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Discussion Usator:Jcb

Le contento del pagina non es supportate in altere linguas.
De Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libere

Esque tu pote esser administrator? Appareva que si - felicitate. Besednjak 20:33 mar 17, 2005 (UTC)

Jcb, I agree with the deletion of non-encyclopedic texts like the Bible etc. but I'm not sure why you're deleting mere stubs like the years (2020, etc.) and numbers. These exist in the English wikipedia as stubby articles (e.g. 2023, thirty-seven). I suggest that you shouldn't delete such articles merely because of their length. --Jmb 16:29 mar 23, 2005 (UTC)

At NL.wikipedia year-articles only exist when there is at least one fact about that year. I think that's a good system, but I will think about your comment and review my standpoint. About the numbers: I am switching to the EN/NL system: one article per number, like 12 (numero). The (numero) addiction to differentia from the years. Jcb 21:34 mar 23, 2005 (UTC)

Block oscar

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Ik verzoek je Oscar zijn block ongedaan te maken. Dit is misbruik van je rechten als moderator en kan ernstige consequenties hebben. Oscar heeft hier geen aantoonbaar vandalisme gepleegd namelijk. Waerth 03:48 mar 30, 2005 (UTC)

Naar buiten treden?

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Hoi Jcb,

Misschien ben ik te snel, maar is het niet verstandig om met de vragen en antwoorden op Discussion Wikipedia:Wikix/bevindingen naar buiten te treden. Volgens mij zijn er nog maar weinig mensen die van het bestaan van deze pagina afweten. nl:Gebruiker:Firefox. 15:03 mar 31, 2005 (UTC)

Ik zou nu de gemoederen ietwat bedaard zijn liever even wachten tot Oscar en Waerth op de antwoorden gereageerd hebben, en we de partijen een beetje op 1 lijn hebben. Anders krijgen we weer dat iedereen over de ander heenvalt met zijn/haar mening. SanderSpek 15:24 mar 31, 2005 (UTC)

Hier is mijn reactie dan. Ik ben initieel uitermate positief over deze antwoorden. Ze vormen een zeer goed uitgangspunt voor een normalisering van de status :) Waerth 18:09 mar 31, 2005 (UTC)

Ik ben ook heel positief hierover. Ik heb geen vragen meer aan Wikix. Het lijkt mij goed dat nog een paar mensen hier even naar kijken en eventueel nog vragen stellen, waarna de affaire afgesloten kan worden. Jcb 21:27 mar 31, 2005 (UTC)

uit bovenstaande opmerking van sander bergrijp ik, dat een reactie mijnerzijds op prijs wordt gesteld, bij deze dan: ik was aangenaam verrast de vragen, en de antwoorden daarop, te lezen. ik heb de indruk, dat er een basis voor een goede samenwerking uit kan ontstaan. ik herken er ook de zorgvuldige kant van wikix in, die ik ook in veel van zijn edits heb gewaardeerd. ik krijg bovendien de indruk dat de andere kant van zijn werkwijze, waarmee vele wikipedianen problemen hadden, ook hem nu duidelijker is geworden, en dat hij meer open staat voor hoe zaken door anderen kunnen worden ervaren; en daarmee is een uitgangspunt voor een hernieuwde samenwerking ontstaan. wel lijkt me, dat hiermee de bemiddeling nog niet voorbij is, maar wel dat de eerste stap naar een gezamenlijke oplossing succesvol is gezet. een heikel punt zou ik zeer graag defintief opgehelderd zien, namelijk wikix' claim, dat hij niet degene is, die de anagrammen aanmaakte. hiervoor zou bij voorkeur een echt bewijs moeten worden aagedragen. ik vraag me af, of de devolopers dit zouden kunnen aanleveren, of althans tenminste een antwoord op deze vraag (dan wel hoe dan ook een antwoord, of zij dat wel of niet kunnen of willen geven). oscar 21:31 mar 31, 2005 (UTC)

100% sluitend bewijs is nooit te vinden geen van beide kanten op. Daar iedereen met een minimum aan moeite zichzelf kan verbergen en kan binnenkomen als wie dan ook. Waerth 04:36 apr 1, 2005 (UTC)

We moeten nog beslissen of Wikix begeleiding moet krijgen, maar verder staat niets deblokkade volgens mij meer in de weg. Ik heb op het IRC gevraagd of er nog iets moest gebeuren, daar werd niets meer genoemd. Het lijkt mij dus dat op korte termijn tot deblokkade kan worden overgegaan, tenzij iemand nog komt met iets dat nog moet gebeuren. Jcb 22:59 apr 1, 2005 (UTC)

Laat Sander eerst eens rustig zijn bemiddeling afronden. Ik heb liever dat we een dag of dagen te lang nemen en dat het niet fout gaat. Dan dat we overhaast hoteldebotel beslissingen nemen en het weer fout gaat. Hiermee is zowel Wikipedia als Wikix op de langere termijn beter gediend. Waerth 05:36 apr 2, 2005 (UTC)
Het is niet *mijn* bemiddeling.
Maar inderdaad, we hebben nog wat dingen te bespreken. En ik zou het liefst ook een formele stemming zien waarin de gemeenschap zich uitspreekt over het bemiddelingsresultaat en dus bepaalt of Wikix onder de daarin gestelde voorwaarden graag terugziet. Dat geeft Wikix wel iets meer draagvlak, en wanneer het een resultaat is waar Waerth en Oscar achter staan, dan zal de gemeenschap naar mijn idee ook wel voorstemmen. (Zie Van Mierlo & co en het D66-congres dat voor stemt.)
(Alhoewel ik nu begin te twijfelen over dit idee. Immers, wanneer de onderhandelingen op niets zouden uitlopen, dan zou de default-situatie zijn dat Wikix over enkele weken unblocked wordt, toch?) Sander
Inderdaad, terwijl er genoeg stemmen zijn opgegaan om Wikix meteen na het behalen van goed resultaat te deblokkeren. Ik ben niet zo'n voorstander van een stemming, aangezien ik iedereen die zich hier mee wilde bemoeien een aantal keren heb opgefoepen zich bij mij te melden. Jcb 09:07 apr 4, 2005 (UTC)


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Salute, si vos discute questiones que concerne iste wikipedia generalmente, io preca amicalmente, que vos scribe in interlingua. Multe de nos non pote comprender le nederlandese.
Jmb 06:09 apr 5, 2005 (UTC)

Jcb, io me senti fortiate prevenir vos. Face un fin a iste nonsenso non apposite al Wikipedia interlingua o io essera fortiate reportar isto a un autoritate plus alte. Il ha altere placias ubi vos pote accommodar vostre disputas con alteres. Como un administrator vos deberea saper melio. -- Dissident (Discussion) 21:14 apr 5, 2005 (UTC)

Vos pote usar le lista de mailing, . Io va eliminar le paginas NUNC. Como administrator vos pote totevia reguardar los semper. -- Dissident (Discussion) 21:38 apr 5, 2005 (UTC)

Non simplemente move los a un Wikipedia de un lingua altere, si il vos place. -- Dissident (Discussion) 22:29 apr 5, 2005 (UTC)

Thanks Jcb for your support. Please see the links at commons:User:Gangleri#My contributions about my current work. It yout be a great help to have ia:Template:Disambig firts. Best regards Gangleri 22:54 apr 26, 2005 (UTC)

Hallo, Johan!

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Es tut mir leid, aber leider kann ich nur Englisch schreiben. Aber denke, daß meine Informationen wichtig sind, deshalb bitte ich Dich, diese zu übersetzen. Danke! Lea de:User:Dr. Steller (Usator:

Ich kann auch kein Interlingua schreiben, nur lesen. Es gibt nicht so viel Benutzers welche Interlingua schreiben. Wannier du Englisch schreibst dan geht wahrscheinlich niemand daß übersetzen. Darum entfern ich alle Text in andere Sprachen. Freundlichen Grußen, Jcb 20:01 oct 29, 2005 (UTC)

Dann das ist ein Pech für mich... OK - Pfirti/Tschüss! 8-) Lea

Deletion de articulos sin discussion ha causate tu deletion como usator

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On non pote excusar hic le deletion de multissime articulos sin discussion. On non debe deler le travalio de alteres a su proprie gusto. Iste actiones non es benvenite in e vos non es plus benvenite como Administrator in iste wikipedia. ILVI 04:48, 23 novembre 2005 (UTC)[responder]

see m:Requests_for_permissions#Interlingua_Wikipedia and the resulting Discussion_Usator:ILVI#concerning_jcb please. best regards, oscar 01:07, 25 novembre 2005 (UTC)[responder]

Why ? Porqué ? Pourquoi ? Waarom ? Uarum ?

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Why did you delete the article Comunleng ? It was just the beginning of a long description of this conlang (please, look at the French version (fr:Comunleng) and you'll see it's a serious work, or at the spanish one in Enciclopedia Libre).

The thing is not if a subject is serious, but the "article" only contained links to other Wikipedias. If there in any information in the article, written in Interlingua, I will normally not delete it. Jcb 22:30, 27 novembre 2005 (UTC)[responder]
Mr. Jcb: I do not agree with delition of comencing articles. If people are working on them they need time to translate to add information to give links and more. Please do not delete so fast and maybe make a list of articles that not meet with your idea of correct Wikipedia articles. If you set up yourself as a judge and keep interfering with an article someone is actually working on then the people will not work on the article anymore will they? They will let you go ahead and do this work, wont they? And will you make the work of translation? I don't think so. Please not to delete articles people are working on without telling about it. This would be very helpful and will not upset many here. I hope you understand my point of view. I wish you have a NPOV too. Thank you. Marley 13:25, 28 novembre 2005 (UTC)[responder]

The ONLY content of the deleted "article" was:

In francese:
In espaniolo:
In hungaro:

It was placed by an IP-number (not a username). Do you think that we should have kept that? Jcb 16:34, 28 novembre 2005 (UTC)[responder]

Hi Johan, Hi Marley, I'd like to jump into this discussion only to add that maybe the content didn't seem like much, but if the future article he was working on at the other wikis was going to be translated then maybe we could come up with a compromise.
How about if you are working on an article and it doesn't seem like it's "ready for primetime," that is, ready to be posted and give Wikipedia a good look, then maybe a user could store this article in his own Sandbox ... for example mine would be Usator:ILVI/Sandbox and then I could work on the article and title it Usator:ILVI/Sandbox/ArticleName and work on it at my leisure until it was ready to be transferred over. That way we have a private workshop to do our own editing and then move the article over. It may seem a bit silly at first, and we've never had to do it this way, but it would solve both needs I think. How about it? ILVI 20:52, 28 novembre 2005 (UTC)[responder]
I think that would be okay. At some other wikis (for example a lot of users do it that way. Jcb 20:59, 28 novembre 2005 (UTC)[responder]


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Favor de regardar istos paginas.Multos gratias.(--Jondel 07:22, 30 novembre 2005 (UTC)):[responder]

Solved, thanks for notifying me. Jcb 16:50, 1 decembre 2005 (UTC)[responder]
Are they encyclopedic articles? Are dictionary indexes allowed ?--Jondel 01:24, 2 decembre 2005 (UTC)[responder]
I'm very sure the wiki media would appreciate a Greek Interlingua dictionary, but this is is the encyclopedia not the dictionary portion .--Jondel 01:38, 2 decembre 2005 (UTC)[responder]
OK, I just undid the blanking. I will see of the pages need to be removed. Jcb 15:54, 2 decembre 2005 (UTC)[responder]
You're the man. --Jondel 02:59, 7 decembre 2005 (UTC)[responder]

Translation from Spanish

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I just saw a JcB user in the latin wiki. Is that you? Sapesne loqui latine? Interesting. I am trying to learn Latin. About the Spanish pages , please inform me of the page, and I will attempt translation.Maybe we should make a special request for translation section at the taverna? Gratias.--Jondel 04:11, 7 decembre 2005 (UTC)[responder]

I'm User:Jcb at as well. I can read most of it. Languages in which I can write easily: Dutch, Spanish and English, but I have accounts at a lot of wikis. Jcb 18:24, 8 decembre 2005 (UTC)[responder]


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Congratulations; you are now (along with Dissident) a bureaucrat on this project. Regards — Dan | talk 23:34, 8 septembre 2006 (UTC)[responder]

Thank you. Jcb 21:18, 14 septembre 2006 (UTC)[responder]

Hi Jcb. A while ago I made a request for a bot bit to be set for User:SieBot at Wikipedia:Bot/Requestas. Could you please set the bit? Thanks. Siebrand 09:28, 3 septembre 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Mohamed ElGedawy → محمد الجداوي

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Hi, I want to change my name from: "Mohamed ElGedawy" to: "محمد الجداوي", Because i have changed my username on many wikipedias.--Mohamed ElGedawy 07:00, 14 augusto 2011 (UTC)[responder]

Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 13:31, 3 maio 2013 (UTC)[responder]

An important message about renaming users

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Dear Jcb, My aplogies for writing in English. Please translate or have this translated for you if it will help. I am cross-posting this message to many places to make sure everyone who is a Wikimedia Foundation project bureaucrat receives a copy. If you are a bureaucrat on more than one wiki, you will receive this message on each wiki where you are a bureaucrat.

As you may have seen, work to perform the Wikimedia cluster-wide single-user login finalisation (SUL finalisation) is taking place. This may potentially effect your work as a local bureaucrat, so please read this message carefully.

Why is this happening? As currently stated at the global rename policy, a global account is a name linked to a single user across all Wikimedia wikis, with local accounts unified into a global collection. Previously, the only way to rename a unified user was to individually rename every local account. This was an extremely difficult and time-consuming task, both for stewards and for the users who had to initiate discussions with local bureaucrats (who perform local renames to date) on every wiki with available bureaucrats. The process took a very long time, since it's difficult to coordinate crosswiki renames among the projects and bureaucrats involved in individual projects.

The SUL finalisation will be taking place in stages, and one of the first stages will be to turn off Special:RenameUser locally. This needs to be done as soon as possible, on advice and input from Stewards and engineers for the project, so that no more accounts that are unified globally are broken by a local rename to usurp the global account name. Once this is done, the process of global name unification can begin. The date that has been chosen to turn off local renaming and shift over to entirely global renaming is 15 September 2014, or three weeks time from now. In place of local renames is a new tool, hosted on Meta, that allows for global renames on all wikis where the name is not registered will be deployed.

Your help is greatly needed during this process and going forward in the future if, as a bureaucrat, renaming users is something that you do or have an interest in participating in. The Wikimedia Stewards have set up, and are in charge of, a new community usergroup on Meta in order to share knowledge and work together on renaming accounts globally, called Global renamers. Stewards are in the process of creating documentation to help global renamers to get used to and learn more about global accounts and tools and Meta in general as well as the application format. As transparency is a valuable thing in our movement, the Stewards would like to have at least a brief public application period. If you are an experienced renamer as a local bureaucrat, the process of becoming a part of this group could take as little as 24 hours to complete. You, as a bureaucrat, should be able to apply for the global renamer right on Meta by the requests for global permissions page on 1 September, a week from now.

In the meantime please update your local page where users request renames to reflect this move to global renaming, and if there is a rename request and the user has edited more than one wiki with the name, please send them to the request page for a global rename.

Stewards greatly appreciate the trust local communities have in you and want to make this transition as easy as possible so that the two groups can start working together to ensure everyone has a unique login identity across Wikimedia projects. Completing this project will allow for long-desired universal tools like a global watchlist, global notifications and many, many more features to make work easier.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the SUL finalisation, read over the Help:Unified login page on Meta and leave a note on the talk page there, or on the talk page for global renamers. You can also contact me on my talk page on meta if you would like. I'm working as a bridge between Wikimedia Foundation Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Stewards, and you to assure that SUL finalisation goes as smoothly as possible; this is a community-driven process and I encourage you to work with the Stewards for our communities.

Thank you for your time. -- Keegan (WMF) talk 18:24, 25 augusto 2014 (UTC)[responder]

--This message was sent using MassMessage. Was there an error? Report it!

Bot flag request

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Hi. Please see Wikipedia:Requesta de KuBOT (2). --KuboF (discussion) 22:50, 16 april 2015 (UTC)[responder]

Holla. Io ha tentate crear un articulo, ma un error a dicer que mi edition habeva pauc parolas ha me impedite. Io voleva saper quante parolas al minime es necessari per evitar iste error e/o si le facto de mi conto non ha essite confirmate ha alcun cosa con iste problema. Gratias.

Pending changes

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Hoi Jcb. Zou jij mij een editor en/of reviewer willen maken op deze wiki? Ik zie namelijk dat er al heel lang niets is gecontroleerd, en ik zou dat graag willen bijwerken. Dank alvast. Trijnstel (discussion) 15:26, 2 junio 2018 (UTC)[responder]

Is geregeld. Succes! Jcb (discussion) 16:21, 2 junio 2018 (UTC)[responder]

Abuse filter #4

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Hello Jcb. I see that you are an admin at this wiki. I was wondering if you could amend Special:AbuseFilter/4 so it doesn't prevent page moves done while renaming an user? The filter is currently blocking global renamers from renaming the user and user talk pages from the renamed accounts. I am not very good at filter coding, but perhaps excluding the summary used by the global rename script (& !(summary contains 'Pagina renominate automaticamente in le curso de renominar le usator')) could work? Thanks in advance for your help. Best regards, --MarcoAurelio (discussion) 18:56, 6 januario 2019 (UTC)[responder]

I have added this code to the filter. I hope this fixes the problem. Jcb (discussion) 19:07, 6 januario 2019 (UTC)[responder]

Your advanced permissions on Wikipedia

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Hello. A policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, interface administrator, etc.) was adopted by community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing activity on wikis with no inactivity policy.

You meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no logged actions for 2 years) on this wiki. Since this wiki, to the best of our knowledge, does not have its own rights review process, the global one applies.

If you want to keep your advanced permissions, you should inform the community of the wiki about the fact that the stewards have sent you this information about your inactivity. A community notice about this process has been also posted on the local Village Pump of this wiki. If the community has a discussion about it and then wants you to keep your rights, please contact the stewards at the m:Stewards' noticeboard, and link to the discussion of the local community, where they express their wish to continue to maintain the rights.

If you wish to resign your rights, please request removal of your rights on Meta.

If there is no response at all after one month, stewards will proceed to remove your administrator and/or bureaucrat rights. In ambiguous cases, stewards will evaluate the responses and will refer a decision back to the local community for their comment and review. If you have any questions, please contact the stewards.

Yours faithfully.

--Defender (talk) 20:40, 18 januario 2021 (UTC)[responder]

How we will see unregistered users

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You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.

When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.

Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.

If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.

We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.

Thank you. /Johan (WMF)

18:15, 4 januario 2022 (UTC)