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Walter Gropius

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De Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libere
Walter Gropius
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1883-05-18 (Berlin)
Decesso 1969-07-05 (Boston)
Loco de reposo Südwestkirchhof Stahnsdorf[*]
Citatania Imperio German[*], Republica de Weimar, Germania Nazi, Germania
Occupation architecto, pedagogo[*], urbanista[*], designer[*], Inseniante
Conjuge Alma Mahler-Werfel[*], Ise Gropius[*]
Infantes Manon Gropius[*]
Parentes patre Walter Gropius[*]
Premios Knight Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany[*], Royal Gold Medal[*], Goethe Prize[*], Ernst Reuter Medal[*], Albert Medal[*], honorary Royal Designer for Industry[*], Johann-Heinrich-Merck-Ehrung[*]
Lingua anglese, germano
ISNI 0000000110227952
VIAF 24663766
IMDB nm2392518
Commons Walter Gropius

Walter Adolph Gropius (Berlin le 18 de maio 1883 – Boston le 5 de julio 1969) esseva un architecto e theoretico del arte. Con Ludwig Mies van der Rohe e Le Corbusier ille esseva un del maestros qui ha fundate le Movimento Moderne in le architectura. In 1919 in Weimar ille ha fundate le schola del Bauhaus.
