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Kip Thorne
mascule Nascentia
1940-06-01 (Logan) Citatania
Statos Unite de America Educate in
California Institute of Technology [*] , Princeton University , Logan High School [*] Occupation
physico , astronomo , scriptor , professor universitari [*] , astrophysico [*] Religion
agnosticismo Parentes
matre Alison Comish Thorne [*] Premios
Guggenheim Fellowship [*] , UNESCO Niels Bohr Medal [*] , Karl Schwarzschild Medal [*] , Tomalla Foundation [*] , James Joyce Awards [*] , Gruber Prize in Cosmology [*] , Harvey Prize [*] , Albert Einstein Medal [*] , Kavli Prize in Astrophysics [*] , Shaw Prize [*] , Georges Lemaître Prize [*] , Princess of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research [*] , Premio Nobel pro Physica , Richtmyer Memorial Lecture Award [*] , Fellow of the American Physical Society [*] , honorary doctor of the University Polytechnic of Catalonia [*] , Lilienfeld Prize [*] , The Shaw Prize in Astronomy [*] , Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences [*] , Giuseppe and Vanna Cocconi Prize [*] , Science Writing Award [*] , honorary doctor of ETH Zürich [*] , Clarivate Citation Laureates [*] , James Madison Medal [*] Lingua
anglese Identificatores ISNI
0000000116975126 VIAF
108141048 IMDB
nm0861399 Commons
Kip Thorne
Kip S. Thorne (1 de junio 1940 in Logan , Utah ) es un physico statounitese e ganiator del Premio Nobel .
Ille es un membro del facultate del Caltech ,[1] e collaborava in le LIGO -VIRGO. In 2017 ille, Barry Barish , e Rainer Weiss ha recipite le Premio Nobel pro Physica "pro decisive contributiones al LIGO detector e le observation del undas gravitational."[2] [3]
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