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Bernie Sanders

De Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libere
Bernie Sanders
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1941-09-08 (Brooklyn)
Ethnicitate Judeo
Citatania Statos Unite de America
Educate in Universitate de Chicago[*], James Madison High School[*], Brooklyn College[*]
Occupation politico[*], jornalista[*], carpentero[*], professor universitari[*], scriptor, productor de television[*]
Obras notabile Outsider in the House[*], Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In[*], Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution[*], Where We Go From Here[*], The Speech[*]
Partito politic Liberty Union Party[*], Partito Democratic, independent politician[*], independent politician[*], Partito Democratic, independent politician[*]
Religion judaismo
Conjuge Jane O'Meara Sanders[*], Deborah Shiling Messing[*]
Infantes Carina Driscoll[*]
Parentes matre Dorothy Sanders[*] patre Elias Sanders[*]
Fratres/sorores Larry Sanders[*]
Premios Congressional Activism Award[*], Col. Arthur T. Marix Congressional Leadership Award[*]
Lingua anglese
ISNI 000000011436871X
VIAF 3760459
IMDB nm0761471
Commons Bernie Sanders

Bernard Sanders, melio cognoscite como Bernie Sanders (nate in Brooklyn le 8 de septembre 1941), es un politico social-democratic in le SUA. Ille es un senator federal statounitese qui representa le stato de Vermont, e un candidato pro le nomination del Partito Democratic statounitese in 2016 e 2020.