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Linus Pauling

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Linus Pauling
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1901-02-28 (Portland)
Decesso 1994-08-18, 1994-08-19 (Big Sur)
Causa de decesso cancere del prostata[*]
Citatania Statos Unite de America
Educate in California Institute of Technology[*], Oregon State University[*], Washington High School[*]
Occupation chimico, physico, esperantista, professor universitari[*], biochimista, activista pro le pace[*], crystallographer[*], biophysicist[*], activist shareholder[*]
Religion atheismo
Conjuge Ava Helen Pauling[*]
Infantes Peter Pauling[*]
Premios Guggenheim Fellowship[*], ACS Award in Pure Chemistry[*], Irving Langmuir Award in Chemical Physics[*], William H. Nichols Medal[*], Silliman Memorial Lectures[*], Willard Gibbs Award[*], Davy Medal[*], Liversidge Award[*], Foreign Member of the Royal Society[*], doctor honoris causa from the University of Paris[*], Medal for Merit[*], honorary doctor of the University of Toulouse[*], Premio Nobel pro Chimia, honorary doctorate of the University of Montpellier[*], Humanist of the Year[*], Premio Nobel del Pace, Gandhi Peace Award[*], Guggenheim Fellowship[*], Linus Pauling Award[*], Roebling Medal[*], Lenin Peace Prize[*], National Medal of Science[*], Lomonosov Gold Medal[*], NAS Award in Chemical Sciences[*], Priestley Medal[*], Lavoisier Medal[*], George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Education[*], Tolman Award[*], California Hall of Fame[*], Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences[*], Fellow of the American Physical Society[*], Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh[*], Chemical Pioneer Award[*]
Lingua esperanto, anglese
ISNI 0000000121435407
VIAF 91892412
Commons Linus Pauling

Linus Calr Pauling (28 de februario 1901 in Portland, Oregon, SUA – 19 de augusto 1994 in Big Sur, California, SUA) esseva un chimista e un del quatro personas qui ha ganiate le Premio Nobel duo vices.

Ille eseva le sol ganiator del Premio Nobel pro Chimia in 1954 pro recerca super le natura quantic del ligamine chimic. In 1962 ille esseva le sol ganiator del Premio Nobel del Pace pro su activitate contra le armas nuclear in initiar le petition international del scientistas contra que ha resultate in le tractato international pro le prohibition de exploder bombas nuclear in le atmosphero.

Del quatro personas qui ha ganiate le Premio Nobel duo vices ille es le sol qui ha ganiate ambes indivise, e le sol a ganiar e un Nobel in in categoria scientific e un altere in un categoria non-scientific. [1] [2]


[modificar fonte]
  1. Premio Nobel
  2. Premio Nobel