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Zuzana Čaputová

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Zuzana Čaputová
Sexo feminin
Nascentia 1973-06-21 (Bratislava)
Ethnicitate Slovaks[*]
Citatania Checoslovachia, Slovachia
Educate in Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava[*], Comenius University[*]
Occupation jurista[*], politico[*], activista[*], environmentalist[*], advocato[*]
Partito politic Progressive Slovakia[*]
Conjuge Ivan Čaputa[*]
Premios Goldman Environmental Prize[*], Silver Medal of the Chairman of the Senate[*], Grand Cross of the Order of the Redeemer[*], Andrej Hlinka Order Class I[*], Ľudovít Štúr Order 1st class[*], Milan Rastislav Štefánik Cross, First Class[*], Cross of Pribina class I[*], Freedom Prize[*], Knight Grand Cross in the Order of the Netherlands Lion[*], emperor Otto award[*], Gold Medal of Charles University[*], Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, 1st class[*], Order of the White Eagle[*], Grand Star of the Decoration for Services to the Republic of Austria[*], Order of the White Double Cross[*], Order of Andrej Hlinka[*], Ľudovít Štúr Order[*], Cross of Milan Rastislav Štefánik[*], Cross of Pribina[*], Order of the Redeemer[*], Order of the White Lion[*], Order of the Netherlands Lion[*], Grand cross of the Order of the White Lion[*], Vision for Europe Award[*]
Lingua Lingua slovac, russo, anglese
VIAF 4988155345600206430001
IMDB nm10511992
Commons Zuzana Čaputová

Zuzana Čaputová (21 de junio 1973 in Bratislava[1][2][3]) es le quinte presidente de Slovachia (Republica Slovac). Illa ganiava in le electiones del presidentia in 2019, ganiante in le secunde tour con 58,4 % del votos, e deveniva le capite de stato le 15 de junio 2019.[4]


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  1. Petičný hárok : Zuzana Čaputová : voľby prezidenta Slovenskej republiky v roku 2019. Archivo del original create le 2019-04-01. Recuperate le 2018-06-02.
  2. Výpis z katastra nehnuteľností : List vlastníctva č. 10427. ÚGKK SR. Recuperate le 2018-06-02.
  3. Kováč, Peter (2019-03-30). Z jednoduchej vinohradníckej rodiny do prezidentského paláca. Kto je Zuzana Čaputová?. Petit Press. Recuperate le 2019-05-03.
  4. Orviská Veronika, Kováč Peter. Kiska odovzdal palác novej prezidentke Čaputovej (minúta po minúte). Petit Press. Recuperate le 2019-06-15. 

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