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Discussion Wikipedia:Articulos vital

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Lista ancian

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Ben que iste lista esse un bon lista de articulos, non totevia esse le lista que esse usate in le lista in Wikimedia. Almafeta 21:50, 8 februario 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Ora esse actualisate. Almafeta 18:07, 23 februario 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Scopos pro 2009

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Alicun pauc parve scopos a facer ante le fin de 2009:

  • Al minus 5% (50) del lista facite a articulos eminente: de grande extension, excellente formato wikipedic, illustrate, e con ligamines intrawiki e interwiki.
  • Al minus 10% (100) del lista facite a nove articulos bon: articulos de formato e attributos bon, ma non del mesme extenion como un articulo eminente.
  • Al maxime 5% (50) absente, con al minus 5 phrases.

Almafeta 18:07, 23 februario 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Metallos e Chimia

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Io ha corregite le orthographia de "Chimica" a "Chimia", e poneva le articulos super "metallos" sub "Chimia", e non sub "Physica". Cordialmente, André. 22:55, 9 martio 2010 (UTC)[responder]


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Le lista in meta ha cambiate continualmente, ma ora nostre lista non lo seque e totevia esse basate in version 1.1 del lista in meta. In le septimanas proxime, io vole reactualisar le lista, e notar le versiones eminente de altere wikipedias. Duo annos a reactualisar... @_@ Almafeta 10:55, 1 julio 2011 (UTC)[responder]

New real time list of missing articles

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I suggest that you give a look to the Mix'n'match tool by Magnus Manske, and that you recommend it from this page. Thanks to Wikidata, it's able to tell you in real time what articles you're missing out of several reliable lists of relevant persons. --Nemo 17:06, 10 octobre 2014 (UTC)[responder]