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Historia del Statos Unite de America

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Le historia del terras que postea devenira le Statos Unite comenciava con le arrivata de su prime habitantes in America circa 15,000 a.C. Numerose culturas indigene se formava, e multes se transformava in le dece-sexte seculo ab modos de vita plus densemente populate verso collectivitates reorganisate in le natura.


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Location approximate del corridor libere de glacie e specific sitos Paleoindian (Teoria Clovis).


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The cultural areas of pre-Columbian North America, according to Alfred Kroeber

Constructores de monticulos e pueblos

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Articulos principal: Mound Builders e Ancestral Puebloans
Grave Creek Mound, located in Moundsville, West Virginia, is one of the largest conical mounds in the United States. It was built by the Adena culture.
Monks Mound of Cahokia (UNESCO World Heritage Site) in summer
Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Nord-west e nord-est

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The K'alyaan Totem pole of the Tlingit Kiks.ádi Clan, erected at Sitka National Historical Park to commemorate the lives lost in the 1804 Battle of Sitka

Hawaiianos native

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Puerto Rico

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Exploration viking

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Leiv Eirikson Discovering America by Christian Krohg, 1893

Colonisation europee

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European territorial claims in North America, c. 1750

Post un periodo de exploration patrocinato per le principal statos europee, le prime colonia anglese succedite in 1607. Le europeos portava cavallos, boves e porcos al America e, reciprocamente, prendeva mais, tacchinos, pomodores, patatas, tabacco, fabas e cucurbitas al Europa. Multe exploratores e colonos primogenie moriva post esser exposte a nove maladias al America. Tuttavia, le effectos del nove maladias eurasian portate per le colonistas, particularmente le variola e le morbillo, esseva multo plus grave pro le indianos native, proque illes non habeva immunisation contra illes. Illes suffreva epidemicas e moriva in quantitates multo grande, usualmente ante le initio del colonisation europee a grande scala. Lor societates esseva disrupte e vacuate per le scalas del mortes.

First settlements

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Contacto espaniol

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Le Lettera de Christophoro Columbo super le discoperta del America al Rege Ferdinand e Regina Isabella de Espania.

Le exploratores espaniol esseva le prime europeos a arrivar al present-day Statos Unite, post le expeditiones de Christophoro Columbo (comenciate in 1492) que stabiliva possessiones in le Caribe, includente le modern territories american de Puerto Rico e alcunes partes del Insulas Virgin American.[26] Juan Ponce de León debarcava in Florida in 1513.[26] Expeditiones espaniol arrivava rapidemente al Montes Appalachian, le fluvio Mississippi, le Grand Canyon[27] e le Grandes Planitias.[28]

In 1539, Hernando de Soto explorava extensiveemente le Sudeste,[28] e un anno postea Francisco Coronado explorava de Arizona al Kansas central in recerca de oro.[28] Cavallos fugite del gruppo de Coronado se propagava sur le Grandes Planitias e le Indios del Planitias apprendeva a montar cavallos in pauc generationes.[5] Parve colonias espaniol eventualmente cresceva pro devenir importantes urbes, tal como San Antonio, Albuquerque, Tucson, Los Angeles e San Francisco.[29]

Dutch mid-Atlantic

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Colonisation svede

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Conflicto francese e espaniol

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Colonias britannic

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The Mayflower, which transported Pilgrims to the New World. During the first winter at Plymouth, about half of the Pilgrims died.[1]

Prime colonia in Jamestown

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Squanto, known for having been an early liaison between the native populations in Southern New England and the Mayflower settlers

Nove Anglaterra

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The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth, 1914, Pilgrim Hall Museum, Plymouth, Massachusetts

Middle colonies

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Indians trade packs of furs at a Hudson's Bay Company trading post in the 19th century.

Southern colonies

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The Indian massacre of Jamestown settlers in 1622. Soon the colonists in the South feared all natives as enemies.
John Gadsby Chapman, Baptism of Pocahontas (1840), on display in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol

Servitude and slavery

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Cammino verso le independentia

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Carta del colonisation britannic de le Americos, francese e espaniol in Nord America in 1750, ante le Guerra Francese e Indian.

Un classe superiore emergeva in Carolina del Sud e Virginia, con richessa basate in grande plantationes operative per labore de sclavos. Un sistema de classe unici operava in la region del nord de New York, ubi agricultores con contratos de locative olandese arrendava terra de proprietarios olandese multo ricc, como le familia Van Rensselaer. Le altere colonias esseva plus egalitarian, con Pennsylvania essente representativa. A medie del seculo 18, Pennsylvania esseva basicamente una colonia de classe media con un respecto limitate pro su classe superiore. Un scriptor in le Pennsylvania Journal in 1756 scribeva:

Le gente de iste provincia es generalmente del classe medio e presentemente quasi del mesme livello. Illos es principalmente agricultores laboriose, artifices o homines in commercio; illos gaudie in e ama le libertate, e le plus basse inter illos pensa que il ha un dero al cortesia del plus grande.[2]

Political integration and autonomy

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Join, or Die: This 1756 political cartoon by Benjamin Franklin urged the colonies to join during the French and Indian War.

Taxation sin representation

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An 1846 painting of the 1773 Boston Tea Party
The population density in the American Colonies in 1775

Revolution e independentia

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George Washington

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Leales e Britannia

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Declaration de Independentia

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Early years of the republic

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Confederation and constitution

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President George Washington

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Two-party system

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Desafios al governamento federal

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Increasing demand for slave labor

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Louisiana and Jeffersonian republicanism

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War of 1812

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Second Great Awakening

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Era of Good Feelings

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Westward expansion

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Indian removal

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Second party system

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Westward expansion and Manifest Destiny

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Sectional conflict and Civil War

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Divisions between North and South

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Plantation economy

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Slave rebellions and Abolitionism

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President Abraham Lincoln and secession

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Radical Reconstruction

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KKK and the rise of Jim Crow laws

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Growth and industrialization

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Frontier and the railroad

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Indian wars

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Unions and strikes

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Discontento e reforma

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Era Progressive

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Suffragio feminin

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Guerra, prosperitate e depression

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Prima Guerra Mundial

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Annos Viginti del seculo XX

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Grande Depression e Nuovo Accordo

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Secunda Guerra Mundial

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Cold War, counterculture, and civil rights

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Great Society

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Civil rights movement

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Women's liberation

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Counterculture and Cold War détente

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Rise of conservatism and the end of the Cold War

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9/11 and the war on terror

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The Nasdaq Composite index swelled with the dot-com bubble in the optimistic "New economy". The bubble burst in 2000.
The former World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan during September 11 attacks in 2001
President Bush's address in reaction to the 9/11 attacks
George W. Bush addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations on September 12, 2002, to outline the complaints of the United States government against the Iraqi government.
U.S. military presence in the world in 2007

Great Recession

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Barack Obama inauguration speech 2009
Tea Party protesters walk towards the United States Capitol during the Taxpayer March on Washington, September 12, 2009.
Barack Obama was the first African-American president of the United States.

Recent events in 2010s =

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A man stands on a burned out car following protests over the murder of George Floyd.

COVID-19 pandemic and other events in 2020s

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A naval officer checks on a patient connected to a ventilator in Baton Rouge during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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  1. Mintz, Steven. Death in Early America.
  2. Rossiter, Clinton (1953). Seedtime of the Republic: the origin of the American tradition of political liberty, 106.