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Yuri Gagarin

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Il ha 5 modificationes in iste version que attende revision. Le version stabile ha essite revidite le 27 martio 2019.
Yuri Gagarin
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1934-03-09 (Klushino)
Decesso 1968-03-27 (Novosyolovo)
Causa de decesso accidente de aviation
Loco de reposo Kremlin Wall Necropolis[*]
Citatania Union Sovietic
Educate in Saratov Pedagogical College[*], Orenburg Military Aviation Piloting High School[*], Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy[*]
Occupation Pilota, Astronauta, officiero[*], politico[*], explorator[*]
Partito politic Communist Party of the Soviet Union[*]
Conjuge Valentina Ivanovna Gagarina[*]
Infantes Yelena Gagarina[*], Galina Gagarina[*]
Parentes matre Anna Gagarina[*] patre Aleksey Gagarin[*]
Premios Hero of the Soviet Union[*], Gold Star medal[*], Order of Lenin[*], Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR[*], Hero of Socialist Labour of Czechoslovakia[*], Hero of Socialist Labour[*], Order of Georgi Dimitrov[*], Order of the Cross of Grunwald, 1st class[*], Order of the Flag of the People's Republic of Hungary[*], Order of Karl Marx[*], Order of the Nile[*], Order of Klement Gottwald[*], Hero of Labor[*], Star of the Republic of Indonesia[*], Order of Playa Girón[*], Order of the Star of Africa[*], Order of Aeronautical Merit[*], Order of the Southern Cross[*], Order of the Cross of Grunwald[*], Jubilee Medal "Twenty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945"[*], Medal "For the Development of Virgin Lands"[*], Jubilee Medal "40 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"[*], Jubilee Medal "50 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"[*], Medal "For Impeccable Service", 3rd class[*], Merited Master of Sports of the USSR[*], Pilot class qualification[*], Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union[*], Q16654323[*], International Space Hall of Fame[*]
Lingua russo
ISNI 0000000083875419
VIAF 61673822
IMDB nm0300789
Commons Yuri Gagarin

Yuri Alekseievič Gagarin (Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин[Nota 1]; Kluchino, 9 de martio de 1934Kirjatch, 27 de martio de 1968) era un cosmonauta sovietic e le prime homine a viagiar por spatio, in 12 de april de 1961,[1] a bordo da Vostok 1, q tinea 4,4 m longor, 2,4 m de diametro e pesava 4725 kg[2]. Iste vehiculo spatial habeva duo modulos: le modulo de equipamento (con instrumentos, antenna, tancos e combustibile para le retro-rocchettas) e le capsula ubi era le cosmonauta.

Dece-prime annos

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Casa original de Yuri Gagarin, in Klushino.

Yuri Gagarin nasceva in un ferma collectivo in le localitate de Kluchino, districto de Gjatski (plus tarde adiabatica de Gagarin, en su homage) - in un region al west de Moscova, Russia, parte tunc Union Sovietic.[3] Su patre a matre, Aleksei Ivanovitch Gagarin e Anna Timofeievna Gagarina, travaliava in un kolkhoz (ferma collectivo). [4]

  1. proprie prime nomine e por quando translitterar Yuriy, Youri, e Yury.


[modificar | modificar fonte]
  1. Archived 2011-09-30 at the Wayback Machine Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin - Perfil. Acessado em 22/01/2012.
  2. Criacionismo - Nosso Deus é Muito Grande!, por Pr. Marcelo Augusto de Carvalho. Acesso em 22/01/2012.
  3. Iuri Gagarin - Biografia. Acessado em 21/01/2012.
  4. Tito, Dennis (2006-11-13). Yuri Gagarin. Time Europe via Archivo del original create le 2008-03-26. Recuperate le 2008-03-30.