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Sojourner Truth

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Sojourner Truth
Sexo feminin
Nascentia 1797 (Hurley)
Decesso 1883-11-26 (Battle Creek)
Ethnicitate Statouniteses african
Citatania Statos Unite de America
Occupation human rights activist[*], scriptor, abolitionist[*], activista pro le derectos del femina[*], suffragista[*]
Religion Methodismo
Premios National Women's Hall of Fame[*], Michigan Women's Hall of Fame[*]
Lingua nederlandese, anglese
ISNI 0000000109884285
VIAF 74657903
Commons Sojourner Truth

Sojourner Truth (17971883) abolitionista de Statos Unite, nate in sclavitude.

In 1827 illa escappava a Canada, sed post le abolition del sclavitude in New York in 1829 illa retornava a ibi. Plus tarde in su vita, illa deveniva un orator note e pro le abolitionismo e pro le derectos del feminas.
