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Discussion Usator:Almafeta

Le contento del pagina non es supportate in altere linguas.
De Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libere

Hola Almafeta

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Gratias per tu benvenite. Iste loco sembla esser molte interessante per communicar nos in una unica lingua inter tote homines latinoparlante e anque con le anglofones e alemanes que non pote apprender facilmente nostre lingua, proque ha tante variation verbal, concordantia de genero e numero, e tante regolas grammatical. Io non sapeva parlar interlinguas anteheri, ma hodie, 48 horas postea haber legite duo paginas de regolas e tres de vocabulario, parle con molte fluidesa. ¡Ista lingua esse magnifice! Salutos.Tuttifruti 03:43 dec 15, 2004 (UTC)

You are now an admin Waerth 16:41 jul 12, 2005 (UTC)

Gratias. Io comenciva apprender Interlingua le ultime septimana, e pro le momento io va scriber solmente articulos simple. ^^ Forsan duo articulos cata die. Torquil 18:25 jul 23, 2005 (UTC)

Duo articulos cata die essera magne. ^_^ An io pote peter vostre lingua natal? Almafeta 18:27 jul 23, 2005 (UTC)

Mi lingua natal es anglese, ma io sape sex alteres. ^^ Torquil 00:19 aug 14, 2005 (UTC)

"Traduction del septimana" pro linguas aŭiliar?

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Dankon pro via mesaĝo. Interesa ideo, tamen mi dubas ĉu jam nun necesas nova kategorio en Metawiki. En la komenco ni prefere provu kunlaboron en pli modesta skalo. Sed tio nur estas mia tute persona opinio. Salutas Mo

Le articulos de stationes

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Tu ha ration. Io pote facer articulos con plus multe information que nunc. Io pensava heri que forsan il esserea bon a facer articulos que le Wikipedias scandinavian ha con articulos del septimana - io sape que interlingua es popular in isto parte del mundo, e facer le mesme articulos con illes esserea bon methodo pro popularisar le lingua. Nunc le Svedia wikipedia ha un articulo super armas nucleal con articulo del septimana. Torquil 00:16 aug 14, 2005 (UTC)

Scandinavian articulos del septimana esserea magne. Io crede que habeva plus que 300 in le previe conferentia scandinavian... Si nos pote attinger le attention del interlinguistia illac, esserea magne pro iste wikipedia. Almafeta 05:29 aug 14, 2005 (UTC)

Tu Interlingua bot

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Hallo. Io veni del Interlingua Wikipedia, e io vide que tu bot ha addite plure interwikis recentemente (specialmente al Kannada wikipedia). An es isto intentional -- i.e., an tu bot esse reparante omne le interwikis del ia:wikipedia, o es sol un function del normal labor de tu bot? Almafeta 13 août 2005 à 23:23 (CEST)


I can only write in english or french but i think i understood your ia: message :o) I ran the bot on the kn: wikipedia and set it up to update interwikis on all other wikipedia projects that's why there is some change made on ia: .

The bot also added links on the italian site [1], the esperanto one [2] and others :o)

Please use my french talk page for answer: fr:Discussion Utilisateur:Hashar Hashar 06:33 aug 14, 2005 (UTC)

Frontispicio in wikispecies

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Plure dies ante, io creava le frontispicio pro wikispecies. Hodie le administrator illac addeva un ligamine a le frontispicio en anglese. Si illo require revision o altere information, per favor le revide.

Torquil 19:35 aug 15, 2005 (UTC)

Io non pote, ni vole, laborar in le altere projectos de Wikimedia -- sol in Wikipedia. Io ja ha dividite mi attention a troppo cosas. Pardono.  :( Almafeta 21:05 aug 15, 2005 (UTC)

Mysteriose usator anonyme

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Per que Interlingua e non Esperanto? Non comprendo. ;)

Proque Interlingua supera Esperanto.
E qual lingua es tu usante? O_O; Almafeta 01:30 aug 22, 2005 (UTC)
E como illa supera Esperanto?

Yo uso esperanto, e francese e hispan, ita yo comprendo pauc Interlingua. Sed non parlo.

Povre Almafeta!

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Povre Almafeta! Illes non comprende que un wikipedia es e tu debe deler omnes -0-

Torquil 13:19 aug 31, 2005 (UTC)

^^; Almafeta 14:53 aug 31, 2005 (UTC)


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Salute Almafeta! Io crede que le parola debe esser "guepardo", assi como nos ha "leopardo".

Salve, hello , hi , Salut, Hola,.Io solemente vola dixir hola. Io conozce aliquid Espanyol et Frances et parvus latin. Credo mi interlingua es mal sed io esse estudiante. Io cogite utilise vocabulario de latin sed gramatico de Espanyol. --Jondel 08:57 sep 21, 2005 (UTC)

Benvenite, Jondel, e gratias pro venir.  :) Pues, ni le grammatica ni le vocabulario de Interlingua esse proxime a Latino, aun que alcun particulos grammatical se deriva de lo; le grammatica esse plus como un lingua romantic in le ordine de parolas, ma plus como un lingua germanic in le verbos. E pro alicuno que non parlava Interlingua sol le duo septimanas previe, tu esse parlante multo bon.  :) Almafeta 12:52 sep 24, 2005 (UTC)


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Car amico, io ha essayate jam varie vices poter cambiar le derectos de accesso como admin/sysop e io non trova como facer lo. Io sape que Ensjo ha potite e io non sape si ille e io ha le mesme derectos de facer iste cambios. Esque tu pote nunc adjutar con le administration del sito? Per favor excusa me in que io non ha facite alco plus tosto, il ha rationes personal e familiar incontabile ;-) Amicalmente sempre, Jay B. ILVI 03:02 oct 10, 2005 (UTC)

Sr. Bowks:
Io crede que le ration que Sr. Ensjo pote cambiar le derectos de usatores, e nos que non, esse que Ensjo non sol esse un admin/sysop, pero un 'bureaucrat'/'steward' (usar le original termines) tamben. Illos habe celle poteres, ma nos, non. Almafeta 10:51 oct 10, 2005 (UTC)


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Salute!, Almafeta

Io es apprendimento interlingua (io es ia-0). Tu pode Adjutar mi?

Gratias! Adailton msg 00:56, 19 martio 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Io te pete pro corrige Patrono:Subdivision de Santa Catarina. Io crea Categoria:Citates de Santa Catarina mais con plus organisation in Patrono. Gratias Adailton msg 23:56, 23 martio 2009 (UTC)[responder]
Grande Florianópolis. Adailton msg 22:52, 9 april 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Thanks for your replies to my queries (historietta, ixode). I should learn Interlingua more active when I find the time. Right now it's mostly passive through various Romance studies. Btw, I have trouble editing my userpage, since my virus protection always redirects me from empty pages. (Quite annoying.) If you'd feel like it, just write some nonsense there, so I could edit a small presentation later. Wakuran 18:54, 20 martio 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Thanks / gratias! Wakuran 23:45, 20 martio 2009 (UTC)[responder]
I have fixed that antivirus function now. Good riddance. Wakuran 23:58, 23 martio 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Salute, Almafeta,

Is es nove usator de Wikipedia en Interlingua, sed ancora non pote contribuer molto proque es studiante le lingua e anque tote le grammatica. Io te pete pro corrige mi articulos e mi pagina de usator proque sabe que illos non es ancora bon. Gratias pro le adjuta, Manoel FernándezMsg 22:11, 20 martio 2009 (UTC)

Tu Interlingua esse assatis bon. Edita con confidentia, nos essera felice adjutar-te. =) Almafeta 23:58, 20 martio 2009 (UTC)[responder]
Gratias, Almafeta, pro le parolas. Io ha multe difficultate con le prepositiones (io crede que illos es semper problematic en qualcunque lingua), sed imprimeva "Lege interlingua e apprende su structura" e lo lege tote le dies pro apprender plus. =) Altere vice, gratias, Manoel FernándezMsg 00:54, 21 martio 2009 (UTC)
Almafeta, pote io contribuer creante patronos? Io non trovava le pagina certe pro le creation de illos. Abracio, Manoel FernándezMsg 02:58, 21 martio 2009 (UTC)
Le creation de un patrono nove functiona le mesme como le creation de un pagina nove. Simplemente usa le nomine del spatio de nomines "Patrono:" in le initio del titulo del pagina; per exemplo, Patrono:Quecunque. Almafeta 03:38, 21 martio 2009 (UTC)[responder]

For your welcome. Ciao! --Kal-El 18:37, 1 april 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Gratias Almafeta

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gratias pro tu video in interlingua. pote tu crear un altere video, un continuation? PaceFlama 02:52, 20 april 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Forsan, ma... un "continuation"? Como io pote continuar in dicer "Hallo"? @_@; Si vos habe ideas, io amarea audir los... Almafeta 13:25, 20 april 2009 (UTC)[responder]


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Hola, hemos detectado un caso de crosswiki relacionado con el artículo Pascual Candel Palazón (gl:Conversa_usuario:Sofialourin#Sospeita_.2F_Suspicion), que parece indicar una estrategia de autopromoción. Si tenéis cualquier duda, podéis consultárnosla. --Xabier Cid 00:04, 5 octobre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Perdon pro no usar interlingua, ;) I hope the explanation is clear at least for other projects. :) --Xabier Cid 00:41, 5 octobre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Gratias per le benvenite message. Io facera tuto lo que io pote pro adjutar le Wikipedia in Interlingua. -- Isaac Mansur 10:43, 17 octobre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

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Thanks for your suggestion. Sabudis 01:54, 22 octobre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Nove spatio

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Salute, Almafeta,

Nos ha un spatio, como le altere Wikipedias, pro excambiar ideas? Esplanada, scriptorio, bar, delicatessa, restaurant? Io crede que esserea un bon idea, non lo es? :) Imbracios, -- Isaac Mansur 18:30, 25 octobre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Si, nos habe un spatio assi: Wikipedia:Taverna! =) Almafeta 19:02, 25 octobre 2009 (UTC)[responder]
Nos non pote collocar lo in nostre navigation al sinistra como un ligamine pro arrivar illac plus celeremente? -- Isaac Mansur 19:20, 25 octobre 2009 (UTC)[responder]
Es difficile que cambiar le ligamines al sinestra, gratias al cocide de Wikimedia... ma le Taverna esse parte del Wikipedia:Portal del communitate. Almafeta 19:22, 25 octobre 2009 (UTC)[responder]
Io sape. Un administrator debe peter lo in Bugzilla, si la communitate lo vole. Nos pote aperir un votation, ne? :) -- Isaac Mansur 19:31, 25 octobre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Categoria:Citates in Santa Catarina

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Salute!, Almafeta

Totes les 293 citates in Santa Catarina (+les regiones Grande Florianópolis, Nord Catarinense, Oeste Catarinense, Serrana, Sud Catarinense e Vale del Itajaí ) criados.

Gratias! Adailton msg 23:02, 23 decembre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Felice die de interlingua

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Salute Almafeta!

Felice die de interlingua !

Io spera vider te novemente hic.

Amicalmente, --Julian (disc.) 09:30, 15 januario 2011 (UTC)[responder]

Averto pro vandalo

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(eo) Dankon pro la atentigo ke vandalo povus ataki eo.Vikipedion. Mi ne kapablas skribi interlingvee sed mi bone komprenis vian mesaĝon.

(en) Thanks you let us know about possible vandalisation. I can't write in Interlingua but I have understood your message quite well. --ArnoLagrange 09:19, 21 augusto 2011 (UTC)[responder]

Could you help me here. I'm the only person that's making articles and I don't speak interlingua correctly. I've seen that there's a category of articles to review. Could you correct some of them because there are a lot. I'm trying to do the articles about the municipalities of Spain, later I'll insert the template. Thanks for your help and your time. --Chabi 08:01, 17 septembre 2011 (UTC)[responder]

I didn't lknow that. That's for telling it to me. Could you take a look on revolutiones de 1848, Eschylo, Iliade and Odyssea, please? I trasnlate using a dictionary. --Chabi 08:05, 17 septembre 2011 (UTC)[responder]
Unfortunately, what limited time I have these days (yay job!) is spent on cleaning up after Viñals. I'll try to look over those articles in the days to come. Almafeta 08:08, 17 septembre 2011 (UTC)[responder]
Yes but the problem is that I don't know at all how they work. Do you? In that case this wikipedia would have a lot of articles. --Chabi 08:11, 17 septembre 2011 (UTC)[responder]
I've been experimenting with a version of RAMBOT to include simple geographical articles in Wikipedia. I don't want Interlingua to become like the Volapük wiki, so I've been trying to figure out how to get it to work with external data sources, with no luck. Almafeta 08:12, 17 septembre 2011 (UTC)[responder]
Ok. If it works, it'll be awesome. I have a question because there's a user that writes but he told me that he has problems to create articles. But, personally speaking, I think that doesn't write in Interlingua. --Chabi 08:18, 17 septembre 2011 (UTC)[responder]
The user in question was banned for repeatedly using the Interlingua wikipedia to promote his own pidgin, instead of writing in Interlingua. Additionally, he has been engaging in vandalism that spans multiple languages of the Wikipedia project; see meta if you need to look into it. The death threats he made later would have been enough to ban him permanently, though. Almafeta 16:48, 17 septembre 2011 (UTC)[responder]

Charlotte's Web (film de 1973)

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Hi, could you please correct the link to mk:Пајажината на Шарлота (цртан филм) on Charlotte's Web (film de 1973)? I tried posting a notice on the talk page but the abuse filter message came up and wouldn't allow it. Also, someone requested a link to The Jungle Book (film de 1967). 22:58, 19 septembre 2011 (UTC)[responder]

Opps, I forgot: also add zh-min-nan:Charlotte's Web (1973 nî tiān-iáⁿ). 23:00, 19 septembre 2011 (UTC)[responder]

Articulo eminente

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Per favor, pote aiutar corriger Desiderio Erasmo. Illo pote esser un articulo eminente!. --Chabi 07:31, 12 octobre 2011 (UTC)[responder]

Persecution personal

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Tu me estas persiguiendo per que no entende le que io dico per que no sape leger. Espero que reconsideres tu position y dejes de dañar el proyecto. Le Jedi . Por altere latere io no abuso de contos multiples per que stoy contribuliendo como anonimo e te me stas espiando e invadiendo mi intimidad.

Io ha que enforcer le policia create per Wikimedia. No es persecution; es mi deber. Pardono, e io spera que tu proprie wiki pro DEIS habera successo; ma tu nunquam potera editar hic o in ulle altere projecto de Wikimedia. Almafeta 17:48, 18 octobre 2011 (UTC)[responder]

Pote corriger le articulo, pro favor? Io ha traducite con la adjuta de un glossario ma io crede que il ha multe parolas mal scripte o traducite. Esce que crede que illo pote esser un articulo destacate? --Chabi 08:31, 1 novembre 2011 (UTC)[responder]

Per favor, io es sol in iste Wikedia e io es facente multe articulos ma io non sabe se illos es ben facte. Poterea tu adjutar me? --Chabi 13:59, 18 januario 2012 (UTC)[responder]


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Please, could you help me in this Wikipedia? I'm alone doing articles and I don't know where to ask for help. I did several long articles but no one corrects them and now I'm creating stubs about Italian villages (later on I'll put templates and other things). I would like to expand the article about the European Union. Could you help me, please? --Chabi 11:42, 29 januario 2012 (UTC)[responder]

Forgive me, but I am not able to lead in content creation due to my work hours (~14 per day). I will try to help when I can with the Europe article. Almafeta 22:54, 29 januario 2012 (UTC)[responder]

Please, could you correct lingua kayapo, Manifesto futurista and dadaismo? There's an expression I don't know how to translate --Chabi 19:54, 17 februario 2012 (UTC)[responder]

Pauc meliorate. E gratias pro su labor magne re le Union Europee. Almafeta 20:05, 17 februario 2012 (UTC)[responder]
Io ancora debe appender plus information proque io volerea crear un articulo eminente. Le problème est que j'ai besoin de quequ'un pour me corriger car il y des mots que je ne connais pas et je ne les trouve pas aux dictionaires. --Chabi 20:11, 17 februario 2012 (UTC)[responder]
Io ha un dictionario, ma io frequentemente usa wiktionary quando io scribe per computator... Almafeta 20:14, 17 februario 2012 (UTC)[responder]
Pourrais-tu aussi regarder Leonidas, s'il vous plait? --Chabi 20:17, 17 februario 2012 (UTC)[responder]
Io lo essayava. E ora a dinar... Almafeta 20:35, 17 februario 2012 (UTC)[responder]
Merci beaucoup. Et bon profit! --Chabi 20:57, 17 februario 2012 (UTC)[responder]

About articles

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I would like to ask you to correct several stubs that I've been making because I think that there are to much of them. I'll try to add more information in order not to have a lot of articles with just one line. I would also like to tell you my perspective about my priorities in creating articles in here:

  1. Vital articles.
  2. The European Union and information about their countries.
  3. The Catholic Church (as Latin it's its language and Interlingua is "modern LAtin".
  4. Classic culture (mainly articles about history and mythology).
  5. Science.

However, I'll try not to create more articles but to add more information to all the stubs we have in here.

Another idea that I have is to translate several texts in order to put them in Wikisource. I believe that it's a good idea to have more literature in Interlingua.

I'll would like to thank you your patience and your help because without it I couldn't be writing in here. --Chabi 08:08, 18 februario 2012 (UTC)[responder]

Please, take a look to Chef Seattle. I've copied the translation of Manifesto de futurismo here. --Chabi 08:34, 18 februario 2012 (UTC)[responder]
Some articles to correct (they are very short): Émile Zola, Biblioteca Clásica Gredos, Collection Budé, Molon labe, [[Loeb Classical Library], Herodoto, Circassia, Civilisation mycenic, Civilisation minoan, Masca de Agamemnon e De Haruspicum Responsis. --Chabi 09:50, 18 februario 2012 (UTC)[responder]
Non. Chabi1 es mi conto del Wikipedia in Ido ma io non sabe proque quando io me conecta illac, il appare in tote le Wikipedias. E, como io non sape como deletar, io scribeva pro que tu sape que non es vandalismo. --Chabi 07:17, 29 februario 2012 (UTC)[responder]

Union Europee

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Io ha jam finite le traduction del articulo re le Union Europee. Esque tu pote corriger lo? Post io volerea presentar lo pro esser articulo eminente. --Chabi (discussion) 10:46, 1 martio 2012 (UTC)[responder]


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Io es facente articulos re scientia ma io non vole facer troppo sine tener un revision. An tu pote vider Scientias del conducta, Scientias formal, Scientias applicate e Scientias del vita? Gratias pro tu adjuta. --Chabi (discussion) 11:00, 4 martio 2012 (UTC)[responder]

Quando io connecta in le Wikipedia in Ido e io cambia a iste wikipedia io ha iste conto e non l'altere. Io es le mesme usator que Chabi. --Chabi1 (discussion) 12:15, 25 martio 2012 (UTC)[responder]

Conjugation irregular in interlingua

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In interlingua, on generalmente usa "es" pro le tempore de presente del verbo "esser". (Illo es un del tres o quatro conjugationes irregular prescribite per dr Gode quando ille establiva le grammatica de interlingua. Le alteres son "ha", "va" e le optional "son".) Il pare que tu in loco vole usar le forma "esse". Proque? Mekanurg (discussion) 07:40, 17 decembre 2013 (UTC)[responder]

Io crede que iste parolas esseva prescribite e non proscribite per dr Gode ... Clwb 10:21, 17 decembre 2013 (UTC)[responder]

Si, mi error orthographic. :-) Gratias pro le observation; nunc io ha facite le apte correction. Mekanurg (discussion) 10:22, 17 decembre 2013 (UTC)[responder]

Upcoming event at the WWI Museum in Kansas City

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Hello! I would like to invite you to a Wikipedia editathon about WWI and Dissent on November 22 at the en:National World War I Museum in Kansas City. Join us for the U.S. branch of this international event as we write more social history from the era around WWI into Wikipedia! All editors are welcome, contributors to topics around WWI other than Dissent also encouraged! Food and drinks will be supplied by the WWI museum, Sadads (talk) 21:38, 30 October 2014 (UTC)

Paginas con modificationes pendente

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Que nos debe facer como usatores autoverificate quando nos modifica un pagina con modificationes pendente ? Clwb (discussion) 00:54, 8 decembre 2014 (UTC)[responder]

Little problem on Wikidata

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Sorry for the english, can you check this topic on my talk in WIkidata? An ip user ask to me to add interlingua label on item of "province d'Italia", but another user warning me that probably there aren't consensus for this kind of modify. If you confirm, I can revert my edit. --ValterVB (discussion) 21:23, 11 junio 2016 (UTC)[responder]

(interlingua)Io non labora pro Wikidata (e io non sape como leger su paginas de discussion), ma io pote confirmar que no ha accordo universal hic re ce etiquettas. Nota ben: 91.9.*.* appare que esser un usator qui esseva blocate hic recentemente pro vandalisation per botes. (anglese)I don't work on Wikidata (and I don't know how to read their discussion pages) but I can confirm that there is no universal consensus here about those labels. Side note: 91.9.*.* seems to be a user who was recently blocked here for vandalizing with bots. Almafeta (discussion) 22:39, 11 junio 2016 (UTC)[responder]

IP 91.9.nnn.nnn

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Salute Almafeta!

Gratias pro tu action super Illo es un IP non-static a Deutsche telecom, e ille pote retornar como un altere 91.9.nnn.nnn. Recentemente un ha essite active a wikidata. (Vide Ille requesta que User:ValterVB opera un bot pro facer varie modificationes al etiquettas de interlingua a wikidata.

E nota que Usator:Bernd Muller es forsan un marionette de iste usator.

Cordialmente, Tortoise0308 (discussion) 21:43, 11 junio 2016 (UTC)[responder]

Notate, gratias. (Io cognosce ben vandalistas qui frue evitar blocationes...)Almafeta (discussion) 23:01, 11 junio 2016 (UTC)[responder]

Crear articulo

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Salve Almafeta! Me adjuve per favore. Non potes io crear articulos. Le systema non salva le articulo.--Jondel (discussion) 15:31, 28 julio 2016 (UTC)[responder]

Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey

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  1. This survey is primarily meant to get feedback on the Wikimedia Foundation's current work, not long-term strategy.
  2. Legal stuff: No purchase necessary. Must be the age of majority to participate. Sponsored by the Wikimedia Foundation located at 149 New Montgomery, San Francisco, CA, USA, 94105. Ends January 31, 2017. Void where prohibited. Click here for contest rules.

Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey

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(Sorry to write in Engilsh)

Categorias:Peciettas de *

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Salute Almafeta!

Ha tu vidite que le categorías non jam existe? Suggestiones? Gratias!

Cordialmente, Tortoise0308 (discussion) 03:15, 8 april 2017 (UTC)[responder]

Conradi ancora un vice

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Conradi edita nunc como (Telefonica Germany GmbH). Ille disface systematicamente le modificatines recente per le administratores local.—Tortoise0308 (discussion) 18:35, 26 april 2017 (UTC)[responder]

Salute Almafeta, io ha prendite le libertate de remitter le patrono {{Babel}} in tu pagina de usator, viste que le ancian methodo usante patronos como {{Usator en-4}}, etc. non functiona plus. Como le famose horologio rupte que ha ration duo vices per die, le idea de Conradi de centralisar/automatisar le generation del quadros con lingua e nivello non esseva un mal idea; isto elimina totalmente le necessitate de mantenentia continue del patronos; solmente le categorias resta a esser mantenite. Io ha completate/perfectionate le codice de maniera que, a partir de heri, omne lingua pote esser combinate con omne nivello sin restriction. A proposito, tu non indica alcun lingua native; esque isto es intentional? – Martijn (discussion) 22:55, 29 april 2017 (UTC)[responder]

Pejor in omne aspecto, ma forsan su remotion esseva inevitabile. Almafeta (discussion) 23:06, 29 april 2017 (UTC)[responder]
Hmm. Excusa me pro mi intrepiditate, per favor. E ora? Melior? De facto, tu solmente debe scriber {{Usator|en-4}} in loco de {{Usator en-4}}, alteremente nihil ha cambiate del situation ancian... excepte que tote possibile combination de lingua e nivello es ora supportate sin requirer le intervention de alcuno. – Martijn (discussion) 05:01, 30 april 2017 (UTC)[responder]


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Salute Almafeta, per favor examina le politica proponite re marionettismo e exprime tu opinion in le discussion in curso in le Taverna. Gratias – Martijn (discussion) 21:21, 20 maio 2017 (UTC)[responder]

Proposition de nove administrator

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Per favor, adde tu opinion a Wikipedia:Administratores#Requestas. Gratias - Martijn (discussion) 15:42, 1 junio 2017 (UTC)[responder]

Holla. Io ha tentate crear un articulo, ma un error a dicer que mi edition habeva pauc parolas ha me impedite. Io voleva saper quante parolas al minime es necessari per evitar iste error e/o si le facto de mi conto non ha essite confirmate ha alcun cosa con iste problema. Gratias.

How we will see unregistered users

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Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.

If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.

We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.

Thank you. /Johan (WMF)

18:15, 4 januario 2022 (UTC)

Your advanced permissions on iawiki

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Hello. A policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, interface administrator, etc.) was adopted by community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing activity on wikis with no inactivity policy.

You meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no logged actions for 2 years) on this wiki. Since this wiki, to the best of our knowledge, does not have its own rights review process, the global one applies.

If you want to keep your advanced permissions, you should inform the community of the wiki about the fact that the stewards have sent you this information about your inactivity. A community notice about this process has been also posted on the local Village Pump of this wiki. If the community has a discussion about it and then wants you to keep your rights, please contact the stewards at the m:Stewards' noticeboard, and link to the discussion of the local community, where they express their wish to continue to maintain the rights.

If you wish to resign your rights, please request removal of your rights on Meta.

If there is no response at all after one month, stewards will proceed to remove your administrator and/or bureaucrat rights. In ambiguous cases, stewards will evaluate the responses and will refer a decision back to the local community for their comment and review. If you have any questions, please contact the stewards.

Yours faithfully.

Stanglavine (discussion) 19:09, 16 januario 2022 (UTC)[responder]

Io necessita esser administrator del wiki ancora un altere vice

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Salute Almafeta, Esque tu me poterea facer un administrator del Io ha perdite le privilegio a causa de non haber potite editar per rationes de salute. Per favor si tu ha tempore lassa me saper si tu pote adder me como administrator. Il ha multe paginas que io volerea redactar e meliorar. Con salutes amical, Jay B. (ILVI)