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Bill Clinton

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Bill Clinton
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1946-08-19 (Hope)
Supernomine Slick Willie, The Comeback Kid
Citatania Statos Unite de America
Educate in Hot Springs High School[*], Walsh School of Foreign Service[*], University College, Oxford[*], Yale Law School[*]
Occupation politico[*], advocato[*], diplomate[*], autobiographo[*], scriptor, Inseniante, homine de stato[*], saxophonista[*], governor[*], jurista[*]
Partito politic Partito Democratic
Religion Methodismo, United Methodist Church[*]
Conjuge Hillary Rodham Clinton[*]
Infantes Chelsea Clinton[*]
Parentes matre Virginia Clinton Kelley[*] patre William Jefferson Blythe Jr.[*]
Fratres/sorores Roger Clinton Jr.[*], Leon Ritzenthaler[*]
Premios Charlemagne Prize[*], Grand cross of the Order of the White Lion[*], Four Freedoms Award – Freedom Medal[*], Philadelphia Liberty Medal[*], Freedom Award[*], Sergio Vieira de Mello Citizen of the World[*], James Parks Morton Interfaith Award[*], NAACP Image Award – President's Award[*], TED Prize[*], Golden Plate Award[*], Doublespeak Award[*], Grand Cross of the National Order of Honor and Merit[*], Medalia Presidential del Libertate[*], Fulbright Prize[*], Order of Logohu[*], Grand Collar of the Order of Good Hope[*], Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana, 1st Class[*], St. George's Order of Victory[*], Order of State of Republic of Turkey[*], Ellis Island Medal of Honor[*], Grammy Awards[*], Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences[*], honorary doctorate from the McGill University[*], Rhodes Scholarship[*], honorary doctor of the Hofstra University[*], Osgar[*], Order of Good Hope[*], Order of the White Lion[*], Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana[*], National Order of Honour and Merit[*], Presidential Medal of Distinction[*], Order of King Abdulaziz al Saud[*], Order of Mubarak the Great[*], 47th Annual Grammy Awards[*], Order of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk[*], Order of Freedom[*]
Lingua anglese
ISNI 0000000120967620
VIAF 102338519
IMDB nm0001051
Commons Bill Clinton

William Jefferson Clinton (nascite le 19 de augusto 1946 in Hope, Arkansas), plus cognoscite como Bill Clinton, es un politico e advocato qui esseva le 42nde presidente del Statos Unite de America in le periodos de 1993-1997 e 1997-2001, essente le tertie presidente plus juvene del nation. Ante esseva governator del stato de Arkansas inter le annos 1983 e 1992.

Clinton studiava le lege e comenceva su carriera politic in 1975 como attorney general (officio chef de accusationes e securitate public) de Arkansas. Duo annos plus tarde, ille esseva eligite governator del stato. Ille esseva vincite in 1980, ma retornava in 1982 e habeva le officio usque su elevation al presedentia. In 1992, Clinton contestava le presidentia como un Democrate moderate; ille esseva associate con le faction New Democrat e le movimento international del Tertie Maniera. Intialmente un candidato qui esseva incognoscite foras Arkansas, ille ganiava le nomination del Partita Democratic e vinceva le presidente incumbente George H. W. Bush.

Le presidentia de Clinton initiava un periodo longeve de prosperitate economic e un mundo stabile post le fin del Guerra Frigide. In su annos prime como presidente, Clinton signava NAFTA, un tractato de commercio libere con Canada e Mexico, e un lege de prevention de crimines violente, ma su planos de reforma sanitari non esseva succedite. Le Partita Republican, que deveniva plus dextera, ganiava le electiones legislative de 1994. Clinton esseva re-eligite con un margine grande super Bob Dole in le election presidential de 1996. In su termino secunde, ille signava reformas al assistentia social e un expansion de adjuta de santitate pro infantes. Le anno 1998 videva le revelation de relationes adulterose inter Clinton e un commisso, Monica Lewinsky. Le Republicanos del Camera de Representantes votava destituer le pro perjurio re le relationes, ma le Senato vinceva le tentativa.

Al fin de su presidentia, Clinton e su administration lasava le Domo Blanc con approbation alte del population e un superavit de 559 000 milliones de dollars e un approbation de su gestion del 66%, le plus alte pro un presidente de Statos Unite desde le Secunde Guerra Mundial. Ille esseva succedite per George W. Bush. Malgrado alcun animadversiones ethic, historicos generalmente le graduo como un president succedite. Su sposa Hillary Clinton esseva depost un senator pro New York e un candidato presidential in 2008 e 2016, que Clinton appoiava. In addition, illes habeva facite obras humanitari.

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Biographia al sito del Domo Blanc

Precedite per
George H. W. Bush
Presidente del
Statos Unite de America

20 de januario 199320 de januario 2001
Succedite per
George W. Bush