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Alex Trebek
mascule Nascentia
1940-07-22 (Greater Sudbury) Decesso
2020-11-08 (Los Angeles) Causa de decesso
cancere del pancreas [*] Ethnicitate
Caucasian race [*] Citatania
Canada , Statos Unite de America Educate in
University of Ottawa [*] , Royal Military College of Canada [*] , Sudbury Secondary School [*] Occupation
presentator de television [*] , jornalista [*] , actor [*] , sports commentator [*] , game show host [*] Conjuge
Elaine Trebek Kares [*] , Jean Trebek [*] Premios
Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Game Show Host [*] , Daytime Emmy Award [*] , Honorary doctor of the University of Ottawa [*] , Canada's Walk of Fame [*] , honorary doctor of Fordham University [*] , Lifetime Achievement Emmy [*] , Officer of the Order of Canada [*] , Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Game Show Host [*] , Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Game Show Host [*] , Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Game Show Host [*] , Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Game Show Host [*] , Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Game Show Host [*] , Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Game Show Host [*] , star on Hollywood Walk of Fame [*] Lingua
anglese , francese Signatura
Identificatores ISNI
0000000074080876 VIAF
33618311 IMDB
nm0871618 Commons
Alex Trebek
George Alexander "Alex " Trebek OC (Greater Sudbury , Ontario , Canada , 22 de julio 1940 - Los Angeles , California , SUA , 8 de novembre 2020 ) era un hospite de shows de joco televisate, plus ben cognoscite como le hospite de Jeopardy! de 1984 usque su morte. Nascite in Canada, ille deveniva un citatano naturalisate statounitese in 1998.
In martio 2019, Trebek annunciava que ille habeva essite diagnosate con stadio IV cancere pancreatic.[ 1] Ille moriva del maladia le 8 de novembre 2020 in Los Angeles , al etate de 80.[ 2]
Wikiquote ha un collection de citationes apposite a:
↑ "'Jeopardy!' Host Alex Trebek Diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer " (in en), TMZ . Recuperate le 6 March 2019 .
↑ Flanagan, Ryan (2020-11-08). Alex Trebek has died at age 80 (anglese) . Archivo del original create le 2020-11-08. Recuperate le 2020-11-10.