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Sabbath - snuggle

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Sabbath sabbato
sable *zibellina

  • ⟨n.⟩ sabotage
  • ⟨vt.⟩ sabotar

sabre sabla
saccharin saccharina
sachet sacchetto

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= bag) sacco
  2. (= dismissal) destitution — to get the sack esser destitute
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= put in sack) insaccar
  2. (= dismiss) destituer, dimitter


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= plundering) sacco
  • ⟨vt.⟩ sacchear, mitter a sacco

sacrament sacramento
sacred sacrate, sacre

  • ⟨n.⟩ sacrificio
  • ⟨vt.⟩ sacrificar

sacrilege sacrilegio
sacrilegious sacrilege
sad triste
sadden attristar, contristar

  • ⟨n.⟩ sella;
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. sellar, insellar
  2. (sb with sth) to saddle with cargar de

saddler sellero
sadism sadismo
sadist; sadistic sadista
sadness tristessa
safari *safari

  • ⟨adj.⟩ salve, secur — safe and sound san e salve
  • ⟨n.⟩ cassa forte


  • ⟨n.⟩ salveguarda
  • ⟨vt.⟩ salveguardar

safekeeping bon guarda, custodia
safely in securitate, sin accidente

  • ⟨modif.⟩ de securitate
  • ⟨n.⟩ securitate

saffron *safran
sag ceder, flecter se (sub le peso)
saga saga

  • ⟨adj.⟩ sage
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= wise man) sagio

sage2 (= herb) salvia
saggy cadente, flaccide
Sagittarius Sagittario
sago sago

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= cloth) vela — to set sail (literally) poner al vela, (= depart) partir
  2. (= action) excursion marin, voga
  • ⟨vi.⟩
  1. (= navigate) navigar
  2. (= drift) vogar


  1. (= navigation) navigation
  2. (= departure) partita

sailor marinero

  • ⟨adj.⟩ sancte — Saint Paul Sancte Paulo
  • ⟨n.⟩ sancto, f. sancta

salad salata — fruit salad macedonia de fructos
salary salario
sale vendita — for sale in vendita
salt sal
same mesme — all the same de omne modos
Samoa Samoa
sandbar barra de arena
sapwood alburno
satellite satellite

  1. (= contentment) satisfaction, contentamento
  2. (for an injury) reparation
  3. (= payment) liquidation

satisfactory satisfactori
satisfied contente (de)
satisfy satisfacer
saturate saturar
saturation saturation
Saturday sabbato
Saturn Saturno
sauce sauce
saucepan casserola
saucer subcuppa

  1. (= cheeky) impertinente
  2. (= coquettish) coquette

Saudi ⟨adj. & n.⟩ saudi, saudita
Saudi Arabia Arabia Saudi, Arabia Saudita
sauerkraut sauerkraut
sauna *sauna

  • ⟨n.⟩ deambulation
  • ⟨vi.⟩ deambular, flanar

sausage salsicia

  • ⟨adj.⟩ feroce, salvage
  • ⟨n.⟩ *salvage
  • ⟨vt.⟩ attaccar, morder


  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. INFORM. salveguarda
  2. SPORT *parata
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= economize) sparniar
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= rescue, redeem) salvar
  2. (= hold back for later) guardar, reservar
  3. (= put aside: money) sparniar
  4. (= conserve: time, energy) sparniar, conservar
  5. (= obviate the need for) evitar (un c. a un pers.)
  6. (= copy: computer data) salveguardar
  7. SPORT (= stop: shot) parar

save2 ⟨prep.⟩ salvo, a exception de

  1. (= economy) economia
  2. (of money) sparnio
  3. (= rescue) salvamento

savings peculio, sparnios
savior salvator

  • ⟨n.⟩ sapor
  • ⟨vt.⟩ saporar


  • ⟨adj.⟩
  1. (= tasty) saporose
  2. (= not sweet, salty) salate
  • ⟨n.⟩ entremets (non sucrate)


  • ⟨n.⟩ serra
  • ⟨vt.⟩ serrar

sawdust pulvere de serra
sawmill serreria
saxophone saxophono

  • ⟨v.⟩ dicer
  • ⟨n.⟩ derecto de parlar — to have one's say in the matter haber voce in capitulo

saying dicto, sententia
scab (of a wound) crusta

  1. (= strikebreaker) rumpe-exopero

scabbard vaina
scaffold scafolt
scaffolding armatura provisori de travalio, *perticage de travalio

  • ⟨n.⟩ escaldatura
  • ⟨vt.⟩ escaldar

scale n. (for measuring, mus.) scala — sliding scale scala mobile

  1. (= crust) incrustation, scalia; (of fish or reptile) squama

scale v. (climb) scalar

  1. (= scrape) scaliar
  2. (= remove scales from) squamar

scale up/down

  • ⟨v.⟩ augmentar/reducer secundo le scala

scales balancia

  1. ZOOL. pectine
  2. (= sewing) feston


  • ⟨n.⟩ corio capillute, scalp
  • ⟨vt.⟩ scalpar

scalpel *scalpello
scaly squamose

  • ⟨n.⟩ mal subjecto;
  • ⟨v.⟩ exequer troppo hastivemente

scamper ⟨vi.⟩ escampar, currer
scampi langustinas
scan (= examine) scrutar

  1. (= with radar) explorar
  2. (= verses) metir, scander

scandal scandalo
scandalize scandalisar — to be scandalized scandalisar se
scandalous scandalose, malsonante
Scandinavia Scandinavia

  • ⟨adj.⟩ scandinave
  • ⟨n.⟩ scandinavo

scanner ELEC. *scanner, scanditor, apparato pro le reproduction electronic de textos e imagines
scanty, scant exigue, insufficiente
scapegoat capro expiatori

  • ⟨n.⟩ cicatrice
  • ⟨vi.⟩ cicatrisar se
  • ⟨vt.⟩ marcar con un cicatrice

scarce rar, pauco abundante, pauco commun scarcely a pena

  1. (= rarity) raritate
  2. (= shortage) penuria


  • ⟨n.⟩ panico
  • ⟨vi.⟩ prender pavor
  • ⟨vt.⟩ facer pavor a, espaventar — to be scared haber timor / pavor

scarecrow espaventaaves
scaremonger alarmista

  1. charpa
  2. (= cravat) cravata

scarlatina scarlatina

  • ⟨adj.⟩ scarlatin, vermilie;
  • ⟨n.⟩ scarlato

scathing caustic, mordace

  1. (= spread) dispersar (se)
  2. (= clouds) dissipar (se)

scatterbrained distracte
scattering dispersion

  • ⟨vi.⟩
  1. (= search through refuse) furicar le immunditias
  2. (= feed on carrion) alimentar se de caronia, esser necrophage
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= collect from refuse) recuperar — to scavenge garbage cans for food cercar alimento in le bidones de immunditias
  2. (+ carion) alimentar se de


  1. (= animal that eats dead animals) animal necrophage
  2. (= sb who scavenges) furicator de immunditias

scenario scenario
scene scena

  1. (= landscape) paisage
  2. THEAT. decoration

scenic scenic

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (of animal) pista
  2. (= perfume) fragrantia, perfumo
  3. (= smell) odor
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= detect by smell) olfacer
  2. (= fill with perfume) imbalsamar, perfumar

scepter = sceptre
sceptre sceptro

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= list) inventario, lista
  1. (= plan) plano
  2. (= timetable) horario;
  • ⟨v.⟩ inscriber (in un lista, etc), rediger (un lista de…)


  • ⟨n.⟩ designo, plano, schema;
  • ⟨v.⟩ intrigar

schizophrenia schizophrenia

  • ⟨adj.⟩ schizophrenic
  • ⟨n.⟩ schizophrenico


  1. (= pupil) scholar
  2. (= academic) docto, erudito

scholarly docte, erudite
scholarship (= learning) erudition

  1. (= money) bursa

scholastic scholastic

  • ⟨modif.⟩ scholar
  • ⟨n.⟩ schola — art school schola de arte · boarding school internato · comprehensive school schola secundari commun · driving school schola de guidar · elementary school schola primari · secundary school schola secundari · grammar school schola primari · high school lyceo · private school schola private · public school (UK) lyceo private con dotation, (elsewhere) schola public
  • ⟨vt.⟩ instruer

schoolboy scholar
schoolgirl scholar
schooling ⟨n.⟩ scholaritate, instruction scholar
schoolmaster maestro de schola
schoolmistress maestra de schola
schoolteacher inseniante, maestro, maestra
schooner *goletta, schooner
sciatic sciatic
sciatica sciatica
science scientia
scientific scientific
scientist scientista
scissor cisorio — a pair of scissors cisorios
scoff (= at) derider, irrider

  1. (= eat) devorar

scold reprimendar
scone pastisseria scotese

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= shovel) pala
  1. (= journ.) nova exclusive

scooter (= motor scooter) *scooter

  1. (= children's) *patinette

scope campo (= de application), sphera (= de action), possibilitate
scorch adurer, torrefacer, torrer

  • ⟨n.⟩ MUS. partition; SPORT punctos
  1. (= twenty) vintena;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= cut) incider; SPORT ganiar (= punctos); MUS. instrumentar, orchestrar

scoreboard tabula (de punctos)

  • ⟨n.⟩ disdigno, minusprecio;
  • ⟨v.⟩ disdignar, minuspreciar

scornful disdignose
Scorpio Scorpion
scorpion scorpion

  • ⟨adv.⟩ impunmente


  • ⟨n.⟩ scoto

scotch-tape banda adhesive

  • ⟨adj.⟩ scotese;
  • ⟨n.⟩ whisky scotese;
  • ⟨v.⟩ frustrar

Scotland Scotia
Scottish scotese
scoundrel scelerato, villano
scour-the-country for perscrutar le pais in cerca de
scour nettar con fricamento

  • ⟨n.⟩ flagello;
  • ⟨v.⟩ flagellar


  • ⟨n.⟩ MILIT. recognoscitor, (= boy) boy scout;
  • ⟨v.⟩ recognoscer, explorar

scout around explorar
scouting MILIT. recognoscentia

  1. (= for boys) *scoutismo

scoutmaster chef de section (del boy scouts)

  • ⟨n.⟩ reguardo hostil;
  • ⟨v.⟩ reguardar hostilmente


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= fight) lucta precipitate
  1. (= turmoil) confusion;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= fight) luctar precipitatemente
  1. (= crawl) diriger se con manos e pedes
  2. (= aeron.) preparar se immediatemente pro quitar
  3. (= mix) miscer

scrambled (of eggs) miscite
scrap-heap cumulo de ferralia

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= piece) fragmento, pecietta
  1. (= fight) lucta
  2. (= remainder) resto;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= machinery) dismantellar, vender pro ferralia
  1. (= ideas) abandonar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= fight) luctar, venir al manos

scrapbook album
scrape grattar, rader, raspar
scraper raspator
scrappy fragmentari

  • ⟨n.⟩ excoriation, lesion superficial;
  • ⟨v.⟩ grattar, rader


  • ⟨n.⟩ scriptura illegibile;
  • ⟨v.⟩ scriber illegibilemente


  • ⟨n.⟩ crito (= acute);
  • ⟨v.⟩ critar, vociferar


  • ⟨n.⟩ stridor;
  • ⟨v.⟩ strider


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= folding partition) paravento
  1. (= film, TV, etc.) *schermo
  2. (= shield) protection; (of a car) parabrisa;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= shield) proteger
  1. (= film) projectar
  2. (= investigate) investigar


  • ⟨n.⟩ TECH. vite, (of ship) helice, propulsor;
  • ⟨v.⟩ vitar

screwdriver tornavite

  • ⟨n.⟩ scriptura illegibile;
  • ⟨v.⟩ scriber con pressa

scribe scriba
script (= manuscript) scriptura, manuscripto; (of film) scenario
scriptural scriptural
scripture (= bible) sacre scriptura

  1. (= as school subject) historia sacre, religion

scriptwriter *scenarista

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= roll) rolo (= de pergamena)
  1. (= arch.) voluta

scrotum *scroto
scrounge (= cadge) obtener per astutia

  1. (= live as parasite) viver parasiticamente

scrounger mendico, parasito

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= action) fricamento
  1. (= geog.) terreno oe brossas;
  • ⟨v.⟩ fricar con le brossa

scrubbing brush brossa a fricar, brossa dur
scruff *nuca
scruffy disordinate e immunde
scrum(mage) *scrum
scrumptious deliciose

  • ⟨n.⟩ scrupulo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ hesitar, haber scrupulos

scrupulous scrupulose
scrutinize (= scan) scrutiniar, scrutar

  1. (= closely) perscrutar

scrutiny (= scanning) scrutinio

  1. (= close) perscrutation

scuff guastar le superficie de

  • ⟨n.⟩ *melee, *rixa;
  • ⟨v.⟩ luctar

scullery *retrococina
sculpt sculper
sculptor sculptor
sculpture sculptura
scum scuma
scurf furfure
scurrilous choccante, grossier, vil
scurry currer
scurvy scorbuto

  • ⟨n.⟩ situla a carbon;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ perforar un nave pro affundar lo;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ fugir

scythe falce

  • ⟨n.⟩ mar; — at sea in mar, by sea per mar, heavy sea mar grosse, open sea largo;
  • ⟨adj.⟩ de mar, marin

sea chart carta
seafarer homine de mar
seafaring de mar
seafood fructos de mar
seafront esplanada
seagull laro
seal ZOOL. phoca

  1. (= stamp) sigillo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= document) sigillar
  1. (= bottle) capsular

sealskin pelle de phoca
seam (= sewn) sutura

  1. (= joint) junctura
  2. (= lode) filon

seaman marinero
seamanship nautica
seamy disagradabile, miserabile
seance session
seaport porto de mar
sear (= wither) desiccar, marcer; MED. cauterisar
search-for cercar
search-warrant mandato de perquisition

  • ⟨n.⟩ cerca, perquisition, recerca,
  • ⟨v.⟩ perquirer, querer, recercar; right of search derecto de visita

searching penetrante
searchlight projector
seashore costa
seasick qui suffre de mal de mar
seasickness mal de mar

  • ⟨n.⟩ littore, costa;
  • ⟨adj.⟩ balnear


  • ⟨n.⟩ saison, station del anno;
  • ⟨v.⟩ condimentar, condir; season ticket billet de abonamento

seasonable variabile secundo le saison, *saisonal
seasoning condimento

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= sth to sit on; parliament membership) sede — the mercy seat RELIG. le propitiatorio
  2. (on bus, at concert) placia
  3. (= centre) centro
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= cause to sit down) seder
  2. (= place) placiar
  3. (= hold; + people) haber sedes (or placia) pro (tante pers.)
  4. (= induct) investir, installar
  5. deeply seated (fig.) ben radicate

seating provision de sedes
seaweed *fuco, alga (marin)
seaworthy navigabile
secateurs cisorios horticultural
secede separar se, facer *secession
secession separation, *secession
secluded recluse, solitari, isolate
seclusion isolation, solitude

  • ⟨adj.⟩ secunde;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= part of minute or angle) secunda
  1. (= in duel) secundo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= support) secundar
  1. (= a motion) appoiar (un motion)

second-class de secunde classe
second-hand de occasion, de secunde mano; second-hand dealer venditor de merce de occasion
second-in-command vicecommandante
second-nature de secunde natura
second-rate inferior, mediocre
secondary secundari
secrecy *secretessa

  • ⟨adj.⟩ secrete;
  • ⟨n.⟩ secreto, arcano

secretarial de secretario, de secretaria
secretariat secretariato
secretary secretario, f. secretaria — secretary of state secretario de stato
secrete secretar
secretive reservate
sect secta
sectarian sectari
sectarianism spirito sectari
section section
sector sector
secular secular

  • ⟨adj.⟩ secur, stabile;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= make fast) assecurar
  1. (= fix) fixar; (+ loan) garantir (un presto)
  2. (= get) obtener, procurar se

securities ECON. valores
security (= protection) securitate; (for loan) pignore
sedate calme, composite, tranquille;

  • ⟨v.⟩ tractar de sedativos

sedation sedation

  • ⟨adj.⟩ sedative;
  • ⟨n.⟩ sedativo

sedentary sedentari
sediment sedimento, deposito
sedition sedition
seditious seditiose
seduce seducer
seducer seductor
seduction seduction
seductive seductive

  1. (= perceive with eyes) vider, (= meet) incontrar, vider — See you soon! Nos nos vide! See you tomorrow! Nos nos vide deman &mdash
  2. (= understand) comprender, (= regard) considerar, vider (as como), (= imagine) imaginar, (= accompany) accompaniar, (= ensure) assecurar se, (= to sb/sth: attend to) occupar se de, attender

see2 RELIG. sede — the Holy See le Sancte Sede

  • ⟨n.⟩ (gener.) semine; (of plants) grana
  1. (= within fruit) pepita;
  • ⟨v.⟩ granar; grow to seed granar

seedling juvene planta
seedy (= unwell) indisposite

  1. (= poor) povre

seeing that vidite que, viste que
seek cercar, perquirer, querer
seem parer, semblar, similar; it -s to me il me pare/sembla
seeming apparente
seemingly apparentemente, in apparentia
seemly convenibile, decente, decorose
seep filtrar, infiltrar se
seepage infiltration, perditas per intemperantia infiltration
seer propheta, vidente

  • ⟨n.⟩ balanciatoria;
  • ⟨v.⟩ oscillar

seethe (= boil) bullir; (fig.) agitar se, ferver
segment segmento
segregate segregar
segregation segregation
seize (= take) sasir, prender

  1. (= clutch) impugnar

seize up (= freeze, halt) blocar se
seizure (= taking) prisa, sasimento, captura; JUR. confiscation; MED. convulsion, crise (epileptic)
seldom rarmente

  • ⟨adj.⟩ selecte;
  • ⟨v.⟩ seliger, selectionar

selection selection
selective selective
Selene MYTH. Selena
self-assurance confidentia (= in se mesme), disinvoltura
self-assured confidente, disinvolte
self-aware conscie de se mesme
self-awareness conscientia de se mesme
self-centered egocentric
self-confidence confidentia (in se mesme)
self-confident confidente
self-conscious embarassate, timide
self-contained independente
self-defense autodefensa, defensa legitime
self-denial abnegation
self-discipline *autodisciplina
self-employed independente
self-esteem amor proprie
self-expression expression personal
self-government autonomia, independentia
self-indulgence satisfaction egoistic de su appetitos
self-indulgent qui se refusa nihil, intemperante
self-interest interesse personal
self-possessed calme, composite, seren
self-pity compassion excessive de se
self-portrait portrait del artist. per se mesme
self-reliant independente
self-respect amor proprie, dignitate
self-righteous pharisaic
self-sacrifice abnegation, sacrificio de se
self-satisfied contente de se
self-service autoservicio
self-sufficient independente
self-taught autodidacte
self-willed obstinate

  • ⟨n.⟩ ego, individuo → myself, yourself, himself etc.

selfish egoistic, interessate
selfishness egoismo
selfless altruistic, disinteressate

  • ⟨vt.⟩ vender;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ vender se

sell off liquidar
selling price precio de vendita
sellotape banda adhesive
sell out out abandonar
sell up vender (toto)
semantic semantic
semantics semantica

  • ⟨n.⟩ semaphoro;
  • ⟨v.⟩ transmitter per semaphoro

semblance similantia, semblantia
semen semine
semester semestre
semi-breve semibreve
semi-circle semicirculo
semi-circular semicircular
semi-colon puncto e virgula
semi-conscious *semiconsciente
semi-consonant semiconsonante
semi-detached duple, gemine
semi-final *semifinal
seminal (= relating to semen) *seminal

  1. (= influential) influente, fundamental

seminar seminario
seminary seminario
semiprecious *semipreciose
semiquaver *semichroma
semolina *semolino
senate senato
senator senator

  • ⟨vt.⟩ inviar, mandar, expedir;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= for sb) facer venir, convocar, (= for sth: order) commandar

send around (= sth) distribuer, facer circular
send away (= dimiss) congedar, dimitter

  1. (= for sth) commandar per posta

send back *reinviar
send in (= submit) submitter, inviar
send off (= dispatch) expedir

  1. (= tell to go home) lassar retornar a casa; SPORT expulsar

send on (= forward) remitter, retransmitter
send out emitter, distribuer
sender expeditor
senile senil
senility senilitate
senior ⟨adj. & n.⟩ senior — John Smith senior John Smith patre
seniority ancianitate
sensation sensation
sensational sensational
sensationalism sensationalismo
sensationalist sensationalista

  • ⟨n.⟩ senso — common sense senso commun, bon senso
  • ⟨vt.⟩ sensar

senseless (= stupid) insensate

  1. (= unconscious) inconsciente

sensibility sensibilitate
sensible (= reasonable) practic, rationabile, sensate

  1. (= perceptible) sensibile

sensitive (= tender) delicate, tenere

  1. (= readily affected) sensibile

sensitivity sensibilitate
sensual sensual, voluptuose
sensuality sensualitate
sensuous sybaritic, voluptuose

  • ⟨n.⟩ GRAM. phrase, (= judicial) judicamento, judicio — capital/death sentence sententia de morte; —
  • ⟨v.⟩ sententiar

sentiment sentimento
sentimental sentimental
sentimentality sentimentalitate
sentry *sentinella, guardia, faction; sentry box guarita

  • ⟨adj.⟩ separate, distincte, independente;
  • ⟨v.⟩
  1. (= put apart) separar
  2. (+ couple) disaccopular

separation separation
September septembre
septet *septetto
septic septic
sepulchre *sepulchro

  1. (= result) consequentia
  2. (of story) continuation

sequence sequentia
sequin *zecchino, dischetto brillante

  • ⟨n.⟩ serenada
  • ⟨vt.⟩ facer un serenada a

serene seren
serenity serenitate
serf servo (del *gleba), villano
sergeant sergente; sergeant major sergente-major

  • ⟨adj.⟩ serial
  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= periodical) periodico
  2. (= story) romance serial

serialize publicar in partes
series serie — in series in serie
serious seriose, serie
seriousness serio
sermon predica, sermon
serpent serpente
serrated serrate
serum sero
servant domestico, serviente, servitor — civil servant functionario public

  1. (= be a servant; be useful) servir — Serves you right! Tu lo ha ben meritate!
  2. (= act or function as) servir de


  • ⟨n.⟩ servicio — church service servicio divin · civil service administration statal ·  intelligence service servicio de information · national service servicio militar · tea service servicio de the, cabaret


  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= maintenance) mantener, facer un revision a
  2. (= supply) approvisionar (un pers. con un c.)
  3. (= impregnate) fecundar, coperir

serviceable servicial
serviceman militar
serviette servietta
servile servil
servility servilitate
serving portion
servitude sclavitude, servitude — penal servitude travalios fortiate · predial servitude servitude predial
session session
sesterce sestertio

  • ⟨adj.⟩
  1. (= fixed) fixe, immobile
  2. (= ready) preparate, preste (a)
  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= collection) collection, serie
  2. (of china) servicio
  3. (of keys, golf clubs) joco
  4. (of kitchen utensils) batteria
  5. (of people) gruppo
  6. (radio, TV) apparato, receptor
  7. (in tennis) *set
  • ⟨vi.⟩
  1. (+ jelly, etc) congelar se, solidificar se
  2. (+ the sun) poner se
  3. (to doing sth) applicar se con vigor a
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= place) collocar, mitter, poner, placiar, situar
  2. (+ jewel) incastrar
  3. MUS. poner in musica
  4. (+ task) assignar, prescriber
  5. (= type) componer
  6. (+&nbso;clock) regular

set about

  1. (= begin) comenciar, poner se a
  2. (= attack) attaccar

set back retardar
setback reverso
set off

  1. (= show up) mitter in relievo
  2. (= leave) mitter se in cammino, incamminar se
  3. (= trigger) activar
  4. (+ alarm) facer sonar

set out mitter se in cammino
set up

  1. (= establish) constituer, establir, instaurar
  2. (+ machine) adjustar
  3. (+ monument) eriger

set upon attaccar setsquare esquadra
settee *canape, divan, sofa

  1. (= arrangement) arrangiamento
  2. (of jewel) incastratura
  3. (of the sun) poner
  4. THEAT. scena

settings (= parameters) *parametros

  • ⟨vi.⟩ establir se, stabilir se
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= determine) arrangiar, decider
  2. (= account) saldar, pagar
  3. (+ dispute, question) resolver, regular, accommodar, componer

settle down installar se; subsider
settle up regular contos

  1. (= colony) colonia
  2. (of account) saldo
  3. (of disagreement, etc.) decision, regulamento, resolution

settler colono
seven septe
seventeen dece-septe
seventeenth ⟨adj.⟩ dece-septime

  • ⟨adj.⟩ septime
  • ⟨n.⟩ septimo

seventieth ⟨adj.⟩ septantesime
seventy septanta

  1. (= separate) divider, separar
  2. (= cut) secar
  3. (+ relations) rumper


  • ⟨adj.⟩ plure, diverse
  • ⟨pron.⟩ alicunos, plures

severe stricte, sever
severity severitate
sew suer
sewage aquas cloacal

  1. (civil engineering) cloaca
  2. (= pers.) suitor, suitrice

sewing sutura

  1. (= sexual activity; gender) sexo — the opposite sex le altere sexo
  2. (= coitus) *coito

sextant sextante
sextet sextetto
sexton sacrista, sacristano
sexual sexual
sexuality sexualitate
sexy *sexy

  1. (= in poor condition) mal vestite, de aspecto povre
  2. (= mean) meschin

shack cabana

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (on hand) manilla
  2. (on foot) pedica
  3. (fig.) impedimento
  • ⟨vt.⟩ incatenar


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= colour) tinta
  1. (= for lamp *paralumine
  2. (= nuance) nuance
  3. (= shadow) umbra;
  • ⟨v.⟩ umbrar; shade off degradar

shading degradation, transformation gradual
shadow umbra;

  • ⟨v.⟩ (= shade) umbrar
  1. (= follow) sequer

shadowy (= dark) obscur

  1. (= vague) indistincte
  2. (= mysterious) mysteriose

shady (= shaded) umbratile, umbrose; (of persons) suspecte, dishoneste
shaft (of column, tool) fuste, trunco; (of light) radio

  1. (= pit) puteo; MECH. arbore

shaggy hirsute, pilose

  • ⟨n.⟩ succussa;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ agitar, succuter;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ tremer, trepidar; shake hands stringer le manos; shake off liberar se de; shake up agitar


  • ⟨adj.⟩ tremente, trepidante;
  • ⟨n.⟩ succussa, tremulamento, vacillation

shaky (= shaking) tremulante, vacillante

  1. (= unstable, weak) insecur, instabile

shall (= modal auxiliary) add suffix stressed -a to the infinitive → I shall come io venira

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (of water) pauco profunde; (fig.) legier, superficial;
  • ⟨n.⟩ basse fundo


  • ⟨adj.⟩ false, fingite, simulate;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= imitation) imitation
  1. (= fraud) fraude, impostura;
  • ⟨v.⟩ finger, simular

shamble traher le pedes; -s (= mess) scena de confusion, disordine

  • ⟨n.⟩ vergonia;
  • ⟨v.⟩ avergoniar; what a -! qual pena!

shamefaced avergoniate, vergoniose
shameful scandalose, vergoniose
shameless impudente

  • ⟨n.⟩ *shampoo, shampooing
  • ⟨v.⟩ facer un *shampoo

shamrock trifolio (de Irlanda)
shandy bibita componite de bira e limonada

  1. (= shaft) fuste
  2. (= leg) gamba

shanty cabana

  • ⟨n.⟩ figura, forma
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= form) formar, configurar, conformar
  2. (= cut) taliar

shapeless informe
shapely ben formate, elegante

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= what you put in) contribution, quota
  2. (= what you get out) parte, portion
  3. ECON. action; the lion's share le parte del leon;
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= divide) divider
  2. (= have in common) posseder in commun
  3. (= use in common) usar in commun

share in (= take part in) participar in, prender parte in
share out distribuer egalmente (inter plure pers.)
shareholder actionero
shark squalo

  • ⟨adj.⟩
  1. (= cutting) affilate, trenchante
  2. (= pointed) acute
  3. (+ mind) astute, intelligente, penetrante
  4. (+ taste) acerbe, acre
  5. PHOT. nette
  • ⟨adv.⟩ al puncto
  • ⟨n.⟩ MUS. diese


  1. (= make sharp) affilar, acutiar
  2. (+ pencil) appunctar

sharpness acuitate, acutessa

  • ⟨vi.⟩ fracassar se
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= smash) fracassar
  2. (fig.) pulverisar


  • ⟨n.⟩ rasura;
  • ⟨v.⟩ rasar (se)

shaving rasura; shaving brush brossa de rasar; shaving cream crema de rasar
shawl chal
she illa
sheaf fasce shear

  • ⟨vt.⟩ tonder;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ rumper se; -s cisorios


  1. (gener.) theca
  2. (= scabbard) vaina

sheathe invainar
shed1 (= shelter) barraca, cabana
shed2 (= cast off; spill)

  1. (+ leaves, hair; weight) perder
  2. (+ skin) mutar ⟨vi.⟩, perder su pelle
  3. (+ blood, tears) effunder, versar
  4. (+ water) repulsar, non lassar permear

sheen lustro
sheep ove
sheepdog can de pastor
sheepish timide, vergoniose
sheepskin pelle de ove
sheer-off deviar

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= pure) absolute, pur; (of cloth) diaphane;
  • ⟨adv.⟩ verticalmente; by sheer force de vive fortia


  1. (for bed) drappo de lecto
  2. (of metal) lamina, platta
  3. (of paper) folio — balance sheet balancio

sheikh *sheik

  1. (= ledge) planca
  2. (= sandbank) sicca


  • ⟨n.⟩ (gener.) scalia; MILIT. granata
  1. (= seashell) concha; (of crab) *carapace; (fig.) *carcassa;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= remove shell) disgranar, enuclear, scaliar; MILIT. bombardar

shellac gumma lacca
shellfish crustaceo, mollusco

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= refuge) refugio
  1. (= protection) protection
  2. (= lodging) albergo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= lodge) albergar (se)
  1. (= protect) proteger se


  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= books, etc) mitter sur plancas
  1. (= delay) ajornar, remitter indefinitemente;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= slope) formar *declivitate, inclinar se


  • ⟨adj.⟩ inclinate;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= boards) plancage
  1. (= delay) ajornamento


  • ⟨n.⟩ pastor;
  • ⟨v.⟩ guidar

sherbet *sorbet
sheriff *sheriff
sherry (= vino de) jerez, *sherry

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= war; heraldry) scuto; (fig.) protection;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= protect) proteger; INDUS. *blindar

shift [1] ⟨n.⟩ (= change) cambiamento

  1. (= period of work) torno — night shift torno de nocte; &mdash
  2. (= trick) expediente [2] ⟨v.⟩ (= transfer) cambiar (de sito), displaciar, transferer
  3. (= get rid of) eliminar [3] ⟨vi.⟩ cambiar, mover se, transferer se

shiftless inefficace, pigre, sin energia
shiftwork travalio per tornos
shifty dishoneste, furtive

  • ⟨n.⟩ lucentia tremulante;
  • ⟨v.⟩ lucer, relucer, scintillar

shin ANAT. parte anterior del tibia

  1. (= meat) garretto;
  • ⟨v.⟩ montar con manos e gambas


  • ⟨n.⟩ fulgiditate, lucentia;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ brillar, relucer;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ facer brillar, lustrar

shingle (= stone) calculo

  1. (= tile) tegula de ligno; -s MED. herpete

shining brillante, lucente, lustrose
shiny lucente

  • ⟨n.⟩ nave, vascello — container ship nave a containers · merchant ship nave mercantil · sailing ship veliero
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= embark) imbarcar
  2. (= send) expedir, inviar

shipbuilder constructor de naves
shipbuilding construction naval
shipment (= embarkation) imbarcamento

  1. (= goods) cargo

ship-owner armator

  1. (= transport) imbarcamento
  2. (= ships) naves

shipshape in bon ordine
shipwreck naufragio
shipwrecked naufrage; be shipwrecked naufragar
shipyard *cantier naval, sito de constructiones naval
shire contato

  • ⟨vt.⟩ eluder, evitar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ negliger su deberes

shirt camisa; in shirt sleeves in manicas de camisa

  • ⟨n.⟩ fremito;
  • ⟨v.⟩ fremer, tremer

shoal (= shallow point) bancn, basse fundo; (of fish) banco

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= gen., med.) choc, electric shock succussa electric;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= gen., med.) choccar, (offend) scandalisar

shock-absorber *amortisator
shocking choccante, shocking

  • ⟨adj.⟩ inferior, mal facite;
  • ⟨n.⟩ lana regenerate


  • ⟨n.⟩ calceo, scarpa
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (+ horse) ferrar

shoehorn calceator
shoelace cordon de scarpas
shoemaker bottinero, scarpero
shoepolish cera de scarpas
shoeshop boteca de calceos/scarpas, *scarperia
shoestring = shoelace
shoo! va!;

  • ⟨v.⟩ shoo away chassar


  • ⟨n.⟩ BOT. planton, SPORT partita de chassa;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= execute) fusilar
  1. (= film) filmar, (= a gun) discargar, tirar
  2. (= kill) occider, (= a projectile) lancear;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= dash) lancear se, precipitar, (= football) tirar a goal; shoot down abatter; shoot up montar rapidemente

shooting (= firing) tiro; SPORT chassa

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= small) boteca
  1. (= store) magazin; INDUS. officina;
  • ⟨v.⟩ facer compras/emptiones; closed shop officina clause; talk shop parlar del mestiero; shop assistant (= masc.) venditor, (= fem.) venditrice; shop floor fabrica; shop steward delegato syndical

shopkeeper botechero, negotiante
shoplifter fur de magazines
shoplifting furto de magazines
shopper *comprator
shopping (= act) le *comprar in botecas

  1. (= goods) *compras, acquisitiones; go shopping facer *comprar

shopwindow vitrina
shore-up appoiar

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= coast) costa, litore
  1. (= bank) ripa
  2. (= prop) appoio


  • ⟨adj.⟩
  1. (= not long) curte, breve — in short in synthese · Ted is short for Theodore. Ted es le diminutivo de Theodore.
  2. (= insufficient) insufficiente — to be short of/on sth esser a curte de
  3. (= rude) brusc
  4. (= not tall) micre, de micre statura

shortcut via directissime; short story conto, novella; short waves undas curte

  • ⟨adv.⟩
  1. (=suddenly) subito
  2. to fall short of a target non attinger un scopo


  • ⟨n.⟩ curte circuito;
  • ⟨v.⟩ curte-circuitar

shortage carentia, insufficientia
shortcoming defecto, imperfection
shorten abbreviar, accurtar, curtar
shortfall deficit
shorthand stenographia; write shorthand stenographiar; shorthand typist *stenodactylographa
shorthanded curte de personal
short-lived de breve duration
shortly in pauco, proximemente
shorts (= underpants) calceones

  1. (= short trousers) pantalones curte

short-tempered irritabile, brusc
shot (= action of shooting) tiro

  1. (= bullet) balla
  2. (= lead) plumbo
  3. (= person) tirator
  4. (= stroke) colpo
  5. (= snap) photo
  6. (= cinema) sequentia (filmic)

shotgun fusil de chassa
should aux. deberea (+ infinitivo)

  • ⟨n.⟩ humero, spatula
  1. (= carry) portar super le spatula
  2. (= push) pulsar con le spatulas; (fig.) cargar se de


  • ⟨n.⟩ clamor, crito;
  • ⟨v.⟩ critar


  • ⟨n.⟩ pulsata;
  • ⟨v.⟩ pulsar


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= large) pala
  1. (= small) paletta,
  • ⟨v.⟩ mover con pala


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= appearance) apparentia, semblantia
  1. (= display) monstra
  2. (= exhibition) exposition
  3. (= pomp) pompa; THEAT. spectaculo;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= manifest) monstrar
  1. (= exhibit) exponer
  2. (= indicate) indicar
  3. (= prove) demonstrar
  4. (= reveal) revelar
  5. (= a film) projectar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ monstrar se, revelar se; show business mundo del spectaculo; show off ostentar, paradar; show through transparer; show up revelar (se)

show-jumping concurso hippic
showcase monstra, vitrina
showdown confrontation, momento decisive

  • ⟨n.⟩ (of rain) pluvia (= passager)
  1. (= toilet) ducha;
  • ⟨v.⟩ inundar

showerproof impermeabile, a proba de pluvia
showmanship talento de organisar spectaculos; capacitate propagandistic
showplace attraction, centro touristic
showroom sala/salon de exposition
showy ostentatiose, pretentiose

  • ⟨n.⟩ fragmento, retalio;
  • ⟨v.⟩ lacerar

shrew musaranea; (fig.) viragine
shrewd astute, perspicace
shrewdness perspicacitate, sagacitate

  • ⟨n.⟩ crito acute;
  • ⟨v.⟩ critar

shrill acute, argute
shrimp crangon
shrine (= reliquary) reliquario

  1. (= tomb) tumba de un sancto
  2. (= altar, chapel) altar o cappella (consacrate a un sancto)

shrink contracter (se); shrink lack recular
shrink-from (= be repulsed) sentir repugnantia a

  1. (= not fear) repugnar a


  • ⟨vt.⟩ corrugar, crispar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ corrugar se, marcer, marcescer


  • ⟨n.⟩ sudario;
  • ⟨v.⟩ inveloppar, velar (in un sudario)

shrub arbusto
shrubbery plantation de arbustos, *arbusteto
shrug altiar (le spatulas/humeros)

  • ⟨n.⟩ (of human) fremito (= de horror); (of vehicle, etc.) vibration;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (of human) fremer (= de horror); (of vehicle, etc.) vibrar


  • ⟨vi.⟩ ir trainante le pedes;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ miscer (cartas)

shuffle off

  • ⟨vt.⟩ liberar se de

shun evitar

  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= push to side) pulsar al latere, (= move to different track) cambiar de via, (= divert) disviar, ELEC. *shuntar;
  • ⟨n.⟩ MED. shunt, ELECTR. derivation, shunt


  • ⟨adj.⟩ clause;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ clauder;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ clauder se

shut down

  • ⟨vt.⟩ clauder definitivemente, (= computer) extinguer;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ clauder se definitivemente, cessar de functionar, (= computer) extinguer se, (= refuse to listen) facer le aure surde

shut in recluder
shut off interrumper, isolar, separar
shut out excluder
shut up interj. tace!;

  • ⟨v.⟩ (= confine) confinar, recluder

shuttle (of a window) persiana; PHOT. *obturator
shuttlecock volante

  • ⟨adj.⟩ timide, diffidente, reservate;
  • ⟨v.⟩ lanciar

shyness timiditate, diffident

  • ⟨adj.⟩ sicilian
  • ⟨n.⟩ siciliano

Sicily Sicilia
sick malade — to feel sick nausear

  • ⟨vt.⟩ disgustar, repugnar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ cader malade

sickening disgustose, nauseabunde
sickle falce
sickly (= weak) debile, infirme

  1. (= pale) pallide
  2. (= nauseating) nauseabunde

sickness maladia, morbo, mal — sleeping sickness morbo del somno

  • ⟨adj.⟩
  1. lateral
  2. (= secundary) secundari
  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (gener.) latere — on all sides de omne latere · on the other side of del altere latere de, trans, ultra
  2. (= flank) flanco
  3. (of a disc) facie
  4. (in dispute) parte
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (with sb) prender le parte de

sideboard buffet, credentia
sideburns barbas lateral
sidecar *sidecar
sidelight (of car, etc.) lumine lateral

  1. (= extra information) information incidental

sideline activitate secundari
sidelong lateral, oblique

  • ⟨n.⟩ cammino lateral

sideshow (= spectacle) spectaculo

  1. (= sideline) cosa secundari

sidetrack disviar del question principal
sidewalk trottoir /trotwar/ [F]
sideways lateralmente, obliquemente
siding via de parcamento
siege assedio
siesta siesta

  • ⟨n.⟩ cribro, setasso;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= sift) sift (= in a sieve) cribrar, passar per un cribro, setassar
  1. (= evidence) examinar minutiosemente


  • ⟨n.⟩ suspiro;
  • ⟨v.⟩ suspirar


  1. (= view) vista — at/on sight a prime vista · by sight de vista · out of sight invisibile · to catch sight of intervider · to come into sight apparer · to lose sight of perder de vista
  2. (of gun) mira

⟨v.⟩ apperciper, observar
sighted vidente
sightread leger a prime vista
sightseeing tourismo — to go sight-seeing visitar le monumentos

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= symbol, gesture) signo, (= indication) indicio, (= trace) tracia, vestigio, (= omen) augurio, (of shop or inn) insignia
  1. (= on road) indicator;
  • ⟨v.⟩ signar


  • ⟨adj.⟩ notabile;
  • ⟨n.⟩ signal;
  • ⟨v.⟩ signalar

signalman signalator
signature signatura
significance significantia
significant significante
signification signification
signify significar, voler dicer
signpost indicator (stratal)
signwriter pictor de litteras

  • ⟨n.⟩ silentio;
  • ⟨v.⟩ silentiar

silencer silentiator
silent mute, silente; be tacer

  • ⟨n.⟩ silhouette;
  • ⟨v.⟩ silhouettar


  • ⟨adj.⟩ de seta;
  • ⟨n.⟩ seta

silkworm larva de seta
silky setose
sill (= threshold) limine; (of window) tabula
silly fatue, stupide
silo silo
silt insablamento, sedimento; silt up insablar (se)

  • ⟨n.⟩ argento;
  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= made of silver; wedding) de argento, (= in color) argentee;
  • ⟨v.⟩ argentar


  • ⟨adj.⟩ simian, simiesc;
  • ⟨n.⟩ simiano

similar similar, simile (a)
similarity similaritate
similarly de modo similar
simile simile

  • ⟨vt.⟩ estufar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ subbullir

simmer down calmar se
simper parlar/surrider in modo affectate
simple-minded ingenue, naive

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= not double, not complicated) simple, simplice
  1. (= easy) facile

simplicity simplicitate
simplification simplification
simplify simplificar
simply simplemente

  1. (= quite) completemente, toto

simulate finger, simular
simulation simulation
simultaneous simultanee

  • ⟨n.⟩ peccato
  • ⟨v.⟩ peccar


  • ⟨adv.⟩ (=  since then, ever since) depost tunc
  • ⟨conj.⟩
  1. (+ time) depost que
  2. (+ cause) pois que, perque
  • ⟨prep.⟩ depost, ab, *desde

sincere sincer
sincerity sinceritate
sinew ANAT. tendine; (fig.) nervo
sinewy ANAT. tendinose; (fig.) musculose, nervose
sinful *peccaminose
sing cantar
Singapore *Singapur
Singaporean *singapurian
singe adurer (se)
singer cantator

  1. (= fem.) cantatrice

single singule, sol

  1. (= not married) celibe

single-handed sin adjuta
single-minded resolute
single-out individuar, seliger

  • ⟨adj.⟩de via unic

singlet subcamisa
singly individualmente, separatemente

  • ⟨adj.⟩ singular
  • ⟨n.⟩ numero singular

singularity singularitate
singularly singularmente
sinister sinistre

  • ⟨n.⟩ lava-plattos


  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= a ship) *affundar, (= dig) excavar, (= differences) supprimer;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= droop) clinar, declinar, (of ship) *affundar se, ir al fundo

sinner peccator
sinus sino, sinus
sip sorber
siphon siphon

  1. (= mister) senior
  2. (title) sir

sire (= lord) sire
siren sirena
sirloin lumbo de bove
sister soror
sit (= be seated) seder, esser sedite

  1. (= parl. etc.) esser in session; ~ down seder se; ~ out (= a dance) restar sedite durante; ~ up tener se erecte


  • ⟨n.⟩ implaciamento, sito;
  • ⟨v.⟩ situar; building ~ *cantier de construction, terreno a construer, terrero de construction


  • ⟨adj.⟩ sedente;
  • ⟨n.⟩ session

situated site, situate
situation (= place, condition) situation

  1. (= job) posto

six sex
sixteen dece-sex

  • ⟨adj.⟩ dece-sexte;
  • ⟨n.⟩ dece-sexto


  • ⟨adj.⟩ sexte;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= fraction) sexto; MUS. sexta


  • ⟨adj.⟩ sexantesime;
  • ⟨n.⟩ sexantesimo

sixty sexanta

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= dimension) dimension, grandor
  1. (= com.) numero; (of garment) talia
  2. (= techn.) appresto, colla;
  • ⟨v.⟩ classificar per dimension; TECH. apprestar, collar; ~ up mesurar le capacitate de

sizeable satis grande
sizzle crepitar

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= fish) *raia


  • ⟨n.⟩ patin — ice skate patin de glacie · roller skate patin de rotas
  • ⟨v.⟩ patinar

skateboard skateboard
skateboarding skateboarding, skateboard
skater patinator (super glacie/rotas)

  1. (= skateboarder) skateboarder, skater

skating (gener.) patinage — ice skating patinage super glacie · roller skating patinage super rotas
skeleton skeleto, ossatura
skeptic sceptico
skeptical sceptic (about de)
skepticism scepticismo

  • ⟨n.⟩ schizzo, designo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ schizzar, designar

sketchoook album de schizzos
sketchy incomplete, superficial
skewer *spito

  • ⟨n.⟩ ski
  • ⟨v.⟩ skiar


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= slide) patin
  1. (= action) *derapage;
  • ⟨v.⟩ *derapar

skiff *skiff
skiing le skiar
skill habilitate
skilled experte, habile, (= worker) specialisate
skillful habile, dextre
skim-through examinar superficialmente

  • ⟨vt.⟩ scumar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ passar al superficio, slissar

skimmed (= milk) disbutyrate
skimp facer economias
skimpy magre, parsimoniose
skin-deep superficial
skin-diving exploration submarin autonome, pisca submarin
skin-tight adherente

  • ⟨n.⟩ ANAT. cute, pelle, (fig.) crusta, pellicula;
  • ⟨adj.⟩ cutanee;
  • ⟨v.⟩ pellar, spoliar

skinny discarnate, magre

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= gambol) gambada
  1. (= basket) corbe
  2. (= container) cupa;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ omitter, saltar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ gambadar, saltar (= al corda)

skipper (= captain) capitano, patron; (fig.) chef

  • ⟨n.⟩ scaramucia;
  • ⟨v.⟩ scaramuciar


  • ⟨n.⟩ gonna, gonnella;
  • ⟨v.⟩ costear

skit parodia, satira
skittish capriciose, coquette
skittle quillia
skulk mover se furtivemente
skull cranio
skunk *moffetta
sky-high al nubes
sky celo

  • ⟨n.⟩ aloda, aloda campestre;
  • ⟨v.⟩ facer stupiditates, *farsar,

skylight (= in roof) quadro vitrate (= in le tecto)

  1. (= projecting) lanterna

skyline linea del horizonte
skyscraper grattacelo
slab tabula

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (of rope) laxe, sin tension; (of person) negligente, inerte; (of trade) languide, sin activitate;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= coal) pulvere de carbon;
  • ⟨v.⟩ negliger su labor; -s pantalones (= de femina)


  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= loosen) disserrar, laxar
  1. (= slow down) relentar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ relentar se

slackness (of rope) manco de tension; (of person) negligentia
slalom *slalom

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= cards) *slam;
  • ⟨v.⟩ clauder (se) con ruito


  • ⟨n.⟩ calumnia, diffamation;
  • ⟨v.⟩ calumniar, diffamar

slanderous calumniose, diffamatori

  • ⟨n.⟩ argot, *slang;
  • ⟨v.⟩ injuriar


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= slope) inclination
  1. (= point of view) puncto de vista;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ inclinar;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ modificar

slanted tendentiose
slanting oblique

  • ⟨n.⟩ colpo de palma;
  • ⟨v.⟩ colpar con le palma

slapdash impetuose, mal facite
slapstick buffoneria

  • ⟨n.⟩ colpo de sabla;
  • ⟨v.⟩ sablar

slat lamina

  • ⟨n.⟩ ardesia;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= criticize) criticar severmente; POL. inscriber


  • ⟨n.⟩ (of animals) macellamento; (of people) carnage, massacro;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= animals) macellar
  1. (= people) massacrar

slaughterhouse abattitorio

  • ⟨n.⟩ slavo

Slavic slave, slavic

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= masc. and gen.) sclavo, servo
  1. (= fem.) sclava, serva;
  • ⟨v.⟩ travaliar como un sclavo

slavery sclavitude, servitude
slavish servil
sleazy de mal fama
sledge slitta, traha
sledgehammer malleo, massa
sleek lisie

  • ⟨n.⟩ somno;
  • ⟨v.⟩ dormir; go to ~ addormir se; put to ~ sopir

sleeper (= person) dormiente

  1. (= beam) transversa


  • ⟨adj.⟩ dormiente;
  • ⟨n.⟩ dormir, dormition

sleepless insomne
sleeplessness insomnia
sleep-walking somnambulismo
sleepy somnolente; feel ~ haber somno

  • ⟨n.⟩ nive miscite con pluvia;
  • ⟨v.⟩ nivar e pluver

sleeve manica
sleigh slitta, traha
sleight of hand prestidigitation
slender gracile, svelte, tenue

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (of food) trencho
  2. (= utensil) paletta — fish slice paletta de pisce
  3. SPORT slice [A]
  • ⟨vt.⟩ trenchar


  • ⟨adj.⟩ astute, habile;
  • ⟨n.⟩ massa flottante (de petroleo)


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= action) glissamento
  1. (= track) pista descendente
  2. (= microscope) porta-objecto
  3. PHOT. diapositiva;
  • ⟨v.⟩ glissar

sliding glissante

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= slim) svelte, tenue
  1. (= trivial) legier, superficial
  2. (= weak) delicate, fragile;
  • ⟨n.⟩ affronto;
  • ⟨v.⟩ depreciar, disdignar

slightly legiermente, un pauc

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= slender) gracile, svelte
  1. (= resources) insufficiente;
  • ⟨v.⟩ sequer un regime attenuante

slime (= mire) *limo

  1. (= mud) fango
  2. (= on fish) humor viscose

slimy *limose, viscose, coperite de *limo

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= weapon) funda; MED. bandage fundiforme
  1. (= for hoisting) *sling;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= use weapon) fundar
  1. (= throw) jectar, lanciar
  2. (= hang) suspender

slink ir furtivemente
slip-up committer un error

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= error) error, lapso
  2. (= slide) glissada, glissamento
  3. (= dress) subgonella
  4. (= paper) scheda, schedula
  • ⟨vi.⟩ glissar; facer passo false
  • ⟨vt.⟩ insinuar, introducer, passar

slipper (= footwear) pantofla

  1. (= techn.) calceo, patin

slippery lubric

  • ⟨n.⟩ fissura, incision;
  • ⟨v.⟩ finder, facer un incision

slobber *bavar, salivar
sloe prunella

  • ⟨n.⟩ labor ingrate;
  • ⟨v.⟩ laborar tenacemente

slogan devisa publicitari, slogan
slop disbordar

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= slant) inclination; (of hill) costa, scarpa
  1. (= downward) declination
  2. (= upward) montata;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= slant) inclinar
  1. (= down) declinar
  2. (= up) montar;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ scarpar

sloppy (= in consistency) semiliquide

  1. (= careless) pauco systematic
  2. (= sentimental) sentimental


  • ⟨n.⟩ cannellatura, fissura;
  • ⟨v.⟩ cannellar; ~ in incastrar (= un pecia) in le cannellatura (de un altere pecia)

sloth (= idleness) indolentia, pigressa; zool. *bradypo
slouch (= sit) seder pigremente

  1. (= droop) pender negligentemente


  • ⟨adj.⟩ slovac
  • ⟨n.⟩ slovaco

Slovakia Slovachia
Slovenia Slovenia

  • ⟨adj.⟩ sloven
  • ⟨n.⟩ sloveno

slovenly negligente
slow (= not fast) lente; (of intellect) obtuse, phlegmatic; (of clock) in retardo
slow down

  • ⟨vi.⟩ decelerar se, relentar se
  • ⟨vt.⟩ decelerar, relentar

slowly lentemente

  1. (= mud) fango
  2. (= oil) residuo viscose

slug limace
sluggish phlegmatic, torpide — to be sluggish torper
sluice esclusa

  1. (= area) quartiero basse — to slum it incanaliar se
  2. (= building) habitation inferior


  • ⟨n.⟩ somno
  • ⟨v.⟩ dormir


  • ⟨n.⟩ depression (economic), collapso de precios
  • ⟨vi.⟩ cader


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= insult) affronto, calumnia; MUS. ligatura;
  • ⟨v.⟩ pronunciar indistinctemente; ~ over passar in silentio super

slush (= mud) fango

  1. (= snow) nive semifundite; (fig.) sentimentalitate

slut femina immodeste/negligente
sly (= wily) astute

  1. (= arch) maliciose
  2. (= furtive) furtive

smack-of redoler de

  • ⟨adv.⟩ directemente;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= boat) barca de pisca
  1. (= blow) colpo de palma
  2. (= taste) sapor, tracia;
  • ⟨v.⟩ colpar con le palma

small-minded meschin
small-talk conversation trivial, conversation de societate
small (= little) parve, minute

  1. (= very small) insignificante, minuscule, pusille; (of stocks, etc.) exigue, restricte

smaller minor, plus parve
smallholding parve ferma
smallpox variola

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= elegant) chic, elegante
  1. (= clever) astute, intelligente;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= hurt) doler
  1. (= sting) piccar

smarten imbellir, animar
smartness (= appearance) chic, elegantia

  1. (= cleverness) intelligentia


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= noise) fracasso; ECON. crac, *crash
  1. (= collision) collision;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= destroy) annihilar, destruer
  1. (= strike) colpar violentemente
  2. (= break in pieces) fracassar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ rumper

smattering cognoscentia superficial

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= stain) macula
  1. (= on character) calumnia; MED. *frottis;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= mark) macular
  1. (= spread) linir


  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. odor — sense of smell olfaction, olentia, redolentia
  2. (= scent) fragrantia
  3. (= stench) mal odor
  • ⟨vi.⟩
  1. (= emit odor) odorar, oler
  2. (like/of sth) haber odor de, redoler ⟨vt.⟩ — It smells like soap. Illo habe odor de sapon. or Illo redole sapon.
  3. (+ good smell) fragrar ⟨vt.⟩
  4. (+ bad smell) puter ⟨vt.⟩
  • ⟨vt.⟩ olfacer

smelly de mal odor, *fetide
smelt funder
smelting fusion

  • ⟨n.⟩ surriso
  • ⟨vi.⟩ surrider

smirch macular
smirk surriso affectate
smith ferrero
smithereens fragmentos, peciettas
smithy forgia, ferreria
smock blusa
smog nebula fumose

  • ⟨n.⟩ fumo
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= all senses) fumar

smoker fumator
smoking le fumar
smoky fumose
smolder arder sin flamma

  • ⟨adj.⟩
  1. (= even) lisie, unite
  2. (of speech) blande
  • ⟨vt.⟩ applanar, lisiar

smooth out explanar
smother suffocar

  • ⟨n.⟩ macula
  • ⟨v.⟩ macular

smug satisfacte de se, complacente
smuggle contrabandar, facer le contrabando
smuggler contrabandero
smuggling contrabando
smut (= soot) macula de fuligine; (fig.) obscenitates
smutty (= sooty) fuliginose; (fig.) obscen
snack repasto legier
snag difficultate, obstaculo
snail limace
snake serpente
snap-at (= bite) tentar morder

  1. (= retort) dicer bruscamente


  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= bite) colpo de dentes
  2. (= break) ruptura
  3. (= life) animo, energia
  4. (= period) periodo
  5. (= snapshot) instantanea
  • ⟨v.⟩
  1. (= bite) morder
  2. (= break) rumper
  3. (= retort) bruscar, dicer bruscamente

snapdragon antirrhino

  1. (= nasty) brusc, irritabile
  2. (= full of snap) energic, rapide

snapshot *instantanea, photo

  • ⟨n.⟩ insidia, pedica, trappa
  • ⟨vt.⟩ trappar

snarl monstar le dentes, grunnir

  • ⟨n.⟩ persona vil;
  • ⟨v.⟩ ir furtivemente

sneakers scarpas de gymnastica
sneaking furtive, secrete

  • ⟨n.⟩ surriso de derision;
  • ⟨v.⟩ derider, surrider sarcasticamente


  • ⟨n.⟩ sternutamento
  • ⟨vi.⟩ sternutar


  • ⟨n.⟩ riso basse;
  • ⟨v.⟩ rider basso


  • ⟨vi.⟩ inspirar per le nares
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= smell) olfacer
  2. (+ drugs) *sniffar

sniffle inspirar (ruitosemente) per le nares

  • ⟨n.⟩ riso basse;
  • ⟨v.⟩ rider basso

snip taliar con le cisorios
sniper tirator imboscate
snippet fragmento, pecietta, extracto
snivel lamentar
snob snob
snobbery snobismo
snoop investigar celatemente

  • ⟨n.⟩ somno breve, siesta;
  • ⟨v.⟩ dormir brevemente, prender un siesta


  • ⟨n.⟩ ronco
  • ⟨v.⟩ roncar

snorkel *snorkel, masca/tubo de respiration submarin

  • ⟨n.⟩ expiration ruitose, ronco
  • ⟨vi.⟩ expirar ruitosemente, roncar
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (+ drugs) *sniffar

snot mucco
snotty (etiam fig.) muccose
snout muso

  • ⟨n.⟩ nive
  • ⟨vi.⟩ nivar

snow-covered coperite de nive, nivate
snowdrift cumulo de nive
snowdrop galanthus nivalis

  • ⟨n.⟩ balla de nive
  • ⟨v.⟩ augmentar progressivemente

snowflake flocco de nive
snowman homine de nive
snowplow aratro a nive, *arietanive, *removenive
snowstorm tempesta de nive

  • ⟨n.⟩ *rebuffo humiliante;
  • ⟨v.⟩ *rebuffar

snub-nosed con naso platte e curte

  • ⟨n.⟩ tabaco in pulvere

snuff out extinguer
snuffle respirar con ruito
snug commode, confortabile

  1. (= get comfortable) accommodar se, poner se confortabile/commode
  2. (= cuddle with sb) imbraciar

so - stylus

[modificar | modificar fonte]


  • ⟨adv.⟩
  1. (= accordingly, thus) assi — 20 people or so circa 20 personas · and so on et cetera
  2. (= to such an extent) tanto, si, talmente
  3. (= likewise)So do we. Anque nos.
  • ⟨conj.⟩ dunque, ergo, per consequente -- so that (purpose) pro que, a fin que, (result) de sorta que, de maniera que · So what? E alora?

soak-through penetrar
soak-up absorber, imbiber

  • ⟨n.⟩ banio;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= a porous article) baniar
  1. (= a liquid) imbiber
  2. (= saturate) saturar

so-and-so un tal

  1. (= thus named) assi appellate
  2. (= falsely termed) supposite, assi appellate


  • ⟨n.⟩ sapon;
  • ⟨v.⟩ saponar

soar (= rise up) montar, partir in volo; (of tower, etc.) elevar se

  • ⟨n.⟩ singulto;
  • ⟨v.⟩ singultar

sober (= sedate) sobrie, (= not drunk) non inebriate; ~ down calmar se; ~ up disinebriar se
soccer football (anglese)
sociable sociabile, affabile
social social
socialism socialismo
socialist ⟨adj. & n.⟩ socialista
society societate; building ~ fundo de investimento immobiliari
sociology sociologia

  • ⟨n.⟩ calcetta;
  • ⟨v.⟩ colpar

socket (= cavity) cavo, calceolo; (of tooth) alveolo

  1. (= electric) prisa (= de currente); eye ~ orbita

Socrates Socrates

  • ⟨adj.⟩ socratic;
  • ⟨n.⟩ socratico

sod pecia de turfa
soda soda
sodden saturate sodium *sodio, sodium
sodomy sodomia
sofa sofa
soft (= not hard) molle

  1. (= mild) blande, dulce; (of colours) morbide; (of drinks) non-alcoholic
  2. (= silly) imbecille, stupide


  • ⟨vt.⟩ amollir, ablandar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ mollir

soft-hearted compatiente, a corde tenere
softly in voce basse, dulcemente
softness mollessa
soggy (= soaked) toto molliate

  1. (= damp and heavy) molle, pastose


  • ⟨n.⟩ solo, terreno


  • ⟨v.⟩ (= make dirty) polluer, (= taint, defile) macular, dishonorar


  • ⟨n.⟩ solmisation;
  • ⟨v.⟩ solmisar

solace consolation
solar-plexus plexo solar
solar solar

  • ⟨n.⟩ soldatura;
  • ⟨v.⟩ soldar


  • ⟨n.⟩ soldatura

soldier soldato, militar, milite — disabled soldier invalido · foot soldier soldato a pede
soldier on laborar con assiduitate
soldierly soldatesc
soldiery soldatesca

  • ⟨adj.⟩ sol, unic


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= underside of foot) planta, (= underside of shoe) solea;
  • ⟨v.⟩ solear

sole3 ZOOL. solea
solemn solemne, grave
solemnity solemnitate
solemnize solemnisar
solenoid *solenoide
solicit sollicitar
solicitor advocato, notario

  • ⟨adj.⟩ solide — to make sth solid solidar; —
  • ⟨n.⟩ *solido, (= favor) favor

solidarity solidaritate
solidary (= marked by solidarity) solidari
solidify solidificar
solidity soliditate
solidungulate ⟨adj. & n.⟩ solipede
soliloquy soliloquio
solitaire (= patience: card game; single gem) solitario

  • ⟨adj.⟩ solitari, isolate;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= solitary person) solitario, (= solitary confinement) isolamento

solitude solitude, solitate

  • ⟨n.⟩MUS. solo;
  • ⟨adv.⟩ (= unaccompanied) sol

soloist solista
solstice solstitio
solubility solubilitate
soluble solubile
solution solution
solve solver, resolver
solvent ⟨adj. & n.⟩ dissolvente, solvente

  1. (= dark) obscur
  2. (= sad) melancholic, triste


  • ⟨adj.⟩ alicun, qualque
  1. (= partitive) un pauc de
  2. (= intensive) nonnulle, un belle
  • ⟨adv.⟩ circa
  • ⟨pron.⟩ alicunos

somehow de un modo o un altere; io non sape como
someone alicuno, alcuno, alicun persona, qualcuno — someone else un altere persona

  • ⟨n.⟩ salto mortal
  • ⟨vi.⟩ facer un salto mortal

something alicun cosa, alcun cosa, alique, qualcosa, *aliquid, *alco
sometime aliquando
sometimes alicun vices, de tempore in tempore
somewhat aliquanto, alique, satis
somewhere alicubi, in alicun parte, a/in qualque parte
son filio
son-in-law filio affin
sonata sonata
song canto
sonic *sonic
sonnet sonetto
sonorous sonor

  • ⟨adv.⟩ tosto, proximemente — as soon as si tosto que, postquam · sooner or later tosto o tarde · the sooner the better le plus tosto serea le melior

soot fuligine
soothe calmar, appaciar, tranquillisar
soothing calmante, appaciante
sooty fuliginose
sop dono propitiatori
sophisticated (= worldly, of society) mundan

  1. (= complex) complexe, intricate

sophistication mundanitate, saper-viver
soprano soprano
sorcerer incantator, mago
sorceress incantatrice
sorcery magia
sordid miserabile, *sordide, vil
sordidness *sordidessa, vilitate

  • ⟨adj.⟩
  1. (= painful) dolorose
  2. (= inflamed) inflammate;
  • ⟨n.⟩ plaga, ulcere; i have a ~ throat me dole le gorga, io ha mal de gorga, io ha tracheitis

soreness dolor
sorrow dolo, affliction, tristessa
sorrowful dolorose, triste

  • ⟨adj.⟩ desolate, dolente, repentente; (of excuse) meschin, miserabile, triste; pardono!; be ~ (= for) doler se (= de), regretar


  • ⟨n.⟩ genere, sorta, specie;
  • ⟨v.⟩ assortir; nut of -s indisposite


  • ⟨adj.⟩ passabile, plus o minus bon
  • ⟨adv.⟩ assi assi, passabilemente

souffle souffle
soul-destroying totalmente disproviste de interesse, monotone
soul anima; not a ~ nemo
soulful sentimental
sound-track banda sonor, *phonobanda

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= healthy) san
  1. (= firm) solide; (of sleep) profunde;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= noise) sono
  1. (= geog.) stricto; MED. sonda;
  • ⟨v.⟩ sonar; NAUT. sondar

soundproof *insonor, isolate acusticamente
soup suppa; clear ~ consomme

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= bitter) acerbe, acide, acre; (of milk) acide, rancide; turn ~ rancer

source (of river, etc.) fonte; (fig.) origine
souse (= marinate) marinar; (fig.) immerger

  • ⟨modif.⟩ del sud, meridional
  • ⟨adv.⟩ (= southward) al sud
  • ⟨n.⟩ sud

South Africa Africa del Sud
South African

  • ⟨adj.⟩ sudafrican
  • ⟨n.⟩ sudafricano


  • ⟨modif.⟩ del sud-est
  • ⟨n.⟩ sud-est


  • ⟨adj.⟩ del sud
  • ⟨adv.⟩ al sud

southern del sud, meridional
southerner habitante del sud
South Korea Corea del Sud
South Korean

  • ⟨adj.⟩ sudcorean
  • ⟨n.⟩ sudcoreano

the South Pole le Polo Sud

  • ⟨modif.⟩ del sud-west
  • ⟨n.⟩ sud-west

souvenir souvenir [F] /suvenir/
sou'wester cappello impermeabile

  • ⟨modif.⟩ soveran
  • ⟨n.⟩ soverano

sovereignty soveranitate

  • ⟨adj.⟩ sovietic;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= council) soviet
  1. (= person) sovietico

Soviet Union Union Sovietic

  • ⟨n.⟩ porca;
  • ⟨v.⟩ seminar


  • ⟨n.⟩ = soybean;
  • ⟨adj.⟩ de soja

soybean, soya bean, soy (= glycine max) soja [soia~soja]
spa station thermal, fonte de aqua

  • ⟨adj.⟩ spatial, (of space travel) aerospatial;
  • ⟨n.⟩ spatio;
  • ⟨v.⟩ spatiar

spacecraft astronave, vehiculo spatial
spaceman *astronauta
spaceship *astronave
spacetime spatio-tempore
space-travel *astronautica
spacing (= between lines) interlinea (simple, duple)
spacious spatiose, ample
spaciousness spatiositate, amplitude
spade (= for digging) pala

  1. (= small) paletta
  2. (= cards) picca, spada

spaghetti spaghetti
Spain Espania

  • ⟨n.⟩ (of bridge) apertura, arcada; (of hand) palmo; (of time) duration; (of wings) invirgatura;
  • ⟨v.⟩ cruciar, extender se trans

Spaniard espaniol
spaniel espaniol

  • ⟨adj.⟩ espaniol, hispan
  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= the Spanish language) espaniol
  2. (pl.; = the Spaniards) le espanioles, le hispanos

spank colpar con le palma

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= brisk) rapide, vigorose
  1. (= fine) de prime ordine;
  • ⟨n.⟩ *colpata

spanner clave; adjustable ~ clave anglese, clave a vite
spar facer exercitios de boxa

  1. (= feint) *fintar


  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= available) disponibile
  1. (= lean) magre; MECH. (+ part) de *recambio, de reserva;
  • ⟨n.⟩ pecia de *recambio;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= save, show mercy) sparniar
  1. (= do without) contentar se sin

sparing economic, frugal, parsimoniose
spark-off accender, provocar
spark-plug candela

  • ⟨n.⟩ scintilla;
  • ⟨v.⟩ emitter scintillas


  • ⟨n.⟩ scintillation;
  • ⟨v.⟩ scintillar

sparring partner *partenario (= de mineral)
sparrow passere
sparse sparse
spasm MED. spasmo

  1. (= fit) accesso

spasmodic spasmodic

  • ⟨adj.⟩ spastic;
  • ⟨n.⟩ spastico

spate crescita, torrente
spatial spatial
spatter macular
spatula spatula

  • ⟨n.⟩ ovos, semine;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ generar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ deponer ovos

speak-out parlar francamente
speak-up altiar le voce
speak (= talk) parlar

  1. (= make a speech) discurrer, pronunciar un discurso

speaker (= person) parlator

  1. (= audio) altoparlator
  2. (= in parliament) presidente
  3. (= public) orator;


  • ⟨n.⟩ lancea;
  • ⟨v.⟩ transfiger con un lancea

special special
specialty specialitate
specialist specialista
specialize specialisar se
species specie
specific specific
specification specification
specify specificar
specimen specimen
specious speciose

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= spot) atomo, puncto; (of dirt) *maculetta; (of dust) grano;
  • ⟨v.⟩ macular

spectacle spectaculo
spectacles berillos
spectacular *spectacular
spectator spectator
specter phantasma, spectro
spectroscope spectroscopio
spectrum spectro
speculate (= in general) specular

  1. (= on stock exchange) agiotar, specular

speculation speculation
speculator speculator
speech (gener.) linguage, parola, (= address) discurso, (= GRAM.) discurso; deliver a ~ pronunciar un discurso; parts of ~ partes del discurso
speechless (= dumb) mute

  1. (= dumbfounded) stupefacite


  • ⟨n.⟩ rapiditate, velocitate; at full ~ a tote velocitate;
  • ⟨v.⟩ ir rapidemente

speedboat lancha rapide
speedometer velocimetro
speedway (= for racing) pista de autodromo

  1. (= motor road) autostrata

speedy veloce
spell (= magic) incantamento, formula magic

  1. (= time) breve periodo, intervallo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ orthographiar

spellbound incantate
spelling orthographia; bad ~ cacographia
spend (= money) dispender, expender

  1. (= time) passar

spendthrift *prodigo, dispenditor
sperm sperma
spew-out rejectar, vomitar
spew spuer
sphere sphera
spherical spheric
sphinx sphinge

  • ⟨n.⟩ specie;
  • ⟨v.⟩ condimentar, condir

spick-and-span immaculate, relucente de munditia
spicy (= spiced) *speciate, aromatic

  1. (= piquant) piccante

spider-web tela de aranea
spider aranea
spidery (= thin) tenue; (of writing) patas de aranea
spigot valvula

  • <<n.>>
  1. (= pointed object) puncta
  2. (for impaling papers; on shoe) clavo
  3. (= thorn) spina
  4. (= sharp increase) picco
  • <<vi.>> augmentar in flecha
  • <<vt.>>
  1. (= pierce, impale) punger
  2. (= hold, secure) clavar
  3. (+ drink) adder (un substantia) in
  4. (+ gun) inclavar

spike2 BOT. spica

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= taper) accenditor (= de ligno, de papiro)
  1. (= tumble) cadita;
  • ⟨v.⟩ effunder (se), *versar (se)

spin-drier *siccator centrifuge
spin-dry siccar per machina centrifuge, siccar per *centrifuga
spin-out prolongar

  • ⟨n.⟩ rotation;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= turn) girar
  1. (= thread) filar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ girar, tornear

spinach spinacia
spinal spinal
spindle (= pin, axis) axe

  1. (= for thread) fuso

spine (= thorn) spina; ANAT. columna vertebral, spina dorsal
spineless debile, molle
spinning-wheel filatorio

  • ⟨adj.⟩ girante, torneante;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= turning) giration; (of thread) filatura

spinster *celibataria
spiny spinose

  • ⟨adj. & n.⟩ spiral
  • ⟨vi.⟩ montar in spiral

spire *agulia
spirit (gener.) spirito

  1. (= alcohol) alcohol
  2. (= ghost) phantasma
  3. (= zest) animo, brio, corage, energia

spirit away escamotar, facer disparer mysteriosemente
spirited animate, energic, vigorose
spiritless sin animo

  • ⟨adj.⟩ spiritual;
  • ⟨n.⟩ canto religiose (= del negros american)

spiritualism spiritismo
spiritualist spiritista

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= spittle) sputo
  1. (= cookery) *spito;
  • ⟨v.⟩ spuer, sputar

spit out exspuer

  • ⟨n.⟩ despecto, rancor — in spite of in despecto de, malgrado, nonobstante · in spite of o.s. de mal grado
  • ⟨vt.⟩ despectar

spiteful despectuose, malevole, rancorose
spittle sputo, saliva

  • ⟨n.⟩ projection (de un liquido), battimento (de aqua);
  • ⟨v.⟩ projectar (guttas de aqua, de fango, etc.), batter (le aqua)

spleen splen
splendid splendide
splendor splendor, magnificentia

  • ⟨n.⟩ junctura, ligatura;
  • ⟨v.⟩ junger

splint planchetta, *tabuletta

  • ⟨n.⟩ fragmento
  • ⟨v.⟩ rumper (se) in fragmentos
  • ⟨adj.⟩ (+ group) fractionari


  • ⟨adj.⟩ fisse


  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= cleft) fissura
  2. (= division) division
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= break) finder
  2. (= divide) divider — to split the difference repartir le differentia

splutter balbutiar

  • ⟨n.⟩ (pl.) butino, spolias
  • ⟨vi.⟩
  1. (+ food) guastar se, deteriorar se, *avariar se
  2. to be spoiling for a fight cercar a batter se
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= ruin) ruinar
  2. (= damage, impair) guastar, vitiar — to spoil sb's appetite guastar le appetito de un pers.
  3. (+ child) ceder al capricios de, tractar con troppe indulgentia — to be spoilt for choice haber le difficultate del selection

spoilsport *guasta-festa
spoke (of a wheel) radio
spokesman portavoce

  • ⟨n.⟩ spongia;
  • ⟨v.⟩ spongiar; ~ on viver al costo de; throw in the ~ jectar le spongia

sponger (= informal: parasite) parasito

  • ⟨n.⟩ garante, protector
  • ⟨vt.⟩ patronar, subventionar

sponsorship auspicios
spontaneous spontanee

  • ⟨n.⟩ mystification, (= parody) parodia;
  • ⟨v.⟩ mystificar, (= parody) parodiar

spook (= ghost) spectro, (= spy) spia, spion, (offensive: black person) negro
spool bobina
spoon coclear — dessert spoon coclear de dessert · table spoon coclear de servir · tea spoon coclear de caffe
spoonfeed nutrir con un coclear
spoonful coclearata
sporadic sporadic

  • ⟨modif.⟩ de sport, sportive
  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= physical activity) sport
  2. (= pers.)a good sport un bon persona · Be a sport! Sia sympathic!
  • ⟨vi.⟩ diverter se, jocar
  • ⟨vt.⟩ exhibir, ostentar


  • ⟨adj.⟩ de sport, sport, sportive

sportsman sportsman, sportista
sportsmanship spirito sportive
spot-of bother alicun difficultates
spot-remover dismaculator

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= dot) puncto; (of dirt) macula
  1. (= place) localitate;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= notice) notar, recognoscer
  1. (= stain) macular

spotless sin macula
spotlight projector
spotted (= speckled) maculate

  1. (= with spots) con punctos

spotter (= observer) observator

  1. (= train-) collector de numeros del locomotivas

spotty maculate
spouse (= masc.) conjuge, sponso, sposo

  1. (= fem.) conjuge, sponsa, sposa


  • ⟨n.⟩ becco, tubo de discarga; (of liquid) *jecto;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ lancear;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ sortir (= impetuosemente)


  • ⟨n.⟩ torsion muscular;
  • ⟨v.⟩ torquer

sprat *spratto
sprawl extender se (= in modo inelegante)

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= container) pulverisator, vaporisator
  1. (= flowers) racemo
  2. (= foam) scuma;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= atomize) vaporisar (= un liquido)
  1. (= sprinkle) irrorar (= con un liquido)

spread-eagled con le membros extendite

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= dispersion) diffusion, dissemination, expansion, propagation; (of wings, sails) invirgatura;
  • ⟨v.⟩ diffunder (se), disseminar (se), propagar (se)
  1. (= butter, etc.) extender (se)
  2. (= unfold) displicar (se)

spree partita de placer (= o de dispender)
sprig *branchetta, pecietta
sprightly allegre, animate
spring-clean nettar completemente (= le casa)
spring-onion parve cibolla
spring-up crescer

  • ⟨adj.⟩ primaveral, vernal;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= jump) salto; MECH. resorto
  1. (= season) primavera, ver
  2. (= water) fontana, fonte;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= jump) saltar
  1. (= originate) provenir

springboard *trampolino
springing suspension
springtime primavera, ver
springy elastic

  • ⟨n.⟩ aspersion;
  • ⟨v.⟩ asperger, irrorar

sprinkler irrorator, rigatorio, spargitor
sprinkling aspersion

  • ⟨n.⟩ *sprint;
  • ⟨v.⟩ SPORT *sprintar
  1. (= run fast) currer a tote velocitate

sprinter *sprintator

  • ⟨n.⟩ planton — Brussels sprouts caule de Brussel
  • ⟨vi.⟩ germinar, pullular
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= leaves) producer

spruce1 BOT. picea

  • ⟨adj.⟩ elegante
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (up) facer se elegante

spry active, vive

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= on heel) sporon
  1. (= stimulus) incitamento, stimulo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= prick with spur) sporonar
  1. (= incite) incitar, sporonar, stimular

spurious false, apocryphe
spurn disdignar, repulsar

  • ⟨n.⟩ effortio supreme;
  • ⟨v.⟩ facer un effortio supreme


  • ⟨n.⟩ spia, spion;
  • ⟨v.⟩ spiar, spionar

spying spionage

  • ⟨n.⟩ altercation, querela;
  • ⟨v.⟩ altercar, querelar, venir al parolas

squad esquadra
squadron (= army, air force) esquadron

  1. (= naval) esquadra

squalid miserabile, *sordide

  • ⟨n.⟩ (of wind) colpo de vento, *raffica
  1. (= cry) crito;
  • ⟨v.⟩ critar

squalor miseria, *sordidessa
squander dilapidar, dispender, dissipar, guastar, profunder
square-root radice quadrate
square-up quadrar

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= four-sided) quadrate, (= tidy) in ordine;
  • ⟨n.⟩ MATH. quadrato, (= in a town) placia, (= for drawing) esquadra;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= divide into squares) esquadrar, (= make square) quadrar, (= multiply by itself) quadrar, elevar (un numero) al quadrato;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= correspond) accordar se


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= lemon) limonada, *citronada, (= orange) orangiada, SPORT *squash;
  • ⟨v.⟩ applattar, contunder, (fig.) humiliar, vincer

squashing *applattamento, contusion

  • ⟨adj.⟩ disproportionatemente basse;
  • ⟨v.⟩ quattar

squatter occupante sin titulo

  • ⟨n.⟩ crito rauc;
  • ⟨v.⟩ emitter critos rauc


  • ⟨n.⟩ stridulation;
  • ⟨v.⟩ stridular


  • ⟨adj.⟩ stridulante;
  • ⟨n.⟩ stridulation

squeaky stridule

  • ⟨n.⟩ crito acute;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= shriek) emitter critos acute; MECH. strider
    squeamish (= easily nauseated) subjecte a nausea; (fig.) delicate, troppo pudic, scrupulose al excesso

squeeze-out exprimer

  • ⟨n.⟩ compression, pression;
  • ⟨v.⟩ comprimer, premer; credit ~ restriction de credito


  • ⟨n.⟩ ruito de fango exprimite;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ supprimer;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ facer ruito de fango exprimite

squib petardo; damp ~ fiasco
squid *calamar
squiggle linea serpentin

  • ⟨n.⟩ strabismo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ esser strabe

squire proprietario de terra

  • ⟨n.⟩ contorsion;
  • ⟨v.⟩ contorquer se

squirrel scuriolo

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= jet) *jecto de aqua, (= syringe) syringa;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ syringar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ lancear se

Sri Lanka *Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan ⟨adj. & n.⟩ *srilankese

  • ⟨n.⟩ colpo de pugnal;
  • ⟨v.⟩ dagar, pugnalar

stability stabilitate
stabilize stabilisar

  • ⟨adj.⟩ stabile;
  • ⟨n.⟩ stabulo


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= pile) cumulo, pila
  1. (= chimney) camino;
  • ⟨v.⟩ cumular, pilar

stadium stadio

  1. (= stick) baston, pertica
  2. (= employees) personal — editorial staff redaction · skeleton staff personal reducite
  3. MILIT. stato major

⟨vt.⟩ fornir personal
stag cervo

  1. (= level) grado, stadio
  2. THEAT. scena

⟨v.⟩ inscenar, poner in scena
stagecoach diligentia
stagehand machinista

  • ⟨n.⟩ titubation;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= amaze) stupefacer, (= rivets, timesheets) echelonar, scalonar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ titubar

stagnant stagnante
stagnate stagnar
stagnation stagnation
staid posate, serie

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= mark) macula, (= dye) tinta;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= mark) macular, (= dye) tintar

stair grado, passo
staircase scala — spiral staircase scala spiral

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= interest) interesse, participation, (= post) palo, (= betting) moneta spondite;
  • ⟨v.⟩ sustener (= con palos), (= risk) aventurar, riscar, (= betting) jocar, sponder, (= lay a claim to) reclamar

stalactite stalactite
stalagmite stalagmite

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= not fresh) non fresc, rancide
  1. (= news) vetule
  2. (= tired) fatigate

stalemate impasse, paralyse

  1. (= chess) *pat

staleness insipiditate

  • ⟨n.⟩ pedunculo;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ sequer furtivemente, traciar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ ir con passos majestose


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= stand) banco de vendita, stand
  1. (= for cattle) *stalla
  2. (= choir) stallo; THEAT. *fauteuil;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= a horse) stabular
  1. (= a car) arrestar le motor;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= in discussion) parlar evasivemente, prevaricar

stallion stallon

  • ⟨adj.⟩ robuste, valente;
  • ⟨n.⟩ partisano inconditional

stamina resistentia, vigor

  • ⟨n.⟩ balbutiamento;
  • ⟨v.⟩ balbutiar


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= instrument, postage) timbro — postage stamp timbro postal, — (of foot) colpo de pede, (= impression) impression;
  • ⟨v.⟩ TECH., IMPR. stampar, (= postage) timbrar, (= with foot) applattar con le pede

stamp out (+ fire) extinguer (con le pede), (+ rebellion) reprimer

  • ⟨n.⟩ fuga percipitate;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ fomentar panico;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ fugir in disordine/panico

stamper stampator
stamping (= impressing) stampage; (of foot) calcar
stance postura
stanch (= stop flow of liquid) stoppar, tappar

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (at exhibition) stand
  2. (for taxis) station
  3. (= halt) arresto, halto
  4. (= kiosk) kiosque
  5. MILIT. resistentia
  6. (= position) position
  7. (= stall) banco de vendita, stand
  8. SPORT stand, tribuna
  9. (= support) pedestallo, supporto


  • ⟨vi.⟩
  1. (= be standing) star — to stand around in a circle circumstar
  2. (= be situated) esser situate
  3. (+ figure) elevar se (at a)
  4. POL. presentar se como candidato


  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= bear) suffrer, supportar, tolerar, indurar
  2. (= place) poner, mitter
  3. (= resist) resister a
  4. (= informal: pay) pagar (un bibita a un persona)

stand backStand back! A retro!
~ by (= be ready) tener se preste, (= a friend, promise) restar fidel a, (= defend) defender, sustener
stand for (= represent) representar, (= tolerate) tolerar
stand in (for sb) suppler a
stand out esser conspicue (or saliente)
stand up levar se

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= norm) norma, standard — standard of living nivello de vita, &mdash
  1. (= banner) insignia, standard, ECON. valuta;
  • ⟨adj.⟩ normal, usual, standard

standardization standardisation
standardize standardisar
standby (= reserve) reserva

  1. (= substitute) suppletor


  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= upright) erecte, (= permanent) permanente, (= constant) constante;
  • ⟨n.⟩ position, reputation, statuto, (= duration) duration

standings classification
standpoint puncto de vista
standstill immobilisation, paralyse — at a standstill immobilisate, paralysate

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= clip) crampa;
  • ⟨v.⟩ crampar


  • ⟨adj.⟩ basic, principal, essential

stapler machina a crampar

  • ⟨n.⟩ ASTRON. stella, astro — pole star stella polar, &mdash
  1. (= celebrity) stella;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= adorn with stars) stellar, (= mark) signalar con asterisco;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= in a film, etc.) tener un rolo (pricipal) in

starboard sterbordo, *tribordo

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= for stiffening) amido, (= in food) fecula;
  • ⟨v.⟩ *amidar

starchy (of food) feculose; (fig.) troppo formal

  • ⟨n.⟩ reguardo fixe;
  • ⟨v.⟩ reguardar fixemente

starfish stella de mar
'stark ⟨adj.⟩ (= stiff) rigide

  1. (= utter) absolute, complete;
  • ⟨adv.⟩ completemente, toto

starlight lumine stellar
starling sturno
starry stellate
starry-eyed idealista, ingenue

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= beginning) initio, comenciamento
  1. (= advantage) avantage; (of surprise) *suprasalto
  2. (= setting out) partita;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= begin) comenciar, initiar
  1. (= cause) causar, provocar
  2. (= a car) poner in marcha, (= found) fundar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= begin) comenciar, haber initio; MECH. poner se in marcha; make an early ~ partir de bon hora

start out mitter se in cammino, partir
starter (of car) motor impulsor; SPORT starter
startle facer supersaltar — to get startled supersaltar

  1. (= alarming) alarmante
  2. (= surprising) surprendente

starvation fame

  • ⟨vi.⟩
  1. essere affamate
  2. (fig.) morir de fame
  • ⟨vt.⟩ affamar


  • ⟨modif.⟩ *statal
  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= condition) condition, stato
  2. POL. stato — welfare state *Stato-Providentia


  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= declare) affirmar, declarar
  2. (as a fact) constatar

stately pompose

  1. (= declaration) declaration — official statement communicato official
  2. (= report) exposition, reporto
  3. ECON. extracto de conto

stateroom cabina
statesman homine de stato
statesmanship habilitate politic
static static

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= gas, radio, railway, television) station — fire station posto de pumperos, polling station centro de votation, power station central, service station station de servicio, space station station (de investigationes) spatial, &mdash
  1. (= police) commissariato
  2. (= place) position, posto;
  • ⟨v.⟩ postar

stationary stationari
stationed in guarnition
stationer papirero; -'s shop papiperia
stationery papireria
stationmaster chef de station
statistics (= science) statistica

  1. (= figures) statisticas; vital -s statisticas demographic

statue statua
stature statura, talia
status stato
status quo *statu quo
statute lege, statuto — the statutes le statutos
statutory statutari

  • ⟨adj.⟩ firme, loyal, solide


  • ⟨n.⟩ sojorno, visita, JUR. suspension, MECH. supporto, *susteno;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= remain) remaner, restar, (= reside) demorar, (= temporarily) sojornar;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ arrestar, retardar

stay away (from sb/sth) remaner (or mantener se) longe de

  1. (= abstain from) abstener se de

stay up (= stay awake) veliar
steadfast constante, firme, resolute
steadfastness constantia, resolution
steadily (= constantly) constantemente, firmemente, fixemente

  1. (= assiduously) assiduemente

steady (= firm) firme, fixe; (of person) serie; (of rain, etc.) continue; (of speed) constante, uniforme

  1. (= under fire) imperturbabile

steak (of beef) beefsteak

  1. (= other than beef) trencho

steal furar, robar; ~ away sortir furtivemente, partir secretemente

  • ⟨adj.⟩ furtive;
  • ⟨n.⟩ furtivitate

stealthy furtive

  • ⟨n.⟩ vapor;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ cocer al vapor;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ emitter vapor

steamroller rolo compressor
steamship (= nave a) vapor, steamer

  • ⟨adj.⟩ de aciero;
  • ⟨n.⟩ aciero; stainless ~ aciero inoxydabile;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ acierar; ~ oneself to do something armar se de corage pro facer un cosa

steelworks acieria

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= precipitous) ardue, precipitose, scarpate
  1. (= unreasonable) exorbitante;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ imbiber, *macerar

steeple campanil coronate de *agulia, campanil con tecto conic
steeplechase cursa de obstaculos, *steeplechase
steepness grado de inclination

  • ⟨n.⟩ bovello;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (gener.) diriger (se)
  1. (= car) guidar, manovrar
  2. (= ship) governar

steering direction
stellar stellar

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= stalk) pedunculo, stirpe, (= GRAM.) thema;
  • ⟨v.⟩ arrestar, refrenar; ~ from provenir de, resultar de

stench *fetidessa, odor infecte

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= for decoration, etc.) patrono
  1. (= for duplicating) stencil;
  • ⟨v.⟩ decorar/marcar/reproducer per patronos
  1. (= duplicate) mimeographar, stencilar

stenographer stenographo

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= walking) passo — step by step passo a passo, gradualmente
  2. (= measure) mesura — to take steps prender (su) mesuras
  3. (= stair) grado, scalon


  • ⟨vi.⟩
  1. (= walk) facer un passo, ambular, vader
  2. (= tread on sth) poner le pede super

step aside

  1. (= move to one side) mover se a un latere
  2. (= resign) ceder su posto

step back recular
step down

  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= resign) dimitter se
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= reduce) reducer (gradualmente)

step in

  1. (= enter) entrar
  2. (= intervene) intervenir

step out

  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= walk out) sortir (of de)
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= withdraw) retirar se

step up

  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= come forward) approximar se
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= increase) augmentar (gradualmente)

stepbrother fratrastro
stepdaughter filiastra
stepfather patrastro
stepladder scala duple (con grados platte)
stepmother matrastra
stepping stone petra de vadar; (fig.) scalon
stepsister sororastra
stepson filiastro
stereo *stereo
stereophonic *stereophonic
stereoscope stereoscopio
stereoscopic stereoscopic
stereotype stereotypo
stereotyped stereotype
sterile sterile
sterility sterilitate
sterilization sterilisation
sterilize sterilisar

  • ⟨adj.⟩ genuin, pur;
  • ⟨n.⟩ sterling


  • ⟨adj.⟩ sever;
  • ⟨n.⟩ *poppa

stethoscope stethoscopio
stevedore stivator

  • ⟨n.⟩ *estufato, ragout;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (gener.) estufar
  1. (= fruit) facer un compota de

steward (of an estate) dispensero, economo; NAUT. camerero, steward
stewardess NAUT. camerera

  1. (= on aircraft) *hostessa, *stewardess

stewed fruit compota de fructos

  • ⟨n.⟩ baston — gear stick levator del cambio


  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= attach) attachar
  2. (+ something sharp) figer
  3. (with glue) collar, glutinar


  • ⟨vi.⟩
  1. collar se
  2. MECH. esser bloccate
  3. (= remain) remaner, restar

stick together

  1. agglutinar
  2. (fig.) monstrar solidaritate

stick outsalir
stick up (for sb/sth) prender le defensa de
sticker etiquetta gummate
sticking plaster sparadrapo
stickler rigorista

  1. (= gluey) collose, glutinose
  2. (= problematic) problematic

stiff rigide, inflexibile
stiffen *rigidar (se)
stiffness rigiditate, inflexibilitate

  1. (= choke) suffocar
  2. (fig.) supprimer

stigma stigma
stile *scaletta fixe

  • ⟨adj.⟩
  1. (= calm) tranquille — to lie still restar tranquille
  2. (= motionless) immobile
  3. (= quiet) silentiose
  • ⟨adv.⟩
  1. (= even now) ancora
  2. (= however) totevia, malgrado toto, tamen
  • ⟨n.⟩ PHOT. photographia publicitari
  • ⟨v.⟩ calmar


  • ⟨n.⟩ (for distilling) *alambic

stillborn nate morte

  1. (= tranquillity) tranquillitate
  2. (= immobility) immobilitate
  3. (= silence) silentio

stilted affectate, artificial
stimulant ⟨adj. & n.⟩ stimulante
stimulate stimular
stimulation stimulation
stimulus stimulo
stimup staffa

  • ⟨n.⟩ aculeo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ piccar, punger

stinginess parsimonia
stinging-nettle urtica
stinging piccante, pungente
stingy parsimoniose, illiberal

  • ⟨n.⟩ *fetor, mal odor;
  • ⟨v.⟩ puter

stinking (= smelling) *fetide, de mal odor; (fig.) infecte

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= limit) limite, restriction
  1. (= allotted portion) portion de labor assignate;
  • ⟨v.⟩ limitar, restringer

stipend stipendio
stipulate stipular
stipulation stipulation

  • ⟨n.⟩ agitation;
  • ⟨v.⟩ agitar (se); ~ up (= excite) activar, excitar
  1. (= a rebellion) fomentar

stir up

  • ⟨v.⟩ (= emotions) attisar

stirring excitante, inspirante
stirring up attisamento

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= sewing) puncto
  1. (= knitting) malia;
  • ⟨v.⟩ suer

stitching sutura
stoat armenio

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= habitual) habitual, normal; THEAT. de repertorio;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= breed) racia, stirpe
  1. (= cattle) bestial; ECON. stock — out of stock exhaurite; — (of rifle) calce, fuste
  2. (= securities) valores
  3. (= trunk) trunco; BOT. matthiola;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= supply) approvisionar, stockar
  1. (= keep) tener in magazin; take ~ facer le inventario

stockbreeding elevage
stockbroker agente de bursa
stockholder actionero
stocking calcea
stockman bovero

  • ⟨n.⟩ reserva;
  • ⟨v.⟩ accumular

stocktaking inventario
stocky basse ma forte
stodgy indigeste, pesante

  • ⟨adj.⟩ stoic;
  • ⟨n.⟩ stoico

stoicism stoicismo
stoke cargar (le caldiera)
stoker *fochero
stole stola
stolid impassibile, phlegmatic
stomachache mal de stomacho

  • ⟨n.⟩ stomacho;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= digest) digerer; (fig.) supportar


  • ⟨adj.⟩ de petra;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= rock) petra, lapide, saxo
  1. (= pebble) calculo
  2. (= seed) pepita
  3. (= weight) *stone;
  • ⟨v.⟩ lapidar

stony petrose; (fig.) glacial
stool scabello, tabouret

  • ⟨n.⟩ inclination de corpore;
  • ⟨v.⟩ inclinar se


  • ⟨vt.⟩ stoppar, arrestar, (= sb/sth from doing sth) impedir de, (= wall) *obturar, (= decayed tooth) plumbar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ arrestar se, cessar;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (gener.) cessation, arresto, (= bus stop) halto de bus, (= pause) pausa, interruption, (= on an instrument) clave, (= on an organ) registro, (= full stop) puncto; interj. Basta! Stop!

stop up (= block) obstruer, stoppar

  1. (= plug) *obturar, tappar

stopgap recurso provisional
stoppage interruption, suspension
stopper tappo
stopwatch chronometro
storage immagazinage

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= supply) provision
  2. (= shop or warehouse) magazin -- department store grande magazin

⟨vt.⟩ immagazinar storeroom deposito, dispensa
storey etage
stork ciconia

  • ⟨n.⟩ tempesta;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ expugnar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ tempestar; ~ out sortir furiose

stormy tempestuose
story (= narrative) historia

  1. (= tale) conto, fabula
  2. (= floor) etage


  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= brave) valente, (= fat) corpulente, (= strong) forte, solide

stoutness corpulentia
stove estufa; oil ~ furno a petroleo
stow stivar; ~ away viagiar clandestinamente
stowaway passagero clandestin
straddle star con gambas a cata latere (= de un cosa)
straggle extender se, ir sin ordine

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= not curved) recte, directe, (= honest) franc, recte, (= in order) in ordine;
  • ⟨adv.⟩ (= in a line) directe
  1. (= frankly) francamente


  1. *rederectiar
  2. (+ wheel) disfalsar

straighten out

  1. (= settle) arrangiar, regular, componer
  2. (= improve sb's behavior) corriger (le comportamento de)
  3. (= improve one's behavior) cambiar de attitude

straighten up

  1. (= tidy) poner in ordine
  2. (= stand straighter) rederectiar se

straightforward (= frank) franc, loyal

  1. (= simple) simple

straightness rectitude

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= tension) tension
  1. (= effort) effortio
  2. (= trace) tracia;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= damage) deformar
  1. (= filter) filtrar
  2. (= sift) cribrar, passar per un cribro;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ facer un effortio

strainer colatorio, filtro
strait stricto
straitjacket camisa/jacchetta de fortia
straitlaced prude, puritan

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= beach) plagia; (of rope) filamento;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (+ fish, ship) arenar

stranded (of ship) arenate; (fig.) sin possibilitate de escappar
strange estranie, curiose, bizarre
strangeness estranitate
stranger estraniero
strangle strangular
stranglehold clave (or prisa) de strangulation; (fig.) dominio complete — to have a stranglehold on sb/sth dominar completemente

  • ⟨n.⟩ strangulation


  • ⟨n.⟩ corregia;
  • ⟨v.⟩ ligar con un corregia

strapping robuste
strata stratos
stratagem stratagema
strategic strategic
strategy strategia
stratosphere stratosphera
stratum strato

  • ⟨adj.⟩ de palea;
  • ⟨n.⟩ pale — the last straw (fig.) le culmine

strawberry fraga — strawberry plant fragiero

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= lost) perdite; (fig.) isolate, sporadic;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= deviate) deviar
  1. (= get lost) perder se
  2. (= wander) errar, vagar


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= line) *stria
  1. (= vein) vena; (of lightning) fulgure;
  • ⟨v.⟩ *striar

streaky *striate

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= brook) curso de aqua, rivo, (= current) currente, (fig.) *jecto, torrente, ~ blood ~ currente sanguinee;
  • ⟨v.⟩ in/out infunder / effunder

streamer bandierola, serpentino
streamline (= profile) profilar; (fig.) rationalisar; -d aerodynamic, profilate
street strata
streetcar, tram, tramcar, tramway tram, tramway
streetlight lampa de strata
strength (of the body, power, physics) fortia

  1. (= toughness) resistentia, soliditate

strengthen reinfortiar, roborar, consolidar
strengthening reinfortiamento, consolidation
strenuous (= vigorous) energic, vigorose; (of task) ardue

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= emphasis) emphase, LING. accento, (= strain) effortio, tension;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (gener.) insister super, (= a syllable) accentuar

stress out

  • ⟨vi.⟩ esser stressate;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ *stressar, facer anxie


  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= an elastic; one's legs) *stirar, (= a rope) tender, (= clothes) allargar, (= make longer) allongar, (= spread on ground) extender;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= be elastic) estirar se, (= become larger) allargar se, (= before exercise) *stirar se, (= extend to) extender se a;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= elasticity) elasticitate, (= act of stretching) stiramento — with arms at full stretch con le bracios completemente extendite, &mdash
  1. (= expanse) extension, tracto, (of time) periodo

stretch out (= one's arm or hand) extender, allongar

  1. (= distend) distender
  2. (= lie down) tender se
  3. (= prolong) prolongar

stretcher (= person or thing that stretches) tenditor

  1. (= for lying on) lectiera

strew (= sprinkle) dispersar, sparger

  1. (= cover) coperir

stricken colpate, ferite
strict rigorose, stricte
strictness rigor, severitate

  • ⟨n.⟩ passo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ ir a grande passos; take in one's ~ superar facilemente

strident stridente
strife conflicto, lucta

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= hit) colpo, (= work stoppage) exopero — to go on strike exoperar, hunger strike exopero del fame, sympathy strike exopero de solidaritate; —
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= hit) batter, colpar, (= collide with) choccar contra, (= stop working) exoperar, (= lightning) siderar, (+ match) accender, (= oil) discoperir, incontrar, TECH. percuter, (of thoughts) impressionar, (= a wound) ferir;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (of clock) sonar (le hora)

strike out cancellar
strikebreaker *rumpeexoperos
striker INDUS. exoperante; MECH. *percussor

  1. (= football) avantero de puncto

striking impressionante, surprendente

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= twine, cord) corda
  1. (= shoe-string) cordon
  2. (= series) serie, succession;
  • ⟨v.⟩ infilar


  • ⟨n.⟩ lista, banda;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= despoil) spoliar; TECH. dismontar; use can be made of the prefix dis- + plus the verbal suffix -ar, e.g. strip fruit disfructar


  • ⟨n.⟩ (of colour) lista, *stria; MILIT. galon;
  • ⟨v.⟩ *striar, zebrar

strive (= try) effortiar se

  1. (= struggle) luctar

stringent rigorose, sever

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= hit) colpo, percussion; MED. sideration; (of pen or brush) tracto;
  • ⟨v.⟩ caressar; at a de un colpo


  • ⟨n.⟩ deambulation; go for a ~ deambular, flanar

strong (gener.) forte; (of materials) robuste, solide; (of protest) energic
strongbox cassa forte
strong-minded resolute
strong-mindedness resolution
stronghold (= fortress) fortalessa; (fig.) citadella
strongly (= hard) forte

  1. (= firmly) solidemente

strongroom camera cuirassate
structural structural
structure structura

  • ⟨n.⟩ lucta;
  • ⟨v.⟩ luctar
  1. (= flail about, writhe) debatter se

strum jocar pigremente

  • ⟨n.⟩ supporto, trabe secundari;
  • ⟨v.⟩ pavonisar, paradar

strychnine strychnina

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= end) parte residual, pecietta; (of shoe) talon

stubble stupula
stubborn obstinate, restive
stubbornness obstination
stubby truncate

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= breed animal) copertor
  1. (= nail) clavo; (of shirt) button de collo; press ~ (= snap fastener) button de pression;
  • ⟨v.⟩ guarnir de clavos

student studente, alumno
studio studio
studious studiose
studiousness application

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= all senses) studio;
  • ⟨v.⟩ studiar


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= substance) stoffa, substantia
  1. (= worthless goods) cosalia;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= fill up) reimpler, stipar
  1. (= pad) borrar

stuffing (= forcemeat) farce

  1. (= padding) borra

stuffy (= close) mal ventilate; (fig.) troppo rigide
stultify destruer le valor de, facer ridicule

  • ⟨n.⟩ passo false;
  • ⟨v.⟩ facer un passo false

stumbling block petra de scandalo
stump residuo truncate

  1. (= bit) pecietta;
  • ⟨v.⟩ embarassar

stun (= daze) esturdir

  1. (= deafen) assurdar

stunning stupende

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= trick) volo acrobatic
  1. (= gimmick) stratagema publicitari;
  • ⟨v.⟩ arrestar le developpamento

stupefy imbrutir, stupefacer
stupendous stupende
stupid stupide
stupidity stupiditate
stupor stupor
sturdiness soliditate
sturdy (= robust) robuste, vigorose

  1. (= persistent) resolute, tenace

sturgeon sturion

  • ⟨n.⟩ balbutiamento;
  • ⟨v.⟩ balbutiar
  • ⟨v.⟩ facer mal (al digito del pede)

stutterer balbutiante

  1. (for pigs) stabulo
  2. (in eye) *hordeolo


  • ⟨n.⟩ stilo, maniera
  • ⟨v.⟩ denominar

stylish chic, elegante
stylishness elegantia
stylus stilo

suave - systemic

[modificar | modificar fonte]

suave suave
suavity suavitate
subcommittee *subcommittee
subconscious ⟨adj. & n.⟩ subconsciente
subdivide subdivider
subdivision subdivision
subdue (gener.)

  • ⟨v.⟩ subjugar, submitter
  1. (= tame) domar
  2. (= light) attenuar

subeditor redactor adjuncte

  • ⟨adj.⟩ subjecte;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (all senses) subjecto;
  • ⟨v.⟩ submitter

subjection subjection
subjective subjective
subjectivity subjectivitate
subjugate subjugar

  • ⟨n.⟩ subjugation


  • ⟨adj.⟩ subjunctive, conjunctive;
  • ⟨n.⟩ subjunctivo, conjunctivo

sublet sublocar
sublime sublime
submachine gun pistola mitraliatrice

  • ⟨adj.⟩ submarin;
  • ⟨n.⟩ submarino, submersibile

submerge submerger (se)
submersion submersion
submission submission
submissive submissive
submissiveness submission, docilitate

  • ⟨vt.⟩ submitter;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ submitter se

subnormal *subnormal
suboptimal de qualitate inferior, *suboptimal

  • ⟨adj.⟩ subordinate, secundari;
  • ⟨n.⟩ subordinato;
  • ⟨v.⟩ subordinar

subordination subordination

  1. subscriber
  2. (to a periodical) abonar se


  1. subscriptor
  2. (to a periodical) abonato


  1. (gener.) subscription
  2. (to a club) quotisation
  3. (to a periodical) abonamento

subsequent subsequente, ulterior
subsequently posteriormente, plus tarde

  1. (= subordination) subordination
  2. (= servileness) servilismo


  1. (= subordinate) subordinate
  2. (= servile) servil

subside subsider
subsidence subsidentia

  • ⟨adj.⟩ subsidiari
  • ⟨n.⟩ succursal

subsidize subsidiar, subventionar
subsidy subsidio, subvention
subsist (on sth) subsister con, viver de
subsistence subsistentia
subsoil *subsolo
substance substantia, corpore
substandard mediocre, de qualitate inferior, pauco satisfacente
substantial substantial
substantiate establir, justificar

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (gener.) substituto
  2. (= deputy) reimplaciante, suppletor
  3. (= product) succedaneo


  • ⟨vt.⟩ substituer
  • ⟨vi.⟩ suppler

substitution substitution
subterfuge subterfugio
subterranean subterranee
subtitle subtitulo

  1. (= fine) subtil
  2. (= crafty) astute


  1. (= fineness) subtilitate
  2. (= craft) astutia

subtract subtraher
subtraction subtraction
suburb suburbio
suburban suburban
subversion subversion
subversive subversive
subvert subverter

  1. (= passage) passage subterranee
  2. (= underground railroad) metro

succeed (gener.) succeder (in doing a facer)
success successo
successful succedite
successfully con (bon) successo
succession succession
successive successive, consecutive
succinct succincte
succulent succulente
succumb succumber (to a)

  • ⟨adj.⟩ tal — such a book un tal libro · to be such that esser tal que
  • ⟨adv.⟩ si, tanto — such beautiful flowers si belle flores · He's such an idiot! Que idiota ille es!
  • ⟨pron.⟩ — such is life assi es le vita · as such (= in that capacity) como tal, (in itself) de per se
such as (= for example) tal como

such-and-such tal e tal
suchlike simile
suck suger
sucker TECH., ZOOL. *ventosa
suckle allactar
suction suction
sudden subite
suddenly subito
suddenness subitaneitate
suds scuma de sapon
sue intentar un processo (contra), actionar
suede pelle de svedia
suet stear
suffer (gener.) suffrer (de un cosa)

  1. (= bear) supportar
  2. (= feel pain) patir

sufferance tolerantia, resistentia al dolor — You're only here on sufferance. Vostre presentia es solmente tolerate.
suffering suffrentia, dolor
suffice bastar, sufficer
sufficiency bastantia, sufficientia
sufficient bastante, sufficiente
sufficiently bastante, satis, assatis, sufficientemente
suffix suffixo
suffocate suffocar, asphyxiar
suffocation suffocation
suffrage suffragio
sugar sucro — barley sugar sucro de hordeo
suggest suggerer, proponer
suggestion suggestion
suggestive suggestive
suicidal suicidal

  1. (= act) suicidio — to commit suicide suicidar se
  2. (= person) suicida


  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= business suit) habito de negotios
  2. bathing suit costume de banio · diving suit *scafandro
  3. (cards) color — to follow suit (fig.) sequer le exemplo · Sth isn't sb's strong suit. Un cosa non es le forte de un persona.
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= seem right) convenir a, ir a
  2. (= make suitable) adaptar — Suit yourself! Face como vos vole!

suit2 (= lawsuit) causa
suitability convenientia
suitable convenibile, commode
suitcase valise
suite traino, suite
suitor pretendente, requirente
sulk esser de mal humor
sulky de mal humor
sullen de mal humor
sulphate sulfato
sulphur, sulfur sulfure
sulphuric, sulfuric

  • ⟨adj.⟩ sulfuric

sultan sultan
sultana (= fruit) uva sic de Smyrna

  1. (= sultaness) sultana

sultriness calor suffocante
sultry (= stifling) suffocante; (fig.) seductive, sensual

  1. (gener.) summa
  2. (= amount of money) amonta, total — lump sum pagamento unic, summa global

sum up

  1. (= summarize) resumar, recapitular — to sum up pro resumer
  2. (= assess) evaluar

summarise, summarize resumer, summarisar

  • ⟨adj.⟩ summari;
  • ⟨n.⟩ summario


  • ⟨n.⟩ estate
  • ⟨adj.⟩ estive, de estate

summerhouse pavilion, kiosque
summertime periodo estive, estate
summing-up recapitulation del factos

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= highest point) culmine, summitate
  1. (= summit meeting) conferentia al summitate


  1. (= call) advocar — summon up courage prender corage
  2. (= convoke) convocar
  3. (+ law) citar

summons citation

  1. (gener.) *sentina
  2. (of car) de sucro


  • ⟨v.⟩ sucrar *carter

sumptuous sumptuose
sumptuousness sumptuositate

  • ⟨n.⟩ sol
  • ⟨v.⟩ insolar

sunbaked indurate per le sol
sunbathe prender le sol
sunbathing banios de sol
sunbeam radio del sol
sunburn arditura del sol
sunburnt ardite per le sol
sundae gelato con fructos e nuces
Sunday dominica — Palm Sunday dominica del palmas
sundial quadrante solar
sundry diverse, varie
sunflower heliantho, tornasol
sunglasses berillos de sol
sunhat cappello de sol
sunken (= in the ground) cave, *infundate

  1. (= in the sea) submergite

sunlight (= lumine del) sol
sunny (= in the sun) (= baniate) in le sol, de sol

  1. (= disposition) allegre

sunrise levar del sol
sunset poner del sol
sunshade parasol
sunshine (= lumine del) sol
sunspot macula solar
sunstroke colpo del sol, insolation

  • ⟨n.⟩ bronzar
  • ⟨v.⟩ bronzar

sup soupar
super stupende
superabound superabundar

  1. (= retirement) retiramento in pension
  2. (= pension paid on retirement) pension pro vetulessa

superb superbe
supercilious arrogante
superficial superficial
superfluous superflue
superhuman superhuman
superimpose *superimponer
superintendent superintendente, surveliante
superior ⟨adj. & n.⟩ superior
superiority superioritate

  • ⟨adj.⟩ superlative;
  • ⟨n.⟩ superlativo

superman (= Übermensch) superhomine
supermarket *supermercato
supernatural supernatural

  • ⟨adj.⟩ supernumerari
  • ⟨n.⟩ *supernumerario


  1. (= replace) reimplaciar
  2. (= supplant) supplantar

supersonic *supersonic
superstition superstition
superstitious superstitiose
superstructure superstructura
supertax supertaxa
supervene supervenir
supervise surveliar
supervision surveliantia
supervisor *supervisor, surveliante
supper souper, cena; have ~ soupar
suppertime hora de souper
supplant supplantar
supple flexibile

  • ⟨n.⟩ supplemento
  • ⟨v.⟩ supplementar

supplementary supplementari, subsidiari
suppleness flexibilitate
supplier fornitor

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (gener.) provision
  2. ECON. stock — supply and demand le offerta e le demanda


  • ⟨v.⟩
  1. (= provide) fornir, approvisionar
  2. (+ want) suppler
  3. (with) guarnir de

⟨n.⟩ appoio, supporto, *susteno ⟨v.⟩

  1. (= sustain) appoiar, supportar, sustener
  2. (= pay for) mantener

supportable supportabile

  1. (of a policy) advocato, defensor
  2. (of a person or party) partisano, adherente
  3. SPORT devoto

suppose supponer
supposedly suppositemente, per supposition
supposing supponite que, in le caso que
supposition supposition
suppository suppositorio
suppress supprimer, reprimer
suppression suppression
supremacy suprematia
supreme supreme

  • ⟨n.⟩ supercarga
  • ⟨v.⟩ supercargar

sure certe, secur (de un cosa) — sure enough como expectate/previdite/anticipate, effectivemente · for sure sin dubita, sin falta
sure-footed de pede firme
surely certo, sin dubita — Surely you're not going to go out like this! Io spera que tu non va sortir assi!
sureness securitate, certitude
surety (= guarantee) garantia

  1. (= person) garante


  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= waves) ondas
  2. (= froth) spuma


  • ⟨v.⟩
  1. (= practice surfing) surfar, facer surf
  2. (= look around the net) surfar, navigar

surface superficie
surfboard planca de surf

  • ⟨n.⟩ excesso, satietate, superabundantia
  • ⟨v.⟩ satiar

surfing surf

  • ⟨n.⟩ affluxo, impeto
  • ⟨v.⟩ affluer, agitar se, fluctuar

surgeon chirurgo

  1. (= art and practice) chirurgia — plastic surgery chirurgia plastic (or esthetic)
  2. (= doctor's room) cabinetto de consultation

surgical chirurgic
surliness mal humor
surly de mal humor

  • ⟨n.⟩ presumption
  • ⟨v.⟩ presumer

surmount superar, surmontar
surname nomine de familia
surpass superar, superpassar

  • ⟨n.⟩ surplus, excesso
  • ⟨adj.⟩ excedente, de surplus


  • ⟨n.⟩ surprisa
  • ⟨v.⟩ surprender

surrealism surrealismo

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= yielding) capitulation, rendition; (fig.) abandono
  • ⟨vt.⟩ render, ceder; (fig.) abandonar
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= yield) capitular, render se

surreptitious surrepticie

  • ⟨n.⟩ bordatura;
  • ⟨v.⟩ circumferer, ambir, cinger

surroundings ambiente
surtax supertaxa
surveillance surveliantia — under surveillance sub surveliantia

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= study) examine, inspection, studio — ordnance survey servicio cartographic
  2. (= result) reporto


  • ⟨v.⟩
  1. (= examine) examinar, inspectar, surveliar
  2. (+ land) metir
  3. (= look at) contemplar, reguardar
  4. (= study) studiar

surveyor (of land) agrimensor
survival superviventia
survive superviver
susceptibility susceptibilitate
susceptible susceptibile

  • ⟨adj.⟩ suspecte
  • ⟨n.⟩ *suspecto
  • ⟨v.⟩ suspectar

suspend suspender

  1. (= for stockings) garrettieras
  2. (= for trousers) suspensores

suspense incertitude, tension
suspension suspension
suspicion suspicion — above suspicion supra tote suspicion

  1. (= distrustful) suspiciose
  2. (= meriting suspicion) suspecte, equivoc

suspiciousness character suspecte (or suspiciose)
sustain sustener, supportar

  • ⟨n.⟩ (surgery) tampon (de watta)


  • ⟨v.⟩
  1. (= deck) nettar
  2. (surgery) essugar

swag (= booty) butino

  1. (= decoration) feston


  • ⟨adj.⟩ chic, elegante;
  • ⟨n.⟩ aere importante;
  • ⟨v.⟩ fanfaronar, pavonisar


  • ⟨n.⟩ hirundine;
  • ⟨v.⟩ deglutir, glutir, inglutir, ingurgitar


  • ⟨n.⟩ palude;
  • ⟨v.⟩ inundar, submerger, plenar de aqua

swampy paludose
swan cygno

  • ⟨n.⟩ pretension;
  • ⟨v.⟩ dar se aeres

swanky pretentiose
swap excambiar

  • ⟨n.⟩ (of bees) essame, (fig.) formicamento;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (of bees) essamar, (fig.) formicar, pullular

swarthy brun
swastika *svastica, cruce gammate
swat colpar

  • ⟨n.⟩ falcata;
  • ⟨v.⟩ involver


  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= power) domination, imperio
  2. (of vehicle) oscillation


  • ⟨vt.⟩ influer super
  • ⟨vi.⟩ oscillar, balanciar se


  1. (solemnly) jurar
  2. (= use bad language) blasphemar, objurgar

swearword obscenitate, parola grossier

  • ⟨n.⟩ exsudato, sudor
  • ⟨v.⟩ sudar, transpirar

sweater tricot, sweater

  1. (= person) svedo, svedese
  2. (= brassica napus) rapa svedese

Sweden Svedia

  • ⟨adj.⟩ svedese, svede
  • ⟨n.⟩ svedese, svedo


  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= man) *brossacaminos
  2. (with broom) colpo de scopa
  3. (with scythe) falcata
  4. (fig.) curva, movimento circular (or rapide)

sweep along avantiar rapidemente
sweep aside remover con grande gesto
sweep away supprimer, destruer
sweep out scopar
sweeper (= football) *libero

  1. (= general) comprensive, troppo general
  2. (of gesture) dramatic


  • ⟨n.⟩ lotteria
  • ⟨v.⟩ scopar


  • ⟨adj.⟩
  1. (= sugary) dulce, sucrate
  2. (= pleasing to the senses) agradabile, dulce
  3. (= lovable) adorabile
  4. (= beloved) car, amate
  5. (= kind) amabile — that's very sweet of you es multo amabile de vostre parte
  6. (= fresh; + water, butter) dulce
  7. (= not sour; + milk) fresc
  8. (= clean; + air) pur


  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= sweetness) dulce
  2. (= candy) bonbon

sweetbread pancreas de vitello (o de ove)
sweetcorn mais dulce
sweeten (= make sweet) edulcorar, sucrar; (fig.) adulciar

  1. (= lover) inamorato, f. inamorata
  2. (= sb kind) amor;
  3. (vocative) tresor, amor

sweetness dulcor, suavitate
sweetshop *bonboneria
sweet-smelling fragrante
sweet-tempered amabile, dulce

  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= cause to swell) inflar, tumefacer; (fig.) augmentar
  • ⟨vi.⟩ MED. tumer, turger, (fig.) crescer

swell out protuberar
swell up turgescer

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= enlargement)

swelter suffocar de calor

  • ⟨n.⟩ *virage brusc;
  • ⟨v.⟩ deviar (or *virar) bruscamente

swift rapide, veloce
swiftness rapiditate

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= for pigs) nutrimento liquide, residuos
  • ⟨v.⟩ lavar con multe aqua


  • ⟨v.⟩ natar
  • ⟨n.⟩ natada — to go for a swim ir natar (or baniar se)

swimmer natator
swimming natation

  • ⟨n.⟩ fraude;
  • ⟨v.⟩ fraudar

swindler fraudator, impostor
swine porco

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= oscillation) balanciamento, oscillation
  2. (= rhythm) rhythmo
  3. (child's) sedependular
  4. (of opinion) movimento


  • ⟨vt.⟩ brandir
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= oscillate) balanciar se, oscillar
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= turn) girar


  • ⟨n.⟩ vortice;
  • ⟨v.⟩ girar vorticosemente


  • ⟨n.⟩ sibilo, susurro;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ sibilar, susurrar;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ agitar


  • ⟨adj.⟩ switze, suisse;
  • ⟨n.⟩ switzo, suisso


  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= exchange) excambio
  2. FERR. cambio
  3. ELEC. interruptor, commutator


  • ⟨v.⟩ cambiar, excambiar, permutar — to switch A for B cambiar A e (or pro) B · to switch seats with sb cambiar de sedes con

switch off extinguer
switch on accender
switchback montanias russe
switchboard tabula de distribution
Switzerland Switza, Suissa, Helvetia, Confederation Helvetic
swivel girar, *pivotar
swollen tumide
swoon perder conscientia, suffrer un syncope

  • ⟨n.⟩ attacco;
  • ⟨v.⟩ descender rapidemente, piccar (super un inimico)

swop → swap
sword spada, gladio
swordfish pisce spada

  • ⟨n.⟩ studente (troppo) assidue
  • ⟨v.⟩ studiar multo

sycamore *sycomoro
sycophant *sycophante
syllable syllaba
syllabus programma (de studios)
symbol symbolo — status symbol symbolo de prestigio social
symbolic, symbolical symbolic
symbolism symbolismo
symbolize symholisar
symmetrical symmetric
symmetry symmetria

  1. compatiente, benevole
  2. MED. sympathic


  1. (= have compassion) haber compassion, exprimer su condolentia
  2. (= understand) comprender


  1. (= compassion) compassion
  2. (= affinity) sympathia

symphonic symphonic
symphony symphonia
symptom symptoma
symptomatic symptomatic
synagog synagoga
synchromesh cassa de velocitates synchronisate
synchronize synchronisar
syncopate syncopar
syncopation syncopation
syndic syndico

  • ⟨n.⟩ syndicato
  • ⟨v.⟩ syndicar

syndrome *syndrome
synonym synonimo
synonymous synonyme
synopsis synopsis
syntactic syntaxic
syntax syntaxe
synthesis synthese
synthetic synthetic
syphilis syphilis
Syria Syria

  • ⟨adj.⟩ syrie
  • ⟨n.⟩ syrio


  • ⟨n.⟩ syringa
  • ⟨vt.⟩ syringar

syrup sirop
system systema — educational system systema de education · nervous system systema nervose · sewage system canalisation, systema de cloacas · solar system systema solar
systematic systematic
systematize systematisar
systemic systemic


tab - tissue

[modificar | modificar fonte]

tab etiquetta
tabby catto tigrate
tabernacle tabernaculo

  • ⟨n.⟩ (gener.) tabula -- coffee table tabula de caffe ·&nbspdressing table toilette · to clear the table levar le tabula · to set the table poner le tabula
  • ⟨vt.⟩ presentar

tablecloth drappo de tabula
table d'hôte (= meal) repasto a precio fixe
tablemat *subplatto
tablespoon coclear de servir
tablet (gener.) tabletta; MED. *comprimito

  1. (= stone) placa commemorative


  • ⟨adj. & n.⟩ tabu
  • ⟨v.⟩ declarar tabu, prohiber

tabulate tabular
tacit tacite
taciturn taciturne
taciturnity taciturnitate

  • ⟨n.⟩ NAUT. bordada
  1. (= nail) clavo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ virar al vento

tacking NAUT. virage

  1. (= sewing) *bastitura


  • ⟨n.⟩ apparato — fishing tackle apparatos de pisca, — (in rugby) placage, (in soccer) ?;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (a problem) attaccar, abordar, (in rugby) placar, (in soccer) ?

tacky collose
tact tacto
tactful plen de tacto, diplomatic
tactical tactic
tactician tactico
tactic tactica
tactile tactile
tactless disproviste de tacto, pauco diplomatic
tadpole larva de rana
taffeta taffeta

  • ⟨n.⟩ etiquetta
  • ⟨vt.⟩ etiquettar

tail-off diminuer pauc a pauc

  • ⟨n.⟩ cauda
  • ⟨vt.⟩ sequer

tailor's-shop sartoreria
tailor-made (= made by a tailor) facite per sartor; (fig.) perfecte

  • ⟨n.⟩ sartor;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= make) confectionar; (fig.) adaptar


  • ⟨n.⟩ corruption;
  • ⟨v.⟩ corrumper

take (gener.) prender

  1. (= capture) prender, expugnar
  2. (= carry) portar
  3. (= lead) conducer
  4. (= need) requirer
  5. (= transport) transportar; ~ after resimilar; ~ to (= commence action) dar se a, (= like) affectionar
- away levar, subtraher
- back reprender

- in (= accept) acceptar, reciper

  1. (= understand) comprender
  2. (= swindle) dupar

- off

  • ⟨vt.⟩ levar, supprimer;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ quitar le solo, discollar

- on assumer, cargar se de
- out (= extract) extraher

  1. (= get) obtener
  2. (= go out with) sortir con

- over prender possession de, acquirer
- up (= assume) assumer, prender
takeoff (= plane launch) discollo talcum powder talco
tale conto — fairy tale conto de fees
talent ingenio, talento
talented talentose
talk-over discuter

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= conversation) conversation
  1. (= lecture) discurso;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= speak) parlar
  1. (= converse) conversar

talkative communicative, loquace
talkativeness loquacitate
talker parlator
tall (= lofty) alte; (of stature) grande

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= count) conto
  1. (= label) etiquetta
  2. (= stick) talia;
  • ⟨v.⟩ corresponder

talon ungula
tambourine tamburino

  • ⟨adj.⟩ mansuete;
  • ⟨v.⟩ domar, domesticar

tameness mansuetude
tamer domator
tamper with (= meddle) toccar sin autorisation

  1. (= falsify) falsificar
  2. (= a witness) subornar

tampon tampon

  • ⟨n.⟩ bronzage;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= leather) tannar; (of sun) bronzar

tandem *tandem
tang sapor piccante
tangent tangente
tangerine *mandarina
tangible tangibile

  • ⟨n.⟩ imbroliamento, confusion;
  • ⟨v.⟩ imbroliar (se), intricar (se)


  • ⟨n.⟩ *tango;
  • ⟨v.⟩ dansar le *tango

tank (= cistern) cisterna; MILIT. tank

  1. (= for petrol) reservoir de gasolina

tank cap

  • ⟨n.⟩ tappo

tankard *biriera
tanker (= ship) nave cisterna

  1. (= truck) camion cisterna

tantalize tormentar (= con le supplicios de tantalo), provocar
tantamount equivalente; be ~ to equivaler a
tantrum accesso de ira

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= faucet) valvula
  1. (= hit) colpo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= hit) colpar legiermente
  1. (= resources) exploitar
  2. (= telephone) ascoltar clandestinmente


  • ⟨n.⟩ banda — audio tape *audiocassetta, measuring tape metro, banda metric, video tape *videocassetta; —
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= bind) guarnir de banda, (= record) registrar (super cassetta o banda magnetic) → audiotape, videotape

tape-recorder *magnetophono

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= candle) candela *accenditori;
  • ⟨v.⟩ affilar se

tapestry tapisseria
tapeworm tenia
tapioca tapioca
tappet *altiavalvulas

  • ⟨n.⟩ catran;
  • ⟨v.⟩ catranar

tarantula *tarantula
tardive tardive
tardy (= late) tarde, tardive

  1. (= slow) lente, tarde


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= mark) scopo, (fig.) objectivo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ mirar

tariff tarifa
tarmac (= on road) macadam a catran

  1. (= at airport) pista de atterrage


  • ⟨n.⟩ oxydation;
  • ⟨v.⟩ oxydar (se)

tarpaulin tela catranate

  • ⟨adj.⟩ acerbe;
  • ⟨n.⟩ torta

tartan *tartan
tartar-sauce sauce *tartare
tartar (= all meanings) *tartaro
task carga, labor
tassel flocco

  • ⟨n.⟩ gusto — to one's taste de su gusto, &mdash
  1. (= flavour) sapor;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= perceive by sense of taste) gustar, (of something) haber le gusto de, (= eat) mangiar, (= professionally) degustar, (= be acquainted with) cognoscer

tasteful de bon gusto, elegante
tasteless insipide
tasty saporose
tattered lacerate

  • ⟨n.⟩ commatrage;
  • ⟨v.⟩ commatrar


  • ⟨n.⟩ MILIT. retraite
  1. (= design) tatu;
  • ⟨v.⟩ tatuar

tattooing tatuage

  • ⟨n.⟩ observation sarcastic;
  • ⟨v.⟩ provocar sarcasticamente

Taurus Tauro
taut tense
tautology tautologia
tavern taverna, bireria

  • ⟨n.⟩ imposto, taxa — income tax imposto sur le receptas; —
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= impose rate) taxar, (= accuse) accusar, (= tire) exhaurir

taxable taxabile
taxation taxation
tax-free exempte de impostos
taxi taxi
taxi-driver *taxista, guidator de taxi
taxon *taxon
taxpayer contributor
tea BOT., CULIN. the

  1. (= herbal) tisana, infusion — afternoon tea repasto de cinque horas; high tea repasto vesperal con the; to invite sb for tea invitar un persona a prender le the

teabag sacchetto de the
teach inseniar (un cosa a un persona)
teacher (gener.) inseniante

  1. (= in school) maestro
  2. (= grammar school) professor

teaching (= instruction) inseniamento

  1. (= doctrine) doctrina

teacup tassa (de the)
teak *teca

  • ⟨n.⟩ equipa;
  • ⟨v.⟩ formar un equipa con, collaborar con

teamwork labor de equipa, labor facite in collaboration
teapot theiera

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= rip) laceration;
  • ⟨v.⟩ lacerar

tear along mover se a tote velocitate tear apart/up diveller, facer (un cosa) pecias, dispeciar
tear away aveller tear down (= pull down) aveller

  1. (= demolish) demolir

tear out (= rush out) partir rapidemente

  1. (= uproot) displantar


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= teardrop) lacrima — to burst into tears erumper in lacrimas; — ⟨v.⟩ ~ up haber le lacrimas al oculos

teardrop lacrima
tearful lacrimose
tearoom, teahouse salon de the
tease tormentar
teaspoon coclear de the
teat tetta
technical technic
technicality detalio technic
technician technico
technique technica
technological technologic
technology technologia; information technology (IT) *informatica
tedious tediose
tee *tee
teem abundar
teenage adolescente
teenager adolescente
teens etate inter 13 e 19 annos; be in one's ~ esser adolescente
teething-troubles difficultates initial
teething dentation
teetotaller abstinente
telecommunications telecommunicationes
telegram telegramma

  • ⟨n.⟩ telegrapho;
  • ⟨v.⟩ telegraphar

telegraphy telegraphia
telemeter telemetro
telepathic telepathic
telepathy telepathia
telephone-central-office central telephonic
telephone-exchange central telephonic
telephone-operator telephonista

  • ⟨n.⟩ telephono;
  • ⟨v.⟩ telephonar

telephonist telephonista
telescope telescopio
telescopic telescopic
televise *televisar
television-set *televisor
television television
telex *telex
tell-off reprochar
tell (= say) dicer, informar

  1. (= distinguish) distinguer
  2. (= have an effect) militar (= contra, in favor)
  3. (= know) saper
  4. (= order) dicer (= a un persona de facer un cosa)
  5. (= a story) contar

teller (= in bank) cassero
telling-off reprimenda, reproche
telling efficace

  • ⟨adj.⟩ *revelatori;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= tale-bearer) revelator de secretos; MECH. indicator


  • ⟨n.⟩ (bon/mal) humor;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= moderate) attemperar
  1. (= steel, glass) recocer

temperament (= all senses) temperamento
temperamental capriciose
temperance (= self-control) temperation, moderation

  1. (= abstinence) abstinentia de alcohol

temperate moderate, sobrie

  1. (= climate) temperate

temperature temperatura; have a ~ haber le febre
tempest tempesta
tempestuous tempestuose
template patrono
temple RELIG. templo; ANAT. tempora
tempo tempo
temporal (= all senses) temporal
temporary provisori, temporanee
tempt tentar
temptation tentation
tempting attrahente, seductive
ten dece
tenable tenibile
tenacious tenace, persistente
tenacity tenacitate
tenancy location, tenentia
tenant locatario

  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= care for) curar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ propender, tender

tendency tendentia
tendentious tendentiose

  • ⟨adj.⟩ tenere;
  • ⟨n.⟩ COMMERC. offerta; FERR. tender;
  • ⟨v.⟩ offerer, presentar (un offerta)

tender-hearted compatiente
tenderness teneressa
tendon tendine
tenement casa de appartamentos (pro obreros)
tenet dogma, principio
tennis tennis — table tennis tennis de tabula, ping-pong; tennis-player jocator de tennis
tenon *tenon
tenor (= all senses) tenor
tenpin bowling joco de dece quillias

  • ⟨adj.⟩ tense;
  • ⟨n.⟩ tempore

tensile (= elastic) extensibile

  1. (= relative to tension) de tension

tension tension
tent-peg *picchetto de tenta
tent tenta
tentacle tentaculo
tentative tentative
tenterhooksto be on tenterhooks sur le spinas

  • ⟨adj.⟩ decime;
  • ⟨n.⟩ decimo

tenuous tenue
tenure (of property) occupation

  1. (= in office) periodo de officio

tepid tepide

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= word) termino
  2. (= tenure) mandato
  3. (= stint in prison) pena (de imprisionamento)
  4. (= part of school year) trimestre, quadrimestre, semestre (confome al systema educative)
  5. (pl.; = relations) relationes, terminos — to be on good terms with esser in bon terminos con, haber bon relationes con
  6. (pl.; = conditions of agreement) terminos, conditiones
  7. in the short/long term a termino curte/longe
  • ⟨vt.⟩ describer (como)


  • ⟨adj.⟩ terminal;
  • ⟨n.⟩ ELECTR. puncto de connexion, (= transport) terminus

terminate terminar (se)
termination termination
terminology terminologia
terminus terminus
termite formica blanc
terra-cotta terra cocte
terrace terrassa
terrain terreno
terrapin tortuca aquatic
terrestrial terrestre
terrible terribile
terrier ZOOL. terrier /tɛrje/

  1. (= terrifying) terrific
  2. (= extraordinary) stupende, tremende

terrify terrificar, espaventar
terrifying terrificante, espaventabile
territorial territorial
territory territorial
terror terror
terrorism terrorismo
terrorist terrorista
terrorize terrorisar, terrer

  1. (= concise) concise
  2. (= rude) brusc

terylene *terylene, (typo de) *polyester

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= trial) prova, essayo, (= examination) examine, test — driving test examine pro patente de guidar; —
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= try) provar, essayar, (= check) verificar, (= in school) examinar

testament (= all senses) testamento — The Old/New Testament le Vetere/Nove Testamento
testicle testiculo
testify deponer, testificar
testimonial certification, littera de recommendation
testimony deposition
tetanus tetano
tête-à-tête conversation intime

  • ⟨n.⟩ corda;
  • ⟨v.⟩ ligar, fixar

tetrapod tetrapode
text texto
textbook (= elementary) manual

  1. (= standard work) libro de texto

textile ⟨adj. & n.⟩ textile
textual textual
texture textura
Thai ⟨adj. & n.⟩ thai, *thailandese
Thailand *Thailanda
Thames *Tamisa
than que
thank regratiar
thanks, thank you gratias; ~ very much multe gratias
thankful grate
thankfulness gratitude
thankless (+ task) ingrate
Thanksgiving action de gratias
thank you → see thanks

  • ⟨adj.⟩ ille, *celle, *is
  • ⟨adv.⟩ (= so) tanto
  • ⟨conj.⟩ que
  • ⟨pron.⟩
  1. (≠ this) illo, *cello, *esso, *isso, *id, *is
  2. (= who/which) (subject) qui, que, le qual(es), (object) que, le qual(es)


  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= thatching) palea
  2. (= roof) tecto de palea
  • ⟨vt.⟩ impalear

thatched (con tecto) de palea, impaleate

  • ⟨n.⟩ disgelo
  • ⟨v.⟩ disgelar

the1 ⟨determ.⟩ le
the2 ⟨adv.⟩ — the bigger the better quanto plus grande tanto melior · The more I sleep, the less I dream. Quanto plus io dormi, tanto minus io sonia.
theater = theatre
theatre, theater (= all senses) theatro
theatregoer frequentator de theatros
theatrical theatral
thee te
theft furto
their lor

  1. (sg.) le lore
  2. (pl.) le lores


  1. (object) m. les, f. las, nt. los
  2. (after prep.) m. illes, f. illas, nt. illos

theme thema

  1. (subject) illes/illas/illos mesme
  2. (object) se


  1. (= at that time) alora -- by then jam… alora · until then usque ille momento, usque alora
  2. (= next) postea
  3. (= therefore) ergo

theologian theologo
theological theologic
theology theologia
theorem theorema
theoretical theoric
theorize theorisar
theory theoria
therapeutic therapeutic
therapy therapia
there ibi, illac, illic — There is/are… Il ha…

  1. (= approximately) assi circa, plus o minus
  2. (= place) in ille vicinitate

thereafter postea, post isto
thereby pro isto, in iste modo
therefore dunque, ergo, per consequente
thereupon igitur
thermal thermal
thermodynamic thermodynamic
thermodynamics thermodynamica
thermometer thermometro
thermonuclear *thermonuclear
thermos flask thermos
thermostat thermostato
these iste;

  • ⟨pron.⟩ istos

thesis these
they (= masc. and gen.) illes

  1. (= fem.) illas
  2. (= things) illos
  3. (= people in general) on

thick-skinned insensibile
thick (gener.) spisse

  1. (= dense) dense, spisse; (of liquids) crasse, viscose; (of string) grosse
  2. (= obtuse) obtuse, stupide

thicken inspissar (se)
thickening inspissation
thicket boscage
thickness (of solids) spissor; (of liquids) crassitude

  1. (= density) densitate

thief fur, ladron
thieve furar, robar, ladronar

  • ⟨adj.⟩ dishoneste;
  • ⟨n.⟩ furto

thigh coxa, femora
thighbone femore
thimble digital

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= slender) tenue, (= lean) magre, (= not dense) rar;
  • ⟨v.⟩ attenuar

thin-skinned susceptibile, troppo sensibile
thing cosa — sb's things (= belongings) le effectos de un persona · for one thing... for another in prime loco... del altere parte

  1. (= reflect) pensar (about/of a; sth of sb un cosa de un persona)
  2. (= believe) creder

think back repensar (to a)
think over reflecter (super un cosa), ponderar
think through reflecter a fundo (super un cosa), excogitar
think up (= devise) elaborar, conciper
thinker pensator
thinking pensamento, rationamento

  1. (= slenderness) tenuitate
  2. (= leanness) magressa

⟨adj.⟩ tertie

  1. tertio
  2. MUS. tertia


  • ⟨n.⟩ sete
  • ⟨v.⟩ haber sete (for de)

thirsty assetate — to be thirsty haber sete
thirteen dece-tres

  • ⟨adj.⟩ dece-tertie
  • ⟨n.⟩ dece-tertio


  • ⟨adj.⟩ trentesime
  • ⟨n.⟩ trentesimo

thirty trenta

  • ⟨adj.⟩ iste, *is
  • ⟨pron.⟩ isto, *esso, *isso, *is

thistle cardo
thong corregia
thorn spina
thornbush spino
thorny spinose
thorough minutiose
thoroughbred de racia, de pur sanguine
thoroughfare via public, passage
thoroughgoing complete, radical
thoroughly a fundo
thoroughness *minutiositate

  • ⟨adj.⟩ ille
  • ⟨pron.⟩ illos

thou tu
though ben que — as though como si

  1. (= idea) pensata, idea
  2. (= thinking) pensamento — on second thought post reflexion


  1. (= meditative) pensative
  2. (= kind) considerate
  3. (= careful) prudente

thoughtfulness consideration, sollicitude

  1. (= selfish) inconsiderate
  2. (= rash) imprudente

thoughtlessness irreflexion, imprudentia

  • ⟨num. & n.⟩ mille


  • ⟨adj.⟩ millesime
  • ⟨n.⟩ millesimo

Thrace Thracia
thrash batter, fustigar
thrashing fustigation

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= filament) filo
  2. (of screw) filetto
  • ⟨vt.⟩ infilar (un agulia)

threadbare consumite (usque al filos)
threat menacia
threaten menaciar
threatening menaciante
three tres
three-cornered triangular
three-dimensional tridimensional

  1. (= car) automobile a tres rotas
  2. (= tricycle) tricyclo

threefold triple
threesome trio
thresh tribular
threshold limine
thrice tres vices
thrift economia, sparnio
thriftless prodige
thrifty frugal

  • ⟨n.⟩ MED. fremito
  1. (= feeling) emotion excitante;
  • ⟨v.⟩ facer fremer, emotionar

thriller romance policiari, romance de spionage
thrilling emotionante, sensational
thrive florer, prosperar
thriving florescente, prospere
throat gorga — to have a sore throat haber mal de gorga · to slit sb's throat jugular un persona

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= beating) palpitation, pulsation; (of motor) vibration;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= beat) palpitar, pulsar; (of motor) vibrar


  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= beating) palpitante, pulsative; (of motor) vibrante
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= beating) palpitation, pulsation, (of motor) vibration

thrombosis thrombosis
throne throno

  • ⟨n.⟩ multitude, turba;
  • ⟨v.⟩ affluer (a un loco)


  • ⟨n.⟩ regulator;
  • ⟨v.⟩ strangular

through per, trans, a transverso de; ~ and ~ de parte a parte

  • ⟨adv.⟩ in omne parte;
  • ⟨prep.⟩ in omne parte del, per

throughway autostrata
throw-away jectar via
throw-back rejectar
throw-down jectar in basso, jectar a terra
throw-off (= become free from) quitar se de, liberar se de

  1. (= issue) emitter

throw-out expeller
throw-over abandonar
throw-up (= toss in the air) jectar in aere

  1. (= abandon) abandonar
  2. (= vomit) vomitar
  • ⟨n.⟩ tiro;
  • ⟨v.⟩ jectar, lancear

thrush (= bird) turdo; MED. *aphtha
thrust-back repulsar
thrust-forward pulsar in avante
thrust-in figer, intruder
thrust-out extender

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= push) pulsata; MILIT. attacco,
  • ⟨v.⟩ pulsar, impeller


  • ⟨n.⟩ ruito surde;
  • ⟨v.⟩ facer un ruito surde

thug HIST. strangulator; (fig.) bruto
thumb pollice
thumb-a-lift facer le *autostop
thumbtack cimice

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= blow) colpo
  1. (= sound)ruito surde;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ colpar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ batter pesantemente


  • ⟨adj.⟩ enorme;
  • ⟨n.⟩ battimento pesante

thunder-and-lightning fulminar

  • ⟨n.⟩ tonitro;
  • ⟨v.⟩ tonar

thunderbolt fulmine
thundercloud nubilo
thunderstorm tempesta de tonitro
thunderstruck (= struck by lightning) siderate; (fig.) stupefacite
Thursday jovedi
thus assi, de iste maniera
thwart contrariar
thy tu
thyme thymo

  • ⟨adj.⟩ thyroide;
  • ⟨n.⟩ glandula thyroide

thyself te mesme
tiara *tiara
Tibet Tibet

  • ⟨adj.⟩ tibetan
  • ⟨n.⟩ tibetano

tibia tibia
tick-over tornar al maxime lentor

  • ⟨n.⟩ (of clock) tic-tac
  • ⟨vi.⟩ facer tic-tac


  1. (= check mark) ≈ cruce, marca de approbation
  • ⟨vt.⟩ poner un marca contra

tick3 ZOOL. *ticca

  1. (= credit) credito — on tick a credito


  1. billet — complementary ticket billet de favor · lottery ticket billet de lotteria · platform ticket billet de ingresso · return ticket billet de ir e retorno
  2. POL. lista electoral
  3. (= tag) etiquetta

ticking tela de matras
ticking-off reproche
tickle titillar
tickling titillation
ticklish (= easily tickled) sensibile a titillation; (of situation) delicate
tidal de marea
tidbit morsello saporose
tide marea — high/low tide marea alte/basse
tidiness bon ordine, character methodic

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= orderly) in ordine; (of person) methodic;
  • ⟨v.⟩ poner in ordine


  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= link) ligamine
  2. (= necktie) cravata
  3. MUS. ligatura
  4. FERR. transversa
  5. (= equality of votes) paritate
  6. (= equality of scores) partita nulle
  • ⟨vi.⟩ esser par
  • ⟨vt.⟩ ligar, attachar

tie down

  1. attachar, immobilisar
  2. (fig.) limitar, restringer

tie in

  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= be consistent with) concordar con, coincider con, corresponder a
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= coordinate timing of) coordinar, facer coincider (A con B)

tie on attachar con corda
tie up

  1. NAUT. *amarrar
  2. (= keep busy) mantener occupate
  3. (= block) blocar, immobilisar
  4. (= end) concluder

tier etage, grado
tiff querela
tiger tigre

  • ⟨adj.⟩
  1. (= close-fitting) stricte
  2. (= taut) tense
  3. (+ nut) fixe
  • ⟨adv.⟩
  1. (= firmly) ben, forte
  2. (+ closed, sealed) hermeticamente

tight-fisted avar

  1. (by compression) serrar
  2. (by tension) tender
  3. (= screw) stringer

tightening serramento, strictessa
tightness strictessa, tension
tightrope-walker funambulo
tightrope corda tense
tights tricot
tigress tigressa
tilde tilde

  • ⟨n.⟩ tegula;
  • ⟨v.⟩ tegular

till ⟨conj. & prep.⟩ usque

  • ⟨n.⟩ cassa;
  • ⟨v.⟩ cultivar, laborar

tiller NAUT. barra; (of the soil) cultivator, laborator

  • ⟨n.⟩ inclination;
  • ⟨v.⟩ inclinar (se)

timber ligno

timber yard deposito de ligno


  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (gener.) tempore — any time aliquando · for the time being pro le momento · from time to time de tempore in tempore · in time a tempore · some other time alias · access time *tempore de accesso · tea time hora del the · to waste (one's) time perder (su) tempore
  2. (= occasion) vice
  3. (of the day) hora -- What time is it? Qual hora es il?
  4. (= age) epocha, periodo, era


  1. (= set or calculate the time) fixar le hora, calcular le hora
  2. SPORT, INDUS. chronometrar

time-consuming que prende multe tempore, chronophage
timekeeper chronometrista
timeless atemporal, eterne
timely opportun
time-saving que economisa tempore
timesheet folio de presentia
timetable horario
timid timide, pavorose

  1. (= calculating length of time) calculo de tempore
  2. SPORT, INDUS. *chronometrage — Good timing! Vos arriva a tempore / al bon momento!

timpani timbales

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= metal) stanno
  1. (= can) (= cassa de) latta;
  • ⟨v.⟩ stannar

tin-opener aperilattas
tincture tinctura
tinder esca, fomite

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= shade) tinta; (fig.) nuance
  • ⟨v.⟩ tintar


  • ⟨n.⟩ formicamento
  • ⟨v.⟩ formicar, vibrar

tingling formicamento, prurito

  • ⟨n.⟩ caldierero ambulante
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= fiddle with) tentar de reparar


  • ⟨n.⟩ tintinno
  • ⟨v.⟩ tintinnar

tinkling tintinnamento
tinplate latta
tinsel auripelle

  • ⟨n.⟩ tincto, tinta;
  • ⟨v.⟩ tintar

tiny minuscule
tip1 (= sharp end) puncta, extremitate
tip2 (= tilt)

  • ⟨n.⟩ inclination
  • ⟨vi.⟩ inclinar se
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. inclinar — to tip one's hat to sb salutar un pers. con su cappello
  2. (= pour) versar


  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= gratuity) pourboire, gratification
  2. (= hint) consilio
  3. (in gambling) pronostico
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= give gratuity to) dar un pourboire a, gratificar
  2. (= predict) pronosticar

tip off advertir, informar
tip over

  • ⟨vi.⟩ inverter se
  • ⟨vt.⟩ inverter

tip-off1 (= warning) advertimento
tip-off2 SPORT salto inter duo
tipster prognosticator (de cursas)
tipsy inebriate

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= stealthy) furtive, silente
  • ⟨adv.⟩ super le puncta del pedes
  • ⟨n.⟩ — on tiptoe impatiente
  • ⟨vi.⟩ ambular super le puncta del pedes — He tiptoed out of the room. Ille sortiva del sala super le puncta del pedes.

tirade tirada
tire, tyre

  1. (= air-filled) pneumatico, pneu
  2. (= metal hoop) banda

tire (= weary)

  • ⟨vi.⟩ fatigar se
  • ⟨vt.⟩ fatigar


  1. (= needing rest) fatigate
  2. (= weary) lasse, fatigate (of de)
  3. (= hackneyed) inoriginal

tireless infatigabile
tiresome moleste, enoiose
tiring fatigante

  1. ANAT. texito, *histo
  2. TEXT. texito — a tissue of lies un texito de mentitas
  3. (= paper handkerchief) pannello de papiro, *kleenex

tit ZOOL. paride
tit for tat colpo per colpo -- to give tit for tat render le par
titanic titanic
tithe decima
titillate titillar
titillation titillation

  • ⟨n.⟩ (gener.) titulo
  • ⟨v.⟩ titular

titmouse baeolopho, paride

  • ⟨n.⟩ riso dissimulate, riso nervose
  • ⟨v.⟩ rider dissimulatemente, rider nervosemente


  • ⟨n.⟩ commatrage
  • ⟨v.⟩ commatrar


  1. (gener.) a, in
  2. (= in the general direction of) verso
  3. (before inf.) de, a
  4. (= in order to) pro
  5. (= for, according to) pro
  6. (= of, as in "key to the door") de
  7. (= up to) usque

toad bufon
toadstool fungo
toady *sycophante

  • ⟨n.⟩ toast
  • ⟨v.⟩ tostar

toaster tostator
tobacco tabaco — chewing tobacco tabaco pro masticar
tobacconist tabachero — tobacconist's tabacheria

  • ⟨n.⟩ toboggan;
  • ⟨v.⟩ ir in toboggan

today hodie
today's *hodierne, de hodie; actual, moderne
toddle ambular a passos breve e incerte
toddler infante qui comencia ambular
toe digito (de pede);

  • ⟨v.⟩ to toe the line conformar se (al regulas)

toenail ungula del pede
toffee caramello al butyro
toga toga
together conjunctemente, insimul

  • ⟨n.⟩ labor, travalio
  • ⟨v.⟩ travaliar


  1. (= lavatory) water closet, W.C.
  2. (= dressing) toilette


  • ⟨modif.⟩ symbolic
  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. indicio, signo
  2. (metal or plastic) *dischetto

tolerable tolerabile, suffribile
tolerance tolerantia — immune tolerance immunotolerantia
tolerant tolerante
tolerate tolerar
toleration toleration

  • ⟨n.⟩ pedage;
  • ⟨v.⟩ sonar

tomato tomate — tomato plant tomatiero
tomb tumba
tombola tombola
tombstone petra tumbal
tomcat catto
tomfoolery stupiditates, buffoneria
Tommy gun pistoletto mitrialiatrice Thompson
tomorrow deman — tomorrow morning/night deman matino/vespere
tom-tom *tamtam
ton tonna
tone tono;

  • ⟨v.⟩ (= match with) harmonisar con

tone down attenuar
tonearm bracio
toneless monotone
tongs tenalia
tongue ANAT., LING. lingua
tongue-tied incapace parlar, confuse
tongue-twister parola o phrase difficile a parlar

  • ⟨adj.⟩ fortificante, tonic
  • ⟨n.⟩ *tonico

tonight iste vespere, iste nocte
tonnage tonnage
tonsil *amygdala, tonsilla
tonsillitis tonsillitis

  1. (= excessively) nimis, troppo
  2. (= also) etiam, anque, tamben, alsi

tool utensile, instrumento

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (of car horn) colpo de *klaxon
  2. NAUT. colpo de sirena
  • ⟨vi.⟩ sonar, dar un colpo de *klaxon


  • ⟨n.⟩ dente — milk tooth dente de lacte · wisdom tooth dente de sagessa · to clean one's teeth lavar se le dentes · to show one's teeth monstrar le dentes · armed to the teeth armate usque le dentes
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= furnish with teeth; make jagged) dentar

toothache dolor de dentes
toothbrush brossa de dentes
toothed dentate
toothless *edentate, sin dentes
toothpaste dentifricio

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= uppermost) superior, supreme
  1. (= chief) principal
  2. (= first) prime
  3. (= greatest) maxime
  4. (= highest) le plus alte;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (gener.) alto, parte superior
  1. (= on bottle) capsula
  2. (= order) prime position; (of page) capite
  3. (= peak) culmine, summitate
  4. (= surface) superficie
  5. (= toy) turbine,
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= add to) coronar
  1. (= beat) exceder; (+ list) esser prime de

top up plenar, replenar
topaz topazo
topcoat supertoto
top-heavy mal equilibrate, pauco stabile
topic thema
topical topic
topography topographia

  • ⟨vt.⟩ facer cader;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ cader, collaber, perder equilibrio

topsy-turvy in disordine
torch (= flame) torcha

  1. (= elec.) lampa de tasca; arc ~ torcha de arco

toreador toreador

  • ⟨n.⟩ tormento;
  • ⟨v.⟩ tormentar

tormentor tormentator
tornado tornado

  • ⟨n.⟩ torpedo, torpedine;
  • ⟨v.⟩ torpedar, torpedinar

torpid torpide
torpor torpor
torque (momento de) torsion
torrent torrente
torrential torrential
torrid torride
torsion torsion
torso torso
tortoise tortuca
tortoiseshell scalia de tortuca
tortuous serpentin, tortuose

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= physical) tortura; (fig.) tormento;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= physically) torturar; (fig.) tormentar

torturer tormentator

  • ⟨adj.⟩ conservatori;
  • ⟨n.⟩ conservator, tory


  • ⟨vt.⟩ ballottar, jectar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ agitar se


  • ⟨n.⟩ tiro a testa o cruce


  1. (= child) parve infante
  2. (of liquor) *bicarietto

tot up additionar, totalisar
total ⟨adj.⟩ total

  • ⟨n.⟩ total
  • ⟨v.⟩ amontar a, esser in toto


  • ⟨adj.⟩ totalitari
  • ⟨n.⟩ totalitario

totality totalitate

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= betting) totalisator;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= carry) portar


  • ⟨n.⟩ totem;
  • ⟨adj.⟩ totemic

totter titubar

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= act of touching) tocco, (= sense of touch) tacto, toccar; get in ~ with mitter se in contacto con;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (gener.) toccar, (= emotionally) emotionar, emover;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ toccar se; ~ up retoccar

touching emotionante, toccante
touchy susceptibile

  • ⟨adj.⟩ dur, forte, *resistente
  • ⟨n.⟩ bandito, *duro

toughen indurar
toughness duressa, soliditate

  • ⟨n.⟩ tour;
  • ⟨v.⟩ visitar (= como tourista), viagiar per

tourism tourismo

  • ⟨adj.⟩ touristic;
  • ⟨n.⟩ tourista

tournament torneo
tourniquet tournique
tousled discapillate

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= person looking for custom) sollicitator, (= racing) informator, (of tickets) revenditor;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (for custom) sollicitar


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= action) *remulco
  1. (= fibre) stoppa;
  • ⟨v.⟩ *remulcar

toward verso
towboat *remulcator
towel toalia — tea towel panno de essugar
tower-over dominar

  • ⟨n.⟩ turre; water ~ castello de aqua;
  • ⟨v.⟩ elevar se

towering (= rising above) dominante, imponente; (of rage) violente
towing *remulcage
town urbe, citate
towpath cammino de traction
towrope cablo de *remulco
toxemia toxemia
toxic toxic
toxicity toxicitate
toxicologist toxicologista
toxicology toxicologia
toxin toxina

  • ⟨n.⟩ joculo;
  • ⟨adj.⟩ de joco, pro infantes;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (with sth) divertir se con, jocar con

toyshop joculeria

  • ⟨n.⟩ tracia, vestigio;
  • ⟨v.⟩ INDUS. calcar
  1. (= outline) delinear, traciar
  2. (= track down) traciar, sequer le pista

tracing calco
track-down trovar

  • ⟨n.⟩ (gener.) pista
  1. (= on disc) banda
  2. (= path) cammino, sentiero; FERR. via ferree; (of tank) eruca
  3. (= trail) tracia;
  • ⟨v.⟩ traciar

trackless impenetrabile
tracksuit supertoto athletic
tract tracto — digestive tract via digestive
tractable tractabile
traction traction
tractor tractor
tractor-driver tractorista

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= business) commercio, (= job) mestiero, (= exchange) excambio, (= traffic) traffico;
  • ⟨v.⟩ commerciar;
  • ⟨adj.⟩ commercial, (dispute) industrial

trade in offerer (un cosa) como parte del pagamento
trademark marca de fabrica
trader commerciante
tradesman fornitor; -'s entrance entrata de servicio

  • ⟨n.⟩ commercio;
  • ⟨adj.⟩ (stamp) de disconto

tradition tradition
traditional traditional

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= air, rail) movimentos, (= road) circulation, (= trade) commercio, (= bad sense) traffico;
  • ⟨v.⟩ trafficar

trafficator indicator de direction
tragedy tragedia
tragic tragic

  • ⟨n.⟩ pista, tracia;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ sequer le pista de;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ sequer lentemente

trailer *remulco, (= caravan) caravana

  1. (= movie ad) *trailer


  • ⟨n.⟩ FERR. traino — freight/goods train traino de mercantias ·nbsp;passenger train traino de passageros · through train traino directe, — (of thought) filo, (of a wedding dress) cauda, (fig.) serie


  • ⟨vt.⟩ (gener.) exercitar, (= an animal) maestrar, (= drill) trainar, (a gun) punctar, (= professionally) formar, instruer;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ exercitar se

trained diplomate, specialisate
trainee practicante, apprentisse
trainer SPORT instructor, *trainer

  1. (= tamer) domator

training (= drill, practice) exercitation

  1. (= professional) formation

trait tracto
traitor traitor
trajectory trajectoria
tram, tramcar → see streetcar

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= man) vagabundo, (= tread) passos pesante, (= walk) excursion a pede;
  • ⟨v.⟩ camminar

tramp-steamer nave de servicio autonome
trample (on sb/sth) calcar, fullar
trampoline *trampolino
tramway → see streetcar
trance trance
tranquil tranquille
tranquility tranquillitate
tranquilize tranquillisar
tranquilizer *tranquillisante
transact transiger
transaction transaction
transactions (of a learned society) memorias
transatlantic *transatlantic
transcend transcender
transcendental transcendental
transcribe transcriber
transcript transcripto
transcription transcription
transept nave transversal

  • ⟨n.⟩ (gener.) transferentia, transferimento
  1. (= passengers) transbordo
  2. (= property) cession;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (gener.) transferer
  1. (= property) ceder
  2. (= passengers) transbordar

transferable (gener.) transferibile

  1. (= property) cessibile

transference transferentia
transfigure transfigurar
transfix transfiger
transform transformar
transformation transformation
transformer transformator
transfusion transfusion
transgress transgressar, infringer
transgression transgression
transient transiente, fugace
transistor *transistor
transit transito
transition transition
transitional de transition, *transitional
transitive transitive
transitory transitori
translate (= a language) traducer

  1. (= interpret) interpretar
  2. (= move) translatar

translation (of language) traduction

  1. (= result) version
  2. (= movement) translation

translator traductor
translucent translucide
transmission transmission
transmit (= pass on) transmitter

  1. (= physics) conducer

transmitter (gener.) transmissor

  1. (= radio) radiodiffusor
  2. (= tv.) telediffusor, emissor

transmute transmutar, converter
transom transversa

  1. PHOT. diapositiva
  2. POL. transparentia

transparent transparente

  • ⟨n.⟩ transplantation
  • ⟨v.⟩ transplantar


  • ⟨n.⟩ transporto;
  • ⟨v.⟩ transportar

transportation transportation
transpose transponer
transship transbordar

  • ⟨n.⟩ trappa — booby trap trappa explosive · to set a trap tender un trappa
  • ⟨vt.⟩ trappar, insidiar

trapdoor trappa
trapeze trapezio
trappings paraphernales, ornamentos, apparato

  1. (= worthless goods) antiqualia, cosas sin valor
  2. (= refuse) immunditias

trashy sin valor
trauma *trauma
traumatic *traumatic

  • ⟨n.⟩ viages;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (gener.) viagiar, (= cover) percurrer, (= go) ir, vader, (= move) mover se, (phys.) propagar se

traveler viagiator — commercial traveler commisso viagiator

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= for travel) de viages
  1. (= mobile) ambulante;
  • ⟨n.⟩ viages


  • ⟨n.⟩ parodia;
  • ⟨v.⟩ parodiar


  • ⟨n.⟩ draga;
  • ⟨v.⟩ dragar

trawler nave de pisca (= con draga)
tray tabuliero (= de servicio) — tea tray tabuliero de the

  1. (= disloyal) perfide
  2. (= dangerous) periculose

treachery perfidia, traition
treacle melassa

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= step) passo; (of tyre) banda de rolamento;
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= trample) calcar
  2. (= grapes) fuler
  • ⟨vi.⟩ camminar, mitter le pede

treadle pedal
treason traition
treasonable traitor

  • ⟨n.⟩ tresor
  • ⟨vt.⟩ guardar como un tresor

treasurer cassero, tresorero
treasury tresoreria, fisco

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= refreshment) regalo
  2. (= pleasure) placer
  3. (for a pet) premio
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= deal with) tractar de
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (gener.) tractar
  2. MED. curar, medicar
  3. (to a drink) pagar a biber, regalar

treatable curabile, sanabile, medicabile
treatise tractato

  1. (gener.) tractamento
  2. MED. therapia, tractamento medical

treaty tractato

  • ⟨adj.⟩
  1. (= triple) triple
  2. MUS. de soprano
  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= soprano part) parte del soprano
  2. (= soprano singer) soprano
  • ⟨vi. & vt.⟩ triplar

tree arbore — Christmas tree arbore de Natal · family tree arbore genealogic

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= migration) migration; (fig.) viage longe e penose;
  • ⟨v.⟩ facer un viage longe e penose

trellis spalier

  • ⟨n.⟩ tremor
  • ⟨vi.⟩ tremer, tremular


  • ⟨adj.⟩ tremente;
  • ⟨n.⟩ tremulamento

tremendous tremende
tremor tremor, fremito
trench trenchea
trend direction, tendentia, curso, (= fashion) moda
trendy de moda
trespass (= transgression) intrusion

  1. (= sin) peccato;
  • ⟨v.⟩ transgressar, (= upon sth) upon abusar de

trespasser intruso
trestle cavalletto
trial (= test) prova, tentativa; JUR. judicio — trial by jury judicio per juratos
triangle (= all senses) triangulo
triangular triangular
tribal tribal
tribe tribo
tribesman membro de tribo
tribulation tribulation
tribunal tribunal

  • ⟨adj.⟩ affluente, tributari;
  • ⟨n.⟩ affluente

tribute tributo

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= ruse) artificio, (= swindle) fraude — confidence trick abuso de confidentia, duperia; —
  • ⟨v.⟩ dupar, (= hoax) mystificar

trickery (= cleverness) astutia

  1. (= fraud) fraude


  • ⟨n.⟩ stillation;
  • ⟨v.⟩ manar

trickster dupator, fraudator
tricky (= person) astute, (= situation) delicate, difficile
tricycle tricyclo
triennial triennal

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= small article) bagatella, trica, (= sweet) dessert de biscuites imbibite de vino, coperite de gelea con fructos, coronate de crema;
  • ⟨v.⟩ jocar (with con)

trifling insignificante, sin importantia

  • ⟨n.⟩ can;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= cause) initiar, provocar, causar

trigger-happy disposite a tirar a omne cosa
trigonometry *trigonometria

  • ⟨n.⟩ trillo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ trillar

trillion trillion

  • ⟨adj.⟩ elegante, in bon stato;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= form) stato — in trim in forma, — (of hair) *tonditura;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= balance) equilibrar, (= garnish) guarnir, (= prune) putar, (= hair, grass) tonder

trimming (= garnish) guarnition; tonditura
trimmings accessorios
trinity trinitate
trinket parve ornamento
trio trio

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= run) cursa, percurso, (= excursion) excursion, tour;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ facer cader;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ facer un passo false

tripe CULIN. tripa; (fig.) nonsenso, stupiditates

  • ⟨adj.⟩ triple;
  • ⟨v.⟩ triplar, triplicar

triplet trigemino
triplicate triplicato
tripod tripede
trisect trisecar
trite banal
triteness banalitate

  • ⟨n.⟩ triumpho;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= over sb/sth) triumphar super

triumphal triumphal
triumphant triumphante

  1. (= trifling) insignificante
  2. (= ordinary) banal

triviality banalitate, insignificantia
trolley trolley
trolleybus *trolleybus
trombone trombon

  • ⟨n.⟩ (gener.) truppa; the -s le truppas, le soldatos;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= gather) attruppar, (= flock together) camminar in truppa

trophy tropheo
tropic tropico
Tropic of Cancer Tropico del Cancere
Tropic of Capricorn Tropico del Capricorno
tropical tropical

  • ⟨n.⟩ trotto;
  • ⟨v.⟩ trottar

troubadour trobador

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= bother) enoio, molestia, (= difficulty) difficultate, pena, (= distress) affliction, (= unrest) conflicto, (= malfunction) panna; engine ~ panna del motor; tire ~ panna de pneu;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ incommodar, ennoiar, (= upset) disturbar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ incommodar se

troubleshooter investigator de conflictos industrial
troublesome enoiose, moleste
trough (= tub) alveo, cupa

  1. (= drinking) abiberatorio
  2. (= feeding) mangiatoria; (fig.) depression, puncto basse

trounce (= punish) castigar; SPORT vincer facilmente
troupe truppa
trousers pantalones
trout tructa
trowel trulla
truant scholar absente (= sin justification); play ~ absentar se (= sin justification)
truce *tregua, armistitio

  1. (gener.) carro
  2. (= road transport) camion; FERR. wagon (= de merces)

truck-driver *camionero, *camionista
trucking camionage
truculent *truculente
trudge camminar penosemente

  1. (= real, not wrong) ver
  2. (= faithful) fidel

truffle trufa
truism *truismo, axioma
truly in veritate, vermente
trump (= cards) *triumpho
trumpery objecto sin valor

  • ⟨n.⟩ trompetta;
  • ⟨v.⟩ trompettar

trumpeter trompettero
trump up (= evidence) fabricar, inventar
truncate truncar
truncheon baston (de agente de policia)

  • ⟨vt.⟩ facer rolar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ rolar pesantemente e con ruito

trunk (= box) coffro, (= elephant's) trompa, (of tree) trunco, (= stem) stirpe — swimming trunks calceon de banio
truss MED. cinctura *herniari; TECH. armatura de traves

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= belief) confidentia, fide
  2. (= charge) carga, responsabilitate; ECON. cartel, trust — unit trust societate de investimento; —
  • ⟨v.⟩ fider se (a un persona)

trustee JUR. fideicommissario, curator

  1. (= in bankruptcy) syndico
  2. (= board of directors) membro del consilio de administration

trustworthiness (gener.) fidelitate; (of figures) credibilitate, exactitude
trustworthy de confidentia, digne de fide, fidibile
trusty fidel
truth veritate
truthful honeste, veridic
truthfulness veracitate

  • ⟨n.⟩ essayo, tentativa;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= test) provar, tentar, JUR. judicar; ~ on (= clothes) essayar

trying difficile, moleste
tsar tsar
tsarina tsarina
T-square esquadra
tub alveo, cupa
tuba tuba
tubby corpulente, rotunde
tube (= pipe) tubo; FERR. metro

  1. (= valve) tubo, valvula

tuber tubere
tuberculosis tuberculosis
tubing tubos
tubular tubular

  • ⟨n.⟩ plica;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= pleat) plicar, (= put) mitter

tuckbox bonboniera, cassa de provisiones
tuck in

  1. (= insert) mitter in, insertar
  2. (= eat) mangiar

tuck shop *bonboneria/confecteria (de schola)
tuck up

  1. (= insert) duplar, insertar, replicar
  2. (= in bed) installar commodemente

Tuesday martedi — Shrove Tuesday quinquagesima, martedi del carneval
tuft (of grass, feathers) *tuffo; (of wool) flocco

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= pull) tirada (= subite):
  • ⟨v.⟩ tirar

tugboat *remulcator
tug of war lucta al corda
tuition inseniamento
tulip tulipan

  • ⟨n.⟩ cadita;
  • ⟨v.⟩ cader

tumbledown ruinose
tumbler bicario
tummy stomacho
tumour tumor
tumult tumulto
tuna thunno
tundra tundra

  • ⟨n.⟩ melodia;
  • ⟨v.⟩ MECH. regular; MUS. accordar
  1. (= radio etc.) *syntonisar; in ~ de accordo; out of ~ mal accordate

tuneful melodiose
tuneless discordante, inharmoniose
tuner MUS. accordator

  1. (= radio etc.) *syntonisator

tungsten wolfram, tungsten
tunic *tunica

  1. MUS. accordatura
  2. (of radio etc.) *syntonisation


  • ⟨n.⟩ tunnel;
  • ⟨v.⟩ construer un tunnel

turban turban
turbid turbide
turbine turbina
turbot rhombo
turbulence turbulentia
turbulent turbulente
tureen suppiera, terrina

  1. (= peat) turfa
  2. (= racing) turf

turgid turgide
Turin Torino
Turinese turinese
Turk turco
turkey gallo de India
Turkey Turchia

  • ⟨adj.⟩ turc
  • ⟨n.⟩ turco

turmoil confusion, tumulto

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= bend) curva
  2. (= change of direction) cambio de direction
  3. TECH., NAUT. *virage
  4. (of wheel) revolution, torno
  5. (= sb's turn to do sth) torno, vice
  • ⟨vi.⟩ rotar, girar, *virar
  • ⟨vt.⟩ tornar, girar

turn around

  • ⟨vi.⟩ girar se, tornar se, girar le dorso
  • ⟨vt.⟩ reverter, inverter

turn aside

  1. (= deflect) disviar, diverter
  2. (= decline) declinar
  3. (= evade) evitar, eluder

turn away

  1. (= face away) girar se, tornar se
  2. (= deny entry) negar le accesso a

turn back retornar a retro
turn down

  1. (= reduce) bassar, reducer
  2. (= decline) declinar, refusar
  3. (= fold down) replicar — to turn down the sheets aperir le lecto

turn in

  1. (= hand in) presentar
  2. (to the police) livrar

turn off

  1. (+ appliance) extinguer
  2. (+ faucet) clauder

turn on

  1. (= switch on) accender, (+ faucet) aperir
  2. (= become hostile to) retornar se contra
  3. (= arouse sexually) excitar

turn out

  1. (= show up) presentar se, esser presente
  2. (= be found to be) resultar, finir
  3. (= produce) fabricar, producer
  4. (= switch off) extinguer
  5. (= empty) vacuar

turn over

  1. (= flip over) girar (se), inverter (se)
  2. (+ page, chapter) tornar
  3. (= surrender) livrar, dar
  4. (= earn) ganiar
  5. (= ponder) reflecter super, revolver

turn up

  1. (= increase) augmentar
  2. (= arrive) arrivar, presentar se
  3. (= happen unexpectedly) evenir imprevistemente

turncoat renegato

  1. (= rotation) giration, rotation
  2. (in road) cruciata, furca

turnip rapa
turnover volumine de venditas
turnpike autostrata
turnstile tourniquet
turntable (= gramophone, railroad) placa giratori
turntable *tornadiscos
turn-up (on trousers) reverso
turpentine terebinthina
turquoise ⟨adj. & n.⟩ turchese
turret *turretta
turtle tortuca
tusk defensa

  • ⟨n.⟩ lucta
  • ⟨v.⟩ luctar, venir al manos


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= book) manual, (= private teacher) preceptor, (univ.) director de studios;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= exercise guardianship) tutorar

tutorial parve classe special
tuxedo smoking
twaddle nonsenso

  • ⟨n.⟩ sono nasal;
  • ⟨v.⟩
  1. parlar con voce nasal
  2. (= vibrate) vibrar

tweak pinciar, tirar
tweed *tweed
tweet pipar
tweezers pincette

  • ⟨adj.⟩ dece-secunde
  • ⟨n.⟩ dece-secundo

twelve dece-duo

  • ⟨adj.⟩ vintesime
  • ⟨n.⟩ vintesimo

twenty vinti
twenty-nine vinti-novem
twice duo vices, bis
twiddle girar, jocar con

  • ⟨n.⟩ rametto;
  • ⟨v.⟩ comprender

twilight crepusculo

  • ⟨adj.⟩ gemine;
  • ⟨n.⟩ gemino — fraternal/identical twins geminos *dizygotic/monozygotic

twin-engined con duo motores, *bimotor

  • ⟨n.⟩ corda;
  • ⟨v.⟩ involver (se)

twinge dolor subite e acute

  • ⟨n.⟩ scintilla;
  • ⟨v.⟩ scintillar


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= twist) giration rapide
  1. (= pirouette) pirouette;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= facer) tornear


  • ⟨n.⟩ torto;
  • ⟨v.⟩ torquer (se)

twist back retorquer
twisted torte
twister fraudator
twisting contorsion, torquimento

  • ⟨n.⟩ tic;
  • ⟨v.⟩ mover se nervosemente


  • ⟨n.⟩ pipar;
  • ⟨v.⟩ critar, emitter critos

two duo
twofold gemine, duple, duplice
two-edged a duple talia
two-faced false, hypocrita
two-stroke (+ motor) a duo tempores

  1. reciproc
  2. (+ traffic) in ambe sensos


  1. (= shogun) taikun
  2. (= magnate) magnate

tympanum tympano

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= sort) typo, sorta, genere — access type typo de accesso; —
  • ⟨v.⟩ dactylographar, scriber a machina, *typar

type-setter cassista, compositor
typewriter machina a/de scriber, dactylographo
typewriting dactylographia

  • ⟨n.⟩ febre typhoide

typhoon typhon
typhus typho
typical typic

  1. exemplificar, characterisar, esser typic de
  2. symbolisar, prefigurar

typist dactylographo
typographical typographicv
typography typographia
tyrannical tyrannic
tyrannize tyrannisar, despotisar
tyranny tyrannia
tyrant tyranno
tyro comenciante


udder ubere
U.F.O. O.V.N.I. (objecto volante non identificate)
ugliness feditate
ugly fede, repulsive
Ukraine Ukraina

  • ⟨adj.⟩ ukrainian
  • ⟨n.⟩ ukrainiano

ukulele *ukulele
ulcer ulcere
ulcerate ulcerar
ulcerated ulcerose
ulmin ulmina
ulterior ulterior
ultimate ultimate
ultimatum ultimatum
ultrasonic *ultrasonic
ultraviolet ultraviolette
umbilical umbilical
umbrage offensa, resentimento; take ~ at offender se de/pro
umbrella parapluvia

  • ⟨n.⟩ arbitro;
  • ⟨v.⟩ arbitrar

umpteen mul-issime, io non sape quante
un- (= negative prefix) with adjectives use "in-", which becomes "il-" before l, "ir-" before r, "im-" before m and p; with verbs, use "dis-"
unabated sin diminution
unable incapace, inhabile

  1. (= not shortened) non abbreviate
  2. (+ edition) integral

unacceptable inacceptabile

  1. (= alone) sol

MUS. sin accompaniamento unaccountable inexplicabile
unaccusable inaccusabile

  1. (= not used to) inaccostumate, poco habituate
  2. (= unusual) insolite

unacquaintedto be unacquainted with non cognoscer
unadulterated non adulterate, pur

  1. (= sincere) sin affectation, sincer
  2. CHIM. inalterabile

unaided sin adjuta
unaltered inalterate
unambiguous inambigue
unambitious inambitiose, sin ambition
unanimous unanime, univoc

  1. (= not replied to) sin responsa
  2. (+ argument) irrefutabile
  3. (+ prayer) non *exaudite

unappeasable inappaciabile, incalmabile
unappetising pauco appetitose
unappreciated *inappreciate
unapproachable inaccessibile, inaccostabile
unarmed sin armas
unashamed sin vergonia
unassailable inattaccabile
unassimilable inassimilabile
unassuming modeste, sin pretensiones
unattainable inattingibile
unattractive non attractive
unauthorized non autorisate, illicite
unavoidable inevitabile
unaware ignorante, inconsciente (of de)

  1. per surprisa
  2. (= unknowingly) insconsciemente, per inadvertentia

unbalanced disequilibrate, instabile
unbearable insupportabile, intolerabile
unbeatable imbattibile
unbecoming incongrue, indecorose
unbelievable incredibile
unbend facer se affabile
unbending inflexibile
unbiased impartial
unbidden non invitate
unbind disligar
unblemished immaculate
unborn non ancora nate, futur
unbreakable infrangibile
unburden discargar
unbutton disbuttonar
uncalled for impertinente, *foras de loco
uncancellable incancellabile

  1. (= mysterious) mysteriose, extraordinari
  2. (= disturbing) inquietante

uncared for neglecte
unceasing incessante
unceremonious inceremoniose
uncertain incerte, insecur
uncertainty incertitude
unchallenged incontestate
unchangeable incambiabile, inalterabile
unchanged incambiate, inalterate
unchanging constante, invariabile
uncharitable incaritabile
unchaste inceste

  • ⟨adj.⟩
  1. (≠ verified, under control) non controlate
  2. (≠ bridled) non frenate
  3. (= free) libere
  4. (+ figures) non verificate
  • ⟨adv.⟩ sin freno

uncircumcised incircumcise
uncivil incivil
uncivilized incivilisate
uncle oncle
unclean immunde, impur
unclear pauco clar
unclothed nude, sin vestimentos
uncoil *disinrolar (se)
uncolored incolor

  1. (physically) inconfortabile, incommode
  2. (mentally) incommode (about, with con)

uncommon pauco commun, insolite, rar
uncompromising intransigente
unconcealed non celate, aperte, non dissimulate
unconcern indifferentia
unconcerned indifferente
unconditional inconditional

  1. (≠ conditioned) inconditionate
  2. (= unconditional) inconditional

unconfessable inconfessabile
unconfirmed non confirmate
unconformable inconforme
unconnected sin connexion, disjuncte
unconscionable excessive, irrationabile
unconscious ⟨adj. & n.⟩ inconsciente
unconsciousness inconscientia, insensibilitate

  1. incontrolabile
  2. (+ child) ingovernabile

unconventional original, poco conventional
unconvinced non convincite
unconvincing pauco convincente
uncooked crude uncork discorcar
uncouple disaccopular
uncouth grossier, rude

  1. (= reveal) discoperir, revelar
  2. (= remove top of) levar le coperculo de

uncritical disproviste de senso critic, pauco exigente
uncultured inculte
uncut non taliate

  1. (= unharmed) intacte
  2. COMMERC. non *avariate

undated sin data
undaunted intrepide, non territe
undecided indecise, non resolvite
undecipherable indecifrabile, illegibile
undefeated invicte
undefinable indefinibile
undelivered non livrate
undeniable indenegabile

  • ⟨adj.⟩ inferior
  • ⟨adv.⟩
  1. (= below) infra
  2. (= in an unconscious state) inconsciente
  • ⟨prep.⟩ sub, infra

undercarriage carro de atterrage
undercharge facer pagar minus que le precio juste
underclothes subvestimentos
undercoat prime application
undercover clandestin
undercut vender minus car que
underdeveloped subdisveloppate, *subdeveloppate
underdog *oppresso

  1. (= undercooked) pauco cocite
  2. (+ beef) al sanguine


  • ⟨n.⟩ estimation insufficiente;
  • ⟨v.⟩ subestimar
  1. (= despise) minuspreciar

underfoot sub le pedes
undergo suffrer, experimentar, submitter se a
undergraduate studente

  • ⟨adj.⟩ subterranee;
  • ⟨n.⟩ FERR. metro

undergrowth arbustos basse, boscage
underhand clandestin
underline sublinear
underling subordinato
underlying fundamental, subjacente
undermentioned mentionate infra

  1. (= sap) minar
  2. (= weaken) ruinar, injuriar


  • ⟨adv.⟩ infra;
  • ⟨prep.⟩ sub

undernourished subalimentate
underpants calceones
underpass passage inferior
underpay subpagar, pagar mal
underpin appoiar
underprivileged povre, economicamente debile
underrate subestimar (le importantia de)
undersell vender minus car
undershirt subcamisa

  • ⟨adj.⟩ subsignate;
  • ⟨n.⟩ subsignato

underskirt subgonnella
understaffed con personal insufficiente
understand comprender, intender

  1. (= comprehension) intelligentia
  2. (= agreement) accordo

understate *minimisar
understatement declaration insufficiente, attenuation del veritate
understudy substituto
undertake interprender
undertaker director de pompas funebre

  1. (= firm) interprisa
  2. (= promise) promissa

undertone voce basse
undervalue *subestimar, *subvalutar
underwater submarin
underwear subvestimentos
underworld basse fundos del societate
undescribable indescriptibile
undeserved *immeritate
undesirable indesirabile
undetected non discoperite
undeterred non discoragiate, intimidate
undeveloped non disveloppate
undignified indigne, sin dignitate, indecorose

  1. (= not thinned down) *indiluite, concentrate
  2. (fig.) pur

undiplomatic pauco diplomatic
undisciplined *indisciplinate
undiscriminating sin discernimento

  1. (= not changed in appearance) non disguisate
  2. (= open) non dissimulate, aperte, franc

undismayed sin pavor, impavide, non discoragiate
undisputed *incontestate
undistinguishable non distinguibile
undistinguished mediocre
undisturbed non disturbate
undivided indivise, integre
undo disfacer

  1. (= ruin) perder

undoing perdition, ruina
undone (= untied) disfacite — to come undone disfacer se
undoubted indubitate
undreamed of *inimaginabile
undress disvestir (se)
undrinkable non potabile
undue excessive, illegitime
undulate undular
undulating undulate

  1. (= not deserved) immeritate
  2. (= not worked for) non ganiate per labor

unearth exhumar
unearthly supernatural, sinistre
uneasiness anxietate, inquietate

  1. (= anxious) anxie, inquiete
  2. (+ sleep) agitate

uneatable inedibile
uneducated ignorante, sin instruction, vulgar

  1. (= not moved) pauco impressionabile
  2. (+ account) objective

unemployed disoccupate, sin empleo — the unemployed le disoccupatos
unemployment disoccupation
unending interminabile
unendurable insupportabile, intolerabile
unenviable pauc invidiabile
unequal inequal
unerring infallibile
U.N.E.S.C.O. U.N.E.S.C.O.

  1. (= not smooth, not regular) inequal
  2. (= odd) impar

uneven accidentate
unexceptionable irreprochabile
unexciting insipide
unexpected impreviste, improvise
unfailing constante, inexhauribile, infallibile
unfair injuste, disloyal

  1. (= displaying infidelity) infidel
  2. (+ translation) inexacte


  1. (= infidelity) infidelitate
  2. (of translation) inexactitude

unfamiliar estranie, incognite
unfashionable foras de moda, passate de moda
unfasten disfacer
unfavorable adverse, disavantagiose, disfavorabile
unfeeling insensibile
unfeigned non fingite, sincer

  1. (= incomplete) incomplete
  2. INDUS. semilaborate


  1. (= out of place) improprie, inapte
  2. (= ill) infirme, incapace


  • ⟨vi.⟩
  1. (= spread out) displicar se
  2. (= be revelead) esser revelate, esser disvelate
  3. (= occur) disveloppar se, evolver
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= spread out) displicar
  2. (= reveal) revelar, disvelar

unforeseen impreviste, improvise, non previdite
unforgettable inoblidabile
unforgivable impardonabile
unfortunate infortunate, infelice
unfortunately infortunatemente
unfounded sin fundamento
unfriendly inamical, antipathic, poco sympathic
unfulfilled *incomplite, irrealisate
unfurnished non mobilate, sin mobiles
ungainly disgratiose
ungetatable inaccessibile

  1. (= wicked) impie
  2. (+ row) infernal

ungrammatical incorrecte
ungrateful ingrate

  1. (= not defended) sin defensa
  2. (+ remark) incaute, inconsiderate

unhappiness infelicitate
unhappy infelice
unharmed illese, indemne, san e salve
unhealthy insalubre, malsan
unheard-of inaudite
unheeded neglecte, a que on non presta attention
unhesitating decise, firme
unhindered sin incombramento, libere
unhurt illese
unidentified non identificate
uniform ⟨adj. & n.⟩ uniforme
unify unificar
unilateral unilateral
unimaginable non imaginabile, inconcipibile
unimpaired intacte, integre, non diminuite
unimportant insignificante, pauco importante, sin importantia
unimpressed frigide, non impressionate
uninhabitable *inhabitabile
uninhabited deserte, non habitate
uninitiated non initiate

  1. (+ person) illese, indemne
  2. (+ goods) intacte, sin damno

uninspired banal, mediocre, sin inspiration
unintelligent inintelligente
unintelligible inintelligibile
unintentional involuntari
uninterested non interessate, indifferente
uninteresting pauco interessante
uninterrupted ininterrupte
uninvited sin invitation
uninviting pauco appetitose
uninviting pauco attractive, *inappetibile

  • ⟨modif.⟩ syndical
  • ⟨n.⟩ union — trade union syndicato (obrer)

the Union Jack bandiera britannic
unionismtrade unionism syndicalismo

  1. POL. unionista
  2. (= trade unionist) syndicalista

unique unic
unisonin unison de concerto, al unisono

  1. (gener., MILIT.) unitate — display unit apparato de presentation, monstra
  2. MECH. elemento


  • ⟨adj.⟩ unitari
  • ⟨n.⟩ unitario


  • ⟨vi.⟩ unir se
  • ⟨vt.⟩ unir

united unite
the United Kingdom le Regno Unite
the United Nations le Nationes Unite
the United States le Statos Unite — from the United States *statounitese
unity unitate
universal universal
universe universo, cosmo

  • ⟨comp.⟩ universitari
  • ⟨n.⟩ universitate

unjust injuste
unjustifiable injustificabile

  1. (= neglected) inculte
  2. (+ hair) mal pectinate

unkind cruel, inamical
unkindness cruelitate, manco de amabilitate
unknown incognite
unknowable incognoscibile
unlace *dislaciar, disfacer (le cordones/*lacios)
unlawful illegal, illicite
unleavened azyme — the Feast of Unleavened Bread le (festa del) azymos
unless a minus que, si non

  1. (= without authority) non autorisate
  2. (+ premises) sin licentia

unlike a differentia de
unlikely inverisimile
unlimited illimitate
unload discargar
unlock disserrar
unlooked-for impreviste, insperate
unloose disligar
unlosable imperdibile

  1. (= unfortunate) infortunate
  2. (= ill-starred) *nefaste

unmanageable ingovernabile, intractabile
unmanly effeminate, pauco viril
unmarried celibe, non maritate
unmatched incomparabile
unmeant facite sin intention, involuntari
unmentionable immentionabile
unmistakeable evidente
unmoved impassibile, insensibile
unnamed innominate
unnatural innatural
unnecessary inutile, non necessari, superflue
unneeded non necessari
unnerve enervar
unnoticed inobservate
unobstructed non obstruite
unobtainable introvabile, non obtenibile
unobtrusive discrete, modeste
unofficial non official
unopened non aperite, non aperte
unorthodox pauco orthodoxe
unpack disimballar, dispacchettar
unpaid non pagate
unparalleled incomparabile, sin precedente
unpardonable impardonabile
unpatriotic *antipatriotic
unperturbed imperturbate, impassive
unpleasant disagradabile, displacente
unpleasantness character disagradabile

  1. (= not smoothened, not refined) non polite
  2. (= crude) rude

unpopular impopular
unprecedented sin precedente
unprejudiced disinteressate, impartial
unprepared non preparate
unproductive improductive
unprofitable sin profito
unprotected sin protection
unprovoked non provocate
unpublished inedite, non publicate
unpunished impunite

  1. JUR. incompetente
  2. (= without a certificate) sin diploma
  3. (= without the right) sin titulo
  4. (= unlimited) absolute, inconditional

unquestionable indiscutibile
unravel *disintricar
unreadable illegibile
unreal irreal
unreasonable irrationabile, disrationabile
unrecognizable *irrecognoscibile
unrecorded non registrate
unrelated non connexe, sin relation
unrelenting implacabile, inexorabile
unreliable *infidibile, non digne de fide, pauc fidel
unrelieved non mitigate, total
unremitting incessante, infatigabile
unrepentant impenitente
unreservedly sin reserva

  1. (= restlessness) inquietude
  2. (social, civil, etc.) agitation, disordine

unrestrained disfrenate, immoderate, libere
unrestricted sin restriction
unripe crude, immatur, verde
unrivaled incomparabile, sin par, sin rival
unroll *disinrolar (se)
unruly *indisciplinate, turbulente
unsafe insecur
unsaid non dicite
unsanitary antihygenic
unsatisfactory insatisfactori
unsatisfied non satisfacte
unsavory disagradabile
unscathed indemne
unscientific non scientific, pauco scientific
unscrew *disvitar
unscrupulous sin conscientia, inscrupulose
unseal dissigillar
unseat (= remove from office) privar (un deputato) de su sede
unseemly improprie, indecente
unseen non ancora vidite; invisibile
unserviceable inservibile, inutile

  1. (= undecided) indecisive
  2. (= weather) variabile

unshaken non succutite
unsheltered non protegite, sin protection, exponite al ventos
unsightly repugnante al vista
unsigned non signate, sin signatura

  1. (= not expert) inexperte
  2. (+ labor) manual, non specialisate

unskillfulness imperitia
unsociable insociabile
unsold non vendite
unsolicited non sollicitate
unsolved non solvite, non resolvite

  1. (= naive) ingenue, naive
  2. (= simple) simple


  1. (+ argument) erronee, false
  2. (+ mind) infirme
  3. (+ structure) defectuose


  1. (= generous) generose, prodige
  2. (= merciless) impietose

unspeakable inqualificabile, inexprimibile
unspecified non specificate
unstable instabile

  1. (= unbalanced) disequilibrate, instabile
  2. (= tottering) titubante

unstinted abundante, illimitate
unstressed LING. inaccentuate

  1. (= without success) insuccessose
  2. (+ efforts) infructuose, van
  3. (+ candidate) non eligite

unsuitability improprietate, incommoditate, inadaptation
unsuitable improprie, incommode, inadaptate
unsuited inapte — to be unsuited for sth, to do sth disconvenir a un c., pro facer un c.
unsure insecur
unsurpassed non superate, sin equal
unsuspecting non suspiciose, sin suspicion
untangle *disintricar
untenable intenibile
unthinkable impensabile, inconcipibile

  1. (+ person) poco methodic
  2. (+ room) in disordine

untie disnodar
until ⟨conj. & prep.⟩ usque
untimely inopportun, prematur
untiring infatigabile

  1. (+ riches) incalculabile
  2. (+ story) inedite

untouchable *intoccabile
untrained inexperte, non specialisate
untrue non ver, false
unusable inutilisabile
unused inexhauste, inutilisate
unusual insolite, singular
unutterable ineffabile, inexprimibile
unveil disvelar
unwanted indesirate, superflue
unwarrantable injustificabile
unwarranted non autorisate, sin garantia, injustificate
unwary imprudente
unwelcome non benvenite
unwell indisposite, malade
unwieldy pauco maneabile
unwilling *disinclinate, reluctante, non volente
unwillingly de mal voluntate, de mal grado
unwillingness reluctantia

  1. (= unroll) *disinrolar se
  2. (= relax) relaxar se

unwise mal avisate
unwitting inconsciente
unworkable impracticabile
unworthiness indignitate
unworthy indigne
unwrap disinveloppar, dispacchettar

  1. (= not written) non scribite
  2. (= traditional) traditional


  • ⟨adv.⟩
  1. (= above) in alto
  2. (= upward) a alto, verso le alto
  3. (= out of bed) eveliate, foras del lecto
  4. (= finished) finite
  5. (+ road) in reparation
  • ⟨prep.⟩ in alto de — It's up to sb. Il es a un pers. de decider. · What's up with him? Qual es su problema?

up to (= as far as; as much/many as) usque (a)
upbringing education
upend poner vertical

  • ⟨n.⟩ promotion, INFORM. actualisation;
  • ⟨v.⟩ promover, INFORM. actualisar


  1. GEO. sublevamento
  2. (fig.) commotion (un parola)


  • ⟨adj.⟩ majuscule
  • ⟨n.⟩ majuscula, littera majuscule

upriver a monte
upstream *contracurrente

  • ⟨adj.⟩ del alto del citate, del quartieros residential
  • ⟨adv.⟩ al alto del citate
  • ⟨n.⟩ alto del citate, quartieros residential


  • ⟨n.⟩ impulso, desiderio
  • ⟨vt.⟩ exhortar (un pers. de facer un c.), recommandar vivemente (un c.; a un pers. de facer un c.), facer pression (super un pers. a fin que ille face un c.)


  • ⟨n.⟩ uso, usage, utilisation — to be in (current) use haber curso · to put to use applicar, utilisar
  • ⟨vt.⟩ usar, utilisar, facer uso de

utilization utilisation
utilize utilisar
utterly absolutemente, completemente, totalmente
uvula uvula


vacancy vacantia
vacant vacante
vacate disoccupar, liberar

  • ⟨n.⟩ ferias, vacantias, (= act of vacating) disoccupation, liberation;
  • ⟨adj.⟩ ferial

vaccinate vaccinar
vaccination vaccination
vaccine vaccino
vacillate vacillar
vacillation vacillation
vacuum vacuo
vacuum-cleaner aspirator
vagabond vagabundo
vagina vagina

  • ⟨adj.⟩ vagabunde;
  • ⟨n.⟩ vagabundo

vague vage, imprecise
vagueness imprecision
vain (= conceited) vanitose

  1. (= useless) inutile, van

vainglorious vangloriose
valet camerero, *valletto
valiant valente, prode
valid valide
validate validar
validity validitate
valley valle
valor valor
valuable de valor, preciose
valuables objectos de valor
valuation valutation
value added tax imposto super le valor adjungite

  • ⟨n.⟩ valor — face value valor nominal · surplus value plus-valor


  • ⟨v.⟩
  1. (= estimate value of) valutar
  2. (= hold valuable) tener a

valueless sin valor
valve (= all senses) valvula

  1. (= radio, etc.) tubo, valvula


  • ⟨n.⟩ femina fatal, *vampiressa;
  • ⟨v.⟩ improvisar un accompaniamento

vampire vampir
van camionetta, *furgon; brake -, guard's ~ (= US: caboose) *furgon (de bagage); furniture removal ~ camion de translocationes
van-driver *camionero, *camionista, livrator
vandal vandalo
vandalism vandalismo
vane pala
vanguard vanguarda
vanilla vanilla
vanish eclipsar se, evanescer
vanity vanitate
vapor vapor
vaporize vaporisar
variable ⟨adj. & n.⟩ variabile
varianceto be at variance discrepar, esser in contradiction (o disaccordo), non concordar (with con)
variant variante
variation variante, variation
varicose veins *varices
variegated multicolor

  • ⟨n.⟩ varietate
  • ⟨adj.⟩ (+ show, theater) de varietates

various varie

  • ⟨n.⟩ vernisse;
  • ⟨v.⟩ vernissar

vary variar
vase vaso
vasectomy *vasectomia
vaseline vaselina
vast vaste
vastness vastitate
vat cupa
the Vatican le Vaticano

  1. ARCH., ANAT. volta -- cranial vault volta cranian
  2. (= secure room) camera forte, camera blindate
  3. (= crypt) crypta


  1. (= cover with a vault) voltar
  2. (= build in the shape of a vault) arcar


  1. (= leap)
  • ⟨n.⟩ salto -- pole vault salto a pertica
  • ⟨v.⟩ saltar (over sth supra un cosa)

vaulting volteo
veal vitello
vector vector
veer *virar

  • ⟨adj.⟩ vegetal, vegetabile;
  • ⟨n.⟩ BOT. vegetal
  1. (= leguminous) legumine


  • ⟨adj.⟩ vegetarian
  • ⟨n.⟩ vegetariano

vegetarianism vegetarianismo
vegetate vegetar
vegetation vegetation
vehemence vehementia
vehement vehemente
vehicle vehiculo

  • ⟨n.⟩ velo
  • ⟨v.⟩ velar


  1. ANAT. vena
  2. (mining) filon

veined venate
veining venatura
velar velar
vellum vitellino
velocipede velocipede
velocity velocitate
velvet villuto
velveteen villuto de coton
venal *venal
vend vender
vendetta *vendetta
vendor venditor

  • ⟨n.⟩ folio de ligno;
  • ⟨v.⟩ incrustar de ligno ornamental

venerable venerabile
venerate venerar
veneration veneration
venereal veneree

  • ⟨adj.⟩ venetian;
  • ⟨n.⟩ venetiano

vengeance vindicantia, vengiantia
vengeful vengiative
venial venial
Venice Venetia
venom veneno
venomous venenose

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= opening) apertura, orificio; (of a coat) fissura posterior;
  • ⟨v.⟩ dar libere curso a, discargar, emitter

ventilate ventilar
ventilation ventilation
ventilator ventilator
ventricle ventriculo
ventriloquist ventriloquo

  • ⟨n.⟩ interprisa riscose;
  • ⟨v.⟩ aventurar

venue loco

  1. (= meeting place) loco de reunion

venus venere
veracity veridicitate
veranda veranda
verb verbo
verbal verbal
verbatim parola pro parola
verbiage verbositate
verbose verbose
verdict verdicto
verdure verdura

  • ⟨n.⟩ bordo — on the verge of sth al bordo de un cosa, on the verge of doing sth super le puncto de facer un cosa; —
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= on sth: border on, fig.) esser quasi, esser al bordo de

verger sacristano
verification verification
verify verificar
veritable autentic, ver, real
verity veritate
vermin vermina
vermouth vermut

  • ⟨adj.⟩ vernacular;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (lingua) vernacular

versatile versatile
versatility versatilitate
verse (= line of poetry; ≠ prose) verso — in verse in verso; &mdash

  1. (= stanza of poem or song) strophe; (of Bible) versetto

versed (multo) versate, experte (in in)
version version
versus contra
vertebra vertebra

  • ⟨adj.⟩ vertebrate;
  • ⟨n.⟩ vertebrato

vertical vertical, a plumbo
vertigo vertigine
verve verve

  • ⟨adj.⟩ autentic, mesme, ver;
  • ⟨adv.⟩ multo

very-best optime
vespers vesperas
vessel (= container) vasculo, vaso

  1. (= ship) vascello

vest (= waistcoat) gilet

  1. (= woman's) camisola
  2. (= undershirt) subcamisa

vested interest interesse acquirite
vestibule vestibulo
vestige vestigio, tracia
vestment vestimento
vestry sacristia

  • ⟨v.⟩ controlar, examinar


  • ⟨adj.⟩ veteran;
  • ⟨n.⟩ veterano

veterinarian veterinario — to take an animal to the veterinarian transportar un animal al veterinario
veterinary veterinari

  • ⟨n.⟩ veto;
  • ⟨v.⟩ poner su veto a

vex enoiar, vexar
vexation vexation
vexatious vexatori
via via
viable viabile
viaduct viaducto
vibrant vibrante
vibrate vibrar
vibrating vibrante, palpitante
vibration vibration
vibrator vibrator
vicar (= anglican) parocho

  1. (= Roman Catholic) vicario

vicarage presbyterio
vicarious vicari

  1. (= felt through someone else) indirecte

vicariously indirectemente
vice- pref. vice-
vice (= evil; bad habit) vitio
vice versa vice versa
vicinity vicinitate — in the vicinity of in proximitate de
vicious (= wicked) vitiose, perverse

  1. (= cruel) cruel, atroce

viciousness perversitate, *vitiositate
victim victima; (of an accident) *sinistrato
victimization represalias
victimize prender represalias contra
victor victor, vincitor, ganiator

  • ⟨adj.⟩ *victorian;
  • ⟨n.⟩ *victoriano

victorious victoriose
victory victoria

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= recording) video — on video in video, to take a video of facer un video de, &mdash
  1. (= music video of a song) *videoclip

videoconference *videoconferentia
videographer *videographo

  • ⟨v.⟩ registrar super videocassetta, filmar

videotheque (= video library) *videoteca
vie rivalisar (con/contra un persona pro un cosa)
Vietnam *Vietnam
Vietnamese *vietnamese

  • ⟨n.⟩ (gener.) vista — in vista of in vista de, &mdash
  1. (= landscape) panorama, (= opinion) opinion;
  • ⟨v.⟩ vider, examinar, inspectar

viewer spectator; (of television) *telespectator
viewfinder *visor
viewpoint puncto de vista
vigil vigilia
vigilance vigilantia
vigilant vigilante
vigor vigor, energia
vigorous vigorose, energic
Viking *viking
vile infame, vil
vileness vilitate
vilification denigration, vilification
vilify vilificar
villa (= Roman, etc.) villa
village village
villager habitante de un village
villain scelerato, villano
villainous scelerate
villainy villania
vim energia, vigor
vindicate justificar
vindicating justification
vindictive vengiative, vindicative, rancorose
vindictiveness spirito de vengiantia, rancor
vine vite
vinegar vinagre
vineyard vinia
vintage vendemia
vinyl *vinyl
viola viola
violate violar, infringer
violation violation
violence violentia
violent violente

  • ⟨adj.⟩ violette
  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= color) violetto
  2. BOT. viola

violin violino
violinist violinista
viper vipera
virgin ⟨adj. & n.⟩ virgine
virginity virginitate
Virgo Virgine
virile viril
virility virilitate
virtual virtual
virtue virtute
virtuoso virtuoso
virtuous virtuose
virulent virulente
virus virus
visa visa
viscount viceconte
viscous viscose
vise, vice (= tool) tenalia
visibility visibilitate
visible visibile
vision vision, viso

  • ⟨adj.⟩ visionari, phantastic;
  • ⟨n.⟩ visionario, phantasta


  • ⟨n.⟩ visita;
  • ⟨v.⟩ visitar, (= sb) facer un visita a

visitor visitator, visitante
vista perspectiva, prospecto
the Vistula le Vistula, le Wisla
visual visual
visualize *visualisar, facer se le imagine de
vital (= essential) capital, essential

  1. (= relative to life) vital

vitality vitalitate
vitamin vitamina
vitreous vitrose
viva voce examine oral
vivacious vivace
vivacity vivacitate, animation
vivid vivide
vividness intensitate, vivacitate
vivisection vivisection
vixen vulpe feminin
vocabulary vocabulario
vocal vocal
vocalist cantator, (fem.) cantatrice
vocation vocation, profession
vociferous vociferante
vodka vodka
vogue voga — in vogue in voga

  • ⟨n.⟩ voce;
  • ⟨v.⟩ exprimer, (phon.) *sonorisar


  • ⟨adj.⟩ nulle, casse;
  • ⟨n.⟩ vacuo

Volapük volapük
volatile volatile
volcanic vulcanic
volcano vulcano
volition volition
volley salva
volleyball volleyball
volt volt
voltage voltage
voltmeter voltimetro
voluble volubile
volume volumine

  1. (= book) tomo

voluminous voluminose
voluntarily voluntarimente, sponte
voluntary voluntari

  • ⟨n.⟩ voluntario
  • ⟨vi.⟩ offerer se como voluntario (to do sth a facer un cosa)

voluptuous voluptuari, voluptuose
voluptuousness voluptuositate

  • ⟨n.⟩ vomito;
  • ⟨v.⟩ vomitar

voracious vorace
vortex vortice

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. voto
  2. (= ballot) scrutinio
  3. (= right) suffragio
  4. (= motion) motion, voto — vote of confidence motion (o voto) di confidentia, · vote of no confidence motion de censura · vote of thanks discurso de regratiamento


  • ⟨v.⟩
  1. votar (pro/contra)
  2. (sth down) repeller per votation

voter votante, elector
voting votation
vouch (for sb/sth) responder pro (un persona), de (un cosa)
voucher bono, pecia justificative

  • ⟨n.⟩ voto
  • ⟨v.⟩ votar

vowel vocal

  • ⟨n.⟩ viage (marin)
  • ⟨v.⟩ viagiar (per mar)

voyager viagiator
vulcanize vulcanisar

  1. (= coarse) grossier
  2. (= of the people) vulgar
  3. (= in poor taste) de mal gusto, trivial


  1. (= coarseness) grossiertate
  2. (= commonness) vulgaritate
  3. (= poor taste) mal gusto, trivialitate

vulnerability vulnerabilitate
vulnerable vulnerabile
vulture vulture



  • ⟨n.⟩ tampon;
  • ⟨v.⟩ wattar

wadding (= cotton wool) watta

  1. (= padding) borra

waddle promenar se como un anate
wade vadar (le aqua)
wafer CULIN. biscuit; RELIG. *hostia
waffle wafla

  • ⟨n.⟩ effluvio, sufflo
  • ⟨vi.⟩ diffunder se, flottar (in le aer)
  • ⟨vt.⟩ diffunder


  • ⟨n.⟩ farsator
  • ⟨vt.⟩ agitar


  • ⟨n.⟩ paga, salario
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (+ war) facer

wage-earner salariato

  • ⟨n.⟩ sponsion;
  • ⟨v.⟩ sponder — I'd wager that… io sponderea que…

wagglewag (2)

  1. carro
  2. FERR. wagon (de mercantias)

waif infante abandonate

  • ⟨n.⟩ lamento
  • ⟨v.⟩ lamentar

waist cinctura
waistcoat gilet
waist-high al nivello del cinctura
waistline mesura cinctural

  • ⟨n.⟩ pausa, periodo de attender;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (on sb/sth) attender — to wait tables laborar como servor


  • ⟨n.⟩ garson, *servor, *camerero; interj. (= call to attract his attention) senior!


  • ⟨n.⟩ servor, *camerera; interj. (= call to attract her attention) seniora!

waive (= depart from) derogar (= a un principio)

  1. (= give up) renunciar


  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (of a ship) sulco
  2. (= wake up) eveliar (se)

waking ⟨adj.⟩ eveliate — in sb's waking hours quando un pers. es eveliate
Wales Galles, *Wales

  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= ≠ run) ambular, vader a pede, (= up to sb/sth) approximar se de, (= stroll) promenar se;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= stroll) promenada, (= path) allee

walk around ambular, promenar se, circumerrar
walk along camminar
walk away partir (a pede)
walk up and down (= a place) ir e venir trans
walkie-talkie transmissor-receptor portabile
walkout (= from conference) retiro

  1. (= strike) exopero

walkover victoria facile

  • ⟨n.⟩ (gener.) muro — party wall muro *divisori, — (of room) pariete, (= fortification) muralia;
  • ⟨v.⟩ murar;
  • ⟨adj.⟩ parietal

wallaby *wallaby
wallet cartiera, portafolio

  • ⟨n.⟩ grande colpo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ batter

wallow rolar se
wallpaper tapete de papiro
walnut nuce — walnut tree nuciero
walrus *morsa

  • ⟨n.⟩ walzer;
  • ⟨v.⟩ dansar un walzer

wan pallide
wand virga
wander errar, vagar
wanderer vagabundo, homine errante
wanderlust passion de viagiar

  • ⟨n.⟩ declino;
  • ⟨v.⟩ declinar; on the ~ in declino


  • ⟨n.⟩ artificio, *truffo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ obtener per subterfugio


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= lack) manco, carentia
  1. (= need) necessitate;
  • ⟨v.⟩ voler

wanted (= desired) desirate

  1. (= for a crime) recercate

wanting mancante, deficiente
wanton (= capricious) capriciose

  1. (= lewd) impudic, lascive
  2. (= meaningless) gratuite


  • ⟨n.⟩ guerra — civil war guerra civil, World War I le Prime Guerra Mundial, World War II le Secunde Guerra Mundial; —
  • ⟨v.⟩ guerrear


  • ⟨n.⟩ canto;
  • ⟨v.⟩ cantar

ward (= male) pupillo

  1. (= female) pupilla; (of hospital) sala

warden guardiano
warder carcerero, guardiano
ward off

  • ⟨v.⟩ parar

wardrobe armario, guardaroba

  • ⟨n.⟩ magazin;
  • ⟨v.⟩ immagazinar

warehouseman magazinero
warehousing immagazinage
wares mercantia
warfare guerra
warhead capite explosive
warily con circumspection
wariness circumspection
warlike belligerente; martial, guerrier
warm ⟨adj.⟩ calide, calorose — to be or feel warm (+ person) haber calor, (+ weather, place) facer calor · in the warm in loco calide ⟨v.⟩

  1. (= heat up) calefacer
  2. (slightly) tepidar

warm up

  • ⟨vt.⟩ calefacer, *recalefacer;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ devenir (plus) calide, (= exercise) calefacer se

warm-blooded de sanguine calide

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= radiator) radiator
  2. (= tea-warmer) *coperi-theiera

warm-hearted benevole, de bon corde
warmonger *bellicista
warmth calor
warm-up exercitios preliminari, *calefaction
warn prevenir, advertir (of de, againt contra)
warning advertimento

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= in weaving) filo de ordimento;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (twist) falsar
  1. (= in wood) deformar
  2. (= character) perverter;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= weaving) ordir
  1. (= wood) deformar se

warpathon the warpath in humor bellicose

  • ⟨n.⟩ (gener.) autorisation
  1. (= written) certificato
  2. (= police) mandato;
  • ⟨v.⟩ garantir, (= justify) justificar

warranty (= guarantee) garantia

  1. (= document) certificato

warren *coniliera, *garenna
warrior guerrero
warship nave de guerra
wart verruca
wary caute, circumspecte, (of sb/sth) diffidente de

  • ⟨n.⟩ lavanda, lavatura;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ lavar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ lavar se

wash out distinger per lavar, eliminar per lavar
wash up lavar le plattos
wash-out disastro, fiasco
washable lavabile
washbasin bassino de lavage
washer (= disc) *rondella

  1. (= machine) lavator

washing (= act) lavage

  1. (= dirty clothes) pannos a lavar
  2. (= just washed) pannos lavate

washing-powder sapon in pulvere
washing-up lavage del plattos
washroom lavatorio
washstand lavabo, lava-manos
wasp vespa — wasp nest vespiario
wastage perdita

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= ravaged) devastate, vaste
  1. (= untilled) inculte
  2. (= indust.) inutilisabile, residual;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= land) region inculte
  1. (= loss) perdita
  2. (= misuse) dilapidation, misuso
  3. (= indust.) residuos;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= squander) guastar
  1. (= time) perder

waste away deperir
wasteful prodige
wastefulness prodigalitate
waster dissipator
wastrel dilapidator

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= supervision) surveliantia, vigilia, (= timepiece) horologio;
  • ⟨v.⟩ observar, surveliar, vigilar super, (= pay attention) prestar attention a, (= as spectator) spectar, reguardar (= television) telespectar, reguardar; ~ over vigilar super

watchdog can de guarda
watcher surveliante
watchful alerte, vigilante
watchfulness vigilantia
watchmaker horologiero
watchman guardiano
watchstrap bracialetto de horologio
watchtower guarita
watchword parola de ordine

  • ⟨n.⟩ aqua;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= cattle) abiber, (= plants) rigar — mineral water aqua mineral · soda water aqua de seltz, soda · tonic water aqua tonic

waterfront quartiero del porto
waterlily lilio de aqua, *nenufar
water-skiing ski aquatic
watercolor aquarella
watercress cresson de aqua

  • ⟨n.⟩ cascada, cadita de aqua

waterlogged plen de aqua, saturate
watermark (= paper) filigrana; NAUT. linea de aqua
watermelon melon de aqua
watermill molino de aqua
waterpipe tubo de aqua

  • ⟨adj. & n.⟩ impermeabile
  • ⟨vt.⟩ impermeabilisar

watershed linea *divisori (del aquas)
waterspout tromba
watertight (= impervious) hermetic; (fig.: alibi) indiscutibile, inattaccabile
waterway (= canal) canal

  1. (= river) fluvio navigabile

waterworks central de aqua

  • ⟨adj.⟩ aquose

watt watt
wattage wattage

  • ⟨n.⟩ unda — long wave (of a frequency below 300khz) unda longe, sound wave unda sonor; —
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= move to and fro) agitar, (= to sb) facer signos per le mano;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ undular

waveband banda de undas
wavelength longitude de unda
waver vacillar, hesitar, balanciar
wavy undulate, undulose

  • ⟨n.⟩ cera;
  • ⟨adj.⟩ ceree;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= treat with wax) incerar, cerar

wax (= grow) crescer
waxing (= treatment with wax) inceramento

  • ⟨adj.⟩ crescente;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= growing) crescimento

waxwork figura de cera

  1. (= path) cammino, via -- to be in the way esser un impedimento (or obstruction) · to lose one's way disviar se, perder se · way in entrata · way out sortita, (= means of escape) escappatoria
  2. (= manner) maniera, methodo -- way of life stylo de vita, modo de vita · in no way nullemente
  3. (= custom) costume
  4. (= direction) direction
by the way a proposito

wayfarer viagiator
waylay insidiar
wayside bordo del via
wayward capriciose, indocile, rebelle
waywardness capriciositate, indocilitate
W.C. W.C.
we nos

  • ⟨adj.⟩ debile

weak-kneed coarbe, sin character
weak-willed indecise

  • ⟨vt.⟩ debilitar, extenuar, infirmar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ debilitar se, devenir minus forte

weakening debilitation, decadentia, diminution
weakling persona debile
weakly debile
weakness debilitate
wealth ricchessa, opulentia
wealthy ric, opulente
wean dislactar, ablactar
weapon arma

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= use) uso
  1. (= deterioration) deterioration
  2. (= clothing) vestimentos;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ portar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= last) durar

wear-and-tear consumption/deterioration natural
wear-away consumer (se)

  • ⟨vt.⟩ facer disparer;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ disparer

wear-out consumer (se), extenuar (se)
weariness fatiga, languor, lassitude
weariness-of life tedio del vita

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= tedious) fatigante
  1. (= clad in) vestite de;
  • ⟨n.⟩ uso

wearisome enoiose, fatigante

  • ⟨adj.⟩ exhauste, fatigate, lasse;
  • ⟨v.⟩ fatigar

weasel mustela

  • ⟨n.⟩ tempore
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= bronze) impartir un patina a
  1. (= rock) deteriorar
  2. (= a storm) exir con successo, superar

weathercock monstravento

  • ⟨n.⟩ textura;
  • ⟨v.⟩ texer

weaver texitor
web (= spider) tela (de aranea); (fig.: web of lies) texito
'webbed palmate
webbing (tela de) *cingulas
webfoot palma
wed sposar

  • ⟨n.⟩ nuptias — wedding day die de nuptias; — ⟨adj.⟩ nuptial


  • ⟨n.⟩ cuneo, calceolo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ cunear

wedlock maritage
Wednesday mercuridiAsh Wednesday mercuridi del cineres

  • ⟨n.⟩ mal herba;
  • ⟨v.⟩ disherbar

weed out eliminar
weed-killer *herbicida
weeding disherbage
weedy (of soil) plen de mal herbas

  1. (= puny) magre

week septimana
weekday die de travalio
weekend fin de septimana, weekend

  • ⟨adj.⟩ septimanal

weep lacrimar, plorar
weigh (= be heavy, measure the weight of) pesar

  1. (= mentally) balanciar, ponderar —  weigh one's words mesurar su parolas

weigh down (= sb) cargar, supercargar
weighbridge bascula

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= heaviness, for scales) peso; (of a blow) fortia; (fig.) importantia;
  • ⟨v.⟩ cargar (= de un peso)

weight-lifting sublevamento de pesos
weighty (= heavy) pesante, ponderose; (fig.) importante
weir dica
weird (= mysterious) mysteriose, supernatural

  1. (= strange) bizarre, estranie


  • ⟨adj.⟩ benvenite — Welcome to Paris! Benvenite in Paris!
  • ⟨n.⟩ *benvenita
  • ⟨v.⟩ dar le *benvenita a, *accolliger


  • ⟨n.⟩ junctura soldate
  • ⟨vt.⟩ soldar

welder soldator
welding soldatura

  1. (= well-being) ben-esser, prosperitate
  2. (= social aid) assistentia social — child welfare servicios social pro le infantia · (= government benefits) prestationes social · to be on welfare viver del assistentia social


  • ⟨adj.⟩ san, in bon sanitate;
  • ⟨adv.⟩ ben; interj. alora, ben — as well (= also, too) etiam, tamben, alsi, anque


  • ⟨n.⟩ puteo — oil well puteo petrolifere


  • ⟨n.⟩ ben esser

well-bred cortese, ben educate; (+ dog) de racia
well-broken con accento culte
well-built robuste
well-founded fundate
well-known cognite, familiar
well-mannered manierose
well-off satis ric
well-read culte, erudite
well-wisher amico
well-worn usate
wellingtons bottas (de gumma)
Welsh ⟨adj. & n.⟩ gallese
Welshman gallese, *homine-lupo
werewolf lycanthropo
west, West

  • ⟨n.⟩ west, occidente;
  • ⟨adj.⟩ del west, occidental;
  • ⟨adv.⟩ (= westward) al west

West-Indian del indias occidental
the West Indies le indias occidental
westerly del west

  • ⟨adj.⟩ del west, occidental;
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= film, book) *western

westerner occidental
Westphalia Westphalia

  • ⟨adj.⟩ humide, molliate, (= rainy) de pluvia;
  • ⟨n.⟩ pluvia, molliatura, humiditate;
  • ⟨v.⟩ molliar, humectar

wet-blanket *guastafesta
wetness molliatura
wetting molliatura, humectation

  • ⟨n.⟩ colpo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ colpar

whale balena
whaler (= man or ship) balenero

  1. (= boat) baleniera

wharf quai, discargatorio, imbarcatorio

  • ⟨adj.⟩ qual, que — What a fool! Qual idiota!

⟨interj.⟩ Como!

  • ⟨pron.⟩
  1. (= what thing?) que
  2. (= that which) lo que


  • ⟨adj.⟩ qualcunque -- whatever decision you make qual que sia le decision que tu prende
  • ⟨pron.⟩ quecunque — whatever happens sia que sia

wheat frumento
wheedle persuader con blandimentos

  1. (gener.) rota — sprocket wheel pinnion de catena
  2. steering wheel volante
  3. NAUT. timon
  4. MILIT. conversion

⟨v.⟩ rolar
wheelbarrow carretta de mano
wheelbase distantia inter le axes

  • ⟨n.⟩ chaise rolante


  • ⟨n.⟩ respiration sibilante o asthmatic;
  • ⟨v.⟩ respirar con difficultate

when quando
where (= in which place) ubi — where to? a ubi?
whereabouts location, position, ubication

  1. (= but) sed, mais, ma, durante que
  2. (= inasmuch as) JUR. considerante que

whereby per que, per le qual

  1. (= why) perque, per qual ration
  2. (= therefore) ergo, dunque

wherein in que, in le qual
whereupon a qual puncto

  1. (= no matter where) ubicunque
  2. (= where on Earth?) ubi diabolo...?

wherewithal medios
whet (= sharpen) affilar; (fig.) stimular

  1. (= if) si -- I wonder whether it's true or whether it's my imagination. Io me demanda si il es ver o si il es mi imagination.
  2. (= no matter if) -- whether it is... or not que il sia (or es)... o non · any man, whether rich or poor qualcunque homine, (que ille sia) ric o povre

whetstone petra de affilar

  • ⟨adj.⟩ qual, que
  • ⟨pron.⟩ que, le qual(es)


  • ⟨adj.⟩ qualcunque
  • ⟨pron.⟩ qualcunque, non importa qual

whiff sufflo fugace

  • ⟨conj.⟩
  1. (= during the time that) durante que, dum
  2. (= although, whereas) ben que, quando, mais
  • ⟨n.⟩ momento, un poco de tempore — They were watching me all the while. Illos me reguardava tote ille tempore. · He arrived a (little) while ago. Ille arrivava ante poco (de tempore). · It happened a long while ago. Isto occurreva ante multo / ante multe tempore. · I haven't seen her in a while. Io non la ha vidite depost alicun tempore. · Let it simmer for a while. Lassa lo cocer a foco lente un poco. · I lived in Morocco for a while Io viveva in Morocco un tempore (or durante un periodo) · once in a while de tempore in tempore

while away (+ time) occider le tempore (facente un c.)
whim capricio, phantasia, luna

  • ⟨n.⟩ gemito
  • ⟨vi.⟩ gemer

whimsical eccentric, lunatic

  • ⟨n.⟩ gemimento, gemito
  • ⟨vi.⟩ gemer

whinny hinnir
whinnying hinnimento

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= scourge) flagello
  2. (= parl.) appello; deputato disciplinari;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= scourge) flagellar; (+ eggs, cream) batter

whip verberar
whipping flagellation

  • ⟨vi.⟩ tornear
  • ⟨vt.⟩ facer tornear

whirling vertiginose
whirlpool gurgite, vortice
whirlwind tromba

  • ⟨n.⟩ stridulation;
  • ⟨v.⟩ strider


  • ⟨n.⟩ CULIN. *battitor;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ batter;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ mover se rapidemente

whiskers (of man) barbas lateral; (of cat) mustachios, *vibrissas
whisky whisky

  • ⟨n.⟩ susurro, murmure
  • ⟨v.⟩ susurrar, murmurar, sufflar

whist whist

  • ⟨n.⟩ sibilo;
  • ⟨v.⟩ sibilar

whistler sibilator
whistling sibilation
whit (= jot) iota

  • ⟨adj.⟩ blanc — white as snow tanto blanc como le nive
  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= color) blanco
  2. (of egg) blanco de ovo


  1. white-collar worker collo blanc, empleato de bureau
  2. (+ crime) de collo blanc

white-haired a capillos blanc
white-hot incandescente, calefacite al blanc
whiten blanchir

  • ⟨n.⟩ lacte de calce;
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= paint) blanchir con lacte de calce
  2. (fig.) justificar per argumentos false, imbellir

whither a ubi, quo
whitsun pentecoste
whittle away attenuar, taliar

  • ⟨n.⟩ sibilation
  • ⟨v.⟩ sibilar

whizz past passar sibilante, mover se rapidemente
who (interr.) qui; (rel.) que, qui, le qual(es)

  1. (= no matter who) quicunque
  2. (= who on Earth?) qui diabolo...?


  • ⟨adj.⟩ integre, integral, tote;
  • ⟨n.⟩ toto; the ~ of tote le

wholeheartedly de tote le corde
wholemeal (de) farino integral
wholeness totalitate, integritate

  1. (= without flaw) indemnitate

wholesale (= in bulk) in grosso; (fig.) general
wholesaler venditor in grosso
wholesome salutar, san
wholly completemente, totalmente, integremente

  1. (interr. & rel.) que
  2. (after prep.) que, le qual(es)

whoop crito de excitamento, crito de exaltation
whore *putana

  1. (interr.) de qui
  2. (rel.) de qui, del qual(es), cuje

why perque, proque, porque, quare
wick micca
wicked (= perverse) impie, perverse; (fig.) atroce
wickedness impietate, perversitate
wide (= broad) large, vaste

  1. (= big) grande

wide-angle (= lens) *grandangular
widely (= broadly) largemente

  1. (= generally) generalmente

widen allargar
wideness largor
widening allargamento
widespread diffuse, extense, general

  • ⟨n.⟩ vidua;
  • ⟨v.⟩ viduar

widowed vidue
widower viduo
widowhood viduage, viduitate
width amplitude, largor
wield (= tool, weapon) manear

  1. (= power) exercer

wife marita, sposa, uxor
wig perrucca

  • ⟨n.⟩ torto, undulation;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ agitar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ serper, torquer se

wigwam wigwam
wild (gener.) salvage

  1. (= angry) furiose
  2. (= crazy) extravagante, insensate, phantastic
  3. (= fierce) feroce
  4. (= place) inculte
  5. (= uncontrolled) *irrefrenate; (of weather) tempestuose, violente

wilderness deserto
wildfire, spread like propagar se como foco grec
wildness (= wild state) stato salvage

  1. (= ferocity) ferocitate
  2. (= fury) furia
  3. (= violence) violentia

wiliness astutia

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= desire) voler, voluntate — at will a voluntate · free will libere *arbitrio · ill will malevolentia
  2. (= testament) testamento


  • ⟨aux.⟩
  1. (future tense) Add suffix -a to the infinitive.I will be/do io essera/facera
  2. (habit) soler + inf.
  3. (in negatives = refuse to) refusar de


  • ⟨v.⟩
  1. (= want, wish) voler, desirar — if you will si tu/vos vole · do what you will face lo que tu vole
  2. (= make happen by willpower)to will oneself to stay awake restar vigile per fortia de voluntate, constringer se a restar vigile
  3. (= bequeath) legar

willful (= obstinate) obstinate; (of murder) premeditate
willing ben disposite, servicial
willingly de bon corde, de bon grado, de bon voluntate
willingness bon voluntate
willow salice; ~ grove saliceto
willpower voluntate
wilt (= wither) marcescer, marcer; (fig.) deperir
wilted marcide
wilting marcor
wily astute

  • ⟨n.⟩ ganio, triumpho, victoria;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= be victorious) vincer
  1. (= gain) ganiar, acquirer

win back reganiar
win over ganiar, persuader

  • ⟨n.⟩ grimasse de dolor;
  • ⟨v.⟩ facer un grimasse de dolor


  • ⟨n.⟩ *cabestan;
  • ⟨v.⟩ sublevar con un cabestan


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= weather) vento — trade winds ventos *alisee; — MED. flatulentia


  • ⟨vt.⟩ (= a handle) girar
  1. (= on a spool) bobinar
  2. (= knock the breath out of) facer perder le halito;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ serpentar; ~ up (= a clock) remontar, (= a company) liquidar

windcheater blusa (de golf)
winder button de remontar
windfall (= fallen fruit) fructo cadite

  1. (= good luck) bon fortuna, ganio insperate

winding sinuose, tortuose, serpentin
windlass *cabestan
windmill molino de vento — to tilt at windmills combatter le molinos de vento

  1. (of house, car, etc.) fenestra — bay window fenestra saliente · French window porta-fenestra
  2. (of store) vitrina -- display window monstra

window-cleaner lavavitros
window-dressing decoration de vitrinas
window-shop ⟨v.⟩ reguardar le vitrinas windowsill tabula (de fenestra)
windpipe trachea
windscreen parabrisa
windshield parabrisa
windshield-wiper essugavitro
windswept exponite al vento
windy ventose
wine vino
wine-grower viticultor

  • ⟨adj.⟩ viticole, vinicole;
  • ⟨n.⟩ vinicultura

wineglass vitro a vino
wing (= most senses) ala; THEAT. coulisse; POL. the left/right wing le sinistra/dextera
winged alate
winger SPORT. ala
wingspan invirgatura

  • ⟨n.⟩ batter del palpebras
  • ⟨v.⟩ batter le palpebras

winkle litorina
winner ganiator, victor
winning victoriose
winnings ganios

  • ⟨modif.⟩ hibernal
  • ⟨n.⟩ hiberno
  • ⟨vi.⟩ hibernar


  1. (of the winter) de hiberno
  2. (= icy) glacial

wipe essugar
wipe away levar
wipe out

  1. (= obliterate) obliterar
  2. (= kill) decimar, annihilar, exterminar
  3. (= fatigue) exhaurir
  4. (= erase) supprimer, eliminar
  5. (+ debt) liquidar

wiper essugavitro

  • ⟨n.⟩ filo (metallic)
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= put wires in) munir con filos
  2. (= install electric wiring) facer le installation electric
  3. (= telegraph) telegraphar

wire-netting grilliage, rete metallic
wireless ⟨n.⟩ radio
wiring (systema de) filos electric
wiry magre ma forte
wisdom sagessa

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= learned) sage
  1. (= prudent) prudente;
  • ⟨n.⟩ guisa

wise man sagio
wisecrack argutia

  • ⟨n.⟩ desiro, voler;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= desire) desirar
  1. (= want) voler; ~ for desirar

wishbone furchetta del sterno
wishful desirose; ~ thinking prender le desiros pro realitates, illusionismo
wishy-washy insipide
wisp tracia, pecietta
wistaria glycinia
wistful un pauc triste
wit (= intelligence) intelligentia

  1. (= clever humor) argutia
  2. (= person) persona argute; to ~ a saper

witch maga; ~ doctor mago tribal
witchcraft magia
with con

  • ⟨vt.⟩ retirar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= go away) retirar se; MILIT. replicar se, retirar se

withdrawal retiro

  1. (= from a contract) disdicimento; MILIT. replicamento, retraite
  2. (= removal) subtraction


  • ⟨vt.⟩ (gener.) desiccar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= dry up) desiccar se
  1. (= specifically of plants) marcer se, marcescer se

withered marcide
withering (fig.) fulminante;

  • ⟨n.⟩ marcor

withhold (= retain) retener

  1. (= information) subnegar

withholding (= retention) retention; (of information) subnegation
within ⟨adv. & prep.⟩ intra

  • ⟨adv.⟩ (= outside) foras, extra
  • ⟨prep.⟩ sin

withstand resister a, sustener

  1. (= stupid) stupide
  2. (= not witty) infacete


  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. teste
  2. (= testimony) testimonio — to bear witness to testimoniar, testificar, (fig.) demonstrar
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= see, hear, be present at) esser teste de
  2. (+nbsp;document) testar, authenticar

witnessing attestation
witticism argutia, facetia
witty facete, facetiose
wizard mago
wizened desiccate, marcide

  • ⟨n.⟩ oscillation, tremulamento;
  • ⟨v.⟩ (= be unsteady) oscillar, esser instabile, tremular; (fig.) vacillar

wobbly vacillante, insecur
woe guai
wolf lupo
woman <femina
womanhood condition feminin, femininitate
womanliness femininitate
womanly feminin
womb sino, utero

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= feeling) admiration, stupor
  1. (= object) meravilia, prodigio;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ (= ask oneself) demandar se
  1. (= marvel) meraviliar se

wonderful meraviliose, stupende

  • ⟨adj.⟩ habituate (to a) — to be wont to do sth soler facer un c.
  • ⟨n.⟩ habitude


  1. (= court) facer le corte a, cortesar
  2. (fig.) sollicitar


  • ⟨modif.⟩
  1. (= relating to a forest) silvestre
  2. (= wooden) de ligno
  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= material) ligno
  2. (= trees) bosco, silva

woodcut xylographia, gravura sur ligno
wooded silvose
wooden de ligno
woodland zona de boscos
woodlark aloda de bosco
woodman travaliator forestal
woodpecker pico
woodwind instrumentos de ligno

  1. (= carpentry) carpenteria
  2. (= cabinetmaking) ebenisteria
  3. (= parts made of wood) *lignage

woody lignose

  1. (= courting) corte
  2. (fig.) sollicitation

wool lana
woolen de lana
woolen goods laneria
woolly lanose

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= term) parola, vocabulo
  2. RELIG. verbo
  3. (= promise) parola — It's his word against mine. Il es su parola contra le mie. · to give sb one's word (of honor) dar su parola (de honor) a un pers. · to keep one's word complir su promissa · to be a man of one's word esser un homine de parola · You have my word. Vos ha mi parola.
  • ⟨vt.⟩ formular

wording formulation de parolas, phraseologia, redaction
wordy prolixe, verbose

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. (= toil) labor, travalio — out of work disoccupate
  2. (= something produced by work) obra
  • ⟨vi.⟩
  1. (= toil) laborar, travaliar
  2. (= function) functionar
  • ⟨vt.⟩ facer functionar, operar

work on (= go on working) continuar a laborar, (= fix) reparar, (= affect) influentiar
work out (= calculate) calcular, (= elaborate) elaborar, (= exercise) excercitar se
work up (= excite) excitar, (= prepare) preparar
workbench cavaletto
worker obrero, travaliator
workhouse asylo del povres
working ⟨adj.⟩ (= functioning) functionante, que labora

  1. (= functioning) functionamento
  2. (= quarry) sitos de exploitation

workman obrero, travaliator
workmanlike (of a thing) ben facite; (of a person) competente, habile
workmanship factura
workroom camera de labor

  1. (= factory) fabrica
  2. (= fortifications) fortificationes

workshop officina

  • ⟨modif.⟩ mundial
  • ⟨n.⟩ mundo

worldliness mundanitate, secularitate
worldly mundan, secular

  • ⟨adj.⟩ global, mundial;
  • ⟨adv.⟩ in tote le mundo


  1. (gener.) verme
  2. (= earthworm) lumbrico
  3. (= tapeworm, fluke) helminthe


  1. (= used as clothing) portate
  2. (= heavily used) deteriorate

worn out

  1. (= used up) non plus servibile, usate
  2. (= tired) exhauste

worried anxie

  • ⟨n.⟩ anxietate, inquietude
  • ⟨vi.⟩ inquietar se, perturbar se, preoccupar se (about de)
  • ⟨vt.⟩
  1. (= make anxious) inquietar, perturbar, preoccupar
  2. (= bother) vexar


  • ⟨adj.⟩ pejor;
  • ⟨adv.⟩ pejo — worse and worse de mal in pejo


  • ⟨vt.⟩ impejorar, pejorar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ impejorar, pejorar se


  • ⟨n.⟩ adoration, culto
  • ⟨vt.⟩ adorar, coler; your ~ senior judice, senior burgomaestro


  • ⟨adj.⟩ pejor, pessime;
  • ⟨n.⟩ le pejor, le pessime

worth valor, dignitate — to be worth (sth) valer · to be worth it valer le pena
worthiness merito
worthless sin valor, van
worthlessness manco de valor
worthwhile digne de consideration, que vale le pena, utile
worthy digne

  1. (conditional) → inf. + "-ea"
  2. (= used to) → tempore passate o "soleva" + inf.

would-be aspirante, pretendite, pseudo- (prefixo)

  • ⟨n.⟩ *ferita, vulnere, plaga;
  • ⟨v.⟩ vulnerar, ferir, leder, plagar

wounded, the (= soldiers) le feritos
wounding ferimento

  • ⟨n.⟩ altercation;
  • ⟨v.⟩ altercar


  • ⟨n.⟩ (= robe) sortita, (= shawl) chal;
  • ⟨v.⟩ pacchettar

wrap up

  • ⟨vt.⟩ involver, inveloppar;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ coperir se

wrapper (gener.) papiro de *imballage; (of book) copertura
wrapping inveloppamento
wrappings *imballage, copertura
wrath cholera, ira
wreak (= damage, destruction) infliger, causar, (= one's vengeance) exercitar
wreath corona (de flores), guirlanda
wreathe (= festoon) inguirlandar; (fig.) inveloppar

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= shipwreck) naufragio, (= the ship) vascello naufragate, (= ruin) ruina;
  • ⟨v.⟩ destruer, ruinar

wreckage fragmentos, restos
wrecked naufragate; be ~ naufragar
wren rege del sepe

  • ⟨n.⟩ (= spanner) clave — monkey wrench clave anglese; —
  • ⟨v.⟩ torquer con violentia

wrestle luctar
wrestler luctator
wrestling lucta
wretch scelerato
wretched miserabile, misere
wretchedness miseria

  • ⟨n.⟩ movimento serpentin;
  • ⟨v.⟩ serper

wring torquer
wringer exprimitor de aqua
wringing torquimento

  • ⟨n.⟩ ruga;
  • ⟨vt.⟩ arrugar, corruger;
  • ⟨vi.⟩ arrugar se, corrugar se

wrinkled rugose
wrinkle-resistant *antiruga
wrist carpo
wristwatch horologio-bracialetto
writ JUR. mandato, ordine judicial; (fig.) autoritate
write scriber
write down registrar per scripto
write off (= a debt) cancellar, (= sb) considerar inimportante
write out (= copy) copiar, transscriber

  1. (= a cheque) scriber

writer (= person who writes) scriptor, autor; (of articles) articulista; (of short stories) novellista
writhe contorquer se
writing scriptura, scripto
written scripte, scribite

  • ⟨adj.⟩ (= immoral) injuste, immoral, (= inappropriate) improprie, (= incorrect) false, incorrecte;
  • ⟨n.⟩ injuria, torto, mal; be ~ haber torto

wrongdoer malfactor
wrongful (= unjust) injuste

  1. (= illegal) illegal

wrongfully a torto, injustemente
wrongheaded obstinate in error, perverse
wry (= twisted) torquite, torte

  1. (= smile) sardonic
  2. (= sense of humor) ironic

X x, le littera x /iks/
xebec (= small boat) *xebec
xenophile (= fond of things foreign) *xenophilo
xenophilia *xenophilia
xenophobia xenophobia
xenophobic *xenophobic

  • ⟨v.⟩ copiar per *Xerox, *xerographar
  1. (= copying by Xerox) *xerographia — Xerox copy copia *Xerox


  • ⟨n.⟩ radio X, radio Roentgen — radio photograph radiographo · radio photography radiographia
  • ⟨v.⟩ *radiographar

xylophone xylophono


Y ypsilon, i grec
yacht yacht /jot/

  • ⟨n.⟩ yachting /ˈjotiŋ/

yachtsman devoto del *yachting, sportsman nautic

  • ⟨n.⟩ confabulation
  • ⟨v.⟩ conversar, confabular, garrular

yah *yah, *jah
Yahweh RELIG. *Yahweh, *Jahveh, *Jehovah
yak yak

  1. (= Dioscorea) *igname
  2. (= sweet potato) batata

yank tirar con violentia
Yankee ⟨adj. & n.⟩ yankee

  • ⟨n.⟩ latrato acute
  • ⟨v.⟩ latrar acutemente


  1. (= courtyard) corte
  2. INDUS. deposito
  3. NAUT. virga -- dock yard arsenal, officina de constructiones naval
  4. (= measurement) yard


  1. (= official measurement) baston de metal, ligno definiente un yard
  2. (= norm) criterio, norma


  1. (= thread) filo
  2. (= story) conto, historia


  • ⟨n.⟩ oscitation
  • ⟨vi.⟩
  1. (with tiredness) oscitar
  2. (fig.) hiar


  • ⟨adj.⟩ grande
  • ⟨n.⟩ oscitation

ye (old English) vos
year anno — last/next year le anno passate/proxime · Happy New Year! Bon Anno Nove! · New Year's Day Die del Anno Nove · New Year's Eve vigilia de Sancte Silvestro
yearbook annuario
yearly annual
yearn appeter

  • ⟨vt.⟩


  • ⟨n.⟩ desiro ardente

yeast levatura

  • ⟨n.⟩ crito
  • ⟨v.⟩ critar

yellow ⟨adj. & n.⟩ jalne
yellowness jalnessa
the Yellow Sea le Mar Jalne

  • ⟨n.⟩ latrato de dolor
  • ⟨v.⟩ latrar

Yemen *Yemen
Yemeni ⟨adj. & n.⟩ yemenese
yes si
yesman sycophante
yesterday heri

  1. (= already, so far) jam
  2. (≈ still) ancora — not yet non ancora, nondum
  3. (= nevertheless) totevia, tamen

yew taxo
Yiddish judeogerman, *yiddish

  • ⟨n.⟩
  1. AGRIC. recolta, messe
  2. ECON. rendimento


  1. AGRIC. producer
  2. ECON. producer, render
  3. (= relinquish, surrender) ceder, render


  1. (= surrender, give up) render se, submitter se, ceder (to a)
  2. (= give way) ceder
  3. (in traffic) ceder le passo

yielding docile, obediente

  • ⟨n.⟩ *yodel, canto tyrolese
  • ⟨v.⟩ *yodelar, cantar al maniera *tirolese

yoga *yoga
yogurt yogurt

  • ⟨n.⟩ jugo
  • ⟨v.⟩ conjugar

yokel rustico, persona inculte
yolk vitello

  1. (informal singular) (subject) tu, (object) te
  2. (formal) vos
  3. (indefinite: people in general) (subject) on, (object) uno


  • ⟨adj.⟩ juvene — young people le juvenes
  • ⟨n.⟩ (= cub) pullo


  1. plus juvene
  2. (+ sibling) cadette

youngster ⟨n.⟩ juvene persona

  1. (informal singular) tu, le ... tue
  2. (formal) vostre, le ... vostre
  3. (indefinite) su, le ... sue


  1. (informal singular) le tue(s)
  2. (formal) le vostre(s)
  3. (indefinite) le sue(s)


  1. (informal singular) (subject) tu mesme, (object) te mesme
  2. (formal) vos mesme


  1. (period of life, young) juventute
  2. (young man) juvene

youthful juvene, juvenil
youthfulness juventute, juvenilitate

  • ⟨adj.⟩ yugoslave
  • ⟨n.⟩ yugoslavo

Yugoslavia Yugoslavia
Yukon Yukon
Yule, Yuletide Natal, Noel


Z le littera Z /zɛd/
Zabrus tenebrioides zabro
Zaire Zaire
Zairian zairese
Zambia Zambia

  • ⟨adj.⟩ zambian
  • ⟨n.⟩ zambiano

Zambo zambo
zannichellia zannichellia
zany folle, bizarre
Zanzibar *Zanzibar
zapateado zapateado
Zarathustra Zarathustra
zarzuela MUS. zarzuela
zeal zelo
Zealand Zelanda
Zealander zelandese
zealot zelator, zelote
zealotry zelotismo
zealous zelose — to be zealous zelar
zebra zebra
zebra-striped zebrate
zebu zebu
Zechariah Zachariah
zen zen
zenith zenit
zenithal zenithal
Zenonism zenonismo
zeolite zeolitho
zeolitic zeolithic
zephyr zephyro
Zeppelin zeppelin
zero zero
zest verve
zeta zeta
zetetics zetetica
zeugma zeugma
zeugmatic zeugmatic
Zeus Zeus

  • ⟨n.⟩ zigzag
  • ⟨vi.⟩ zigzagar

Zimbabwe Zimbabwe

  • ⟨adj.⟩ zimbabwean
  • ⟨n.⟩ zimbabweano


  • ⟨n.⟩ zinc
  • ⟨vt.⟩ zincar, galvanisar

zinciferous zincifere
zincking zincage
zincography zincographia
zinnia zinnia
Zion Sion — Mount Zion Monte Sion
zionism sionismo
zionist ⟨adj. & n.⟩ sionista
zircon zircon
zirconic zirconic
zirconium zirconium
zither cithera
zloty zloty
zodiacal zodiacal
zodiac zodiaco
zoidogamy zoidogamia
zonal zonal

  • ⟨n.⟩ zona
  • ⟨vt.⟩ zonar

Zonosaurus zonosauro
zonure zonuro
zoo zoo
zoobiology zoobiologia
zoochemistry zoochimia
zoochory zoochoria
zoogamete zoogameta
zoogamy zoogamia
zoogenous zoogene
zoogenetic zoogenetic
zoogeography zoogeographia
zoography zoographia
zooid zooide
zoolatry zoolatria
zoolite zoolitho
zoolitic zoolithic
zoology zoologia
zoological zoologic
zoologist zoologo, zoologista

  • ⟨interj.⟩ zum
  • ⟨n.⟩ zoom

zoom in zoomar
zoom out zoomar a retro
zoomorphic zoomorphe, zoomorphic
zoomorphism zoomorphismo
zoon zoon (pl. zoa)
zoonosis zoonose, zoonosis
zooparasite zooparasito
zoopathology zoopathologia
zoophagus zoophago
zoophile zoophilo
zoophilia zoophilia
zoophilic zoophile
zoophobia zoophobia
zoophorus zoophoro
zoophyte zoophyto
zooplankton zooplancton
zoosporangium zoosporangio
zoospore zoospora
zootechnics zootechnica
zootherapy zootherapia
zootomy zootomia
zootoxin zootoxina
Zoroaster Zoroastre

  • ⟨adj.⟩ zoroastrian, zoroastric
  • ⟨n.⟩ zoroastriano

Zoroastrianism zoroastrismo
zostera zostera
zosteriform zosteriforme
Zouave zuavo
Zulu zulu
Zwinglianism zwinglianismo

  • ⟨adj.⟩ zwinglian
  • ⟨n.⟩ zwingliano

zwitterion zwitterion
zygoma zygoma
zygomatic zygomatic
zygomaticofacial zygomaticofacial
zygomorphic zygomorphe, zygomorphic
zygomorphy zygomorphia
zygomycete zygomyceto
zygosis zygose, zygosis
zygospore zygospora
zygote zygote
zygotic zygotic
zymase zymase
zymogenous zymogene
zymology zymologia
zymosis zymose, zymosis
zymotic zymotic
zymurgy zymurgia

so do I / neither do I

[modificar | modificar fonte]

Bobby — I eat bread every day.
Jimmy — So do I but my brother doesn't.
Bobby — Io mangia pan tote le dies.
Jimmy — Io tamben mais mi fratre non.
Bobby — I don't eat bread every day.
Jimmy — Neither do I but my brother does.
Bobby — Io non mangia pan tote le dies.
Jimmy — Io tamben non mais mi fratre si.
Bobby — I don't eat bread every day.
Jimmy — I do but my brother doesn't.
Bobby — Io non mangia pan tote le dies.
Jimmy — Io si mais mi fratre non.

pronomines indefinite

[modificar | modificar fonte]
persona some- any- every- no-
-one un persona quicunque
qualque persona
totos nulle persona
-thing un cosa quecunque
qualque cosa
tote le cosas
-where ubicunque
in qualque parte
in tote parte in nulle parte
-time un die quandocunque
a qualque momento
tote le tempore