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Catherine Millet

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Catherine Millet
Sexo feminin
Nascentia 1948-04-01 (Bois-Colombes)
Citatania Francia
Occupation jornalista[*], curator[*], scriptor, art critic[*], exhibition curator[*], art historian[*], autor[*]
Obras notabile The Sexual Life of Catherine M.[*], L'art contemporain : Histoire et géographie[*]
Conjuge Jacques Henric[*]
Premios Le Vaudeville prize[*], Sade Prize[*], Price "Prince Maurice" of the romance novel[*], François Morellet Prize[*], Officer of Arts and Letters[*]
Lingua francese
ISNI 0000000121350278
VIAF 59205137
Commons Catherine Millet

Catherine Millet (Bois-Colombes, Francia, 1 de april 1948) es un scriptor e critica de arte francese. Illa esseva fundator del publication mensal super arte Art Press in le fin de 1972. Illa es autor de numerose obras e essayos super le mundo del arte e le polemic romance autobiographic Le vita sexual de Catherine M., in le qual ille parla de su experientias sexual desde le masturbation infantil usque le activitates relationate con le sexo in gruppo.