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Stanley Kubrick

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Stanley Kubrick
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1928-07-26 (Bronx)
Decesso 1999-03-07 (Childwickbury Manor)
Causa de decesso infarcto del myocardio
Loco de reposo Childwickbury Manor[*]
Ethnicitate judeos statounitese[*]
Citatania Statos Unite de America, Regno Unite
Educate in City College of New York[*], William Howard Taft High School[*]
Occupation director de cinema[*], cinematographo[*], photographo[*], productor de cinema[*], scenarista[*], editor de film[*], camera operator[*], executive producer[*], scenographer[*], director[*], productor[*]
Religion atheismo
Conjuge Ruth Sobotka[*], Christiane Kubrick[*]
Infantes Vivian Kubrick[*]
Premios Academy Fellowship Award[*], Academy Award for Best Visual Effects[*], Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement[*], Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame[*], Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres‎[*], National Board of Review Award for Best Film[*], BAFTA Award for Best Direction[*], Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation[*], Sitges Grand Honorary Award[*]
Lingua anglese
ISNI 0000000110214609
VIAF 14772018
IMDB nm0000040
Commons Stanley Kubrick

Stanley Kubrick (le 26 de julio 1928, Bronx/Nove York, SUA – le 7 de martio 1999, Childwickbury, Grande Britannia) esseva un director e productor de cinema, scenarista, e photographo statounitese.

Kubrick laborava como photographo e esseva cognoscite como un perfectionista detra le camera. Ille comenciava su carriera intra films in le SUA ma cambiava domicilio a Grande Britannia in le initio del 1960s pro tornar le film "Lolita". Ille remaneva la pro le resto de su vita.

Stanley Kubrick possedeva Childwickbury Manor al nord de St Albans e esseva describite como un eremita. Ille es recognoscite como un del plus obstinate e special creatores de films in le historia, ma ille habeva plure successos in su carriera del 1950s al 1990s. Le thema continue de su obra cinematographic esseva le natura destructive del humano. Cata singule scena esseva planificate usque al minime detalio, e tote su collaboratores esseva quasi sempre pressate maximalmente.

  • Day of the Fight (1951)
  • Flying Padre (1951)
  • The Seafarers (1953)
  • Fear and Desire (1953)
  • Killer's Kiss (1955)
  • The Killing (1956)
  • Paths of Glory (1957)
  • Spartacus (1960)
  • Lolita (1962)
  • Dr. Strangelove (Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, 1964)
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
  • A Clockwork Orange (1971)
  • Barry Lyndon (1975)
  • The Shining (1980)
  • Full Metal Jacket (1987)
  • Eyes Wide Shut (1999)