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John F. Kennedy
mascule Nascentia
1917-05-29 (Brookline) Decesso
1963-11-22 (Parkland Memorial Hospital) Causa de decesso
shot to the head [*] Loco de reposo
Arlington National Cemetery [*] Supernomine
Jack Ethnicitate
Irish Americans [*] Citatania
Statos Unite de America Educate in
London School of Economics and Political Science [*] , Harvard College [*] , Choate Rosemary Hall [*] , Riverdale Country School [*] , Stanford Graduate School of Business [*] , Princeton University , Edward Devotion School [*] , Noble and Greenough School [*] , Canterbury School [*] , Dexter School [*] Occupation
politico [*] , jornalista [*] , homine de stato [*] , scriptor , naval officer [*] , anti-communist [*] Obras notabile
We choose to go to the Moon [*] , Ich bin ein Berliner [*] , Profiles in Courage [*] Partito politic
Partito Democratic Religion
Catholicismo Conjuge
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis [*] Infantes
John F. Kennedy Jr. [*] , Patrick Bouvier Kennedy [*] , Arabella Kennedy [*] , Caroline Kennedy [*] Parentes
matre Rose Kennedy [*] patre Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. [*] Fratres/sorores
Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. [*] , Rosemary Kennedy [*] , Kathleen Cavendish [*] , Eunice Kennedy Shriver [*] , Patricia Kennedy Lawford [*] , Robert F. Kennedy [*] , Jean Kennedy Smith [*] , Ted Kennedy [*] Premios
Navy and Marine Corps Medal [*] , Purple Heart [*] , American Defense Service Medal [*] , American Campaign Medal [*] , Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal [*] , World War II Victory Medal [*] , Pacem in Terris Award [*] , Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic [*] , Medalia Presidential del Libertate [*] , Pulitzer Prize for Biography [*] , Grand Officer of the Order of the Star of Italian Solidarity [*] , Laetare Medal [*] , Time Person of the Year [*] , Jane Addams Children's Book Award [*] , James Cardinal Gibbons Medal [*] Lingua
anglese Signatura
Sito Identificatores ISNI
0000000109117086 VIAF
68910251 IMDB
nm0448123 Commons
John F. Kennedy
John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy (Brookline, Massachusetts , SUA le 29 de maio 1917 – Dallas , Texas , SUA, le 22 de novembre 1963 ) esseva un politico statounitese e deveniva le 35te presidente del Statos Unite de America (20 de januario 1961 – 22 de novembre 1963), le prime e usque alora le sol qui esseva catholic . Ille es sovente cognoscite sub su initiales JFK.
"Non demanda lo que tu pais pote facer pro te, demanda lo que tu pote facer pro tu pais."
John F. Kennedy nasceva de un familia notabile de mercatores. Su parentes esseva Joseph Patrick Kennedy e Rose Fitzgerald . Le 26 de junio 1963 , in Berlin , in Germania, ante le Muro de Berlin ille pronunciava le parolas famose pro supportar le lucta del west-berlineses durante le conflicto con le Union Sovietic: "Io es un berlinese". Ille esseva membro de Partito Democratic e esseva eligite al Camera del Representantes 1947-1953 e al Senato in 1953-1960.
John F. Kennedy esseva occidite in Dallas le 22 de novembre 1963 per Lee Harvey Oswald , sed alicunos pensa que Oswald non esseva le sol assassino sed parte de un magne conspiration (vide per exemplo le film "JFK ").
Su fratres esseva Robert Kennedy e Edward Kennedy . Ille sposave le 12 de septembre 1953 Jacqueline Bouvier .