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Bradley Cooper

De Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libere
Il ha 1 modification in iste version que attende revision. Le version stabile ha essite revidite le 2 junio 2018.
Bradley Cooper
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1975-01-05 (Philadelphia)
Ethnicitate Irish Americans[*], Italian Americans[*]
Citatania Statos Unite de America
Educate in Universitate de Georgetown[*], Villanova University[*], New School[*]
Occupation actor de television[*], productor de cinema[*], actor de film[*], character actor[*], actor de theatro[*], director de cinema[*], scenarista[*], actor[*], cantator[*]
Obras notabile The Hangover[*], Guardians of the Galaxy[*], A Star Is Born[*]
Conjuge Jennifer Esposito[*]
Premios Indiana Film Journalists Association Award for Best Actor[*], British Academy of Film and Television Arts[*], Grammy Awards[*], Screen Actors Guild Award[*], National Society of Film Critics[*]
Lingua anglese
ISNI 0000000117114862
VIAF 162876597
IMDB nm0177896
Commons Bradley Cooper

Bradley Charles Cooper (nascite le 5 de januario, 1975 in Philadelphia) es un actor e productor statounitese.

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