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Binyamin Nethanyahu
Pronunciation del nomine
mascule Nascentia
1949-10-21 (Tel Aviv) Supernomine
ביבי, Bibi Citatania
Israel Educate in
Cheltenham High School [*] , Massachusetts Institute of Technology , MIT Sloan School of Management [*] Occupation
politico [*] , diplomate [*] , homine de stato [*] , military personnel [*] , political writer [*] , political scientist [*] Obras notabile
A Place Among the Nations [*] , Fighting Terrorism [*] , Bibi: My Story [*] , Terrorism: How the West Can Win [*] Partito politic
Likud [*] Religion
judaismo Conjuge
Sara Netanyahu [*] , Miki Weizman Haram [*] , Fleur Cates [*] Infantes
Noa Roth [*] , Yair Netanyahu [*] , Avner Netanyahu [*] Parentes
matre Zila Netanyahu [*] patre Benzion Netanyahu [*] Fratres/sorores
Jonathan Netanyahu [*] , Iddo Netanyahu [*] Premios
Jabotinsky Medal [*] , Tzeltner Prize [*] , honorary doctor of the Bar-Ilan University [*] , Order of the Southern Cross [*] , Irving Kristol Award [*] Lingua
anglese , francese , Lingua hebree Signatura
Sito Identificatores ISNI
0000000109375798 VIAF
114192441 IMDB
nm1386592 Commons
Benjamin Netanyahu
Bibi juvene durante su servicio militar
Binyami n Nethanya hu (in hebreo : בנימין נתניהו [binjaˈmin netanˈjahu] )[ 1] dicte Bi bi (ביבי) in le cultura de massa, atque latinisate Benjamin Netanjahu [ 2] (Tel Aviv , 21 de octobre 1949 ), es un politico israeli. Actualmente prime ministro de Israel desde 2022, Netanyahu ha jam occupate le position de 1996 a 1999 e ancora de 2009 a 2021, facente de ille le prime ministro israeli con plus annos de servicio, con un total de plus quam dece-sex annos in carga.
↑ con niqudim : בִּנְיָמִין נְתַנְיָהוּ
Derivation :
1. (it) Benjamin Netanyahu ||
2. (es) Benjamín Netanyahu ||
(pt) Benjamin Netanyahu ||
3. (fr) Benyamin Netanyahou ||
4. (en) Benjamin Netanyahu ||
(de) Benjamin Netanjahu ||
(ru) Нетаньяху, Биньямин ||
- (Extra): (la) Beniaminus Netanjahu