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Kurt Gödel

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Kurt Gödel
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1906-04-28 (Brno)
Decesso 1978-01-14 (Princeton)
Causa de decesso inanition[*]
Loco de reposo Princeton Cemetery[*]
Citatania Statos Unite de America, Austria, Cisleithania[*], Checoslovachia
Educate in University of Vienna[*]
Occupation mathematico, philosopho[*], professor universitari[*], computer scientist[*], physico, scientista[*]
Obras notabile Gödel's incompleteness theorems[*], Gödel's completeness theorem[*], Gödel numbering[*], Von Neumann–Bernays–Gödel set theory[*], Gödel metric[*], constructible universe[*], Gödel's ontological proof[*], Gödel's β function[*], Gödel-incomplete machine[*], Gödel's speed-up theorem[*], Gödel logic[*], Gödel's second incompleteness theorem[*], Godel's first incompleteness theorem[*], Gödel operation[*]
Religion Christianismo
Conjuge Adele Gödel[*]
Premios National Medal of Science[*], Josiah Willard Gibbs Lectureship[*], honorary doctorate from Princeton University[*], honorary doctor of the University of Vienna[*], Albert Einstein Award[*], Foreign Member of the Royal Society[*]
Lingua germano, anglese
ISNI 000000011031567X
VIAF 97851774
Commons Kurt Gödel

Kurt Gödel (Brünn, Austria-Hungaria [nunc Brno, Republica Chec] le 28 de april 1906Princeton, New Jersey, SUA le 14 de januario 1978) esseva un logico, mathematico, e philosopho statounitese, originalmente austriac. Ille esseva un del logicos le plus importante in le historia, qui habeva un impacto grande in le pensamento scientific e philosophic del seculo 20, quando altere mathematicos como Bertrand Russell, Alfred North Whitehead, e David Hilbert tentava usar le logica e le theoria de insimules pro comprehender le fundamentos del mathematica.

Gödel es cognoscite pro le theoremas de incompletessa que ille publicava al etate de 25, un anno post obtener su doctorato al Universitate de Vienna. Pro provar su theoremas, Gödel disveloppava un technica appellate numeration de Gödel, in le qual a cata symbolo e formula ben-formate in le mathematica es assignate un numero natural.

Ille monstrava alsi que le axioma de election e le hypothese del continuo es consistente con le theoria de insimules in uso al tempore e non pote esser disprovate, si le axiomaa es consistente. Ille faceva contributiones importante al theoria de demonstration per clarificar que il ha un connexion inter le logica classic, le logica intuitionistic, e le logica modal.

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