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Harry Potter e le Prince Semisanguine

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Harry Potter e le Prince Semisanguine
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precedite per: Harry Potter e le Ordine del Phenice , succedite per: Harry Potter e le Reliquias del Morte
Commons: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter e le Prince Semisanguine[1][2] (in anglese: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) es le sexte romance in le serie Harry Potter de J. K. Rowling. Illo es situate in le sexte anno de Harry Potter a Hogwarts, e prepara le lector pro le battalias con le Domino Voldemort. Quando le libro esseva publicate al 16 de julio 2005, illo esseva le prime libro in le Regno Unite que habeva un impression regular, impression grande, e edition Braille simultaneemente.

In 24 horas, le libro se vendeva 6.9 million copias in le Statos Unite solmente, quasi 300,000 libros per hora. Librero Barnes and Noble reportava venditas medie de 105 copias per secundo in le prime hora de vender.

  1. Vel etiam in forma adjectival, cum mesme signification: semisanguinee sur modello de "consanguinee", o semisangue sur modello de "exsangue". In iste articulo appare le via median inter le duo.
  2. Derivation: Entitates: 1. (it) Harry Potter e il principe mezzosangue || 2. (es) Harry Potter y el misterio del príncipe || (pt) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince || 3. (fr) Harry Potter et le Prince de sang-mêlé || 4. (en) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince || Controlo: (de) Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz || (ru) Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка || - (Extra): (la) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince