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De Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libere
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 120, 125, 120 (Samosata)
Decesso 2nd century, 192, 180 (Athenas)
Occupation scriptor, satirico[*], philosopho[*], biographer[*], poeta[*]
Obras notabile A True Story[*], Dialogues of the Gods[*], Dialogues of the Dead[*], Dialogues of the Sea-Gods[*], The Mistaken Critic[*], Dialogues of the Courtesans[*]
Lingua lingua grec ancian, Lingua grec koine, Syriac[*]
ISNI 0000000355081330
VIAF 100218901, 15144782943810992017, 21145856868522920447, 69976451, 79779630, 100960398, 20146635506541980584, 1707168049027238410008
Commons Lucian of Samosata

Luciano de Samosata era un satirico e rhetorico del seculo 2 aEC in le Imperio Roman qui scribeva in grec antique ben que ille mesme era un syrio cuje idioma native era le dialecto syriac de aramaico.