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Nadine Gordimer

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Nadine Gordimer
Sexo feminin
Nascentia 1923-11-20 (Springs)
Decesso 2014-07-13 (Johannesburg)
Citatania Africa del Sud
Educate in University of the Witwatersrand[*]
Occupation poeta[*], scriptor, romancero[*], dramaturgo, scriptor de contos[*], scientific editor[*], prosaista[*], director de cinema[*]
Obras notabile The Conservationist[*], Burger's Daughter[*], July's People[*], A Sport of Nature[*], The Pickup[*], Get a Life[*]
Partito politic African National Congress[*]
Religion atheismo
Conjuge Reinhold Cassirer[*], Gerald Gavron[*]
Infantes Oriane[*]
Parentes matre Hannah Gordimer[*] patre Isidore Gordimer[*]
Premios Premio Nobel pro Litteratura, Officer of the Legion of Honour[*], Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres‎[*], WH Smith Literary Award[*], James Tait Black Memorial Prize[*], Booker Prize[*], Central News Agency Literary Award[*], Nelly Sachs Prize[*], Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards[*], Rome Prize[*], Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature[*], Central News Agency Literary Award[*], Central News Agency Literary Award[*]
Lingua anglese
ISNI 0000000123861354
VIAF 86692340
IMDB nm0329919
Commons Nadine Gordimer

Nadine Gordimer (Springs, Gauteng, Africa del Sud le 20 de novembre 1923 – Johannesburg, Africa del Sud le 13 de julio 2014) esseva un scriptor e activista politic sudafrican. Illa deveniva un premiato del Premio Nobel pro Litteratura in 1991.

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