Jair Bolsonaro
Jair Bolsonaro | |
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Sexo | mascule |
Nascentia | 1955-03-21 (Glicério) |
Citatania | Brasil |
Educate in | Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras[*] |
Occupation | politico[*], thief[*] |
Partito politic | Christian Democratic Party[*], Progressive Party[*], Reform Progressive Party[*], Progressive Party[*], Brazilian Labour Party[*], Liberal Front Party[*], Progressive Party[*], Social Christian Party[*], Social Liberal Party[*], Alliance For Brazil[*], Liberal Party[*] |
Religion | Catholicismo, Protestantismo, Christianismo |
Conjuge | Rogéria Bolsonaro[*], Ana Cristina Valle[*], Michelle Bolsonaro[*] |
Infantes | Flávio Bolsonaro[*], Carlos Bolsonaro[*], Eduardo Bolsonaro[*], Renan Bolsonaro[*], Laura Bolsonaro[*] |
Parentes | patre Percy Geraldo Bolsonaro[*] |
Premios | Time 100[*], Time 100[*], Ig Nobel Prize[*], Corrupt Person of the Year[*] |
Lingua | Portugese brasilian, Lingua portugese |
Signatura |
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Identificatores | |
ISNI | 0000000465847931 |
VIAF | 4348152684017923430004 |
IMDB | nm6617987 |
Commons | Jair Bolsonaro |
Jair Messias Bolsonaro (21 de martio 1955 in Glicério, São Paulo, Brasil), esseva le 38te presidente del Republica Federative de Brasil.
Precedite per Michel Temer |
Presidente del Brasil 1 de januario 2019— |
Succedite per ' |