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Lech Wałęsa
mascule Nascentia
1943-09-29 (Popowo) Ethnicitate
gente polonese [*] Citatania
Polonia Occupation
politico [*] , electricista [*] , trade unionist [*] , dissident [*] , activista politic [*] , activista [*] , anti-communist [*] Partito politic
Solidarity Electoral Action [*] Religion
Ecclesia Catholic Conjuge
Danuta Wałęsa [*] Infantes
Jarosław Wałęsa [*] Premios
Premio Nobel del Pace , Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour [*] , Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath [*] , Order of the White Eagle [*] , Grand cross of the Order of the White Lion [*] , Medalia Presidential del Libertate [*] , Order of Francisco de Miranda [*] , Ernst Reuter Medal [*] , Fritt Ord Award [*] , European Human Rights Prize [*] , Philadelphia Liberty Medal [*] , Freedom Award [*] , Monismanien Prize [*] , Pacem in Terris Award [*] , Integrity Award [*] , Jan Karski Freedom Award [*] , Kisiel Prize [*] , Democracy Service Medal [*] , Ronald Reagan Freedom Award [*] , Grand Collar of the Order of Prince Henry [*] , Grand Cross 1st class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany [*] , Grand Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta [*] , Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland [*] , Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana, 1st Class [*] , Grand Cross of the Order of Vytautas the Great [*] , Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary [*] , Golden Plate Award [*] , Order of Pius IX [*] , Knight of the Order of the Elephant [*] , honorary citizen of Budapest [*] , Grand Cross Special Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany [*] , Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic [*] , Grand Collar of the Order of Liberty [*] , Medal of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay [*] , Point Alpha Prize [*] , Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, 2nd class [*] , Osgar [*] , Honorary doctor of the University of Gdańsk [*] , Financial Times Person of the Year [*] , honorary citizen of Gdańsk [*] , Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of the White Rose of Finland [*] , doctor honoris causa from the University of Nancy [*] , honorary doctor of Paris 8 University [*] , Order of the Elephant [*] , Royal Order of the Seraphim [*] , Order of State of Republic of Turkey [*] , Grand Order of Mugunghwa [*] Lingua
polonese Signatura
Identificatores ISNI
0000000121475062 VIAF
109834327 IMDB
nm0907408 Commons
Lech Wałęsa
Lech Wałęsa ([ˈlɛx vaˈwɛ̃sa] ; nascite in Popowo, Polonia le 29 de septembre 1943 ) es un politico polonese e anterior activista de syndicatos e derectos human. Ille co-fundava Solidaritate (Solidarność ), le prime syndicato independente del bloco sovietic, ganiava le Premio Nobel del Pace in 1983 , e serviva como Presidente de Polonia de 1990 a 1995 .[ 1]
Wałęsa nasceva in Popowo , Polonia , le 29 de septembre 1943 , filio de un carpentero e su sponsa. Ille assisteva al schola primari e vocational, ante de entrar Lenin Shipyard in Gdańsk (Stocznia Gdańska im. Lenina , hodie Stocznia Gdańska ) como technico electric in 1970 . In 1969 ille sponsava Danuta Gołoś , e illes hodie ha octo infantes[ 1] . Su filio Jarosław Wałęsa es un membro del Sejm de Polonia (camera basse del parlamento polonese). Lech Wałęsa es catholic roman, e ha dicite que su fide semper le ha adjutate durante le momentos difficile de Solidaritate.
↑ 1,0 1,1 "CNN Cold War - Profile: Lech Walesa ", CNN . Recuperate le 2007-08-19 .