Bene Israel
Bene Israel |
instantia de: ethnic group[*] |
subclasse de: Judeo |
Commons: Bene Israel |
Le Bene Israel ("Filios de Israel" in hebreo) son judeos de un gruppo originalmente del region de Mumbai[1] cuje lingua native es un variation del lingua marathi.[2] Proque su occupation traditional era pressar oleo e proque illes guardava strictemente le Shabbat judee per non laborarar in illo, le marathis non-judee les appellava Shanivar Teli, que significa "pressatores de oleo de Sabbato."[3][4][5]
Usque le 18e seculo, quasi tote habitava un area littoral de Konkan[6] al sud de Mumbai.[7] In le secunde medio del 18e seculo, alcunos migraram para Bombaim, ubi inaugurava su prime synagoga em 1796.[6][8][9]
In le secunde medie del 20e seculo, post le independentia de India in 1947 e de Israel in 1948, le major parte del Bene Israel migrava a Israel. Al final del 20e seculo illes e lor descendentes era plus que 50.000 personas in Israel, e circa de 5.000 remaneva in India.[3][10]
[modificar | modificar fonte]Lor historia ante le 18e seculo es obscur, e le data de lor origin es estimate variamente inter le 8e seculo aEC e le 6e seculo EC.[11] Le proprie tradition del Bene Israel dice que illes veniva del nord e era descendentes de 14 judeos, septe homines e septe feminas, qui superviveva un naufragio.[3][5][12][13] Illes pote ser descendentes de prisioneros de guerra judee del 6e seculo qui era transportate a India como sclavos in un galera roman.[1]
Le Bene-Israel perdeva alcun de lor traditiones judee e le cognoscentia de hebreo, ma manteneva le precaria judee central, le Shema, e practicas judee como le circumcision, alcun del leges basic dietari (Kashrut) e le observation del Shabbat.[1] Plus tarde in lor historia, illes incontrava in le judeos de Cochin,[14] un communitate judee indian parlante malayalam, qui les inseniava plus super le judaismo, e consequentemente illes adoptava practicas judee sephardic,[9][15][16] dum que illes alsi era culturalmente indian.[4][17]
Le prime referentia al Bene Israel pote ser circa 1200 por Maimonides,[3] qui scribeva que "le judeos de India non sape nihil del Torah, e del leges nihil excepte le Shabbat e le circumcision."[18]
J. A. Sartorius, un missionario christian danese in India, scribeva in un epistola in 1738 que ille ha audite que il era judeos in Konkan qui non habeva le Bíblia ni sabeva hebro e cuje sol precaria era le Shema.[18]
Le prime mention del Bene Israel per le judeos de Cochin era in 1768, quando le mercante judee de Cochin Ezekiel Rahabi scribeva a judeos in Amsterdam que alcun Cochinis habeva viagiate a Konkan pro educar le Bene Israel in le detalios del practica judee, e que alcun Bene Israel viagiava a Cochin e era trainate pro inseniar super le judaismo al Bene Israel.[12]
Comida e ritual
[modificar | modificar fonte]Illes expandeva le prohibition kosher de mangiar lacte e carne in le mesme repasto per incluer alsi le mixtura de la tete e peixe.[19]
Con carne occidite de maniera kosher non semper disponibile in India, al veces illes consumeva uma dieta predominantemente vegetariana.[20][21]
[modificar | modificar fonte]Un ritual unic de render gratias, non in altere comunitates judee, es e ceremonia malida que es realisate in Tu Beshavat (le Nove Anno pro arbores) e in le principal eventos del cyclo de vita, como le Bar Mitzvahs.[22] Es dedicate al propheta judee Elias e inclue consumer un plato facite con poha (riz applanate typic de Maharashtra), coco, frutas e nozes.[20]
Analyse genetic
[modificar | modificar fonte]Geneticamente, le Bene Israel son un population unic cuje DNA demonstra un mixtura que ocurreva in le secunde millennio (~19-33 generationes ante) con alcun genes de populationes indian local e alteres que se resimila le populationes judee del Oriente Medie, cob ambe presente in quantitates significante. Le homines contribueva comparativamente plus del DNA del Oriente Medie e le feminas con plus DNA indian, con le analyse del DNA mitochondrial monstrante que le major parte del feminas del population fundante era indian.[23][24]
[modificar | modificar fonte]- ↑ 1,0 1,1 1,2 Solomon Grayzel, A History of the Jews, The Jewish Publication Society of America, Filadélfia, 1968, p. 743:
"Bene Israel... habita in e circum le provincia de Mumbai... Le theoria le plus plausible... es que le colonos original veniva del nord, ou possibilemente como prisioneros de guerra in un galera roman de sclavos del 6e seculo... Illes oblidava le lingua hebree, usque solmente le Shema' Yisrael remaneva. Per ignorantia, illes modificava o negligeva multe observantias e dies feriate del Judaismo. Ma illes observava scrupulosemente le Sabbato, le circumcision e alcun del leges dietari basic"
("Bene Israel... live in and around the province of Bombay... The most plausible theory... is that the original settlers came from the north, or possibly as captives of war by a Roman slave galley of the sixth century... They forgot the Hebrew language, so that only Shema' Yisrael remained. Through ignorance, they modified or neglected many observances and holidays of Judaism. But they scrupulously observed the Sabbath, circumcision and some of the basic dietary laws ") - ↑ Benjamin J. Israel, The Jews of India, Centre for Jewish and Inter-faith Studies, Jewish Welfare Association, New Delhi, 1982, p. 25:
"Non se sape qual era le lingua materne del Bene Israel quando illes veniva a India. Ma durante seculos illo ha essite Marathi."
("What the mother tongue of the Bene Israel was when they came to India is unknown. But for centuries it has been Marathi") - ↑ 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3
"Le philosopho judee, Maimonides, in un epistola scribite 800 annos ante (circa 1200 EC), brevemente mentiona un communitate judee residente in India e pote ha referite a illes. In le 18e seculo membros del Bene Israel resideva in villages del costa Konkan indian e era appellate Shanivar Teli (Marathi pro 'pressatores de oleo de Sabbato'), proque illes era pressatores de oleo qui non laborava le Sabbatos. Post 1948, le major parte del communitate immigrava to Israel. Al initio del 21e seculo, approximativemente 50,000 membros resideva in Israel, dum circa 5,000 remaneva in India, primarimente in Bombay. Le historia oral del Bene Israel affirma que illes son descendentes de judeos cuje nave naufragava in le costa de Konkan, con solmente septe homines e septe feminas supervivente."
("The Jewish philosopher, Maimonides, in a letter written 800 years ago (circa 1200 CE), briefly mentioned a Jewish community living in India and may have referred to them. In the 18th century Bene Israel members lived in villages along the Indian Konkan coast and were called Shanivar Teli (Marathi for 'Saturday oil pressers'), as they were oil pressers who did not work on Saturdays. After 1948, most of the community immigrated to Israel. At the beginning of the 21st century, approximately 50,000 members lived in Israel, whereas about 5,000 remained in India, mainly in Mumbai. Oral history among Bene Israel holds that they are descendants of Jews whose ship wrecked on the Konkan shore, with only seven men and seven women surviving")" - ↑ 4,0 4,1
"Cognoscite como Shanivar Teli o pressatores de lleo de Sabbato in marathi, le judeos Bene Israel pressava oleo excepte al Sabbatos, le die feriate judee septimanal, le Shabbat. Juncte con le continuantia de su antique practicas religiose, le Bene Israel, classificate como Edot Ha Mizrah ou Judaismo Oriental, se mixturava ben con le cultura indian. Illes incorporava multe costumes local"
("Known as Shanivar Teli or Saturday oil pressers in Marathi, the Bene Israel Jews pressed oil except for Saturdays, the weekly Jewish holiday, Shabbat. Along with maintaining their ancient religious practices, the Bene Israel, categorised under the Edot Ha Mizrah or Oriental Jewry have blended well into Indian culture. They have incorporated many local customs") - ↑ 5,0 5,1
"Judeos native de India, residente principalmente in le presidentia de Bombay e cognoscite anteriormente per le nomine de Shanvar Telis ("Pressatores de Oleo de Sabbato") in allusion a su occupation principal e a su die de sabatto... De accordo con su proprie traditiones, illes son descendentes del superviventes de un bando de judeos qui fugiva de persecution e que naufragava proxime del insulas Henery e Kenery, in le Oceano Indian, a dece-cinque millias de Cheul... Affirma-se que septe homines e septe feminas era salvate de necamento; e de illes descende le Beni-Israel."
("Native Jews of India, dwelling mainly in the presidency of Bombay and known formerly by the name of Shanvar Telis ("Saturday Oil-Pressers") in allusion to their chief occupation and their Sabbath-day. The Beni-Israel avoided the use of the name "Jew," probably in deference to the prejudice of their Mohammedan neighbors, and preferred the name Beni-Israel in reference to the favorable use of the term in the Koran (sura ii. 110). According to their own traditions, they are descended from the survivors of a band of Jews fleeing from persecution who were wrecked near the Henery and Kenery islands in the Indian ocean, fifteen miles from Cheul, formerly the chief emporium of the trade between Arabia and India. Seven men and seven women are stated to have been saved from drowning; and from them are descended the Beni-Israel.") - ↑ 6,0 6,1
"Le fundation de un colonia judee permanente in Bombay era establite in le secunde medio del 18e seculo per le Bene Israel, que gradualmente se migrava de su villages in le region de Konkan a Bombay. Le prime synagoga in Bombay era construite (1796) per le initiativa de S.E. Divekar."
("The foundation of a permanent Jewish settlement in Mumbai was laid in the second half of the 18th century by the Bene Israel who gradually moved from their villages in the Konkan region to Mumbai. Their first synagogue in Mumbai was built (1796) on the initiative of S.E. Divekar.") - ↑ Benjamin J. Israel, The Jews of India, Centre for Jewish and Inter-faith Studies, Jewish Welfare Association, New Delhi, 1982, p. 21:
"Al initio del seculo XVIII, le Bene Israel esseva quasi totalmente concentrate in un parve banda littoral de circa de 1.000 millias quadrate, un poc al sud de Bombay."
("At the opening of the eighteenth century the Bene Israel were almost wholly concentrated in a small coastal strip of about 1,000 square miles slightly to the south of Bombay.") - ↑
"le prime synagoga del Bene Israel solmente era construite in Mumbai in 1796"
("the first Bene Israeli synagogue wasn’t built in Mumbai until 1796") - ↑ 9,0 9,1 Benjamin J. Israel, The Jews of India, Centre for Jewish and Inter-faith Studies, Jewish Welfare Association, New Delhi, 1982, p. 27
- ↑
- ↑ Sito del Institutos National de Salud del Estados Unidos:
"Le communitate judee Bene Israel de India Ocidental es un population unic cuje historia ante le 18e seculo remane in grande parte incognite. Le membros del Bene Israel considera-se descendentes de judeos, ma le identitate de ancestres judee e le tempore de lor arrivata a India son incognite, con speculationes super le tempore de arrivata variante inter le 8e seculo aEC e le 6e seculo EC.
("The Bene Israel Jewish community from West India is a unique population whose history before the 18th century remains largely unknown. Bene Israel members consider themselves as descendants of Jews, yet the identity of Jewish ancestors and their arrival time to India are unknown, with speculations on arrival time varying between the 8th century BCE and the 6th century CE.") - ↑ 12,0 12,1 Benjamin J. Israel, The Jews of India, Centre for Jewish and Inter-faith Studies, Jewish Welfare Association, New Delhi, 1982, p. 16:
"in le prime annos del 19e seculo, le Bene Israel... credeva que lor ancestres veniva multe tempore ante per mar de alcun loco in le 'nord' e naufragava... circa de 20 millias al sud del Insula de Bombay. Secunde le tradition, solmente septe homines e septe feminas eta salvate del naufragio... Le documento Cochinie plus antique que mentiona le Bene Israel cognoscite per le scriptor es un reporto del celebratr mercante Cochini Ezekiel Rahabi al judeos de Amsterdam in 1768, que mentiona que instructores Cochini iva al Konkan pro instruer le Bene Israel in le religion judee e su practicas e que alcun membros del comunitate Bene Israel era levate a Cochin e treinate como instructores in le religion judee"
("in the early years of the nineteenth century, the Bene Israel... believed that their ancestors came a long time ago by sea from somewhere in the 'north' and were shipwrecked... about 20 miles south of Bombay Island. According to tradition, only seven men and seven women were saved from the shipwreck... The earliest Cochini document mentioning the Bene Israel known to the writer is a report of the celebrated Cochini merchant Ezekiel Rahabi to the Jews of Amsterdam in 1768 which mentions that Cochini teachers had gone to the Konkan to instruct the Bene Israel in the Jewish religion and its practices and that some members of the Bene Israel community had been taken to Cochin and trained as instructors in the Jewish religion" - ↑
- ↑ Benjamin J. Israel, The Jews of India, Centre for Jewish and Inter-faith Studies, Jewish Welfare Association, New Delhi, 1982, pp. 17-18, 20
- ↑ Solomon Grayzel, A History of the Jews, The Jewish Publication Society of America, Filadélfia, 1968, p. 744
- ↑
"Depost que le attention del judeos europee era dirigite al Beni-Israel, le ritos e ceremonias de iste era assimilate a los del judeos sephardic, e libros de precarias in Marathi, lor vernaculo, era fornite pro illes. Anteriormente, tamen, lor festas e costumes differeva considerabilemente e in nome e in ceremonial."
("After the attention of the European Jews had been called to the Beni-Israel, the rites and ceremonies of the latter were assimilated to those of the Sephardic Jews, and prayer-books in Mahrati, their vernacular, have been provided for them. Previously, however, to this their festivals and customs differed considerably from the rest of the Jews both in name and in ceremonial.") - ↑ Benjamin J. Israel, The Jews of India, Centre for Jewish and Inter-faith Studies, Jewish Welfare Association, New Delhi, 1982, pp. 26-27
- ↑ 18,0 18,1 Benjamin J. Israel, The Jews of India, Centre for Jewish and Inter-faith Studies, Jewish Welfare Association, New Delhi, 1982, p. 15
- ↑
- ↑ 20,0 20,1
- ↑
- ↑ Artigo do Museu da Herança Judaica
- ↑ Sito del Institutos National del Salud del Estados Unidos:
- ↑