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Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

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Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1770-08-27, 1770 (Stuttgart)
Decesso 1831-11-14, 1831 (Berlin)
Causa de decesso cholera[*]
Loco de reposo Dorotheenstadt Cemetery[*]
Ethnicitate germanos[*]
Citatania Kingdom of Württemberg[*]
Educate in Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen[*], University of Jena[*], Eberhard-Ludwigs-Gymnasium[*], Tübinger Stift[*]
Occupation philosopho[*], professor universitari[*], philosophy historian[*], scriptor, philosopher of law[*], logico[*]
Obras notabile Lectures on the Philosophy of History[*], Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences[*], Science of Logic[*], The Phenomenology of Spirit[*], Elements of the Philosophy of Right[*], Lectures on Aesthetics[*], Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion[*], Lectures on the History of Philosophy[*]
Conjuge Marie von Tucher[*]
Infantes Karl Von Hegel[*]
Parentes matre Maria Magdalena Louisa Fromm[*] patre Georg Ludwig Hegel[*]
Premios Order of the Red Eagle 3rd Class[*]
Lingua latino, germano
ISNI 0000000122828149
VIAF 89774942
Commons Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (27 de augusto 1770 - 14 de novembre 1831) esseva un philosopho german considerate le plus importante representante del idealismo german.