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Barry Barish

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Barry Barish
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1936-01-27 (Omaha)
Citatania Statos Unite de America
Educate in John Marshall High School[*], University of California, Berkeley[*]
Occupation experimental physicist[*], professor universitari[*], physico, astrophysico[*]
Obras notabile Gravitaatioaalto[*]
Premios Premio Nobel pro Physica, Henry Draper Medal[*], Princess of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research[*], Enrico Fermi Prize[*], Fellow of the American Physical Society[*], Honorary doctor of the University of Bologna[*], honorary doctorate of the University of Glasgow[*], honorary doctor of Sofia University[*], Foreign Member of the Royal Society[*], Giuseppe and Vanna Cocconi Prize[*], Honorary doctorate of the University of Florida[*]
Lingua anglese
VIAF 221201985
Commons Barry Barish

Barry C. Barish (27 de januario 1936 in Omaha, Nebraska – ) es un physico statounitese e un ganiator del Premio Nobel.

Ille es un membro del facultate del Caltech.[1] In 2017 ille, Kip Thorne, e Rainer Weiss ha recipite le Premio Nobel pro Physica "pro contributiones decisive al detector LIGO e le observation del undas gravitational."[2][3]
