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Discussion Usator:Julian Mendez/Archive 1

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De Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libere

Patrono:Talk archive

(ia) Nota: Si tu me lassa un message in mi pagina de discussion, io respondera in mi pagina de discussion. Si io te lassa un message in tu pagina de discussion, per favor responde in tu pagina de discussion. Multe gratias.
(en) Note: If you leave me a message on my talk page, I will reply on my talk page. If I leave you a message on your talk page, please reply on your talk page. Thank you very much.


Benvenite a wikipedia interlingua! Continua si il vos place crear et editar plus articles.--Jondel 04:35, 12 novembre 2006 (UTC)[responder]

Salute Julian, e ancora un benvenita de me, a Wikipedia in Interlingua!

Cordialmente, Martijn 14:32, 12 novembre 2006 (UTC)[responder]

Felice anno nove

Salute e bon anno nove etiam a te! – Martijn 00:17, 1 januario 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Felice anno nove2

Etiam a tu , felice anno nove! Tu opus me inspira multo! Continua per favore! --Jondel 10:14, 3 januario 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Deletion rapide

Salute Julian. Quando tu face un 'requesta de deletion rapide' con Patrono:Eliminar, per favor non rende le pagina vacue pro dar alora le ration "articulo vacue" pro le deletion. Quando un articulo contine solmente nonsenso obvie, adde le patrono a illo (non reimplacia le contento con illo) dante como ration alco como "nonsenso", per exemplo: {{Eliminar|nonsenso}}. Tu pote dar qualcunque parola(s) como ration. Altere exemplos pote esser {{Eliminar|non in interlingua}} e {{Eliminar|non encyclopedic}}. Gratias. Martijn 23:05, 5 januario 2007 (UTC)[responder]


Julian: ¿Por casualidad hablas español? ¡Tal vez puedas ayudarme a aprender interlingua! Porque en realidad estoy empezando a aprender y no puedo construir frases grandes y complejas... Ni siquiera a hacer preguntas... Es que hay pocos lugares en la Internet que ofrezcan cursos de interlingua para hispanohablantes. Y estoy aprendiendo muy lentamente, pero seguro que algún día aprenderé.

Mi objetivo es en Wikipedia Interlingua poder crear nuevos artículos, aunque sean pequeños sobre todos los temas. Tengo un sitio en la Internet donde quiero empezar a crear artículos simples en español, para poder traducirlos luego a interlingua.

Saludos, --André Oliva 20:30, 2 februario 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Gracias, Julián. Por supuesto que todo esto será de mucha utilidad para mí. Me gusta Wikipedia, el latín, el italiano, el portugués, etc... pero sólo puedo hablar español. Desistí de aprender latín, ya que es un idioma muy complejo, pero me ha gustado mucho Interlingua. Uno de mis sueños es construir una enciclopedia propia... pero deseo contribuir mucho, cuando aprenda bien interlingua, a Wikipedia.

Multe gratias! (espero haberlo dicho bien). --André Oliva 00:13, 3 februario 2007 (UTC)[responder]


Salute, Julian! Multe gratias. Io vole scriber plus articulos super mathematica. Io ama mathematica, geometria, historia, physica e geographia. Io vole scriber plus e plus in le articulo super mathematica e in le articulo super algebra. Io vole ampliar le Wikipedia in Interlingua! Io ha un question: sape tu quando io pote usar le parola "esse" e quando "es"? Amicalmente, --André Oliva 00:06, 23 februario 2007 (UTC)[responder]


Advertimento, 'la' pote esser usate legitimemente in interlingua. -- Dissident (Discussion) 01:36, 25 februario 2007 (UTC)[responder]


Salute, Julian! Io non sapeva que tu faceva le nove designo de Frontispicio! Congratulationes! Amicalmente, --André Oliva 00:08, 1 martio 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Multe gratias! Julian 15:20, 1 martio 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Hello, I confirm this bot belongs to ru:User:Volkov --VolkovBot 23:18, 3 martio 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Frontispicio in IE

Salute, Julian! Videva tu le Frontispicio usante Internet Explorer? Illo ha certe problemas... per exemplo le margines del sectiones. Altere question: sape tu como on dice contigo, consigo, etc. in Interlingua? Amicalmente, --André Oliva 20:42, 5 martio 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Usator es

Salute, Julian! Io ha create un nove patrono pro le usatores qui parla espaniol... ma io ha un problema. Omne le paginas que ha iste patrono non es includite in le Categoria:Usator es, io non sape perque. Multe gratias. Amicalmente, --André Oliva 22:34, 11 martio 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Nunc, le patrono es functionante multo ben. Illo debe haber essite un error del servitor... Multe gratias de omne manieras. --André Oliva 22:37, 11 martio 2007 (UTC)[responder]
Pro nihil. Julian 01:31, 15 martio 2007 (UTC)[responder]


Salute, Julian, e bon Septimana Sancte si tu es religiose o si tu habeva alicun vacantias! Io ha un question: es tu un administrator? si? Congratulationes! Si tu nondum es un administrator, io vole dicer te que io pensa que tu essera un bon administrator... tu contributiones es multo grande e bon pro iste encyclopedia. Amicalmente, --André Oliva 03:13, 8 april 2007 (UTC) P.D.: Si il te place, lege un nove menssage que io ha scribite in le Taverna.[responder]


Salute, Julian! Io ha altere question. Que forma es correcte: aperte o aperite? Pote on usar le duo formas? Amicalmente, --André Oliva 12:16, 14 april 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Synthebot (de nove)

Io es hesitante de accordar le stato de bot a tu bot a causa de lo que occurreva ante. Io lo accorda solmente si le function del bot es completemente predicibile, proque, per exemplo, illo solmente concerne le ligamines de interlingua. Si non, tunc le modificationes debe esser directemente scrutiniabile super le pagina del modificationes recente. -- Dissident (Discussion) 04:38, 16 april 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Gratias, Julian

--Bonnot 02:42, 28 april 2007 (UTC)[responder]


Salute, Julian! Vide le Frontispicio de Commons... on pote editar iste pagina, e io pensa que illo debe esser protegite contra edition pro evitar vandalismos. --André Oliva 12:10, 12 maio 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Salute André! Il esserea un bon idea proteger le pagina de modificationes facite per anonymos. Io non pote proteger un pagina in commons, sed forsan nos deberea contactar un administrator illac. Amicalmente, Julian (disc.) 20:58, 12 maio 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Salute, Julian! Io jam ha facite le requesta de semi-protection de commons:Frontispicio a Axxgreazz, administrator in Commons. Nunc, le Frontispicio es semi-protegite. Amicalmente, --André Oliva 01:05, 28 maio 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Multe gratias! Julian (disc.) 16:05, 28 maio 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Good Afternoon Julian Mendez,

Could you please help write a stub - just a few sentences based on Just 2-5 sentences would be sufficient enough. Please. --Per Angusta 02:26, 1 julio 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Done. If you are interested in learning interlingua, please contact me. Regards, Julian (disc.) 10:31, 1 julio 2007 (UTC)[responder]
Thankyou so much Julian Mendez for your Excellent translation help!
I am very very Grateful.
May you be blessed and may Interlingua Wikipedia prosper! --Per Angusta 22:00, 1 julio 2007 (UTC)[responder]
You're welcome. Julian (disc.) 16:10, 2 julio 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Harry Potter articulos

Gratias pro tu adjuta con iste articulos. --Aekos 13:53, 1 augusto 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Gratias a te per scriber los. --Julian (disc.) 09:27, 2 augusto 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Artur Balder

Thanks friend!--Nuov 00:43, 6 augusto 2007 (UTC)[responder]

You are welcome. --Julian (disc.) 09:51, 7 augusto 2007 (UTC)[responder]


Car amico:

Congratulationes per tu rolo de bureaucrate! Io sape que tu va utilisar iste rolo con sagessa, e per isto, multe congratulationes. Tu labor, como io te ha dicite in un altere occasion, es multo importante pro nos. Io volerea poter facer tante cosas pro meliorar iste projecto como lo que face tu! De nove, congratulationes, nove bureaucrate, e seque essente un exemplo pro nos, wikipedianos!


André. 15:57, 4 decembre 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Multe gratias André! Gratias pro tu appoio e tu recognoscentia. Illos es multo importante pro me. Amicalmente, --Julian (disc.) 21:45, 5 decembre 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Felice natal

Felice natal, Julian, e bon anno nove! Amicalmente, André. 01:01, 24 decembre 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Multe gratias, André! Felice natal e bon anno nove pro te! E congratulationes pro tu titulo de baccalaureo! Amicalmente, --Julian (disc.) 09:56, 24 decembre 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Gratias! —André. 14:22, 24 decembre 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Gratias por tu adjuta. Felix 2008. --Chabi 15:27, 31 decembre 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Pro nihil. Felice anno nove. --Julian (disc.) 17:41, 31 decembre 2007 (UTC)[responder]


Por favor, ¿podrías ayudarme ha hacer esta tabla, no sé con seguridad cómo son los términos en interlingua y no quisiera hacerla mal. Échale un vistazo Usator:Chabi/Patrono:Soria. (Perdona por no hablar en interlingua). --Chabi 23:02, 3 januario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Io ha facite un traduction del variabiles. Tu pote vider plus detalios in le pagina de discussion. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 17:58, 6 januario 2008 (UTC)[responder]


Julian, gratias pro tu adjuta in le articulos, ma io vole dicer que "era" es un correcte forma de "esseva". --Aekos 03:14, 16 januario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Aekos, multe gratias pro tu nove articulos. Io faceva solmente parve correctiones. Le parola "era" ha duo sensos. Un senso es le substativo, usate frequentemente, e un altere senso es le forma verbal irregular. In vice, "esseva" ha un senso unic, e in plus illo es un forma regular. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 01:53, 18 januario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Betawiki: better support for your language in MediaWiki

Dear community. I am writing to you to promote a special wiki called Betawiki. This wiki facilitates the localisation (l10n) of the MediaWiki interface. You may have changed many messages here to use your language in the interface, but if you would log in to for example the Japanese language Wiktionary, you would not be able to use the interface as well translated as here. In fact, of 1,762 messages in the core of MediaWiki, 24.12% of the messages have been translated. Betawiki also supports the translation of messages for 126 extensions, with 2,174 messages. Many of them are used in WMF projects and they are vital for understanding the wiki. Currently 0.00% of the WMF extension messages have been translated. Translators for over 90 languages contribute their work to MediaWiki this way every month.

If you wish to contribute to better support of your language in MediaWiki, as well as for many MediaWiki extensions, please visit Betawiki, create an account and request translator privileges. You can see the current status of localisation of your language on and do not forget to get in touch with others that may already be working on your language on Betawiki.

If you have any further questions, please let me know on my talk page on Betawiki. We will try and assist you as much as possible, for example by importing all messages from a local wiki for you to start with, if you so desire.

You can also find us on the Freenode IRC network in the channel #mediawiki-i18n where we will be happy to help you get started.

Thank you very much for your attention and I do hope to see some of you on Betawiki soon! Thanks, Malafaya@Betawiki 17:53, 8 februario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

The village pump

Could you be so kind and move my contribution to your "village pump" and also, could someone please add a link to your village pump on meta? Thanks, Malafaya@Betawiki 17:53, 8 februario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Hi Malafaya! I updated the page in meta, and moved your contribution to our village pump. Regards, --Julian (disc.) 18:34, 8 februario 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Thank you very much, Julian. Cheers, Malafaya 11:38, 21 februario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Bot on ia.wikipedia

Hello Purodha. Your bot has now bot flag on ia.wikipedia. Regards, --Julian 19:28, 6. Mäz 2008 (CET)

(original message)

Hi, Julian.

There is some problem with page Finlandia, in the infobox informations regarding Country Area. As you're the author of Patrono:Infobox Country, maybe you could take a look at it as the problem probably emerges from there. Thanks, Malafaya 16:29, 2 maio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Hmm, it has something to do with the '.' and ',' in the numbers. Actually, the convesion to Square Miles is not well because in many countries articles, the '.' is being used as thousands separator and the calculation is assuming decimal separator. Malafaya 16:34, 2 maio 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Hi Malafaya. Thank you very much for your observation. The problem should be fixed now. Regards, --Julian (disc.) 20:53, 4 maio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Renaming me

Hi Julian, can you rename me to Texcarson, so i can merge this account with my other ones? Thanks in advance. Canderous 20:45, 2 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Hi Canderous/Texcarson. No problem, I've made the renaming. I've seen you speak Italian. If you are interested in Interlingua, please have a look at this course. Regards, --Julian (disc.) 21:19, 2 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Salute Julian - a propos de patronos/templates

A propos de patronos/templates - there are lots of missing templates in ia wiki. I created templates for cities, countries, international unions, mammals, etc. based on the en wiki templates. The English wiki templates are up-to-date, performant and because the en wikipedia is the largest community I think they are the best templates of the wiki. These templates are very good, a huge effort of programmers*hours was involved to develop and polish them, and now they are mature and they are protected. I believe they are continually improved, even if they are protected. I don't think the ia community has so many people interested in doing programming for templates to recreate from scratch those templates. I believe everyone agree that the scope of this community created encyclopedia is to focus mainly on encyclopedia articles and less in doing tedious work in programming to create the templates. Because in the world of programming languages english is everywhere used, I believe we can just copy some of the templates from the English wikipedia translating only the output text (the text visible in the encyclopedia pages) and leave the internal text as is. Frankly speaking, for the same reason, I see no reason why we cannot leave even the name of the "Template" as is (there are Wikipedias that did this), because this will help people making easy back connection to the original English templates. What do you think about this? I left the same message on the Taverna, please let's discuss there to gather the opinions of the community regarding the "templates". Gratias --- Architengi 20:54, 25 septembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]


Esque vos cognosce o sape alco re FlaggedRevs? Il pare que il adde nihil... Almafeta 20:56, 19 martio 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Io ha vidite su uso in le wikipedia in germano. Io crede que illo poterea esser utile hic. Originalmente, illo esseva pensate pro combatter facilemente le vandalismo. Fortunatemente, le grado de vandalismo non es alte hic. Comocunque, nos ha alicun articulos scribite con multe errores linguistic. Nos poterea usar iste instrumento de revision pro evitar que le lectores que non cognosce interlingua, o lo cognosce legiermente, es confundite al leger le articulos. --Julian (disc.) 23:03, 19 martio 2009 (UTC)[responder]


Hello. I did apply for the bot flag for my bot as you adviced. I stopped it from writing on iawiki for now. Let me know when I can resume. Thanks. Tieum p 23:17, 12 april 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Thank you!

Hi Julian. Thank you very much for granting the bot flag to LucienBOT. Best regards, --Lucien leGrey 08:46, 3 maio 2009 (UTC)[responder]

No problem. Thank you for running your bot. Regards, --Julian (disc.) 09:51, 3 maio 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Translation Request

Hi! Could you translate and add this article into your wonderful wikipedia? You can reach me here. Thanks. With Kind Regards --Warayupay 23:12, 22 junio 2009 (UTC)[responder]

File:Ph locator leyte tacloban.png
Tacloban is a port city in the Philippines. It is approximately 360 miles southeast of Manila. It is the capital of the province of Leyte. It is also the regional center of Eastern Visayas.
Damo nga salamat ha imo pagbulig akon sangkay. Thank you very much for your help my friend. --Warayupay 07:31, 23 junio 2009 (UTC)[responder]
You're welcome. --Julian (disc.) 07:37, 23 junio 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Hola Julian,
No conozco el idioma Interlingua pero el contenido del articulo en Interlingua me parece muy diferente de los articulos en español, inglés o francés...
Que le parece ?
BTH 18:31, 20 julio 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Hola BTH,
Estoy de acuerdo con su percepción. Además, los contenidos parecen estar organizados de forma diferente. Por ejemplo, Chiminigagua, Bachué y Bochica tienen un artículo dedicado en Wikipedia en español, pero aquí tienen un párrafo solamente.
Por favor, siéntase libre de modificar el contenido del artículo, colocando {{revision}} en el artículo. De esa forma identificamos los artículos que necesitan una revisión lingüística. Muchas gracias. --Julian (disc.) 14:53, 21 julio 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Translation of a short story

Hi my friend!

I would like to request something from you. Yes, translation. I hope, it's not a bad thing for you. Some years ago I wrote a (really) short story about a lonely man (actually symbolized the Saami nation). I translated into some languages and I thought, it would be great to have it more, like also in Interlingua :) I made this page, the English translation is somewhere there. You can put the Interlingua translation there. Thank you again! Sorry for my disturb... :( - hu:User:Eino81

Thank you for the fast translation :) --Eino81 23:18, 25 augusto 2009 (UTC)[responder]
Hi Eino81! You're welcome. :) --Julian (disc.) 23:24, 25 augusto 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Re: Lech Wałęsa

Hello! Thank you so much for your help :) Best wishes, Patrol110 13:12, 1 octobre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

You're welcome. --Julian (disc.) 21:38, 2 octobre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Error con Synthbot

Tu bot cambia "Imagine" (ia) a "File" (en) in paginas. An tu pote corriger tu bot? Almafeta 14:19, 26 octobre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Salute Almafeta!
Le bot Synthbot curre un script appellate Illo ha essite pensate pro mantener un standard del codice wiki in omne wikipedia. Per exemplo, illo corrige "==Titulo==" a "== Titulo ==". Ben que su cambios es completemente inoffensive, illos es surveliate per alicun operatores.
In le caso de "File", illo es le nove nomine pro le spatio de nomines que ante esseva "Imagine". Le spatio "Image" (Imagine) ha essite reimplaciate per "File" in le projecto commons, e tunc in omne projectos que lo usa. Le idea de iste cambio es unificar le spatios de nomine como "Image" e "Media" in un sol spatio de nomine ("File").
Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 19:55, 26 octobre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Request for help, please

Dear Julian Mendez, how are you! I'm wondering if you would be so kind to help translate a very short-stub version of 3-4 sentences of this article for the wonderful Interlingua Wikipedia? Thank you very much for any advice or help you could offer. I hope to hear from you. Sincerely--Mer De Glace 13:07, 27 novembre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Pagina de discussion removite

Le pagina de discussion removite "Discussion: Portal del communitate".

The page is for the Community Portal discussion. I don't think it is good to remove/move it again. If the community is weak, this is because there are not many initiatives, no projects, no ideas regarding the Community Portal. Some people here know Interlingua at a level that do not allow them to communicate very fluid, so this is why I proposed to use English (or Interlingua) in that discussion page. My proposal was to come with some ideas for projects that the community can do using the Portal for the Community page. Let us know what projects can be proposed.

Mi dubita concrete es si tu voleva crear un spatio de discussion super interlingua e/o pro apprender interlingua. Io pensa que in ille caso nos deberea mover iste pagina de discussion a altere placia, e cambiar le texto del ligamines pro clarar lo. Gratias pro tu responsa. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 12:39, 15 decembre 2009 (UTC)

That discussion page is not for learning Interlingua, maybe this was a mis-understanding. To create a page for learning Interlingua, at other address, it is not a bad idea, if you have a concrete solution, just create the page. It may help some newcomers. Thank you for your answer. Cordialmente, ---PaceFlama 05:02, 16 decembre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

blocking of the discussion page of Portal del Communitate

I see you blocked the discussion page Discussion: Portal del communitate. --PaceFlama 21:52, 18 decembre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Hello PaceFlama, I just answered your questions. Please, try to take your time to answer what I'm asking. As I said, we need to define its use before changing the pages. Thank you. --Julian (disc.) 22:05, 18 decembre 2009 (UTC)[responder]
You removed the discussion page. Then you blocked the discussion page.
If you want to remove/move content from many original contributors (more than 7), you need to get the consent of them.
In my opinion, if you wanted to change the discussion page, you should have been asking others first.
Based on the community (wikipedians and original contributors) reaction, you could have a decision.
Please put the discussion page back, and proceed with the discussion first. If you get the approval by a majority, then you can proceed. --PaceFlama 22:27, 18 decembre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Hi Julian,
Thank you!
The issue is resolved.
I see the page is now back and it is not blocked. Gratias ===PaceFlama 04:40, 15 januario 2010 (UTC)[responder]

Regarding your suggestion, this is done

Hello Julian,

This is done. I know we can focus on something more constructive, and your suggestion is good.

Thank you --PaceFlama 18:47, 20 decembre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Julian Mendez merita un tropheo pro le dictionario corrector

Julian Mendez merita un tropheo pro su contributione con le dictionario corrector.

Gratias --Akauno 21:44, 15 januario 2010 (UTC)[responder]

Salute Akauno,
Multe gratias pro le tropheo.
E benvenite a Wikipedia in interlingua!
Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 10:55, 23 januario 2010 (UTC)[responder]

Tu merita isto tropheo: "Le Stella de Merit"

Le Stella de Merit
Pro tu creation del dictionario orthographic de Interlingua. **Akauno 21:50, 15 januario 2010 (UTC)[responder]

Santiago ruiz

Salute Julian Mendez

Que le sembla Santiago ruiz ?

Gratias Adailton msg 22:25, 6 april 2010 (UTC)[responder]

Il me sembla que illo es vandalismo. E a te?
--Julian (disc.) 08:43, 7 april 2010 (UTC)[responder]


Car Julian!

Io dubita si il es apte haber un tanto grande articulo re Zamenhof sur le pagina initial de interlingua. Troppo sovente nos debe denegar que interlingua es un variante de esperanto. Tamben si le articulo re Zamenhof es considerate como "eminente" illo non debe esser sur iste pagina, al minus non durante troppo longe tempore. Cambia a un articulo re Gode o Martinet p.ex. o dele lo nunc in iste pagina. Con salutes anxie,


Salute Torrente,
Le paragrapho monstrate sur le pagina principal ha essite cambiate. Illo esseva re Esperanto (non re Zamenhof). In omne modo, io etiam prefererea haber un articulo eminente re topicos de interlingua. Le articulo eminente del pagina principal es seligite in iste pagina e illo es monstrate pro un mense.
Articulos como Ingvar Stenström inricchi Wikipedia in interlingua. Io etiam crede que le scriptura de articulos re interlingua e su communitate da un valor aggregate multo importante a iste Wikipedia.
Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 06:56, 6 junio 2010 (UTC)[responder]

Thank you

Thank you for translating my Fundraising message!Klyman 18:28, 22 octobre 2010 (UTC)[responder]

You're welcome! --Julian (disc.) 20:44, 22 octobre 2010 (UTC)[responder]

An urgent translation request

Greetings :) As you may have noticed, the banners are up and we are in the final stages of testing before the official kickoff on Monday the 15th for this year's WMF fundraiser. We are in a bit of a time crunch to get the Interlingue translations in before the Fundraiser launch on Monday. We really don't want to have English pages on the Interlingue projects. This is a calll to to community to get involved, help translate and recruit translators to get all the fundraising materials completed. Here is the translation hub with the Jimmy Appeal, Core Messages, FAQ and Benefactors pages that need to be completed Translations. Once these are completed, we can build the new landing pages and localize the fundraiser! Thanks so much, let me know if there are any questions!Klyman 18:48, 13 novembre 2010 (UTC)[responder]

Hello! I just finished the translations you requested. I also left a message to our community to ask if someone can proofread the pages. I'll do it myself if after some days nobody volunteers. Regards, --Julian (disc.) 23:01, 18 novembre 2010 (UTC)[responder]

Patrono:Talk archive