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Paul Nurse

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Paul Nurse
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1949-01-25, 1949 (Norwich)
Citatania Regno Unite
Educate in University of Birmingham[*], University of East Anglia[*], Harrow High School[*]
Occupation biochimista, geneticista[*], chimico, resercator[*]
Religion atheismo
Premios Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research[*], Premio Nobel pro Physiologia o Medicina, Copley Medal[*], Royal Medal[*], Albert Einstein World Award of Science[*], Marjory Stephenson Prize[*], Canada Gairdner International Award[*], EMBO Membership[*], Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. Prize[*], Dr H.P. Heineken Prize for Biochemistry and Biophysics[*], Rosenstiel Award[*], Feldberg Foundation[*], Knight Bachelor[*], Knight of the Legion of Honour[*], honorary doctorate of Salzburg University[*], Novartis Medal and Prize[*], Baly Medal[*], Harveian Oration[*], Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine[*], Companion of Honour[*], Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science[*], Order of Merit[*], Dr. Josef Steiner Cancer Research Award[*]
Lingua anglese
ISNI 0000000084275394
VIAF 13695505
IMDB nm1532560
Commons Paul Nurse

Sir Paul M. Nurse (Norwich, Norfolk, Anglaterra, le 25 de januario 1949[1] – ) es un geneticista anglese, ex-presidente del Royal Society, e un laureato Nobel. Ille adolesceva in Wembley, nord-west del London. Como un infante, Nurse esseva un pupillo de su granparentes. Ille studiava a Harrow County Grammar School ma falleva in le examine del francese. Postea ille comenciava laborar a Universitate de Birmingham. Ille iva a qualque universitates, includente Oxford, ante ille fondava le Imperial Cancer Research Fund in London.[1]

In 2001 ille, con Leland Hartwell e Tim Hunt, ganiava le Premio Nobel pro Physiologia o Medicina.


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  1. 1,0 1,1 Steve Connor (2011-11-14). Paul Nurse: 'We have to stop mixing science and politics' (anglese). The Independent. Recuperate le 2011-11-14.

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