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Jorge Luis Borges
mascule Nascentia
1899-08-24 (Buenos Aires) Decesso
1986-06-14, 1986-03-26, 1986-03-14 (Geneva) Causa de decesso
cancere hepatic [*] Loco de reposo
Cemetery of Kings [*] Citatania
Argentina Educate in
Collège Calvin [*] Occupation
traductor , bibliothecario , critico litterari [*] , scenarista [*] , scriptor , poeta [*] , opinion journalist [*] , essayista [*] , scriptor de contos [*] Obras notabile
The Library of Babel [*] Conjuge
Elsa Astete Millán [*] , María Kodama [*] Parentes
matre Leonor Acevedo Suárez [*] patre Jorge Guillermo Borges Haslam [*] Fratres/sorores
Norah Borges [*] Premios
Gran Premio de Honor de la SADE [*] , Prix Formentor [*] , Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres [*] , Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire [*] , Commander of the Order of the Sun of Peru [*] , Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic [*] , Jerusalem Prize [*] , Alfonso Reyes International Prize [*] , commander of the Order of Bernardo O'Higgins [*] , Edgar Awards [*] , doctor honoris causa from the University of Paris [*] , Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany [*] , World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement [*] , Miguel de Cervantes Prize [*] , Grand Officer of the Order of the Falcon [*] , Prix mondial Cino Del Duca [*] , Balzan Prize [*] , Knight of the Legion of Honour [*] , Grand Cross of the Civil Order of Alfonso X the Wise [*] , Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic [*] , Grand Officer of the Military Order of Saint James of the Sword [*] , diamond Konex award [*] , honorary doctorate of the University of Murcia [*] , honorary doctorate from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru [*] , honorary doctorate of the National University of San Marcos [*] , National Book Critics Circle Award in Criticism [*] , Civil Order of Alfonso X, the Wise [*] , Order of the British Empire [*] , Order of Merit of the Italian Republic [*] , Ordre des Arts et des Lettres [*] , Order of the Falcon [*] , Order of the Sun of Peru [*] , Military Order of Saint James of the Sword [*] , Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany [*] , Order of Bernardo O'Higgins [*] Lingua
francese , anglese , germano , espaniol Signatura
Identificatores ISNI
0000000121429031 VIAF
88919448 IMDB
nm0096566 Commons
Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges ( audio ) (Buenos Aires , 24 de augusto 1899 - Geneva , 14 de junio 1986 ) esseva un autor de Argentina qui scribeva poemas , essayos , e contos . Su operas adjutava le popularitate de realismo magic , un reaction contra le naturalismo e realismo del seculo 19 . Ille es considerate un del eruditos le plus cognoscite in le seculo 20 .
In 1914 , su familia veniva a Switza , ubi ille attendeva le Collège de Genève . Con su familia, ille viagiava per tote Europa , includente visitas in Espania . In 1921 , ille initiava publicar su poemas in jornales litterari surrealistic . Al etate de 30, ille comenciava perder su vision; al etate de 55, ille deveniva completemente cec . Ben que ille nunquam apprendeva braille , ille non quitava scriber; eruditos ha dicite que su cecitate progressive meliorava su usage del imagination.
Post devenir cec in 1955 , ille esseva appunctate director del Bibliotheca National del Republica de Argentina , e professor de litteratura in le Universitate de Buenos Aires . A iste etate, su poemas initiava includer discussiones con philosophos como Spinoza e Vergilio . Ille ganiava fama international in 1961 , quando ille ganiava le prime Prix International , e in 1971 , quando ille ganiava le Premio de Jerusalem . Etiam, ille esseva nominate in plure annos consecutive pro le Premio Nobel pro Litteratura . Su opera final, Le Conspiratores , esseva dedicate al citate de Geneva .