patronos, nos pote usar los directemente in anglese, que es multo simile a interlingua (e.g. patrono:spaces), facer un interfacie de traduction (e.g. patrono:infobox pais), o facer un redirection.
- Cordialmente,--Julian (disc.) 13:11, 10 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Salute Julian,
- io comprende bene pro patronos interna. Io ha facite le mesmo con le patronos de UTC. Ma le patronos que es incluido in le articulos pote ser in interlingua. Es plu bone pro aviantar cognoscentia de le lingua. Usque hiere io pensava que "box" es una parola interlingua, causato por vider Infobox in molto locos. Solo heri ha trovato que la parola "corecte" es "cassa". Cambiar un nomine de un infocassa es independiente del codice interna. Infocassas no es incluido in patronos. Bene asi? Julius Tominius (discussion) 22:03, 15 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Le parola infocassa non es melior interlingua que infobox. Interlingua usa linguas de controlo pro crescer e mantener su consistentia. Si tu vide como le parola infobox esseva prendite in altere linguas, tu pote notar que in anglese, francese, e italiano illes usa le mesme parola: infobox (le regula de tres applicarea), e ille parola es usate etiam in germano. In espaniol illes usa ficha ("registro" in interlingua), in portugese info (forma curte de "information"), e in russo Карточка ("carta" in interlingua). Io crede que le parola "cassa" sembla artificial a multe parlatores, e tunc illes decideva preservar le forma anglese, o facer un traduction non literal. --Julian (disc.) 00:31, 16 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Julian gratias. Io pensava que IED es le autoritate. Ma bene, non contine un parola "software". No pienso que Wikimedia es un autoritate pro traducer "box". Ma forsan pro "infobox". Io ha trovato Infocassa in Wikipedia in interlingua. Si le idea es que este form no es bene, io propone de eliminar iste parola. Hic: Wikipedia:Infocassa. Julius Tominius (discussion) 06:46, 16 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Corrigite. Le parola infocassa esseva usate pro un significato differente de infobox. --Julian (disc.) 12:42, 16 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Gratias. (Como se dice despues/dopo/after in senso temporal? Post?) After pensar sobre tus pensamientos, io pienso que antes de crear un novo parole io prefere Infobox pro le patronos que es in le esquina arriba-derecha in articulos. OK? Io va revertir mis cambios infobox->infocassa. OK? Julius Tominius (discussion) 17:23, 16 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Multe gratias. (io dicerea: "post pensar super tu pensatas ...") --Julian (disc.) 19:44, 16 januario 2016 (UTC)
Nomine de categoria, categorisation controlate via Wikidata
[modificar fonte]Si le categories ha nomine singular siempre funciona {{catmore}}. Le articulos in un categoria pote esser videto como enumerationes. Etiam ha mejor consistentia con le termino de disambiguation. P.e. "Adam (persona)" es in le categoria:Persona. In geographia "Fluvio Adam" es in Categoria:Fluvio e "Monte Adam" es in Categoria:Monte. {{catmore}} fa un ligamine a Fluvio/Monte/Persona. Con le singular habemos un match con le statements de instantia-de e forsan subclasse-de in Wikidata. Se pote controlar con software le consistentia inter le categorisation en WPia e Wikidata. Julius Tominius (discussion) 19:12, 18 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Isto me sembla multo interessante. Il me placerea pensar in un synchronisation del categorias de Wikipedia in interlingua con Wikidata.
- Io te da un exemplo: Svedia
- Svedia es instantia de: stato soveran, pais, statos del Union Europee, e statos del Nationes Unite.
- Manualmente, Svedia jam es in le categorias Svedia (su proprie categoria), paises del mundo (un enumeration), statos del Union Europee (un altere enumeration).
- Ergo, nos poterea dicer que paises del mundo contine solmente instantias de pais, statos del Union Europee contine solmente instantias de statos del Union Europee, et cetera.
- Le mesme idea con personas, fluvios, e montes.
- --Julian (disc.) 00:00, 21 januario 2016 (UTC)
- 1) Re proprie categoria: X nunca es instantia de X. Io penso que falta excluir X de categoria X si declaramos un categoria como categoria de instantias. Positive : No necessita "*" pro poner un articulo in primer position, e.g. [[Categoria:X|*]]. E no ha duo ligamines - in un pagina de categoria con {{catmore}} ja existe un ligamine. Etiam pote esser revers: haber [[Categoria:X|*]] in loco de "catmore" e eliminar "catmore".
- 2) Cata classe es o un instantia de "classe" o directe o indirecte. Indirecte quiere decir de un subclasse de "classe". Forsan potes revisar classification - mi interlingua es molto limitato.
- 3) Cuando io ha visto que tu has creato enumeration me ha gustato molto. Poste io ha creato altere. Ma le differencia inter "Fluvio" e "Fluvios" es subtile. In Wikipedia germane categorias es in singular, p.e. de:Kategorie:Fluss. Se dice "Ausgehend von der Kategorie:Fluss werden ausschließlich Artikel zu Flüssen eingeordnet (z. B. Donau)" - ma contine articulos pro subclasses (in isto categoria directamente) e pro instantias (in subcategorias). de:Kategorie:Fluss in Afrika no contine subclasses de "fluvio" ma contine listas, un lista ni es instantia ni subclasse de "fluvio". No conosco un Wikiepdia plus organisato in le system de categorias que Wikiepdia germane - foras de Wikipedia in interlingua. Con le infoboxes estamos flexible, es facil de cambiar de Categoria:Fluvio a plus explicite Categoria:Instantia de fluvio - io ha facite isto : Special:PrefixIndex/Categoria:Instantia_de_.
- 4) Pais, provincia, municipio, union, zona horaria, totes es subclasses de entitate territorial administrative. Existen milles de classes e le nomines ne es clare. Existen paises con distinction inter municipalitate e comuna ma ho visto que pro comunas de Italia le articulos hic utilizan "municipalitate". O "distrito(s) de Cambridge" - cual Cambridge. Taiwan (no ONU), Transnistria - paises? Pro isto, in iste momento solo existe como categoria stricte de instantias: Categoria:Instantia de entitate territorial administrativa.
- 5) Un pais pote ser membro de muchas cosas. Me parece problematic de organizar isto via "instantia de" in Wikidata. Al final se pote eliminar casi totes proprietates in un item in Wikidata excepte de instantia e subclasse - dependiente de quantos subclasses habian creato. Io nunc ha solution pro isto e consequentamente ni cambio ni quiero cambiar algo in istos categorias.
- 6) Situation actuale visible in duo listas automatic del mediawiki software:
- Special:Indice_de_prefixos/Categoria:Instantia_de (nomine definite in le patron correspondiente, facil a cambiar. Pro le momento mejor haber eplicito Instantia, proque existen moltos categorias con altere systema.)
- Special:Indice_de_prefixos/Patrono:Infobox/typo/ (nomine uzato in le articulos, ma etiam existen ancian nomines in articulos - bot pote esser bene. Etiam "infocassa" - es travalio pro un bot)
- "typo" vene de "rdf:type"[2] es le mesmo que "instantia de". Patronos es con "/" pro haber subnavigation in le pagina del patrono, i.e. ligamine al Patrono:Infobox/typo. Julius Tominius (discussion) 14:57, 21 januario 2016 (UTC)
Bot pro patronos infocassa
[modificar fonte]Tu potes cambiar con un bot
- Special:Referentias_a_iste_pagina/Patrono:Infocassa/typo/persona OLD {{Infocassa/typo/persona}} NEW {{infobox/typo/persona}}
- Special:Referentias_a_iste_pagina/Patrono:Infocassa/typo/taxon OLD {{Infocassa/typo/taxon}} NEW {{infobox/typo/taxon}}
? Io ha facite OLD {{Infocassa/typo/languoid}} NEW {{infobox/typo/languoid}}, nunc es posibile eliminar Patrono:Infocassa/typo/languoid. Julius Tominius (discussion) 02:39, 22 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Es possibile eliminar Patrono:Infocassa/typo/taxon. Yeti2016 (discussion) 18:28, 23 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Es possibile eliminar Patrono:Infocassa/typo/persona. Yeti2016 (discussion) 19:18, 23 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Etiam Patrono:Infobox languoid, Patrono:Infobox taxon, Patrono:Infobox region subnational, Patrono:Disambig, Cryptophyceaea, CuboMedusae. Yeti2016 (discussion) 19:23, 23 januario 2016 (UTC)
A deler: Patrono:Infobox/typo/fluvio, Patrono:Infobox/typo/insula, Patrono:Infobox/typo/laco. In loco de istos nunc existe Patrono:Infobox/typo/objecto geographic physic. Pro organisar tote contento de Wikidata necessita plus de istos patronos. Mejor de facerlo in grupos plus grande que totevia ha multos proprietates in commun. In Wikidata iste classe ha ~350 000 instantias. Nonobstante, via "instantia de" cata articulo se pote poner in "Categoria:Instantia de <iaLabelOfValueOfTypeProperty>", p.e. Categoria:Instantia de fluvio. Sin Modulo de Lua no es perfecto, ma un inicio. Alicun vices un item ha duo Type-statements e con patronos io no sape como programar. Yeti2016 (discussion) 00:39, 26 januario 2016 (UTC)
Categorias a renominar o a deler
[modificar fonte]- Le categorias de classes de biotas (=taxones) Categoria:Amphibio, Categoria:Animales, Categoria:Arachnidos, Categoria:Arthropodos, Categoria:Insectos, Categoria:Invertebrato, Categoria:Molluscos, Categoria:Plantas, Categoria:Reptile, Categoria:Vertebrato - tote ha nomine scientific. Animalia, Amphibia ... Reptilia, Vertebrata etc. Nemo sape 2 000 000 nomines de taxones in Interlingua. Facciamolo come gli Wiki di italiano, spagnolo ... Yeti2016 (discussion) 19:45, 23 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Scusi, Invertebrato no. Ma e una classificazione ancian. No se che facciare. Altre cosa: Categoria:Eukaryoto, Categoria:Fungos - lo ho fatto manualmente, perque non ho derecto di mover. Se ti piace fa tu due moves con "delete target" per preservazione della cronologia. Yeti2016 (discussion) 20:06, 23 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Una a renominar: de Categoria:Pisce a Categoria:Pisces. E se le decision es de mantener Categoria:Invertebrato - bisogno di renominare a Categoria:Invertebrata. Yeti2016 (discussion) 20:27, 23 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Scusi, Invertebrato no. Ma e una classificazione ancian. No se che facciare. Altre cosa: Categoria:Eukaryoto, Categoria:Fungos - lo ho fatto manualmente, perque non ho derecto di mover. Se ti piace fa tu due moves con "delete target" per preservazione della cronologia. Yeti2016 (discussion) 20:06, 23 januario 2016 (UTC)
- A renominar Categoria:Carnivores al Categoria:Carnivora, Categoria:Canes al Categoria:Canis lupus familiaris, Categoria:Chimpanzes al Categoria:Pan (taxon), Categoria:Canidos al Categoria:Canidae. A eliminar : Categoria:Apes, ha Categoria:Primates. Ni existe un articulo Ape (eliminado 19 maio 2008 por Julian Mendez), ni Apes. No renominar al Primates, proque Apes != Primates. Yeti2016 (discussion) 17:02, 24 januario 2016 (UTC)
- A deler Categoria:Enumeration geographic, Categoria:Listas de entitates territorial administrative. Vacue, creado e proponite a deler por Usator:Julius Tominius. Yeti2016 (discussion) 00:56, 25 januario 2016 (UTC)
- A deler, vacue, habia solo ~un articulo in cata un: Categoria:Mar Baltic, Categoria:Mar Caribe, Categoria:Mar Caspian, Categoria:Mar del Nord, Categoria:Mar Morte, Categoria:Mar Nigre. Yeti2016 (discussion) 01:01, 25 januario 2016 (UTC)
Gratias pro tote
[modificar fonte]Van a bloquearme https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Global#Global_lock_for_Julius_Tominius. Un usator in Wikidata ha revertito mi adjunto de un taxon (Hepatophyta Q22159986, io ha re-revertito, e poste vine le processo de bloquearme. "editing pattern like another user"). Bone, mi pattern in Wikidata era quick statements 102 000+ veces Q17118357 Lia "Conocephalaceae"
in [3] pro adder labels in Interlingua.
"Le majoritate del usatores de interlingua non ha essite persequite pro occupar se con le lingua. Ma Július Tomin, ex-representante slovac de interlingua, ha luctate pro su derecto de laborar con e pro interlingua."
Julius Tominius (discussion) 00:03, 23 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Esque tu poterea dar me plus detalios? Io non comprende exactemente pro que tu essera globalmente blocate. Io vide solmente "Cross-wiki abusing sock of LTA Tobias Conradi".
- Io vide tu modificationes in Wikidata e tu ha facite plus que un modification per secunda. Tu usava naturalmente un bot que curreva con tu usator (quick_statements.php ?).
- Esque tu non habeva permission pro currer le bot? o esque tu faceva modificationes problematic?
- --Julian (disc.) 00:45, 23 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Nada de bot. quick_statements es un online tool. Iste tool fa 78 edits/min, es decir 102 000 passan in ~24h. Nada speciale con 110000 edits. In Wikidata usator Izno dice que es possible solamente bloquearme a causa de haber plus que 10 edits/min sin flood flag. Io no ha avuto ningun idea que me falta isto. No existe un explication in iste direction in le pagina del tool qs. Voles que organizo 100 statements para que tu potes probar con le tool? In en.wikipedia.org mi ja/nunc es bloqueado. Me accusan de haber addido "stato" como prefixo pro le stato Tasmania (WP SPI TC 2016-01-22). Ma ha insula Tasmania e stato Tasmania. Etiam provincia Buenos Aires - sin prefixo le labels no estan molto utile. Julius Tominius (discussion) 01:33, 23 januario 2016 (UTC)
query.wikidata.org da resultados falso, quando busco pro taxones sin labels. Ma ho incontrato que le departimentos de Argentina no ha labels. Hic le sparql:
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/> PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/> PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#> PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/> PREFIX v: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/> PREFIX q: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/qualifier/> PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> PREFIX schema: <http://schema.org/> SELECT ?itemLabel ?esLabel WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q952274 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "ia" . ?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel . } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "es" . ?item rdfs:label ?esLabel . } FILTER regex(str(?itemLabel),'^[Q][0-9]','i') # }LIMIT 3000
De le resultados falta convertir cata linea, p.e.
Q139678 Departamento La Poma
Q139678[TAB]Lia[TAB]"Departamento La Poma"
Io siempre lo ha facite con duo regex(es). Asi tu ha datos pro probar. Julius Tominius (discussion) 02:10, 23 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Io te suggere facer un requesta pro obtener le disblocage. --Julian (disc.) 09:25, 25 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Io te suggere de analisar que pasó e si existe le posibilitate de facer un requesta pro obtener disblocage. Etiam a leger: http://anna.info/wiki/Wikimedia_users_vs_Tobias_Conradi_account_group . Le sito es de Tobias Conradi. Cuando estas novo usator con IP Deutsche Telekom e modificas paginas de entitates territorial administrativa semper dicen, es "Tobias Conradi". Le accounts tienen 750000+ contribuciones a projectos de Wikimedia. Si incontras un vandalism, publicalo. Nunc dicen sobre Julius e Tobias "The main topics they're editing are the same (country subdivisions, timezones, taxonomy)." [4]. OK, Tobias ha creado le paginas UTC+01:00, UTC+02:00 etc que nunc existen in 50+ Wikipedias [5]. Ma no existian in iawp. Ma le infoboxes de citates, paises etc, mostran le zono-UTC - asi, bien claro que Julius le ha creado. Tobias ha editado taxonomy? In anna.info no existe documentation de isto. Ma in 2005-03-05 User:Tobias Conradi ha comenciato le project Country subdivisions [6]. E le sistema que Tobias ha establecido es acceptato casi in tote le Wikipedia in anglese. Casi siempre es "X District" e no como ante su travalio "X (district)", "X (District)", "District of X", "X (raion)" [parola non-anglese], "X (Pais)" [si es un district], "X, district". Yeti2016 (discussion) 20:07, 25 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Io suggere que Julius Tominius deberea clarificar su situation.
- Si le conto non es un conto marionette, le usator poterea obtener le disblocage rapidemente.
- Si le conto es un conto marionette, le usator deberea declarar lo, e requestar le disblocage de tote le contos associate. In ille caso, le usator deberea laborar insimul con forsan le mesme membros del communitate e administratores que blocava le contos pro trovar un solution satisfactori pro ambe partes. --Julian (disc.) 01:40, 27 januario 2016 (UTC)
Realmente? Suggeres que le victimes de le dictadura labora insimul con le marionettes de le dictatura? El terrorismo de Estado. NO PASARAN! Fluor-14s (discussion) 19:41, 2 februario 2016 (UTC)
- Illo non ha absolutemente ulle puncto de comparation.
- Mi opinion es que le solution al problema es de-escalar le conflicto. Illo es un processo lente, enoiose, e necessita patientia, sed io non trova un melior solution. --Julian (disc.) 01:18, 3 februario 2016 (UTC)
Titulos de articulos
[modificar fonte]Disambiguation con comma
[modificar fonte]Nella Categoria:Instantia de entitate territorial administrative ci sono articoli con ", " per disambiguation. Tu puoi mettergli al posto? "A, B" -> "A (B)". Yeti2016 (discussion) 21:35, 23 januario 2016 (UTC) E quando ci sono link que puntano al articulo - lasciare un redirect. Yeti2016 (discussion) 21:38, 23 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Nos deberea discuter si nos vole usar comma o parentheses pro le disambiguation de locos. Per exemplo, in Wikipedia in anglese il ha en:Paris, en:Paris (disambiguation), en:Paris (mythology), en:Paris, New York, en:París, Herrera, et cetera. Io suggere sequer in criterio similar. --Julian (disc.) 09:21, 25 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Enwp es conocido pro chaos in nomines de locos. Mezclan bien, al final le autocomplete in le box pro cercar funciona mal. "en:Milton, New York" ha en:Milton (town), New York (in Saratoga County), en:Milton (CDP), Saratoga County, New York - un CDP in Milton town, en:Milton, Ulster County, New York (hamlet e CDP). Plus de en:Milton: en:Milton, Vermont (town) - donde se vide in le nomine que no es le village?, en:Milton (village), Vermont (within the town of Milton). O in Wisonsin: en:Milton, Buffalo County, Wisconsin (town), en:Milton, Rock County, Wisconsin (town), en:Milton, Wisconsin (city). Sic, existen 3 Milton in Wiscon e un ha le nomine Milton, Wisconsin. Multo bene pro ligamines incorrectos. E esto es pro locos in un pais ube se parla Anglese. In le box de cercas tienes que sribir "Milton," e cambiar a "Milton (" pro ver le differente possibilitate. Yeti2016 (discussion) 15:50, 25 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Re "en:Paris (mythology)". Le articulo commenca con "This article is about the mythological character." Bene. Se pote simplemente scribirlo in (): en:Paris (mythological character). Yeti2016 (discussion) 15:58, 25 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Il non me placerea miscer le loco con le thema de classification. Per exemplo:
- "Mercurio (planeta)" es le mercurio que es un instantia del classe planeta
- "Mercurio, Nevada" es le mercurio-de-nevada, sed illo non es un instantia de un classe nevada
- Comocunque, le caso de "Paris (personage mythologic)" que tu mentiona poterea functionar ben:
- "Mercurio (deo roman)" es le mercurio que es un instantia del classe deo-roman
- Io non es contrari a usar "Mercurio (mythologia)" o "Mercurio (astronomia)", sed il me sembla un pauc plus vage. Deberea le planeta esser classificate in astronomia o in astrophysica? Quante categorias deberea nos usar? 10? 100? 1000?
- --Julian (disc.) 02:21, 27 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Un solution alternative poterea esser usar un "constructor de classe", per exemplo "in", "in le":
- "Mercurio (planeta)"
- "Mercurio (citate in Nevada)" o "Mercurio (in Nevada)"
- "Mercurio (deo roman)" o "Mercurio (in mythologia)" o "Mercurio (in le mythologia)"
- "Mercurio (in astronomia)" o "Mercurio (in le astronomia)"
- In ille modo, le nomine propriemente dicite es semper separate del categoria de disambiguation con le mesme criterio syntactic: "nomine (classe)".
- Il me placerea distinguer inter un "constructor geographic" (pro Nevada) e un "constructor thematic" (pro mythologia).
- Nos poterea usar le classe le plus general que suffice pro disambiguar. Per exemplo:
- "Mercurio (in astronomia)" esserea melior que "Mercurio (in astrophysica)" proque le astrophysica es un branca del astronomia
- "Gliese 832 c" esserea melior que "Gliese 832 c (in astronomia)" proque le absentia de parenthese es plus general
- Comocunque, in alicun casos il deberea exister un valuta per omission. Per exemplo, le titulo pro le capital de Francia deberea esser "Paris", e non "Paris (citate in Francia)".
- (Nota: io usava le citate "Mercurio" solmente pro exemplificar, sed le nomine del citate in le titulo deberea esser probabilemente "Mercury")
- --Julian (disc.) 10:22, 27 januario 2016 (UTC)
Julian, G R A T I A S. Io penso le mesmo. Se pote analisar le ", " como "in". En generale se utilaza un classe. Pote ser Mercurio (planeta), Mercurio (citate), si existen plus, se pote scribir Mercurio (citate in Chile), Mercurio (citate in Francia). Etiam Mercurio (provincia in Francia). Habemos un 3er systema, con prefix, p.e. le fluvios, montes etc (nunc) ha Fluvio Mercurio. Le continentes no. Vide Categoria:Instantia de objecto geographic physic. Es decir, etiam sin le systema con comma ja habemos duo systemas. Le systema con "()" se pote utilisar con Wikidata, Label (Description). Si habemos "()" pote ir directamente al Wikidata, al minus in generale. Pro personas pote esser differente Alfredo Mercurio (1925), Alfredo Mercurio (nascite 1925), Alfredo Mercurio (persona nascite 1925), Alfredo Mercurio (scriptor), Alfredo Mercurio (presidente). Ma con occupation no es neutrale, pote ser que un persona ha multiples occupationes. Solo con anno es multo compacte. Habemos casi 3 000 000 personas in Wikidata. Se pote decidir que depost 1900 se utilisa le anno. Etiam es plus estable, proque pote esser que existe altere persona con misma occuption, "George Bush (presidente)" e subito habeva un 2nd presidente con iste nomine. Yeti2016 (discussion) 15:42, 27 januario 2016 (UTC)
Nomines propria in titulo de articulos
[modificar fonte]Yucatan no ha accento (Yucatán). Ma existe Fluvio Biobío potes renominar al Fluvio Biobio?
Pienso se pote transformar tote nomines
- espaniol, remover accento/punctuation e "ñ"->"ni".
- portugues, remover accento/punctuation - ma falta pensar sobre "ç"
- italian, remover accento/punctuation "`" Yeti2016 (discussion) 21:55, 24 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Le regula que nos usa in Wikipedia in interlingua pote esser summarisate assi:
- le paises es listate in le IED o in iste lista de paises del mundo
- le citates (e altere locos) le plus cognoscite o importante, ha etiam su proprie nomine, sed nos deberea haber un redirection ab le nomine original
- pro le alteres, si illos ha characteres latin, nos usa su nomine original, si non, nos usa un translitteration
- si le nomine contine diacriticos, optionalmente nos face un redirection.
- Personalmente, io non es contrari a usar le nomine original del citates scribite in characteres latin pro omne casos, ben que le citate ha su nomine in interlingua (e.g. Venezia in vice de Venetia). Sed, nos deberea discuter lo in le Taverna previemente, e naturalmente mantener le duo formas in le articulo.
- Per exemplo:
- titulo: Insulas Åland (pais in le lista de paises del mundo), pote haber un redirection ab Insulas Aland (sin diacriticos), e ab Åland (nomine original)
- titulo: Praga (nomine listate in le IED), pote haber redirection ab le nomine original Praha
- titulo: Moscova (nomine listate in le IED), pote haber un redirection ab Москва (nomine original), e ab Moskva (translitteration).
- titulo: Yucatán (nomine original in espaniol), pote haber un redirection ab Yucatan (sin diacriticos)
- --Julian (disc.) 09:11, 25 januario 2016 (UTC)
- No se qual forma, ma le titulo deve esser solo con /-.' A-Za-z/. http://www.geonames.org/about.html parla de 9 000 000 "unique features". Con diacritics va ser chaos, proque poten existir Abalà, Abalä, Abalâ etc. al mesmo tempo. E pote ser que äàâ es facil pro Europeos, ma "Đức Trạch"? Vietnamese ha differencias subtiles, un punto plus hic, un linea menos allá. Interlingua solo tiene A-Za-z. Tote le nomines de paises estan Interlingua-alphabetisado. Si existen Abalà, Abalä, Abalâ - pote ser que nadie hace un pagina de disambiguation. Si es Abala (Espania), Abala (Switza), Abala (Sudan) va ser plus clare. Nomines de taxones es multo organizato. Le 2 000 000 taxones solo ha / A-Za-z/. Re Fluvio Biobío - con accento solo sobre le secundo i (!). Vide https://www.google.com/search?q=bio+bio+region - Te prometto multe problemas, si no eliminiamo accentos. Como un italiano va fare un link a un pagina sobre un articulo in Vietnam? Copy-paste? Yeti2016 (discussion) 15:24, 25 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Io vide tu puncto, sed il me sembla melior titulo München que Munchen. Esque il existe un normalisation standard in litteras latin pro omne locos geographic? Como face le altere Wikipedias? --Julian (disc.) 01:55, 27 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Gratias pro reconocer. Potemos facerlo como altere WPs e al final habemos mismo nivel. O facerlo mejor. Ma in ambe casos un analisis adjuta, aut pro attinger al menos le nivel de le altere, aut pro promocionar le Wikipedia in interlingua e interlingua como technologias avantagiose. Vado facer analisis e te contacto. Le mejor, scribir un articulo nomine propria/nomine geographic. Re tu primer question, ha facito ricerca le die antes, ma solo trovato: United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names. Parece que volen, que cata pais ha su standard e offere al minus un systema Romana/Latina. In UN/LOCODE ha duo columnas pro le nomines, e un es sin diacritics, simplemente removiendolos, p.e. Munchen e no Muenchen. Le Germanos facen ue pro substituer un ü. Aparte del Wikipedias pote ser interesante vider como facen le jornals. Yeti2016 (discussion) 14:40, 27 januario 2016 (UTC)
Liv and Maddie
[modificar fonte]Could you expand the article about Liv and Maddie? 2602:30A:C037:A450:4DF6:91:3E39:F643 07:38, 26 januario 2016 (UTC)
Promotional article to be erased
[modificar fonte]Salute, Julian! Sorry for not writing in Interlingua (I don't know the language - I generally collaborate with other Wikis, specially io.wiki). I must alert you that the page [Emídio Brasileiro] created here by an annonymous, is a type of promotional page with no Encyclopedical relevance, created in many Wikipedias. The same article has been proposed for deletion in en.wiki (I've already erased id in Ido Wiki). See the discussion in English Wikipedia here. Best regards, Joao Xavier (discussion) 12:37, 27 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Cata pagina in le internet es promotional. Le releventia no es decidito por Joao Xavier, ma por le gente que lege le articulos. Si no ha ligamines al iste pagina, nemo va legerle. E si alcun persona necessita/vole leger sobre Emídio Brasileiro, le Wikipedia in interlingua existe pro adjutar a ista persona. Neutrale, inclusive, objective, internationale. Yeti2016 (discussion) 14:53, 27 januario 2016 (UTC)
Requesta de traduction
[modificar fonte]- Knowledge represention (Io volo scribir un articulo re classe e metaclasse - existen multiples errores in Wikidata) Yeti2016 (discussion) 17:08, 28 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Nuclide (d:Q108149, provisorio: Nuclido, le "o" final como in Isotopo) Yeti2016 (discussion) 17:12, 28 januario 2016 (UTC)
- Io suggere:
- (en) knowledge representation : (ia) representation del cognoscimento / representation del cognoscentia
- (en) nuclide : (ia) nuclido
- --Julian (disc.) 01:26, 3 februario 2016 (UTC)
- Gratias! Argento-101b (discussion) 02:38, 3 februario 2016 (UTC)
Gratias pro le split del Taverna
[modificar fonte]Mi alegro multo. Gratis. Etiam io voleva facer isto.
- Wikipedia:WikiProjecto Infoboxes - necessita documentation que es un infobox, plus logic Wikipedia:Infobox, como Wikipedia:Bot, Wikipedia:Autopagina. Forsan renominar le pagina a Wikipedia:Infobox. (Io no ha derecto de facer isto).
- Discussion Wikipedia:WikiProjecto Infoboxes - me parece plus correcte: Discussion Wikipedia:Articulo o Discussion Wikipedia:Infobox, proque no es solo sobre infoboxes. Infoboxes solo es un utensile pro crear contento encyclopedic (hic nominate "articulos"). Tin-99s (discussion) 14:18, 30 januario 2016 (UTC)
Tobias Conradi~iawiki
[modificar fonte]Special:Contributiones/Tobias_Conradi~iawiki
23:15, 6 junio 2005 (diff | hist) . . (-44) . . Argentina (rmv Category:Wikipedia:Paginas sin interwiki) 23:14, 6 junio 2005 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Communitate Sudamerican de Nationes (libre , no gratuite ;-) - buon idea :-))) 23:12, 6 junio 2005 (diff | hist) . . (+26) . . N Usator:Tobias Conradi~iawiki (en:User:Tobias Conradi)
Articulos per "Cut & Paste"
[modificar fonte]Salute Julian,
Il ha duo articulos (al minus) que ha essite create per (como dice on cut and paste in interlingua? secar e collar?):
Appendice:Lista_de_elementos_chimic esseva create (originalmente in le spatio principal de nomines) per copiar (e excider) le texto de Lista_de_elementos_per_nomine, que ha le historia original.
Carnivora esseva create de un existente pagina de redirection per copiar (e excider) le texto de Carnivoro, que ha le historia original.
"Carnivoro/a" es le resultatos de un complexe sequentia de renominationes, redirectiones, e reredirectiones. Il existe etiam Carnivore e Carnivores, que ha essite semper solmente paginas de redirection.
Poterea tu, como administrator, fusionar le historias? Gratias!
- Salute!
- Secar e collar sembla bon interlingua, e cut and paste sembla perfectemente recognoscibile.
- Multe gratias pro tu observationes. Io jam ha fusionate le historias del articulos que tu mentionava.
- Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 10:38, 17 februario 2016 (UTC)
Tortoise0308, Julian - multe gratias pro fusionar.
- De nihil. Gratias a te. --Julian (disc.) 10:42, 18 februario 2016 (UTC)
- @elementos chimic: Es un problem que resultava del blocada del Usator:Julius Tominius. Julius habeva derecto de mover, le alteres no. Totevia no existe explication consistente proque Usator Julius Tominius esseva blocate. Blocar resulta in modificationes via nove usatores e IP. Ne sirve le Wikipedia in interlingua ne le lingua mesme.
- @Carnivora - pote esser que Julius al iste tempo no habeva derecto de renominar. 22:33, 17 februario 2016 (UTC)
Robotaj taskoj 2016
[modificar fonte]Saluton. Mi estis petita fari taskojn ĉe Wikipedia:Bot/2016 (001-003). Mi povas tion esplori (almenaŭ la forigoj ŝajnas esti simplaj taskoj) sed la ulo, kiu petis estas anonimulo. Ĉu vi povus rigardi al la taskoj, ekscii ĉu la komunumo konsentas pri ili kaj poste diri al mi la rezulton? Se estos intereso, mi povas helpi. Amike. --KuboF (discussion) 00:43, 18 februario 2016 (UTC)
- Saluton Kubo. Ni ankoraŭ diskuti kion ni faros kaj kiu lin faros. Dankon por esti preta por helpi. Amike. --Julian (disc.) 11:31, 18 februario 2016 (UTC)
- "Ni ankoraŭ diskuti kion ni faros kaj kiu lin faros." - Where? 21:22, 18 februario 2016 (UTC)
- Ĉu jam estas trovita interkonsento? --KuboF (discussion) 22:17, 7 decembre 2016 (UTC)
- Ni ankoraŭ bezonas prepari kion fari. Dankegon. Amike. --Julian (disc.) 12:39, 15 decembre 2016 (UTC)
Categoria:Instantia de
[modificar fonte]Que es Categoria:Instantia de Q2465832 and Categoria:Instantia de Q107715? Altere in Special:Categorias desirate (es multo confuse). Rad talk 17:18, 19 februario 2016 (UTC)
- In loco de discussion private se pote discutir transparente in le taverna. Proque vos no discutas transparente in le taverna? Vide etiam que existe un pagina pro le tema categoria in iste projecto: Wikipedia:Categoria. 21:57, 19 februario 2016 (UTC)
- Salute!
- Como nunc? (Patrono:Infobox/articulo/)
- Cordialmente, Tortoise0308 (discussion) 03:35, 20 februario 2016 (UTC)
- Altere usator que prefere discutar intransparente? 03:49, 20 februario 2016 (UTC)
- Salute Rad,
- Le categorias cuje nomine ha le prefixo "instantia de" es categorias que contine unicamente articulos de un classe particular. Per exemplo, categoria:instantia de persona debe continer solmente articulos de personas, e idealmente tote le personas de iste Wikipedia.
- Le nomines "Q..." es referentias a Wikidata que non ha essite solvite. Wikidata ha un numeration sequential pro omne items (articulos, categorias, et cetera) que il ha in omne Wikipedias. Ille items es identificate con Q e un numero. In iste caso, wikidata:Q2465832 es "branca del scientia" e wikidata:Q107715 es "quantitate physic". Con le tempore ille referentias essera solvite e lor usos devenira minus confuse. --Julian (disc.) 11:21, 20 februario 2016 (UTC)
- Documenation transparente pro omne editor in Wikipedia:Categoria#Special:Categorias desirate. 21:39, 20 februario 2016 (UTC)
- Salute Julian! Multe gratias pro tu responsa! Rad talk 18:30, 22 februario 2016 (UTC)
- Documenation transparente pro omne editor in Wikipedia:Categoria#Special:Categorias desirate. 21:39, 20 februario 2016 (UTC)
- De nihil. --Julian (disc.) 17:58, 1 martio 2016 (UTC)
Problema technic
[modificar fonte]Salute, Julian,
Normalnente, post le titulo de un section de un articulo il ha un ligamine pro modification, p.ex.
- Historia [ modificar ]
Sed in le pagina Dublin—solmente Dublin—io vide
- HistoriaModificar.
Pote tu explicar?
Il habeva un prior pagina Dublin que esseva delite (vandalismo: le contento esseva solmente un linea de espaniol super "tonterias"); io recreava le pagina pro scriber un articulo genuin. Forsan pertinente?
Gratias! Tortoise0308 (discussion) 23:56, 22 februario 2016 (UTC)
False allerta: Io faceva un addition al texto, e le problema dispareva. Le enigma es ancora un enigma. Pardono! Tortoise0308 (discussion) 03:59, 23 februario 2016 (UTC)
- Sin problema. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 17:57, 1 martio 2016 (UTC)
[modificar fonte]Que illo vole later?
Pote tu adjudar?
Cordialmente Rad talk 14:55, 1 martio 2016 (UTC)
- Salute Rad,
- Io ha fusionate le contento del articulo Tornado.
- Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 17:54, 1 martio 2016 (UTC)
- Gratias Julian. Rad talk 18:02, 1 martio 2016 (UTC)
- De nihil. --Julian (disc.) 10:15, 8 martio 2016 (UTC)
[modificar fonte]Salve Julian! Per favore, considera le protectione de Tornado e eliminatione de Nube per renominar Nube (phenomeno meteorologic), no ha ration per iste titulo. Rad talk 15:18, 7 martio 2016 (UTC)
- Salute Rad! Io ha renominate le articulo nube e ha lassate un message al usator IP que vacuava le pagina tornado. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 10:15, 8 martio 2016 (UTC)
Deletion backlog?
[modificar fonte]Salute! Hello, sorry for writing in English. I was just wondering if there was a known deletion backlog? Categoria:Wikipedia:Eliminar is empty but it seems an IP editor changed the deletion template so that everything goes into Categoria:Wikipedia:A deler now. Some of those pages have been tagged since June 2016. I figured I'd give someone a heads up in case only Categoria:Wikipedia:Eliminar was monitored and the IP changed categories inappropriately. Gratias e felice editar! -Avicennasis (talk) (SWMT) 12:36, 4 januario 2017 (UTC)
- Hello Avicennasis! The deletion backlog is currently in categoria:Wikipedia:A deler. Some pages in that category have been wrongly put there. The community has recovered many of the pages, but there are still some to be analyzed. Thank you for your interest and help! Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 15:08, 5 januario 2017 (UTC)
At Special:Tote le paginas/Lista it shows: Lista de capital y paises de europa, Lista de capitales e paises de Europa, Lista de citates del stato Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, Lista de gagniatores del Concurso Eurovision, Lista de gagniatores del Concurso de Canto Eurovision, Lista de gagniatores del Concurso del Canto Eurovision, Lista de ganiatores del Concurso de Canto Eurovision, Lista de maledictiones, Lista de organisationes del activismo pedophile, Lista de paises, Lista de paises del mundo, Lista de paises recognoscite con area.
All of these are cross-namespace redirects, but they are only existing for a subset of the lists at "Categoria:Appendice:Lista". For consistency: Shall all get a redirect? Or all cross-namespace redirects be deleted? People clicking on any of this, may be surprised to not find a genuine article, but a list. 19:15, 20 februario 2017 (UTC)
- Not really a backlog, but 356 unused templates [7], can these be removed? 15:26, 21 februario 2017 (UTC)
Vandalismo - communa de Italia
[modificar fonte]Le termino es communa de Italia, Discussion_Usator:Tortoise0308#STOP_-_communa_de_Italia. Por favor bloca Usator:Tortoise0308. 17:35, 15 martio 2017 (UTC)
Then they came for me
[modificar fonte]First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.
You did not speak out, when they came for Usator:Julius Tominius.
You did not speak out, when they deleted 300+ taxon pages.
You did not speak out, when they installed walls Special:Registro/abusefilter/Almafeta
You did not speak out, when they walls were made higher (same source)
Now they came to delete article space pages, some of them in the 1000-articles-every-WP-should-have-List, e.g. Imperio Mongol, Fructo, Bangkok (citate) 05:10, 17 april 2017 (UTC)
Jews have a good sense of community. You hardly have that sense of community Senior IP 77.* . Grow up will you.--Jondel (discussion) 15:59, 17 april 2017 (UTC)
- Isto esseva Tobias Conradi, le vandalo blocate globalmente de tote le Wikipedias del mundo jam in novembre 2015. – Martijn (discussion) 17:09, 17 april 2017 (UTC)
[modificar fonte]Salute Julian, gratias pro haber traducite Wikipedia:Usatores marionette! Io spera que tu es de accordo con mi correction de probas; si non, sia libere de modificar o disfacer lo. Que pensa tu del idea de facer isto un politica official? Responde in le Taverna, per favor :) – Martijn (discussion) 03:27, 15 maio 2017 (UTC)
- Io es de accordo con tu correction de probas. Multe gratias ! --Julian (disc.) 19:16, 15 maio 2017 (UTC)
Proposition de nove administrator
[modificar fonte]Per favor, adde tu opinion a Wikipedia:Administratores#Requestas – e si/quando il ha un consenso, adde le :). Gratias – Martijn (discussion) 15:43, 1 junio 2017 (UTC)
- Io vide que il ha consenso. Io va attender alicun dies plus, pro dar a Almafeta le possibilitate de dar su opinion. --Julian (disc.) 18:52, 3 junio 2017 (UTC)
- Si, io spera que illa retornara, illa non ha essite active desde le fin de april. – Martijn (discussion) 01:21, 4 junio 2017 (UTC)
- Tortoise0308 es ora administrator. --Julian (disc.) 19:04, 10 junio 2017 (UTC)
[modificar fonte]Holla. Io ha tentate crear un articulo, ma un error a dicer que mi edition habeva pauc parolas ha me impedite. Io voleva saper quante parolas al minime es necessari per evitar iste error e/o si le facto de mi conto non ha essite confirmate ha alcun cosa con iste problema. Gratias.
[modificar fonte]Salute! Desde un pauc de tempore, io es active in Interlingua e in iste Wikipedia, principalmente con referentia al mathematica. Io esserea multo contente de un cooperation.
E es il possibile de annullar illo pagina Matrico unipotente? Il debe esser -e in vice de -o.
Gratias -- Quenke (discussion) 17:19, 5 januario 2019 (UTC)
- Facite. Multe gratias pro tu active participation. In particular, in un thema tanto belle como le mathematica.
- Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 11:13, 6 januario 2019 (UTC)
- Regratias! -- Quenke (discussion) 22:07, 8 januario 2019 (UTC)
Salute! Como e quando pote io devenir un redactor (editor in anglese, Sichter in germano) por poter marcar articulos como "mirate", per favor? Multe gratias, -- Quenke (discussion) 20:40, 14 februario 2019 (UTC)
- Salute, Quenke! Io jam te promoveva a redactor. Io basava mi decision in tu dedication a scriber nove articulos, in particular, le articulos de mathematica. Tu ha monstrate un uso matur de interlingua.
- Congratulationes, e multe gratias! --Julian (disc.) 14:17, 16 februario 2019 (UTC)
- Multe gratias pro iste promotion e tu multo sympathic parolas laudante!!! -- Quenke (discussion) 18:16, 16 februario 2019 (UTC)
Dele, por favor: Diocese de Aquisgran, Aquisgrano, Aquisgran, Region urban de Aquisgran, Tractato de Aquisgran, e Xxxxx. Gratias -- 10:45, 4 maio 2019 (UTC)
Pending changes reviews
[modificar fonte]Hello, the following articles need reviewing for pending changes:
- The Lion King
- The Lion King (film de 1994)
- The Lion King (film de 2019)
- The Lion King (2019)
- Aladdin (film de 2019)
- Aladdin (2019)
- Aladdin (film de Disney de 1992)
I had also asked UrielAcosta to help with the translation on these articles, but further help may still be needed. 2602:306:83A9:3D00:DC4D:7A5:F269:3D98 22:29, 31 julio 2019 (UTC)
Your bot fr:User:Synthebot on the Wikipedia in French
[modificar fonte]Hello,
You used to have an interwiki bot on fr.wp. Synthebot's account on fr.wp hasn't edited fr.wp in over 6 years, now. It's likely to lose its flag. Do you have any objection?
Best regards, Esprit Fugace (discussion) 20:01, 12 augusto 2019 (UTC) Bureaucrat on fr.wp, hence my interest (--> My talk page there).
- Hello Esprit Fugace,
- I don't have any objection.
- Thank you for contacting me.
- Regards, --Julian (disc.) 21:18, 12 augusto 2019 (UTC)
- You're welcome, thanks for the swift reply! Esprit Fugace (discussion) 08:29, 13 augusto 2019 (UTC)
Request for reviewer
[modificar fonte][en] Hello. I noticed that there is a big backlog of pending changes, and was hoping to help out? I recently cleaned out the backlog on el.wikinews despite not knowing the language there, but here I understand a bit and know not to review stuff that is not clear. I'm happy to answer any questions. Thanks, --DannyS712 (discussion) 03:47, 18 septembre 2020 (UTC)
How we will see unregistered users
[modificar fonte]Hi!
You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.
When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.
Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.
If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.
We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.
Thank you. /Johan (WMF)
18:15, 4 januario 2022 (UTC)
Io necessita esser administrator del wiki ancora un altere vice
[modificar fonte]Salute Julian, io anque faceva iste petition ab Almafeta, Esque tu me poterea facer un administrator del ia.wiki? Io ha perdite le privilegio a causa de non haber potite editar per rationes de salute. Per favor si tu ha tempore lassa me saper si tu pote adder me como administrator. Il ha multe paginas que io volerea redactar e meliorar. Con salutes amical, Jay B. ( ILVI )
Hi, could you please review these deletion requests? Rschen7754 23:54, 8 octobre 2022 (UTC)
- Done. Julian (disc.) 00:09, 9 octobre 2022 (UTC)
Articulo eminente
[modificar fonte]Io ha proposte iste articulo como un articulo eminente. An tu poterea per favor votar pro illo? --Caro de Segeda (discussion) 09:46, 16 april 2023 (UTC)
Articulo eminente
[modificar fonte]An tu poterea votar hic? --Caro de Segeda (discussion) 14:13, 21 maio 2023 (UTC)