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Roald Amundsen

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Roald Amundsen
Pronunciation del nomine
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1872-07-16 (Borge Municipality)
Decesso 1928-06-18 (Oceano Arctic)
Causa de decesso accidente de aviation
Loco de reposo Barents Sea[*]
Citatania Norvegia
Occupation explorator[*], scriptor, sailor[*], resercator[*], polar explorer[*], Pilota, traveler[*], naval aviator[*], director de cinema[*]
Conjuge sin valor
Parentes patre Jens Amundsen[*]
Fratres/sorores Leon Amundsen[*]
Premios Fridtjof Nansen Award of Excellence, Mathematics-Natural sciences class[*], Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Olav‎[*], Hubbard Medal[*], Constantin Medal[*], Knight of the Order of Leopold[*], Vega Medal[*], Alexander von Humboldt Medal[*], Patron’s Medal[*], Congressional Gold Medal[*], Grande Médaille d'Or des Explorations[*], Medal for Outstanding Civic Service[*], Medal of Merit in Gold with Crown[*], Polar Medal[*], Charles P. Daly Medal[*], Medalla Plus Ultra[*], Medal for Aeronautical Valour[*], Livingstone Medal[*], South Pole Medal[*], Order of the Polar Star - Commander's Grand Cross[*], Grand Cross of the Order of Franz Joseph[*], Knight of the Legion of Honour[*], Medal of Merit[*]
Lingua norvegiano
ISNI 0000000114475638
VIAF 71419820
IMDB nm0025468
Commons Roald Amundsen

Roald Amundsen (le 16 de julio 1872 in Borge, Norvegia - le 18 de junio 1928, Mar de Bering) esseva un explorator norvegian. Ille transversava como le primo le Passage del Nord-West (1906) e attingeva como le prime le Polo Sud le 14 de decembre 1911. Ille dispareva in 1928 cercante le membros del expedition polar disparite de Umberto Nobile.