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(suggestions addite per Martijn 16:17, 17 februario 2006 (UTC))
  • fonte=source, origine=origin
  • aranea=spider, tela=web , Spanish uses red(spider web)
  • village=village
  • device=dispositivo : medio de immagazinage
  • emphasize=emphasar
  • behaviour -comportamento
  • anque/etiam/tamben=also
  • ma/mais/sed=but
  • Molestar ? to bother/disturb
  • proof (of your sincerity)=proba (de tu sinceritate)
  • be sure to/ascertain (assecurar)
  • the rest (le resto)
  • convince (convincer)
  • edit (editar o rediger)
  • remember=memorar
  • bite( the newbies)
  • misunderstand=mal comprender
  • small, little = parve, micre, minute
  • get drunk
  • hangover
  • feature