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Vinie Burrows

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Vinie Burrows
Sexo feminin
Nascentia 1924-11-15 (New York)
Decesso 2023-12-25
Ethnicitate African Americans[*]
Citatania Statos Unite de America
Occupation actor[*], actor de theatro[*], activista[*]
Premios Paul Robeson Award[*], Eugene McDermott Award in the Arts at MIT[*]
Lingua anglese
IMDB nm1888656

Vinie Burrows (nate Harrison le 15 de novembre 1924[1]) es un premio-ganiante actrice del districto theatral Broadway.

Carriera[modificar | modificar fonte]

Vinie Burrows graduava de Harlem High School, habente comenciate su carriera como un actrice e in radio e theatral, includente su première in Broadway in le ludo The Wisteria Trees.[2] Depost illa decideva crear su proprie ludos e monologos proque illa sentiva que le rolos responsible pro feminas nigre era illos de servientes o prostituta. Su productiones era in Broadway e in plus que 6,000 theatros a altere sitos in quatro continentes.

In novembre de 1991 illa era in un show appellate Sister! Sister! al University of Delaware in Newark, Delaware[3] e in marte de 2001 appareva in un reprisa de Sister! Sister! al Centro pro le Recerca de Studios Feminin a Brandeis University.[4] In 2003, illa jocava le rolo de Barbara Scarlatti in Bel Canto in un production theatral in Atlanta, Georgia.[5] Al University of Iowa in martio 2007 illa appareva in un show appellate Black on the Great White Way: The Story of Rose McClendon.[6]

In 2001 illa parlava del dispersion del gente de Africa meridional in le Diaspora african del Americas in un lectura al Centro pro Ideas e Societate al University of California in Riverside, California.[7] Le Black Theater Guild del Massachusetts Institute of Technology hospitava un lunch pro Burrows in februario 2003.[8]

Activismo[modificar | modificar fonte]

Burows ha essite active al Consilio Economic e Social del Nationes Unite super status de feminas e Africa Meridional.[9] In 1980, Illa deveniva un associato del Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press, (WIFP).[10] un organisation American non-profito de publicar que labora a crescer communication inter feminas e ligar le publico con formas de media producite pro e per feminas.

Premios[modificar | modificar fonte]

Burrows ganiava le Paul Robeson Award in 1986. In 2014, Burrows recipeva un premio del International Communications Association e AUDELCO pro su Contribution Prominente al Artes e le Communitate.

In 2018, Burrows era honorate al 15e gala annual [del Theater for the New City Love N' Courage (Amor e Corage), ubi illa ganiava un Lifetime Achievement Award (Premio pro Complimento in Su Vita).[11]

Ligamines externe[modificar | modificar fonte]

Referentias[modificar | modificar fonte]

  1. New York Times articulo, 19 de decembre 2019: "Vinie Burrows, who recently turned 95 but rounds that up to 96"
  2. Jae Jones, "Vinie Burrows: Award-winning Broadway Actress", Black Then, August 17, 2018.
  3. "Up and coming", UpDate, Vol. 11, No. 9, p. 3 (October 31, 1991). Archived junio 5, 2011, at the Wayback Machine,
  4. Brandeis University :: News Archived julio 19, 2011, at the Wayback Machine,
  5. "Bel Canto", TheaterReview, October 13, 2003. Archived decembre 23, 2010, at WebCite.
  6. Patrono:Dead link
  9. Boston Social Forum, July 2004 (see External Links)
  10. Associates | The Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press (anglese american).
  11. "Actress and Activist Vinie Burrows To Be Honored at Annual NYC Gala", Broadway World, January 10, 2018.