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Paul Erdős |
Sexo |
mascule |
Nascentia |
1913-03-26 (Budapest) |
Decesso |
1996-09-20 (Varsovia) |
Causa de decesso |
infarcto del myocardio |
Loco de reposo |
Kozma Street Jewish Cemetery[*] |
Ethnicitate |
Ashkenazi |
Citatania |
Hungaria |
Educate in |
Eötvös Loránd University[*], Stephen I of Hungary High School[*] |
Occupation |
mathematico |
Obras notabile |
Copeland–Erdős constant[*], Cameron–Erdős conjecture[*], De Bruijn–Erdős theorem[*], Davenport–Erdős theorem[*], Erdős–Borwein constant[*], numero de Erdős-Woods[*], Erdős–Straus conjecture[*], Erdős–Kac theorem[*], Erdős–Szekeres theorem[*], Erdős–Rényi model[*], Erdős conjecture on arithmetic progressions[*], Erdős–Graham problem[*], Erdős–Mordell inequality[*], Erdős distinct distances problem[*], Erdős–Gyárfás conjecture[*], Erdős–Fuchs theorem[*], Erdős–Szemerédi theorem[*], Erdős–Nicolas number[*], Erdős-Moser equation[*], Erdős–Burr conjecture[*], Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem[*], Erdős cardinal[*], Erdős–Anning theorem[*], De Bruijn–Erdős theorem[*], Erdős–Ulam problem[*], Erdős–Diophantine graph[*], Erdős–Rado theorem[*], Erdős–Tetali theorem[*], Erdős–Stone theorem[*], Erdős–Pósa theorem[*], Erdős–Gallai theorem[*], Erdős–Nagy theorem[*], Erdős arcsine law[*], Erdős–Kaplansky theorem[*], Erdős theorem[*], Erdős–Faber–Lovász conjecture[*], Erdős–Turán conjecture on additive bases[*], Erdős-Wintner theorem[*], Chung–Erdős inequality[*] |
Conjuge |
sin valor |
Parentes |
patre Lajos Erdős[*] |
Premios |
Guggenheim Fellowship[*], Cole Prize in Number Theory[*], Kossuth Prize[*], Q555082[*], Wolf Prize in Mathematics[*], honorary doctorate of Haifa University[*], Foreign Member of the Royal Society[*], honorary doctor of the Charles University of Prague[*], honorary doctor of the University of Limoges[*] |
Lingua |
Lingua hungare, anglese, germano |
Identificatores |
0000000114438511 |
51768730, 82146998504118941849 |
nm0258818 |
Commons |
Paul Erdős |
Paul Erdős (hungaro: Erdős Pál), Budapest le 26 de martio 1913 - Varsovia le 20 de septembre 1996) era un mathematico hungare judee.