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Taylor Lautner

De Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libere
Taylor Lautner
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1992-02-11 (Grand Rapids)
Citatania Statos Unite de America
Educate in Valencia High School[*]
Occupation actor[*], actor de voce[*], actor de film[*], actor de television[*], modello[*], podcaster[*]
Obras notabile Le Saga Crepuscular (serie cinematographic), Scream Queens[*], Abduction[*], Valentine's Day[*], The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D[*], Tracers[*]
Conjuge Tay Lautner[*]
Parentes matre Deborah C. Bos[*]
Lingua anglese
ISNI 0000000121205126
VIAF 10142080
IMDB nm1210124
Commons Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lautner (nascite le 11 de februario, 1992 in Grand Rapids (Michigan)) es un actor, modello, e artista martial statounitese.

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