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Georges Moustaki

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Georges Moustaki
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1934-05-03 (Alexandria ad Egypto)
Decesso 2013-05-23 (Nice)
Causa de decesso emphysema pulmonar
Loco de reposo Père Lachaise Cemetery[*], Père Lachaise Cemetery[*]
Citatania Grecia, Francia
Occupation compositor, Autor-compositor-interprete, cantator[*], pictor[*], scenarista[*], recording artist[*]
Religion judaismo
Conjuge Yanick Varech[*]
Infantes Pia Moustaki[*]
Parentes patre Nessim Moustaki[*]
Fratres/sorores Élisabeth Moustaki[*], Marcelle Rosnay[*]
Premios Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres‎[*], Knight of the Legion of Honour[*]
Lingua Modern Greek[*], greco, italiano, francese, Egyptian Arabic[*]
ISNI 0000000115071723
VIAF 85641150
IMDB nm0610128
Commons Georges Moustaki

Georges Moustaki, nomine artistic de Giuseppe Mustacchi (Alexandria, Egypto, 3 de maio 1934 - Nice, 23 de maio 2013), es un musico multiinstrumentista (gitarra, accordion e piano, ma principalmente gitarra) e cantator poliglota (principalmente francophone, ma etiam in grec, anglese, portugese e, occasionalmente, in arabe, espaniol, italian e german).


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