Arthur Ashkin
Arthur Ashkin | |
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Sexo | mascule |
Nascentia | 1922-09-02 (Brooklyn) |
Decesso | 2020-09-21 (Rumson) |
Citatania | Statos Unite de America |
Educate in | Cornell University[*], Columbia University, James Madison High School[*] |
Occupation | physico, resercator[*] |
Premios | Frederic Ives Medal[*], Harvey Prize[*], Quantum Electronics Award[*], Charles Hard Townes Award[*], National Inventors Hall of Fame[*], Fellow of the American Physical Society[*], Premio Nobel pro Physica, Fellow of the Optical Society[*], IEEE Fellow[*], Joseph F. Keithley Award For Advances in Measurement Science[*] |
Lingua | anglese |
Identificatores | |
ISNI | 0000000048042438 |
VIAF | 10166822 |
Commons | Arthur Ashkin |
Arthur Ashkin (Brooklyn, Nove York (stato), SUA le 2 de septembre 1922 – Rumson, New Jersey, SUA le 21 de septembre 2020[1]) es un physico e ganiator del Premio Nobel. In 2018 ille, Donna Strickland, e Gérard Mourou ha recipite le Premio Nobel pro Physica pro lor inventiones in le area de physica optic.
Le 2 de octobre 2018, in annunciar que ille ha ganiate le premio al etate de 96 (al tempore le persona le plus vetule a ganiar lo), le Academia Svedese Regal de Scientias ha dicite que ille non esseva disponibile pro commentar proque ille esseva occupate in preperar un articulo scientific re su recerca currente.[2]