De Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libere
 Bandiera |
 Scuto de armas |
Nomine native |
Freistaat Thüringen |
Classe |
stato federate de Germania |
Pais |
Germania, Confederation of the Rhine[*], Sacre Imperio Roman |
Capital |
Erfurt |
Population |
2 161 000, 2 143 145, 2 110 396 |
Area |
16 171 km²  |
Situate in |
Germania, Confederation of the Rhine[*], Sacre Imperio Roman |
Altitude |
266 m  |
Coordinatas |
51°N, 11°E |
Citates gemine |
Lesser Poland Voivodeship[*], Hauts-de-France[*], Hungaria |
Fuso horari |
UTC+01:00, Hora Central Europee[*] |
ISO 3166-2 |
Geonames ID |
2822542 |
Sito web:
Wikimedia Commons Category Thuringia
Thuringia[1] es un stato federal de Germania. Su citate capital es Erfurt. Altere grande citates es Jena e Gera. Un specialitate culinari del est del area es le mutzbraten.
- ↑
Derivation (in ordine alphabetic):
(ca) Turíngia ||
(de) Thüringen ||
(en) Thuringia ||
(es) Turingia ||
(fr) Thuringe ||
(it) Turingia ||
(pt) Turíngia ||
(ro) Turingia
|| (ru) Тюрингия
| Statos | | |
| Citate-statos | |
| Antique statos | |