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Rudyard Kipling
mascule Nascentia
1865-12-30 (Mumbai) Decesso
1936-01-18 (London) Causa de decesso
ulcer [*] Loco de reposo
Abbatia de Westminster , Golders Green Crematorium [*] Ethnicitate
gente anglese [*] Citatania
Regno Unite , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland [*] Educate in
United Services College [*] Occupation
scriptor , poeta [*] , romancero [*] , war correspondent [*] , children's writer [*] , autobiographo [*] , scenarista [*] , jornalista [*] , scriptor de scientia-fiction [*] Obras notabile
The Jungle Book [*] , Kim [*] , If— [*] , The Second Jungle Book [*] , Just So Stories [*] , Gunga Din [*] Conjuge
Caroline Starr Balestier [*] Infantes
John Kipling [*] , Elsie Bambridge [*] , Josephine Kipling [*] Parentes
matre Alice MacDonald Kipling [*] patre John Lockwood Kipling [*] Fratres/sorores
Alice Macdonald Fleming [*] , John Kipling [*] Premios
Premio Nobel pro Litteratura , Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature [*] , Lektorix [*] , doctor honoris causa from the University of Paris [*] , honorary doctorate from the University of Strasbourg [*] Lingua
anglese Signatura
Identificatores ISNI
0000000120989213 VIAF
7524679 IMDB
nm0456017 Commons
Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling
Joseph Rudyard Kipling (Bombay , India Britannic [hodie Mumbai , India ] le 30 de decembre 1865 – London , Anglaterra le 18 de januario 1936 ) esseva un autor anglese de poesia e fiction e de libros pro infantes. Ille recipeva le Premio Nobel pro Litteratura in 1907 .
Ben que Kipling nasceva in India , ille recipeva su education in Anglaterra . Ille se retornava a India in 1882, ubi ille laborava pro jornales. Un de su obras le plus famose es "Le Libro del jungla" (in anglese : "The Jungle Book" ; 1894).