Annie Besant

Annie Besant (1 de octobre de 1847 - 30 de septembre de 1933) esseva un occultista anglese.
Su libros
[modificar | modificar fonte]- The Political Status of Women (1874)
- Marriage, As It Was, As It Is, And As It Should Be: A Plea For Reform (1878)
- The Law Of Population (1877)
- Autobiographical Sketches (1885)
- Why I became a Theosophist (1889)
- An Autobiography (1893)
- The Ancient Wisdom (1898)
- Thought Forms (1901)
- Bhagavad Gita (Traduction) (1905)
- Introduction to Yoga (1908)
- Occult Chemistry
- The Doctrine of the Heart (1920)
- Esoteric Christianity
- Super-Human Men
- Theosophy and the new Psychology