Abraham Yehudah Khein

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Abraham Yehudah Khein
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1877-09-30, 1878 (Chernihiv)
Decesso 1957-10-05 (Jerusalem)
Loco de reposo Sanhedria Cemetery[*]
Citatania Israel
Occupation rabbi
Religion judaismo
ISNI 0000000069258852
VIAF 97222252

Abraham Yehudah Khein (1878 in Chernigov5 de octobre 1957) era un rabbi hasidic in le urbe de Nyezhin in Ukraina e un anarchista pacifista. Ille era del tradition del hasidim chabad per descendentia familial e maestramento spiritual.

Ille era eloquentemente committite al pacifismo e non-violentia durante le periodo quando le communitate judee in Palestina battaliava le arabos e le britannos. Ille tentava integrar su lectura de Leo Tolstoy e Petro Kropotkin a Kabbalah e hasidismo. Rabbi Khein profundemente respectava Kropotkin, qui ille appellava "le Tzadik ['persona sancte'] del nove mundo", cuje "anima es tan pur como crystallo"[1][2][3]

Le obra le melio cognoscite de Rabbi Khein es su collection in tres volumines de essayos, במלכות היהדות ("In le Regno de Judaismo").


Referentias[modificar | modificar fonte]

  1. Jewish-Christian Relations :: Universalist Trends in Jewish Religious Thought: Some Russian Perspectives Bot generated title
  2. Cedars of Lebanon: "Sanctify the Ordinary"
  3. ר' אברהם חן, במלכות היהדות, v.1 p.79